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) — BER — 88/3–4 — ISSUE — ( 850084 ) —MS 0622

Bulletin of Entomological Research (1998) 88, 299–304 299

The influence of host quality on

progeny and sex allocation in the pupal
ectoparasitoid, Muscidifurax raptorellus
(Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae)
J.A. Harvey* and G.J.Z. Gols
Department of Entomology, Wageningen Agricultural University,
PO Box 8031, 6700 EH Wageningen, The Netherlands


Muscidifurax raptorellus Kogan & Legner is a gregarious pteromalid

ectoparasitoid that attacks pupae and pharate adults from several families of the
higher Diptera. Egg-to-adult development time, adult parasitoid size and emerging
offspring ( = secondary) sex ratio of M. raptorellus were compared with clutch size
in two hosts that differed greatly in mass, the small Musca domestica Linnaeus and
the larger Calliphora vomitoria Linnaeus. The mean number of emerging parasitoids
did not vary significantly with host species, although slightly higher clutch sizes
were recorded in C. vomitoria. Irrespective of offspring sex, parasitoids completed
development more rapidly in M. domestica than in C. vomitoria. In the small host,
the development time and adult size of M. raptorellus were negatively correlated
with clutch size. By contrast, female parasitoid size was unaffected by clutch size
in the larger host, C. vomitoria. In both hosts, female parasitoids were significantly
larger than male parasitoids. The secondary sex ratio (percentage males) of
emerging parasitoids was significantly lower in C. vomitoria, and varied with clutch
size in both hosts. In C. vomitoria, the greatest proportion of females emerged from
hosts with the highest clutch sizes, whereas in M. domestica hosts with the highest
clutch sizes produced the lowest proportion of female progeny. The results
described here show that the development of M. raptorellus is profoundly affected
by interspecific differences in host quality. Our results suggest that mating
structure and host quality have potentially different effects on sex ratio decisions
in M. raptorellus, and perhaps other gregarious parasitoids.

Introduction female parasitoids to manipulate the sex of the offspring at

oviposition. Unfertilized eggs develop into males and
Many empirical and theoretical studies using hy-
fertilized eggs into females. Much attention has concentrated
menopterous parasitoids have suggested that differences in
the sex ratio can have important fitness-related consequences on gregarious parasitoids (which habitually lay two or more
(reviewed by King, 1987; Hardy, 1992, 1994 and Godfray, eggs per host) where the sex ratio is frequently female-biased
1994). Parasitoids are excellent organisms for sex ratio (Griffiths & Godfray, 1988; Hardy & Cook, 1995). Two major
studies, because their haplodiploid sex determination allows interactive factors which influence the sex ratio of parasitoids
at oviposition are local mate competition and the influence
of host quality. In local mate competition, it is assumed that
*Address for correspondence: Department of Entomology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 739 Russell Laboratories, 1630
the optimal mean progeny sex ratio depends on the number
Linden Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA. of females (or foundresses) colonizing a patch, and
Fax: 608 262 3222 contributing their own progeny to the mating group
E-mail: (Hamilton, 1967). When there are few foundresses, an
300 J.A. Harvey and G.J.Z. Gols

