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Airdrie / Rocky View Annexation Application

September 2011

COUNCIL CHAMBERS FEBRUARY 7, 2011 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council of the City of Airdrie, in the Province of Alberta, held in Council Chambers with the following: PRESENT Mayor P. Brown Deputy-Mayor F. Burley Alderman G. Alexander Alderman M. Buchanan Alderman R. Chapman Alderman K. Hegg Alderman A. Hunter City Manager P. Schulz City Clerk S. Pollyck Assistant City Clerk/Recording Secretary K. Kitiuk CALL TO ORDER Mayor Brown called the meeting to order at 5:41 p.m. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 2011-C-016 Enter Committee of the Whole Deputy-Mayor Burley moved that Council enters Committee of the Whole at 5:42 p.m. Carried 2011-C-017 Leave Committee of the Whole Deputy-Mayor Burley moved that Council leaves Committee of the Whole at 6:56 p.m. Carried Recess/Reconvene Mayor Brown declared a recess at 6:57 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:02 p.m. APPOINTMENTS/PRESENTATIONS Community Resource Officers Mr. Robbie White, Community Developer, on behalf of Hyjinx, introduced Constables David Henry and Robert Frizzell, Community Resource Officers for Rocky View Schools. He discussed the role of the Community Resource Officers and their participation in community events. Mr. White recognized them for their outstanding work in the community. Mayor Brown, on behalf of Council, thanked the Officers for their hard work and commitment. PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Brown explained the procedure that would be followed. Disposal of Municipal Reserve Mr. Jamie Dugdale, Team Leader, Planning and Development, reviewed the report on the disposal of a portion of Lot 22MR, Block 10, Plan 091 3779 (Windsong). He discussed the site context and the proposed disposal. He provided information on the parcel and advised that notice for the disposal of the Municipal Reserve has been advertised. There will be no loss to Municipal

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Reserve as Mattamy (Airdrie) Ltd. will immediately register a plan that provides added MR to the site. Mayor Brown asked three times if there was anyone present who wished to speak in favour of the disposal of a portion of Lot 22MR, Block 10, Plan 091 3779 (Windsong). There was no response. Mayor Brown asked three times if there was anyone present who wished to speak against the disposal of a portion of Lot 22MR, Block 10, Plan 091 3779 (Windsong). There was no response. Mayor Brown declared the Public Hearing on the disposal of a portion of Lot 22MR, Block 10, Plan 091 3779 (Windsong) closed. Bylaw No. B-26/2010 Mr. Jamie Dugdale, Team Leader, Planning and Development, reviewed Bylaw No. B-26/2010, being a bylaw to amend Land Use Bylaw No. B-09/2005 to remove the 10 percent limit on office development within industrial districts. He reviewed the report, including the background and intent of the Bylaw. He noted that the amendment has been advertised and is supported by staff. He further discussed feedback received from stakeholders. Alderman Alexander noted that the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board has heard some appeals regarding this section of the Land Use Bylaw. Mayor Brown asked three times if there was anyone present who wished to speak in favour of Bylaw No. B-26/2010. There was no response. Mayor Brown asked three times if there was anyone present who wished to speak against Bylaw No. B-26/2010. There was no response. Mayor Brown declared the Public Hearing on Bylaw No. B-26/2010 closed. BYLAWS 2011-C-018 Bylaw No. B-26/2010 Amend Land Use Bylaw No. B-09/2005 Definition of Office Second Reading Alderman Hunter moved that Council gives Second Reading to Bylaw No. B26/2010, being a bylaw to amend Section 1-3(b) Use Definitions of Land Use Bylaw No. B-09/2005 by deleting the definition for Office and replacing it with the following: Office means the use of a building or a portion of a building which is designed, intended, or used for the practice of a profession, the carrying on of a business, the conduct of public administration, or, where not conducted on the site thereof, the administration of an industry, and does not include Retail Sales, Health Services, Financial Institution (Primary or Secondary), Places of Amusement or Places of Assembly or similar uses. Carried 2011-C-019 Bylaw No. B-26/2010 Third Reading Alderman Buchanan moved that Council gives Third Reading to Bylaw No. B26/2010. Carried

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2011-C-020 Land Use Bylaw Rewrite Direct Staff to Work with Stakeholders to Develop Provisions for Office Development in Industrial Areas

