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Volume: 21

Time Management
My Effectiveness Enhanced
All About It
So what's Next

Time Check
Patience And Time Management

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What does time management mean to you?

Do you see people in white coats, holding clipboards and stopwatches observing whatever you do? Or do you
see it as making and keeping numerous lists of things to do?

Time management techniques is a way to control your activities and an aid in making educated decisions as to
how to make the best use of your time.

All of us have same number of hours available to us in a day, a week, a month, or a year. It's how we use these
hours which is important. We need to be more effective with our time management so there is more time to do
what we really want to do e.g. relax, gardening, play sports, dance, read or engage in any of our hobbies.

Time management can have a dramatic effect on your life - by practicing some of its theories you will find
yourself working more effectively,not only at your business, but also in your social life.

Time management is not about doing too many things in less time but doing right things at the right time in the
right way. How you manage your time is part of your personal agenda. However, there are a few generic steps
that help you manage your time in a better way, more so in case of ever-occupied corporate executives.


My Effectiveness Enhanced

Effective Time Management Methods

By Nowshade Kabir

In today's hectic life style it is becoming increasingly difficult to manage time effectively. There are so many
things to do, and so little time! Internet is supposed to be the ultimate means for bringing efficiency to your life.
The information that you need, the business tool you use, everything is now at your finger tip thanks to
ubiquitous access to the Internet. But did it make your life easier? Most of us will tell probably not. On the
contrary! Easy access to virtually any information lures us to spend way too much time on the Internet. How to
regain total control of our precious time?

  Time is a relative concept

In the physical world time indeed is a relative matter. Maybe we don't see this relative physical characteristic of
time in real life, one thing we all know is when we are busy with things that interest us, we feel that time passes
faster and when we are engaged in a boring or dull job, we feel that the time is passing slowly.

Before we try to manage our time effectively we should have a better perception of our own time and how we
spend it. The following exercise will help you get a better picture of your own time:


For three consecutive days write down everything you do from the moment you woke up and till you go to bed.
Keep your pen and paper always handy. If necessary set alarm every two hours to remind you if so that you
don't forget to log. The idea is to get a thorough picture of your daily activities. After three days take a look at
your logged data and on a separate list write down how much time you spent in an average day on each activity
like sleeping, commuting, reading, working, socializing, etc.

Spending time on important things only

Now take a look on all your activities from a different approach. Assign each of the activity to one of the
following groups:

 Urgent and important,

 Not urgent but important,
 Urgent but not important,
 Not urgent and not important.

Urgent and important: These are the priority number one tasks. Eg: Making  your  sales  call,  preparing  for 
tomorrow's exam etc.

Not Urgent but important: There are works that are not so pressing, but you understand by procrastinating
them you are impairing your growth. These are the tasks on which you should emphasize your efforts most.
Setting goals, planning your activities, and writing your business plan are examples from this group.


Urgent but not important: We spend a substantial amount of time on works that are pressing but does not
have any real impact on achieving specific objectives. You have to chair a meeting that your colleague has
requested as he is sick is an example of this type of activities. Often tasks from this group are requests from
others or work loads you have willingly taken but deep in your mind you know that these tasks really don't carry
any personal value for you.

Not urgent and not important: These are the real time wasters. Reading  junk  mails,  browsing  through  the 
Internet  aimlessly,  making  unnecessary  calls  to  friends are some of the common activities that should be

Since in the core of effective time management lays the idea of doing things that are important to you, you have
to figure out how to select those tasks.

Goal setting

Goal setting is an absolute necessary method for personal planning. The process of goal setting gives you the
real picture of your life - what you are now and what you are planning to be in the future. To understand which
tasks are really important to you and will help you achieve success you have to set long term goals and then
subdivide them to short terms goals. Once you did this, write all the things you have to do to reach these goals,
steps you have to take and time span necessary to act upon them.