ovipositing female should only produce enough sons to a density of approximately 100 flies per cage. They were fed
ensure that all of her daughters are inseminated. Thus, if a a 2:2:1 mixture of sugar, powdered milk and yeast. Water
single male can mate with all of his female siblings, the was constantly supplied in a small Petri dish. Flies
predicted sex ratio (proportion of sons) should consist of one oviposited into a mixture consisting of 3 g of powdered milk
male and the remainder female (Griffiths & Godfray, 1988). and one litre of water absorbed into paper towel. Eggs were
The influence of host quality on parasitoid growth and removed daily from the cages, and larvae were reared in 1 kg
development has attracted considerable experimental atten- jars on the following diet:
tion in recent years (see reviews by Mackauer & Sequeira,
1993, Godfray, 1994, and Jervis & Copland, 1996). Host (A) a mixture of 265 g yeast, 265 g powdered milk and
quality is defined as the state or condition of the host that 1400 ml water;
influences the dynamic processes of parasitoid growth, (B) 54 g agar and 1400 ml water, mixed and boiled.
development and survival to adult. The quality of a host
depends on a number of physiological factors, including the (A) and (B) were mixed and left for approximately 30 min
presence of toxins, competing parasitoids and disease before being poured into the jars. Eggs were added to the
organisms, all of which may affect the nutritional status of food medium, which was then covered by a 10 cm layer of
the host (Vinson & Iwantsch, 1980; Vinson, 1988). Optimality fine sawdust. Pupae were isolated from the medium after
models have frequently examined the influence of host four to five days using sieves, and eclosing adult flies
quality on sex allocation in parasitoids (Charnov, 1979, 1982). transferred to other cages for culturing.
They predict that, in situations where host quality Calliphora vomitoria pupae used in experiments were
differentially influences the fitness of males and females, the reared by a supplier in Drenthe, the Netherlands. Flies were
least adversely affected sex should be laid into poor quality cultured by allowing the adult females to oviposit directly
hosts, and the most adversely affected sex should be laid into onto decaying meat. Flies were sent to Wageningen as
high quality hosts. It is generally agreed that fitness returns pre-pupae; because we could only obtain small numbers of
in large females are greater than in correspondingly large hosts at a time from our supplier, the pre-pupae were stored
males (Godfray, 1994), because size is often positively in a refrigerator (3°C) after pupation but before presentation
correlated with egg production and lifetime reproductive to parasitoids. This slows developmental changes that occur
success in female parasitoids (Jervis & Copland, 1996). Male within the puparium that may reduce the quality of these
fitness may also be greater in large than in small individuals, hosts. Hosts stored for more than ten days under these
but there is a broad consensus that small size is less of a conditions were not used in our experiments.
disadvantage in males than in females. Muscidifurax raptorellus were reared in small glass vials
Muscidifurax raptorellus Kogan & Legner (Hymenoptera: (1 cm diameter) containing approximately 50 pupae of
Pteromalidae) is a gregarious parasitoid which develops M. domestica. Several male and female parasitoids were
externally (but within the host’s puparium) on pupae and placed in the vials with the host pupae, and sealed with a
pharate adults from several families of the higher Diptera, plug of cotton wool; newly-emerged parasitoids were
including the Muscidae, Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae. transferred to separate vials containing fresh host pupae.
The parasitoid injects venom into the host prior to
host-feeding or oviposition (Legner, 1987) which induces
Experimental protocol
developmental arrest that is sustained until host death
(Rivers & Denlinger, 1995). In a previous study, we examined Host pupae were selected for experiments according to
the relationship between secondary clutch size and the age and size. We intentionally used standard-sized hosts
development of M. raptorellus attacking standard-sized and from each species for two reasons. First, this allows for a
aged pupae of the housefly, Musca domestica Linnaeus direct comparison of interspecific host quality on parasitoid
(Diptera: Muscidae) and found that parasitoid size decreased development. Secondly, it is very difficult to determine
with an increase in parasitoid load (Harvey et al., in press). accurately the proportion of each host which is actually
Here, we compare the development of M. raptorellus in accessible as food to the immature parasitoids, i.e. the
M. domestica and in a second, and much larger host, Calliphora thickness of the cuticle varies between individual hosts, and
vomitoria Linnaeus (Diptera: Calliphoridae). This is the first this is not consumed by the parasitoid larvae. All
study ever to compare the development of M. raptorellus in M. domestica pupae were thus one to two days old and