Alderman Buchanan moved that Council directs Planning staff, as part of the comprehensive Land Use Bylaw rewrite, to work with Economic Development and other stakeholders to develop industrial land use provisions that will provide a more reasonable and comprehensive approach to office development in industrial areas. Carried PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD Mr. Ken Thompson, 50 4 Stonegate Drive, queried the status of the request of Council to have staff investigate video streaming as he would like to be a part of this. He further queried why agenda items such as the figures of the monthly cash statements are not recorded in the minutes. These are accepted for information; and Mr. Thompson believes all items on the agenda should be recorded, especially financial items. S. Pollyck, City Clerk and Manager of Legislative Services, advised Council that with respect to video streaming, staff are in the process of collecting information. She is unsure of the exact date the item will return but believes it will return in approximately one month. With respect to cash statements, she advised that details have never been recorded for the minutes. The statements provide one part of the financial picture; and while the information is available in the agenda package, Council could request this type of information be recorded if they wish. Mr. Thompson noted that with respect to financial statements, he would like the minutes to record the detail of revenues and expenditures regularly rather than once a year so that questions can be raised at the time. P. Schulz, City Manager, noted that Council and the Finance Advisory Committee are provided with quarterly reports that deal with expenditures, revenues, and the status with respect to the budget. Mr. Thompson reiterated that he believes everything in a Council meeting should be recorded to allow people to come back and ask questions. Council confirmed that the details of financial information are available in the applicable agenda package on the website. Mr. Bob Nelles, 411 Flett Drive, referenced the report on the agenda tonight regarding sidewalks in Old Airdrie. He advised that he would like to ask whether a community debate should be held regarding the proximity of planting trees to sidewalks as the roots throw the sidewalks out. Secondly, he asked for information as to what constitutes a sidewalk and what constitutes a walkway, and whether paved walkways should replace cement sidewalks as he believes the ongoing maintenance issue would be decreased with walkways. Finally, he queried whether Council could direct staff to examine the rubber crumb sidewalks currently under development in Calgary on a test phase basis, as the information he has shows that this would appear to be an alternative that this community would support. Ms. Karen Venebles, 60 Springhaven Crescent, advised Council of concerns she has with the off-leash dog park in Big Hill Springs. She noted that dog owners are disrespectful to the residents in the area and have told them that the park is only for dogs, not for children. She noted the park is like a sewer. The residents were not asked to have the park located there, and they feel this

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is a health hazard as dog feces are not picked up by the pet owners. She advised that during the spring melt, the feces smells and runs. Ms. Venebles requested that the off leash area be removed as it is inappropriate this close to residential development. Mayor Brown advised that he does plan on visiting the site again with D. Poburan (Manager of Building Inspections, RCMP and Municipal Enforcement). He is aware that some dog owners unleash their dogs before getting into the park and do not clean up after their dogs. He further noted the increased traffic and parking in the area. Ms. Venebles added that professional dog walkers are also using the park and are unable to keep track of all the dogs to clean up appropriately. She added that the smell can be so strong at times that residents are unable to open their windows. 2011-C-021 Report Back to Council Off Leash Parks Deputy-Mayor Burley moved that Council directs staff to report back to Council regarding the current situation of the off leash park and methods to improve it. Carried BUSINESS ARISING Sidewalks in Old Airdrie Mr. Stevens noted that the City is paying attention to the species of trees being planted and the proximity of the plantings to sidewalks and pathways. Existing trees wont be taken down, but the City would install a root barrier. He noted that sidewalks front or abut residential properties, while pathways are paved asphalt pathways that run along arterial roads and are maintained by the Parks department. He noted that the definitions of sidewalk and pathway are included in the Streets Bylaw. Mr. Stevens advised that there is paved asphalt frontage maintained by owners in one location in Silvercreek, and feedback has been received from property owners that they dont feel they should have to maintain these pathways. Mr. Stevens advised that in a residential context, grading is critical; so when a major sidewalk rehabilitation is warranted, you cannot put asphalt over top. The concrete must be removed and the grade reestablished with asphalt. Where the residences have front drives, there would be both asphalt sections and concrete sections, and this may not be supported by residents in the area. With respect to using rubber crumb, Mr. Stevens noted that the City did visit Strathcona County about four or five years ago where a rubber crumb overlay on a roadway had been done, the theory being that it would improve longevity of the asphalt. The overlay did initially prove to be a bit quieter, but it is his understanding that the longevity in that application was relatively short lived and is not being considered in future. He noted that he will look into this method with respect to sidewalks. He noted that with respect to new technology, the City prefers to observe for a year or two to determine performance before attempting a trial project. Mr. Nelles thanked staff for their report.

