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Uecle Sam Is Gettinng Together Great Army for Sky Dutw

vrwuvnn will CUT


CAPTAIN C. DU F. CHAXDLEK, Chief nvintor, l'nlted Muten Army.





S. A.


power for



Hitherto you have regard-d the perTormances of our military aviators as 4Y..its spectacular rather than utili tarian, and what pictures you have had Of their future functions In actual warfare have been for th* most part extravagant phantasies). The general of our aerial forces tooay explained to me his plans and ambitions for this new arm of thjiervlce. This officer Is Brigade-Gen eral James Allein, who for a number of years hasfHfiien jthief signal officer iof the retftilar* army, lie 1 prac tical man. If he" dreams dreams" he does not them to the hungry

equipped. It is ready to pjss from the ex perimental to the practical tage.


Vnlte.l .... >av,, john BI.FItETH \vATKINS. may now get your first de-' finite idea .is to how our sky army is to be organized and

.Journalist, lie

while we France, in her army a hundred times mt I many of these machines as hove we. land England has more than thirteen' many rtackf his problems as would the chief aviation squad limes asboast of military aviators as can ptrglncor railroad or a telegraph! divisions nsslnned to '-ach of the two 'Mir militia, according to Genera: and one to the headquarters (company. He knows of all program, must be equipped of tiie Mbinga '. every great militarythe sky squadronheld army's commander. The Allen'smachines distributed among Its nation assigned to headquarters with earth, and while his plans for our I will he meddle troops in proportion to one equipped with of squadron for each division of men. :and the military aviators will re ceive diplomas from the regular army's aviation schools. Machine Shop on Wheels. Otl er machines besides aeroplanes will enter Into the equipment of each squadron, which group of eight ilyIng machines will be the unit of our Sky force Just as the unit of our land There must lie great trucks to carry whole aeroplanes and tractor automobiles to haul these i rucks, as Get a 25 Cent Bottle Now and woll as transport tin- aeroplane crews Forever Sto, I 11 In the field. and Dandruff These heavy automobiles and trucks! will cany '"aeroplane tents lor ternporarlly Sheltering machines separated from the hangars: also repair tools, If you Wish to D the spare parts and additional supplies "f of your Hair in'i ;y gasolene. General Allen says that it' a Danderii,. Hair Cleanse will also be necessary to have at tached to each of these squadrons of eight aeroplanes a self-propelled Yovir hair becomes pair shop, will' h can he moved re-( li to' abundant and appears a. 'ft, wavy, ;,. 1 any place In the field where a maiuSlt-i ihine may no in distress. This would beautiful as a young f;irl'.s her a Danderine be always equipped with reserve sup hair cleanse. Jura try tiii' moisten a cloth plies and a complete set of spare parts with a little Daraicrinc ami draw it for machines In use. < through your hair, taking i'ist: butcd over the country are to at a time. This will cleanse l

cight "oorpplpne mechanicians". mechanics and assistants.all enlisted cruisers and winged torpedo cr.ift. men There will he flvc mechanicians ,jior will be tell you how many pounds of eiynamite. flyng from the heavens, assigned to each aeroplane and .would wipe (".renter New York from four extra ones for each company. To mir field army of regular the lace of Mother Earth, He attroop there will he three

sees no visions in the empyrean. He will draw you no word pictures of tilts between aerial

naissance. And there will special machines for the field artil lery. In addition there will be sixtyfour machine? and 152 aviators, dis tributed among fourteen of our eonwhich 111 be .rlopterl b? nrmj aUo. coast-defense stations. So far) future air fore.- combine the chief j we hove beer, considering only the regular army of the United Stales. virtu*-* proven by foreign experts, In the Philippines General A'.len they also include many original Ideas wants two squadrons, or sixteen maof his own. chines; In Panama and Hawaii, each Platoons, ( ouipnnirn and Squadron*. one squadron; with eight machines. Fleet of 10 Machines. In the first plnce. General Allen All told, he wants, for the regular will organise his sky soldiers into army alone. 110 aeroplanes In chs.rpe sections, platoons, companies and squadrons. In the air. each section 'of 285 aviators, and 72a enlisted me- j Tins great establishment will consist of on' aeroplane with Chanics. two avlatorf. Two of these sections I would be headed by two colonels, under his command, besides two lieuwill compos'platoon, two platoons, tenant-colonels and eleven majors At a company: two companies, a squa present only dron. In other words, a squadron 'aviation he has while ten ollicers for Prance already win consist of eicht aeroplanes, to has S"i">. duty, or three times as many as Which sixteen aviators will !,e as* he asks for.and this despite the fact signed. A'.l of these aviators will he j that our army was the first In the captains or lieutenants of the regu I world to develop practical ev'.atlon. lar army. Bach squadron will be in Prance will spend a total of $ of a major, who will have 000 for Its aerial fleet this year. John on his statt two commissioned officers Bull In the same time r*lll spend ? nddJUon to the military aviators 010,000 on his aviation school, and assigned to the machines. He will Germany will buy 1621,000 worth of also have under him a force of foriy- I military aeroplanes before the year Is