different sized host species. Our data show that qualitative between 5.8 and 6.2 mm long, measured on a calibrated
differences in host species affect parasitoid performance, and microscope at ×1.2. C. vomitoria pupae presented to
that M. raptorellus responds to differences in host nutritional parasitoids were all between 8.5 and 9.5 mm long, measured
conditions by controlling egg fertilization (i.e. sex ratio). We on a calibrated microscope at ×1.2. Muscidifurax raptorellus is
reveal that, when laying clutches of five or more eggs per a synovigenic, host-feeding parasitoid and proteins from the
host, the parasitoid lays a higher proportion of female eggs host’s haemolymph are a necessary pre-requisite for
in the larger host species (C. vomitoria) than in the smaller prolonged egg maturation after eclosion (see Jervis & Kidd,
host species (M. domestica), suggesting that sex ratio 1986, for a review). Since the ovaries of newly-emerged
decisions in M. raptorellus are strongly influenced by host female parasitoids contain few fully-developed eggs (J.A.
quality under conditions of local mate competition. Harvey, personal observations), we allowed female para-
sitoids to host-feed for three days and mature further eggs
prior to the commencement of the experiment. Groups of
Materials and methods
newly-eclosed adult male and female M. raptorellus were
Hosts and parasitoids used in experiments were placed into plastic vials (3 cm diameter) containing several
maintained at 25°C with a 12:12 h L : D photocycle. Adult M. M. domestica and C. vomitoria pupae for three days. Honey
domestica were maintained in steel cages (40 × 23 × 25 cm) at was smeared on the inside of the vials.
Host quality and sex ratio decisions in Muscidifurax raptorellus 301
Table 1. Secondary sex ratio (percentage female emergence) of parasitoids emerging from C. vomitoria being female,
Muscidifurax raptorellus from Calliphora vomitoria and Musca compared with 60% from M. domestica. A 2 × 2 × 3 contin-
domestica as a function of clutch size. gency table (G-test) was used to analyse offspring sex ratio
Clutch size Host species in M. raptorellus, with host species, parasitoid sex and clutch
size as factors. The overall test of independence was rejected
n C. vomitoria n M. domestica (G = 63.17, d.f. = 7, P < 0.01), showing that the offspring sex
1–2 31 52 43 54 ratio varied significantly with host species and clutch size.
3–4 93 80 68 75 Furthermore, there were significant interactions between
5+ 233 81 110 52 host species and offspring sex (G = 22.45, d.f. = 1, P < 0.01) and
Overall 357 76 221 60 clutch size and offspring sex (G = 14.64, d.f. = 1, P < 0.01). The
lowest percentage of female parasitoid emergence occurred
in M. domestica with five or more parasitoid larvae (52%);
Effect of host species and clutch size on the development time conversely, the opposite effect was observed in C. vomitoria,
and adult size of M. raptorellus where 81% of eclosing parasitoids were female.
The mean number of emerging parasitoids did not vary
After three days, the mated female parasitoids were significantly with host species (t = 1.74, d.f. = 126, P > 0.05),
placed individually in small plastic dishes (8 × 3 cm) although C. vomitoria contained slightly larger parasitoid
containing five to ten M. domestica or C. vomitoria pupae. clutches (4.4) than M. domestica (3.6). Figure 1 shows that
After 24 h exposure to parasitoids, host pupae were placed whereas M. raptorellus typically laid clutches of two to three
individually into plastic vials until parasitoid eclosion. Vials eggs in the smaller host species (M. domestica), in the larger
were checked several times daily (until 1700 h) for parasitoid host species (C. vomitoria) the parasitoid usually laid clutches
emergence; eclosing parasitoids were killed by freezing, of three to five eggs per host.
sexed, and oven dried for three days at 100°C before being
weighed individually on a Cahn 33 electronic microbalance
(accuracy 0.001 mg). At least 50 female parasitoids were used Effect of host species and clutch size on the egg-to-adult
over several weeks to obtain the complete data set.
development time of M. raptorellus
A three-way ANOVA was performed for parasitoid
development time with clutch size, offspring sex and host
species as factors. Parasitoid development time varied
Sex-ratio and clutch size of M. raptorellus emerging from significantly with clutch size (F = 3.03, d.f. = 2, 300, P < 0.05),
host species (F = 234.04, d.f. = 1, 300, P < 0.0001) and offspring
C. vomitoria and M. domestica
sex (F = 60.61, d.f. = 1, 300, P < 0.0001; fig. 2a,b). Moreover,
Table 1 shows the proportion of emerging adult female there was a significant interactive effect between offspring
parasitoids (%) of M. raptorellus as a function of clutch sex and host species on the development time of
size. Percentage female eclosion was significantly higher M. raptorellus (F = 10.63, d.f. = 1, 300, P < 0.001) although other
in parasitoids emerging from C. vomitoria than from interactions were not significant (P > 0.05). Both adult male
M. domestica (x2 = 23.58, d.f. = 1, P < 0.01; table 1) with 76% of and female parasitoids reared from M. domestica emerged