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2011-C-022 Report Entitled Sidewalks in Old Airdrie Follow up from Meeting of Nov 15, 2010 Accept for Information and Direct Staff to Report Back on Rubber Crumb Sidewalks

Deputy-Mayor Burley moved that Council accepts for information the report entitled Sidewalks in Old Airdrie Follow up from Meeting of Nov. 15, 2010 and directs staff to report back to Council regarding the use of rubber crumb technology for sidewalks. Carried STAFF REPORTS

2011-C-023 Disposal of Municipal Reserve Lot 22MR, Block 10, Plan (Windsong) Direct Staff to Proceed 2011-C-024 Report Entitled Four-Month Update Accept for Information


Deputy-Mayor Burley moved that Council directs staff to proceed with the disposal of a portion of the municipal reserve parcel Lot 22MR, Block 10, Plan 091 3779 (Windsong) as generally shown on the sketch plan in the agenda report. Carried Alderman Hegg moved that Council accepts for information the report entitled Four-Month Transit Update. Carried CORRESPONDENCE


2011-C-025 Airdrie and District Humane Society Letter of Support in Principle for Establishment of Facility at Olds College Direct Mayor to Provide 2011-C-026 File Correspondence

Alderman Alexander moved that Council directs the Mayor to provide a letter to the Airdrie and District Humane Society supporting in principle the establishment of an animal shelter and training facility at Olds College to serve the Calgary-Red Deer corridor. Carried Alderman Buchanan correspondence. moved that Council directs staff to file the

Carried BOARD REPORTS Council members provided updates on the following Council Boards and Committees: Municipal Planning Commission Environmental Advisory Board COUNCIL REPORTS 2011-C-027 Appoint Citizen Representative Library Board Alderman Chapman moved that Council appoints Kayla Jessen-White as a citizen representative to the Library Board. Carried 2011-C-028 Leduc Citizen Satisfaction Survey Direct Staff to Report Back Mayor Brown moved that Council directs staff to report back to Council regarding the method used for conducting the Citizen Satisfaction Survey in Leduc, Alberta. Carried

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MINUTES 2011-C-029 Adopt Minutes Regular Meeting of January 17, 2011 Deputy-Mayor Burley moved that Council adopts the minutes of the regular meeting of Council of January 17, 2011, and the special meeting of Council of January 24, 2011, as presented. Carried 2011-C-030 Acknowledge Minutes Alderman Alexander moved that Council acknowledges the minutes of the Police Committee of September 21, 2010; the Environmental Advisory Board of November 3 and December 8, 2010; the Community Services Advisory Board of November 8, 2010; and the Municipal Planning Commission of December 2 and December 16, 2010. Carried ADJOURNMENT Adjournment Mayor Brown adjourned the meeting at 8:51 p.m.

Peter Brown Mayor Sharon Pollyck City Clerk kk

COUNCIL CHAMBERS APRIL 11, 2011 Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Municipal Council of the City of Airdrie, in the Province of Alberta, held in Council Chambers with the following: PRESENT Mayor P. Brown Deputy-Mayor F. Burley Alderman G. Alexander Alderman M. Buchanan Alderman R. Chapman Alderman K. Hegg Alderman A. Hunter City Manager P. Schulz City Clerk S. Pollyck Assistant City Clerk/Recording Secretary K. Kitiuk CALL TO ORDER Mayor Brown called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 2011-C-103 Enter Committee of the Whole Alderman Buchanan moved that Council enters Committee of the Whole at 6:08 p.m. Carried 2011-C-104 Leave Committee of the Whole Deputy-Mayor Burley moved that Council leaves Committee of the Whole at 6:40 p.m. Carried ADJOURNMENT Adjournment Mayor Brown adjourned the meeting at 6:41 p.m.