recon also be



BIPXAXtS, AR SM IVIATIOS SCIIOOI will be trained as aviators, and en- rifles arirl machine guns from aero listed men of both fori c* will be In planes. structed as "aeroplne mechanicians." Hydro-\eropinnc Alo. As inventors turn out n*"w aviation de Hydro-aeroplanes machines thai vices they will be brnucbt to these will alight upon, skim over and fly points for test. The nfllcers and from water us well as mechanics will also he BystemBtlcallly proposed as part ot the land.arc also army's employed In studying weather condi raout, J'iir these vehicles ha,\c. beeil tions and other atmospheric phe only by the navy. nomena in their relations to flying: The In sending wireless telegrams from scribed riv.- "centres of aviation" the clouds; in sketching, map drawing because are nut to be called schools.! they and making- reconnolsalh es from air concentration will bo points for the craft: In dropinir projectiles from the for liie insti ol squadrons as well as otliccrs and heavens, and in a curate firing of mechanicians. action of land No new and few new buildings will have to be acquired for them. Our existing army posts will supply all of their needs excep* those ot the eastern centre, which will probably occupy the College Park field, near





I over. Within a me>nfh the [have 360 military aeroplanes,

A Face Rctenoid. L adies Delight. A Freckle Remover. Ji leaches the Skin. A labasterlike Kffect. S mooth, velvety skin. T onic for Fare Muscles. R ejuvenates Your Youth. O f Great Beautifying Power. Kaiser will L ovelier Facial Appearance.

Washington, already equipped ivlatlon school for the




(now have six. alone, has Just

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sold 1,852


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soothing, cool as Alabastrol, and whose use much appreciated. It acts on the feco not unlike a refreshing! cooling spring morning. We guarantee it to be satisfac j tory in every rcspei t Mailed to your !i .me in generous size, packages and in plain wrapper for 50 cents nlver. No Sampli the Siloron Mfg. Co.,

ing feeling

Powder. None Rive that

The accompanying pho/igrapha show these aviator* at work at College Park, ;,(. well as the most modern machlnea lately installed there. Our Meagre Equipment. The army now has only six aeroplanca In use, gut General Allen tells ine that he has six more ordered, and hopes to have four othcrfl, making a totul of s'xtecn by July X. Tlic Wright, Burgess-Wright and Curtlsa machines already working were bought at an average cost of |C,100 apiece, but the new machines will bo much more powerful and will have an aver age cost of at least $1,000 more each. The last five contracted for will he
known as

rills, the first yf the series of "KvlaUon centres," Is now being; taken possession of by ten military aviators lately moved north from the tempor ary winter school at Augusta, <-iu. The si :j..uI is In command of Captain Chug, dt P. Chandler, the array's chief avia;..r, who has ;ilso won honors, as a balloonist. He now has in chargo :n captain end sevan lieutenants of regulars, as well as one lieutenantcolonel of tlie Ohio National uard.

\n>IV AVIATION SCHOOL. and tack- bill now hi jorr Congress which maVt"' to hop or partial provision for General Allen's walk In a straight line. Any persis general scheme for enlarging our sky tent deviation, either to the rlvtht or army fron Its present formidable forra left, Is evidence of a diseased condi of ten aviators. (Copyright. 1312. by John Klfreth tion of the internal ear." disorders tending to produce intestinal Watklns.t dizziness are also looked out for Very carefully. .\nd there is an elaborate test for pre cision of the limb movements. as a .Must Perform S| I'm In. Having run th< gaunlet of the ex amining surgeons, the would-be mili perfumed tary aviator musi next gel used to his ai ft< li airPegasus. This takes some time and is preparatory to the final series of six so pure it float' .noprit. tests which determine Whether he shall Bo rat cd. Guaranteed receive his certificate fro,u the Secre pure. Klc a box. tary of W'ji and see ."military aviator Made only by printed after his name In the army register. Miau et MaauUctami Here are the six feats which he must perform before ho can receive Buih Terminal Building Brooklyn .-: :: New York this degree: He must fly to an altitude of nt Past 2.S00 feet; make | cross-country lllghl of ten miles going und ten miles re turning; fly live minutes in a fifteenmile wind; carry a passenger BOO foot Up and land him clear within l feet of a mark; execute a volplane from a00 feet up with the engine cut off and the ni.moM uuam;, r. land Within "f> feet of the mark; make a reconnoissanre flight of twenty miles at an average height of 1,600 feet and bring back Information concerning features of the landscape passed over. Having thus won his certificate, he will be detailed with one of the aero plane squadrons and will receive -J0 per cent, extra pay while engaged in his perilous profession. And If he erarks his head during such service his widow will be given his full pay for six months, lifter he turns up his toes. These, nt least, are provisions of the