Fig. 1. Percentage distribution of clutch sizes laid by Muscidifurax raptorellus in Musca domestica and Calliphora vomitoria pupae. Sample
sizes: M. domestica = 60; C. vomitoria = 81.
302 J.A. Harvey and G.J.Z. Gols

(a) (a)

Fig. 2. Mean egg-to-adult development time, in days, of (a) male,

and (b) female Muscidifurax raptorellus emerging from Musca
Fig. 3. Mean adult parasitoid size (dry mass in mg) of (a) male,
domestica and Calliphora vomitoria containing different numbers
of parasitoids. Data from hosts containing five parasitoids or and (b) female Muscidifurax raptorellus emerging from Musca
domestica and Calliphora vomitoria containing different numbers
more was pooled. Line bars represent standard error of the
of parasitoids. Data from hosts containing five parasitoids or
mean. Sample sizes as indicated above each bar in the figure.
more was pooled. Line bars represent standard error of the
mean. Sample sizes as indicated above each bar in the figure.

one to three days earlier than parasitoids reared from

C. vomitoria. Intraspecifically, male parasitoids completed
development more rapidly than female parasitoids
(fig. 2a,b). Furthermore, parasitoids developing in revealed that parasitoid size varied significantly with clutch
M. domestica completed development faster as parasitoid size (F = 14.30, d.f. = 2, 300, P < 0.0001) and offspring sex
load increased, although this effect was less clear in (F = 84.93, d.f. = 1, 300, P < 0.0001) but not between the two
parasitoids reared from C. vomitoria (fig 2a,b). host species (F = 1.41, d.f. = 1, 300, P > 0.05; fig. 3a,b). A
significant interactive effect occurred between clutch size
and host species (F = 13.23, d.f. = 2, 300, P < 0.0001) and clutch
Effect of host species and clutch size on adult parasitoid size
size and offspring sex (F = 9.62, d.f. = 2, 300, P < 0.0001) on the
(dry mass) of M. raptorellus
adult size of M. raptorellus. The effect of clutch size on the
A three-way ANOVA on emerging adult parasitoid size, emerging adult size of M. raptorellus was more apparent in
with clutch size, offspring sex and host species as factors M. domestica than C. vomitoria, with the smallest male and
Host quality and sex ratio decisions in Muscidifurax raptorellus 303