Peter Brown
______________________________ Mayor

Sharon Pollyck
_____________________________ City Clerk kk



1. MINUTES a. 2. Regular Meeting of Council of April 18, 2011 ........................................................ Page 1

APPOINTMENTS/PRESENTATIONS a. AltaLink and AESO At Councils request Mr. Leigh Clarke and Mr. Kevin Strangway of AltaLink and Mr. Mark Sears-Gamache of AESO will appear with a presentation on AltaLinks West Transmission line. Woodside Golf Course (Michelle Lock)................................................................. Page Chris McNicol, Executive Director of the Woodside Golf Course, will present Council with the 2011 Capital Plans, Green Fees, and Public Relations update. 5



NON-STATUTORY PUBLIC HEARING a. Proposed Annexation (Naren Garg) This item will be distributed separately on a supplementary agenda.


BYLAWS a. Bylaw No. B-01/2011 (Darryl Poburan) ................................................................. Page Council is being asked to give final readings to Bylaw No. B-01/2011, being a bylaw to amend Dog Control Bylaw No. 788. Bylaw No. B-15/2011 (Jana Jaeger) ..................................................................... Page Council is being asked to give three readings to Bylaw No. B-15/2011, being the annual tax rate bylaw. 37



5. 6.

PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD AGENDA REPORTS a. Non-Statutory Public Hearing for Proposed Annexation (Naren Garg) This item will be distributed separately on a supplementary agenda. Assessment Changes & Shifts (Heather Kuntz) ................................................... Page Council is being presented with the 2011 Assessment Changes and Shifts Report for information. Councils Strategic Priorities for 2012 (Dorian Kachur) ......................................... Page Council is being asked to endorse the 2012 strategic priorities. Plainsmen Arena Renovations (Rob McLean) This item will be distributed separately on a supplementary agenda. 286









COUNCIL CHAMBERS May 2, 2011 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council of the City of Airdrie, in the Province of Alberta, held in Council Chambers with the following: PRESENT Mayor P. Brown Deputy Mayor G. Alexander Alderman M. Buchanan Alderman F. Burley Alderman R. Chapman Alderman K. Hegg Alderman A. Hunter City Manager P. Schulz City Clerk S. Pollyck Assistant City Clerk/Recording Secretary K. Kitiuk CALL TO ORDER Mayor Brown called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. MINUTES 2011-C-117 Adopt Minutes Regular Meeting of April 18, 2011 Deputy-Mayor Alexander moved that Council adopts the minutes of the regular meeting of Council of April 18, 2011, as presented. Carried APPOINTMENTS/PRESENTATIONS AltaLink and Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) At Councils request, Mr. Leigh Clarke and Mr. Mark Johns of AltaLink and Mr. Kelly Yagelniski and Mr. Kevin Strangway of AESO appeared before Council to provide an update on the progress of AltaLinks Western Alberta Transmission Line. Mr. Yagelniski of AESO reviewed the AESO organization including their core business and discussed the industry structure in Alberta. He reviewed the flow of power and discussed Albertas electrical industry. He reviewed Albertas electricity generation including the growth in demand and the supply forecast. He discussed the Critical Transmission Infrastructure and the Edmonton to Calgary Transmission Reinforcement. Mr. Clarke then provided some information on AltaLink, the growing demand in Alberta, the Western Alberta Transmission Line, and direct current technology. Mr. Johns discussed the route selection process including the preferred and alternate routes, the routes closest to Airdrie, growth in Airdrie, and the Airdrie Area Transmission Reinforcement. In response to a question from Council, Mr. Strangway confirmed that it seems reasonable that the AESO Upload Charge is for the AESO office. Mr. Clarke discussed the funding of lines through the raising of debt which is set at about the 65% range. The balance comes from shareholders. He noted that the amount of equity and rate of return earned on equity is set by