OURTISS hopping forward ward, the candidate trying



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upon J I stops, and that" thej Heids. alight speed The arise from plowed

aeroplanes." They carry aviators, and before they will be accepted they must prove by trial night that they can ascend l'.vuu feet in ten minutes while carrying a weight of ir>o pounds, In addition to four hours' supply of fuel; that their planes will insure a safe, gilding angle In .'nw the engine

"weight-carrying military two






dirt and excessive oil and ii :, :, w moments you liave doubled iht I your hair. A delightful surprise awaits [ those who lave been careless, wl has been neglected or is scraggy, h I, dry, brittle or thm. Besides beautifying the air at once, Danderine dissolves every ; mi .-: of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and i :w,;urates the scalp, forever stopping itthii j/ at.d


falling hair. Try as you will, after one application of Danderine you cannot find any dandrulf or a loose or falling hair, and your scalp will never itch, but what will please you mo t will be after a few weeks' use when you will actually see new hair.fine and downy at first'-yes.-but really new hair sprouting all over the scalp. Danderir.e makes tlie nair plow long, heavy and luxuriant and we can care for If soft hair
prove it.

pretty, and lots of it surely get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any druggist or toilet counter, and jott try it.

1917 Weal Mein Street, Atlantic coast, one on the Pacific, one on the Great Lakes, one RICHMOND. VlKQIrW.* on the Gulf of Mexico and one at some central inland point, in addition, there v/lll be as many auxiliary centres as it maj be possible to organize, it is the gcneraifs ultimate ambition to have .v; h a school of Instruction In Wedding Invitations and Stationery for each State. til special occasions. Samples on re lion "Centre" Will Look. quest. Yo are wondering how these prln- Bell Book and Stationery Compauj, clpal aviation schools will appear. The Oil East Main. companylng photograph of tho avia tion centre already established by General Allen at College Park, near Washington, will give you a partial A Fnmou New Vnrk Chef Sold: des There- will be . wide, level field "I could as easily t|o without flour. Bed by a line of low-lying hangars In baking, as without Sauer's Kxstables for the aerial ateeds; eda, workshops, etoreronrn-! and har- tracts." ra *ks. Unequalert for cakes, ices, custards, A| these centres officers ne>t only of sauces, the regular army, but of the militia. puddings, iL Lit etc. >S VAAIUiA

five training schools. officially known a. ..centres of aviation." from whi rh our sky soldiers will be continually making test and instruction flights fine of these points Will be the

The record the Kell&m Hospital without parallel in history, having cur^d to stay cured permanently, with out the uae of the kr.tfe or X-ray. over tio per cent, nf th* many hundreds of sufferers from esneer whloh It has treated during tin, past fifteen years. We have been endorsed by the Senate and Legislature of Virginia. We saiarof

weight mentioned, up an hour. Can Cancer Be Cured? i forty-live milesrriilc-a-mfnute More than speed, or IT CAN sixty-five miles an hour, must be at tained by a class of "light scouting

heavy machines, with






our cures.

Physicians treated free.


has had specifications drawn. ThsSM will cany only one aviator each. Must lie Physically Perfect. Physical perfection is demanded by the general of men who seek admitlance to the College Park aviation II school, or who wll apply for training at the four other schools projected, Only commissioned officers of iho army land militia need apply, and before they can be admitted these must un-

aeroplanes." for which the general has

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rigorous physical examination, proving beyond a doubt that their eyosight Is normal, without classes: that they can estimate, distances accurate ly; that they an- not color blind for red, green or violet; that their ears Are as sharp as their eyes; that thqlrj wind Is good, their lungs and hearts] perfectly sound, and that they have| no diseases of the nervious system or:

I dergo

dlsgcst ive. apparatus.

You will tie as well as' amused at some of the tests prescrib ed for these candidates. Ileie, for ex ample, arc some devised In detect dis




the candidate walk forward, backward and in a circle. Have the candidate bop around the room. All these tests should be made with the eyes open and lUicn closed on both feel j^nd then


"Have the candidate stand heels and toes touching.

conditions of the Internal


with Have


Every Bell Telephone /a the Center of



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