female parasitoids emerging from hosts containing five Therefore, it appeared that female parasitoids actively
parasitoids or more (fig. 3a,b). However, irrespective of controlled the brood sex ratios in both hosts.
offspring sex, parasitoids emerging from M. domestica Whereas across a range of clutch sizes the observed
containing one to two parasitoid larvae were much larger secondary sex-ratio supports the predictions of local mate
than parasitoids emerging from C. vomitoria containing the competition models in C. vomitoria, in M. domestica they do
same number of parasitoid larvae (fig. 3a,b). so only in hosts containing four or less parasitoids. In the
larger host, the proportion of emerging female parasitoids
increased significantly with a corresponding increase in
clutch size (table 1) whereas in M. domestica the proportion
Interspecific differences in qualitative and quantitative of emerging female parasitoids increased intially with clutch
aspects of host physiology and nutrition clearly affected size, but then decreased sharply in the most heavily
the development of M. raptorellus. Parasitoids completed parasitized hosts (table 1). The observed differences in the
development more rapidly in M. domestica than in sex ratio of M. raptorellus emerging from the two hosts
C. vomitoria (fig. 2) with males emerging earlier than females. suggests that mating structure and host quality may have
Furthermore, the largest parasitoids recorded in this study profoundly opposite effects on sex ratio decisions in
eclosed from the smaller host species, M. domestica, with the gregarious parasitoids. Host quality, in terms of resources
lightest parasitoid loads (fig. 3). However, whereas adult per parasitoid larva, decreased with an increase in parasitoid
parasitoid size decreased markedly with clutch size in load in M. domestica, but not in C. vomitoria. Therefore, fitness
M. domestica, the size of parasitoids emerging from returns might have been reduced from the production of
C. vomitoria was fairly uniform, irrespective of clutch size per single males and many daughters (under conditions of local
host (fig. 3). Male parasitoids were also consistently smaller mate competition) in M. domestica with a high parasitoid
than their female counterparts. Interspecific differences in burden, because emerging female parasitoids would have
host quality suggest that parasitoid development is con- been very small, in comparison with larger females emerging
strained by resource availability or by their inability to from hosts with lighter parasitoid loads. As male fitness is
acquire specific nutrients (Beckage & Riddiford, 1983; less likely to be so adversely affected in small individuals
Takagi, 1985). The reduced weight of parasitoids emerging than female fitness (Godfray, 1994), the parasitoid mother
from M. domestica with heavy parasitoid loads was probably may assess host size and bias the sex ratio more towards
attributable to a scramble-type competition for limited host male offspring when laying larger clutches in M. domestica.
resources, where each parasitoid larva received less than However, in C. vomitoria, resources were not limiting, hence
optimal quantities of food for their own development host quality was more-or-less uniform across a range of
(Waage & Ng, 1984; Taylor, 1988; Vet et al., 1994; Rivers & clutch sizes. Consequently, the size of emerging females was
Denlinger, 1995). By contrast, parasitoid size was less unaffected by variations in parasitoid load and the
affected by clutch size in C. vomitoria, presumably because conditions of fully local mating applied (Hardy, 1994).
this host was considerably larger than M. domestica and Werren (1984) examined the influence of host quality under
therefore resources did not become a limiting factor for fully local mating, and argued that the sex ratio is sensitive
parasitoid development. Idiobiont parasitoids (which attack to the proportion of low quality hosts among those
non-growing or paralysed hosts, as opposed to koinobionts, parasitized, and to the relative differences in fitness between
which attack growing, feeding hosts (Askew & Shaw, 1986)) females developing in good and poor hosts.
lack the opportunity for increasing the food intake of the In parasitoids, processes that influence growth, develop-
host, and thus if the weight of the host is less than that ment and ultimately fitness are usually dependent on the size
required by the parasitoids to achieve their optimal weight, of the reproductive adult (Mackauer & Sequeira, 1993),
then the resulting parasitoids may suffer a reduction in body which suggests that body size is the main target of natural
weight, as was observed in parasitoids emerging from selection. Several studies have reported that the body size of
M. domestica with heavy parasitoid loads. adult females is closely related to their reproductive success
Overall, significantly more male parasitoids emerged (reviewed by Godfray, 1994). Therefore, host quality is likely
from M. domestica than from C. vomitoria, and the secondary to have a profound influence over the selection of hosts.
sex-ratio of M. raptorellus was also strongly correlated with Assessment of the suitability of the puparium as an
parasitoid load in both hosts (table 1). The proportion of oviposition site may be determined by the female parasitoid
emerging male and female offspring was similar in both only after ovipositor insertion into host tissues (Rivers &
hosts containing up to four parasitoids, but in heavily Denlinger, 1995). An exception to this scenario may occur if
parasitized hosts significantly more female parasitoids the parasitoid is able to measure the surface area and/or
emerged from C. vomitoria than from M. domestica (table 1). volume of the puparium, as the egg parasitoid Trichogramma
There are two possible reasons for the observed differences minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) is
in the secondary sex ratio of M. raptorellus: (i) the primary sex known to do (Schmidt & Smith, 1985). This enables the
ratio may be controlled by the ovipositing females (Charnov, parasitoid to assess the nutritional status of the host solely on
1979, 1982), or (ii) differential mortality between sons and their physical parameters, and to manipulate clutch size and
daughters may occur with concomitant variations in clutch sex ratio accordingly. However, it is probably unlikely that
size, because one sex may exert a stronger competitive effect a parasitoid can determine age-related variations in host
on the other for host resources (therefore indicating that the quality on the basis of surface measurements alone.
primary sex ratio is different from the secondary sex ratio; For idiobionts, the host represents a closed resource
Godfray, 1986; Ode & Strand, 1995). In many parasitoids, it environment, where host quality is largely a characteristic of
is not possible to assess the sex of eggs laid at oviposition. the host’s nutritional and developmental history and is
However, differential mortality is unlikely since the sex ratio largely pre-determined at parasitism (Mackauer & Sequeira,
varied differently with clutch size in both host species. 1993). Thus, for gregarious idiobiont species, parasitoid
304 J.A. Harvey and G.J.Z. Gols