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the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC). Costs, including those of AESO, are recouped from consumers. If an exporter uses lines, they pay a charge which reduces other users costs at the same time. In response to a question from Council regarding the consequences of being in violation of the Alberta Reliability Standards, Mr. Yagelniski noted these standards are established by AESO who works closely with other jurisdictions in the US and Canada to be part of the standards as a whole. If we violate some of those reliability standards, there is additional risk and challenges or issues happening to the system itself. AESO also wants to operate a fair and efficient system for all market participants. In response to a question from Council, Mr. Yagelniski advised that AESO is an independent systems operator that is non-profit. Alderman Hunter questioned why there is a controversy with AESO across the province. Consumers build and pay for the line and but do not have ownership. In response to a question from Council, Mr. Yagelniski noted the estimated cost is $1.4 billion including the inter tie connections. Discussion continued with respect to transmission constraints with connection to a BC line. Mr. Strangway noted there is no investment in inter tie that runs to BC. In response to a question from Council regarding the setting of the export tariff, Mr. Strangway confirmed this is set by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC), and he is not aware of a premium for this tariff. Mr. Yagelniski also noted that he could not speak to the redundancy of the 500 KBA line at this time. In response to a question from Council, Mr. Strangway noted that projections for consumption are based on information from a number of organizations that are amalgamated into their process. Mr. Yagelniski noted the project was identified as early as 2004 and was part of the 2009 long-term plan and is going to be reiterated in 2011 plan. The system currently in use is over 30 years old and the new system is required for capacity, reliability, and eventual replacement of the old system. AESO feels the line is needed as part of the plan to reinforce and ensure reliability of the system for the whole province of Alberta. Mr. Strangway noted AESO constantly monitors the system and this project was identified as necessary for maintaining reliability on the grid. AESO speaks with industry and uses information from Statistics Canada and the Conference Board of Canada to determine needs. Mr. Yagelniski added that currently the system is constrained in a number of areas and is currently under a lot of duress in terms of capacity. In response to a question from Council, Mr. Yagelniski confirmed that the project has been deemed critical infrastructure. Mr. Clarke confirmed to Council that the AUC determines the 65/35 split debt equity. He noted this split has been in place for a while and while the case could be made to the AUC for an 80/20 split; ultimately, the AUC decides. Deputy-Mayor Alexander questioned the age of the lines and cost recovery. Mr. Clarke noted that the cost is spread out over the life of the asset. In response to a further question from Council, Mr. Yagelniski noted that an

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estimate of the cost of a residential account is about $1/month for residential users for every $1billion, but this is an estimate. Mr. Clarke discussed the long- term benefits of this line including not relying on subsidized generation in the south; secondary benefits could reduce this cost. Mr. Yagelniski added that the total energy bill could go down. Discussion continued with respect to deregulating the industry and the line being a transmission line; generation will not be increased. The application has been filed with AUC and is anticipated to be heard in September. 2011-C-118 AltaLinks and AESOs Presentation Accept for information Alderman Buchanan moved that Council accept for information the presentations from AltaLink and Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO). Carried Woodside Golf Course Ms. Michelle Lock, Director of Community Services, introduced Mr. Chris McNicol of Woodside Golf Course. Ms. Lock reviewed the Agenda Report. Mr. McNicol discussed community initiatives and relationship management, the 2011 green fee pricing proposal and the proposed 2011 Facility Improvement Review. He also provided a review of the capital requirements. Mr. McNicol provided a membership and tournament update. Ms. Lock reviewed the request for renewal of the lease. 2011-C-119 Woodside Inc Accept Capital Improvement Plans, Green Fees, and Construction Value Credit Alderman Hegg moved that Council 1. endorses Woodside Inc.'s 2010 Capital Improvement Plan and the proposed 2011 Capital Improvement Plan, and directs Administration to work with Woodside Inc. to establish new terms for rent to be presented to Council prior to entering a renewal term of ten (10) years; 2. approves the 2011 Green Fees including GST as follows:
Monday to Thursday 18 Holes $54.00; Airdrie Residents Rate $50.00 Friday to Sunday & Holidays 18 Holes $60.00; Airdrie Residents Rate $56.00 All Week Twilight $38.00; Airdrie Residents Rate $35.00 All Week 9 Holes $32.00; Airdrie Residents Rate $29.00 Junior (18 years or under) 18 Holes $22.00 Junior (18 years or under) 9 Holes $15.00; and

3. accepts the proposed construction value credit of three hundred and seventy one thousand ($371,000) dollars for the new Golf Operations facility and Outdoor Patio. Carried NON-STATUTORY PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Brown explained the procedure that would be followed. Proposed Annexation Mr. Naren Garg, Community Planner, gave a presentation to Council regarding

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the proposed annexation. Ms. Melissa Ayers from Rocky View County was also in attendance. Councillor Earl Solberg from Rocky View County was also introduced as a member of the Negotiating Committee. Staff is requesting that Council give direction to develop an Annexation Agreement and Application based on the findings of the Mediator Report. Mr. Garg reviewed principles, justification and supporting studies to the annexation negotiation. Ms. Ayers discussed the Growth Management Strategy for Rocky View County. Mr. Garg discussed Airdries Comprehensive Growth Strategy. He and Ms. Ayers reviewed the Financial Impact Analysis for the two municipalities Mr. Garg discussed the negotiation process. Ms. Ayers reviewed the public consultation component including open houses, landowner letters, and public hearings. They discussed the areas of agreement including boundary, effective date, taxation, and municipal and agricultural services. Ms. Ayers discussed the planning transition, and Mr. Garg discussed land uses for acreage communities. He noted that the Negotiating Committee agreed future land use would be the jurisdiction of the applicable municipality and this can be addressed through the Intermunicipal Development Plan. Ms. Ayers discussed the municipal assets and future road projects. Mr. Garg provided an overview of the next steps in the annexation process. Mayor Brown asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak in favour of the proposed annexation. Mr. John Stanley, Rocky View County resident, noted he is just outside the boundary, south of TWP Rd 274 and west of RR 290. He had seen a boundary that would leave half of his property in and half out. He has now seen the new boundary and would like to be included in the annexation. He noted he has provided a written submission with Mr. Tony Milkovich. He is concerned that being potentially isolated would limit his ability to realize the potential of the property. He confirmed the letter has been sent to Rocky View County also. Mayor Brown asked if there was anyone else present who wished to speak in favour of the proposed annexation. Mr. Dan McKinnon of the Airdrie area asked for a section of his land to be included. His land is located south of Mr. Stanleys land. Mayor Brown asked if there was anyone else present who wished to speak in favour of the proposed annexation. Mr. Rick Skoag of Tarman Inc. also owns land south of TWP Rd 274 bordered by Dickson Stevenson. He also is requesting his lands be considered for annexation. He discussed the location of Nose Creek and noted that if annexed, these lands will not be available for development for some time, so he would be willing to donate a portion to the City for a dog walk park for ten years at no charge. He discussed the potential for a par three golf course. In response to a question from Council, he confirmed the location of his land. Mayor Brown asked three times if there was anyone else present who wished

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to speak in favour of the proposed annexation. There was no response. Mayor Brown asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak against the proposed annexation. Mr. Brent Saffron of 327 Mustang Lane, Yankee Valley Estates, noted he is not for or against the annexation, but is concerned about the transition. Yankee Valley Estates is a high value acreage community, and there are concerns of what may develop around it; an example would be the warehouses that surround Hamilton Green. He would like to see specifics of the transition now rather than through future land use planning. It was noted that there will be the opportunity for public input when the lands that surround this area are developed. Mayor Brown asked three times if there was anyone else present who wished to speak against the proposed annexation. There was no response. Mayor Brown declared the Public Hearing on the proposed annexation closed. Recess/Reconvene Mayor Brown declared a recess at 9:11 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:19 p.m. BYLAWS 2011-C-120 Bylaw No. B-01/2011 Amend Dog Control Bylaw No. 788 Second Reading Alderman Buchanan moved that Council gives second reading to Bylaw B01/2011 being a bylaw to amend Dog Control Bylaw No. 788 by: 1. amending the wording in Sections 401(1)(c), 1101(a)(ii) and Sections 13, 14, and 15; 2. replacing Schedule B; and 3. replacing Schedule C. Carried 2011-C-121 Bylaw No. B-01/2011 Third Reading 2011-C-122 Amend 2011 Operating Budget and Give First Reading to Bylaw No. B-15/2011 Tax Rate Bylaw Version 1 Defeated Alderman Alexander moved that Council gives third reading to Bylaw B01/2011. Carried Alderman Burley moved that Council 1. amends the 2011 Operating Budget by increasing tax revenue by two hundred twenty-three thousand ($223,000) dollars and transfers to reserves by two hundred twenty-three thousand ($223,000) dollars; amends the 2011 Operating Budget by revising the education requisitions to actual including adjustments for 2010 under/over levies in the following amounts: ASFF Separate School Seniors Foundation 3. $12,412,362 $ 1,700,944 $ 232,304


and gives First Reading to Version 1 of Bylaw No. B-15/2011, being a bylaw to authorize the rates of taxation to be levied against