fitness may be optimized on the basis of clutch size decisions Harvey, J.A., Vet, L.E.M., Jiang, N. & Gols, G.J.Z. (1997)
and control of sex ratio (Werren, 1984; Takagi, 1985; King, Nutritional ecology of the interaction between larvae of
1990). We have shown that M. raptorellus adaptively the gregarious ectoparasitoid, Muscidifurax raptorellus
manipulates the sex ratio of its progeny in response to (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) and their pupal host, Musca
variations in clutch size in two hosts of different size. In hosts domestica (Diptera: Muscidae). Physiological Entomology (in
with a low parasitoid burden, host quality did not vary press).
between the smaller host (M. domestica) or the larger host Jervis, M.A. & Copland, M.J.W. (1996) The life cycle. pp. 63–161
(C. vomitoria). However, as parasitoid load increased, in Jervis, M.A. & Kidd, N.A.C. (Eds) Insect natural enemies:
competition for host resources became limiting in practical approaches to their study and evaluation. London,
M. domestica, but not in C. vomitoria, accounting for the Chapman & Hall.
observed differences in offspring sex ratio. Further studies, Jervis, M.A. & Kidd, N.A.C. (1986) Host-feeding strategies in
examining the reproductive strategy of M. raptorellus, may hymenopteran parasitoids. Biological Reviews 61, 395–434.
determine how differences in host availability and type King, B.H. (1987) Offspring sex ratios in parasitoid wasps.
influence parasitoid performance and lifetime reproductive Quarterly Review of Biology 62, 367–396.
success. King, B.H. (1990) Sex ratio manipulation by the parasitoid wasp
Spalangia cameroni in response to host age: a test of the
host-size model. Evolutionary Ecology 4, 149–156.
Legner, E.F. (1987) Inheritance of gregarious and solitary
We wish to thank Drs Mark Jervis and Louise Vet for oviposition in Muscidifurax raptorellus Kogan and Legner
reviewing an early draft of the manuscript, Peter Mayhew (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Canadian Entomologist 119,
and Ian Hardy for discussion and Leo Koopman, Frans 791–808.
van Aggelen, Andre Gidding and Hanneke van Heest Mackauer, M. & Sequeira, R. (1993) Patterns of development in
for technical support. The senior author wishes to insect parasites. pp. 1–23 in Beckage, N.E., Thompson, S.N.
express his sincere thanks to the Royal Society (UK), for & Federici, B.A. (Eds) Parasites and pathogens of insects.
their financial support through the European Exchange Volume 1. New York, Academic Press.
Fellowship Programme. Ode, P.J. & Strand, M.R. (1995) Progeny and sex allocation
decisions of the polyembryonic wasp, Copidosoma flori-
danum. Journal of Animal Ecology 64, 213–224.
Rivers, D.B. & Denlinger, D.L. (1995) Fecundity and
Askew, R.R. & Shaw, M.R. (1986) Parasitoid communities: their development of the ectoparasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis
size, structure and development. pp. 225—264 in Waage, are dependent on host quality. Entomologia Experimentalis et
J.K. & Greathead, D.J. (Eds) Insect parasitoids: 13th Applicata 76, 15–24.
symposium of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Schmidt, J.M. & Smith, J.J.B. (1985) Host volume measurement
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Beckage, N.E. & Riddiford, L.M. (1983) Growth and curvature and surface area. Entomologia Experimentalis et
development of the endoparasitic wasp Apanteles congrega- Applicata 39, 213–221.
tus: dependence on host nutritional status and parasite Takagi, M. (1985) The reproductive strategy of the gregarious
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Charnov, E.L. (1979) The genetical evolution of patterns of dae). 1. Optimal number of eggs in a single host. Oecologia
sexuality: Darwinian fitness. American Naturalist 113, 68, 1–6.
465–480. Taylor, A.D. (1988) Host effects on larval competition in the
Charnov, E.L. (1982) The theory of sex allocation. Princeton, New gregarious parasitoid Bracon hebetor. Journal of Animal
Jersey, Princeton University Press. Ecology 57, 163–172.
Godfray, H.C.J. (1986) Models for clutch size and sex ratio Vet, L.E.M., Datema, A., Janssen, A. & Snellen, H. (1994) Clutch
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215–231. fitness. Journal of Animal Ecology 63, 807–815.
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Ecology and Sociobiology 22, 211–217. Waage, J.K. & Ng, S.M. (1984) The reproductive strategy of
Hamilton, W.D. (1967) Extraordinary sex ratios. Science 156, a parasitic wasp. I. Optimal progeny allocation in
477–488. Trichogramma evanescens. Journal of Animal Ecology 53,
Hardy, I.C.W. (1992) Non-binomial sex allocation and brood sex 401–415.
ratio variances in the parasitoid Hymenoptera. Oikos 65, Werren, J.H. (1984) A model for sex ratio selection in parasitic
143–158. wasps: local mate competition and host quality effects.
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Hardy, I.C.W. & Cook, J.M. (1995) Brood sex ratio variance,
(Accepted 21 January 1998)
developmental mortality and virginity in a gregarious 7 CAB INTERNATIONAL, 1998
parasitoid wasp. Oecologia 103, 162–169.

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