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assessable property within the City of Airdrie for the 2011 taxation year. Defeated Deputy-Mayor Alexander Alderman Burley Alderman Hegg

In Favour:


Mayor Brown Alderman Buchanan Alderman Chapman Alderman Hunter

2011-C-123 Amend 2011 Operating Budget Increase Tax Revenue and Transfers to Reserves and Revise Education Requisitions to Actual

Deputy-Mayor Alexander moved that Council 1. amends the 2011 Operating Budget by increasing tax revenue by two hundred twenty-three thousand ($223,000) dollars and transfers to reserves by two hundred twenty-three thousand ($223,000) dollars; and amends the 2011 Operating Budget by revising the education requisitions to actual including adjustments for 2010 under/over levies in the following amounts: ASFF Separate School Seniors Foundation $ 12,412,362 $ 1,700,944 $ 232,304. Carried


2011-C-124 Bylaw No. B-15/2011 Tax Rate Bylaw Version 2 First Reading

Alderman Burley moved that Council gives First Reading to Version 2 of Bylaw No. B-15/2011, being a bylaw to authorize the rates of taxation to be levied against assessable property within the City of Airdrie for the 2011 taxation year. Carried

2011-C-125 Bylaw No. B-15/2011 Second Reading 2011-C-126 Bylaw No. B-15/2011 Grant Permission for Third Reading 2011-C-127 Bylaw No. 15/2011 Third Reading

Alderman Buchanan moved that Council gives second reading to Version 2 of Bylaw No. B-15/2011. Carried Alderman Chapman moved that Council grants permission to give Third Reading of Version 2 of Bylaw No. B-15/2011. Carried Unanimously Alderman Hegg moved that Council gives Third Reading to Version 2 of Bylaw No. B-15/2011. Carried PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD There were no questions.

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AGENDA REPORTS 2011-C-128 Proposed Annexation Direct Staff to Prepare Agreement and Application 2011-C-129 Report Entitled 2011 Changes and Shifts Accept for Information 2011-C-130 2012 Strategic Priorities Endorse 2011-C-131 Plainsmen Arena Redevelopment Endorse Completion of Phase 2 for 2011/2012 Season Alderman Hunter moved that Council directs the City of Airdrie and Rocky View County to prepare the Annexation Agreement and Application. Carried Alderman Hegg moved that Council accept the report 2011 Assessment Changes and Shifts for information. Carried Alderman Alexander moved that Council endorses the 2012 Strategic Priorities as presented. Carried Alderman Hegg moved that Council endorses the completion of Phase 2 of the Plainsmen Arena redevelopment at an estimated cost of three million four hundred ninety thousand ($3,490,000) dollars for a new ice surface for the 2011/2012 skating season with a project deficit in the amount of one hundred twenty four thousand ($124,000) dollars. Carried In Favour: Mayor Brown Deputy-Mayor Alexander Alderman Buchanan Alderman Burley Alderman Chapman Alderman Hegg Alderman Hunter


Opposed: 2011-C-132 Plainsmen Arena Redevelopment Project Deficit Forward to FAC to Determine Funding

Alderman Alexander moved that Council directs that the Plainsmen Arena Redevelopment project deficit in the amount of one hundred twenty four thousand ($124,000) dollars be forwarded to the Finance Advisory Committee to determine a source of funding. Carried In Favour: Mayor Brown Deputy-Mayor Alexander Alderman Buchanan Alderman Burley Alderman Chapman Alderman Hegg Alderman Hunter

Opposed: BOARD/MEMBER REPORTS There were no Board/Member Reports.

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ADJOURNMENT Adjournment Mayor Brown adjourned the meeting at 10:49 p.m.

______________________________ Mayor ______________________________ City Clerk kk

COUNCIL CHAMBERS SEPTEMBER 6, 2011 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council of the City of Airdrie, in the Province of Alberta, held in Council Chambers with the following: PRESENT Mayor P. Brown Deputy-Mayor G. Alexander Alderman M. Buchanan Alderman F. Burley Alderman R. Chapman Alderman K. Hegg Alderman A. Hunter City Manager P. Schulz City Clerk S. Pollyck Recording Secretary S. Knight CALL TO ORDER Mayor Brown called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 2011-C-234 Enter Committee of the Whole Deputy Mayor Alexander moved that Council enters Committee of the Whole at 6:31 p.m. Carried 2011-C-235 Leave Committee of the Whole Alderman Burley moved that Council leaves Committee of the Whole at 6:58 p.m. Carried Mayor Brown declared a recess at 6:59 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m. MINUTES 2011-C-236 Adopt Minutes Regular Meeting of August 15, 2011 Deputy Mayor Alexander moved that Council adopts the minutes of the regular meeting of Council of August 15, 2011, as presented. Carried APPOINTMENTS/PRESENTATIONS Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Mr. Darcy Rausch, 128 Coopers Heights, addressed Council as a representative of the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. As in past years, the members would like to perform public service in Airdrie. Currently there are 1000 members in Airdrie ready to contribute manpower. Mayor Brown thanked Mr. Rausch for the offer.


Regular Meeting of Council September 6, 2011 Page 2 Alderman Hegg moved that Council directs staff to meet with Mr. Darcy Rausch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to discuss service opportunities in the community. Carried Kosovo Unit, Airdrie, Canadian Army Veterans Motorcycle Units Mr. Norman McRae, Kosovo Unit, Canadian Army Veterans Motorcycle Units, addressed Council and spoke to his letter. He indicated that there is a small area that would be suitable for this purpose east of the railway tracks, and that the crosses are there for a short time prior to Remembrance Day. 2011-C-238 Field of Honour Initiative Direct Staff to Proceed Alderman Hunter moved that Council directs staff to proceed with the Field of Honour initiative, working with the Traffic Advisory Committee to ensure the location is appropriate, and to arrange for a flag pole to be incorporated into the site. Carried BUSINESS ARISING 2011-C-239 Ron Ebbeson Arena Lighting and Municipal Infrastructure Naming Policy Accept Lighting Report for Information Endorse Recommendation of CPT that Existing Policies are Sufficient Alderman Hegg moved that Council accepts for information the report on Ron Ebbeson Arena lighting and endorses the recommendation of the Corporate Planning Team that the Naming Policy, Memorial Policy, and the Street Naming Policy are sufficient for the naming of municipal infrastructure. Carried AGENDA REPORTS 2011-C-240 National Family Week Endorse Free Family Swim Session Alderman Chapman moved that Council endorses a free session of family swim at Genesis Place on Sunday, October 9, 2011, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. as part of National Family Week. Carried 2011-C-241 Report Entitled Plainsman Update Accept for Information 2011-C-242 Report Entitled Annexation Update Accept for Information Arena Alderman Buchanan moved that Council accepts for information the report entitled Plainsmen Arena Update. Carried Status Alderman Burley moved that Council accepts for information the report entitled Annexation Status Update. Carried CORRESPONDENCE 2011-C-243 Airdrie Aces Direct Staff to Provide Letter of Support Alderman Buchanan moved that Council directs staff to provide a letter to Airdrie Aces Athletics supporting each of their grant applications to the Alberta Culture and Community Spirit Community Initiatives Program and the Alberta Sport, Recreation and Parks Foundation. Carried

2011-C-237 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Direct Staff to Meet to Discuss Service Opportunities in Airdrie

Regular Meeting of Council September 6, 2011 Page 3

2011-C-244 File Correspondence

Alderman Buchanan moved that Council directs staff to file the correspondence. Carried MEMBER/BOARD REPORTS

2011-C-245 Library Board Appoint Citizen Representative 2011-C-246 UMA (AECOM) Discontinuance of Legal Action Approve 2011-C-247 Environmental Advisory Board Appoint Citizen Representative 2011-C-248 Acknowledge Minutes

Deputy Mayor Alexander moved that Council appoints Dustin Fedun as citizen representative to the Library Board. Carried Alderman Buchanan moved that Council approves the discontinuance of legal action against UMA (AECOM). Carried Alderman Buchanan moved that Council appoints Thomas John Minard as a citizen representative to the Environmental Advisory Board. Carried Alderman Buchanan moved that Council acknowledges the minutes of the Community Services Advisory Board of May 9, 2011. Carried ADJOURNMENT Mayor Brown adjourned the meeting at 8:16 p.m.

________________________________ Mayor

______________________________ City Clerk sk

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