Use a planner
Move all these necessary activities to a planner. Identify the milestones. These should be your sub-goals.
Specify how much time you will need to reach those milestones. Insert the tasks from the list you have created
to the planner. Make weekly to do list based on your planner. Choose no more than three to four tasks for each
of your goals in a week.

Develop daily to do lists

Your daily to do list should incorporate one or two most important activities from your planner. Your daily to do
list should be scheduled loosely. Make sure that you don't spend too much time on work related tasks. Over
working will burn your enthusiasm quickly and bring you back to your previous life style.

In the beginning you might feel overwhelmed with the quantity of tasks you plan to do. To build your self
confidence and manage time efficiently choose five not so difficult tasks each day and promise yourself that no
matter what happens you will finish these five tasks. If you continue this for three weeks, it will become a part of
your daily habit and build your self trust. Every time during the course of the day if you have to do a task which
is not from your list, ask yourself this question, "Is this really important to my goals?" If the answer is "Yes!" then
go for it, if not get back to your list.

Time Management strategies help us to stay motivated and create a balanced lifestyle. The above mentioned
methods are effective when followed scrupulously.

Plan Your Day

Everybody has 24 hours in a day. But some achieve more while other feel time is too short for them to
accomplish their daily business. Do you want to plan your day successfully? then write to
All About It

Seven Principles of Creative Time Management

by Dr. Jan Yager

Managing your time well means managing your life well. People who handle their time well do it creatively.
They make short- and long-term plans, set and keep realistic schedules, take efficient and timely breaks, and
view tasks to be done as opportunities rather than dreaded obligations. They practice creative time
management by taking control of their time and therefore their life.

We are not all endowed with brilliance, good looks, or lots of money, but we each get the same number of
hours every day. A great deal may be achieved in those 24 hours, or not much at all.

The fundamental principles of creative time management are

1. Be Active, Not Just Reactive.

2. Set Goals.
3. Prioritize Actions.
4. Keep Your Focus.
5. Create Realistic Deadlines Contd…


6. D-O I-T N-O-W! Once you decide on a plan and are focused, just do it now. Here is an easy way to help
you remember this principle:
D = Divide and conquer what you have to do. Break big tasks into little tasks and give each part of
that task a realistic deadline.
O = Organize your materials, how you will do it.
I = Ignore interruptions that are annoying distractions
T = Take the time to learn how to do things yourself.
N = Now, not tomorrow. Don't procrastinate.
O = Opportunity is knocking. Take advantage of opportunities.
W = Watch out for time gobblers. Keep track of, and in control of, how much time you spend on the
Internet, reading and sending e-mails, watching TV, or talking on the phone.

7. Balance Your Life.

Myths of Time Management

Myth #1: There's too much to do; I can't handle it all.

This can't be the real reason why I have a messy house. After all, other people manage. It's encouraging to
hear that there are others who also have trouble with the "little" things in life. That means that it isn't just that
there are too many things for one person to handle: rather, it's possible, theoretically at least, for me to
organize my time in a way that gets it all done.



Myth #2: There's plenty of time; I can do that later.
This is the exact opposite of myth #1. Yet both myths contribute to procrastinating. Rather than switch from
one myth to the other, I need a consistent, realistic view of how much my time is worth and how much of it
there is.

Myth #3: I'm busier than usual right now, so it makes sense to shift some tasks off to another time.
A tricky one. Occasionally it's really true, of course. But usually, I'm about equally busy all the time, really. My
time is worth the same all the time, with a few exceptions like if I'm trying to be on time for a job interview or

It SEEMS that I'm unusually busy at any given moment, because at that moment, I'm AWARE of the things
impinging one my time right then. A person can only be aware of so many things at once. The detail of the
moment seems complex; the future seems simple, free and clear. But really life is always that complex.
I also tend to think I'll "have plenty of time" later the same day, too. And of course I don't.

Myth #4: Re-scheduling something to a later time is procrastinating.

No, re-scheduling is taking control and responding to new information about priorities and time available.
It's only procrastinating if you don't schedule it at all, or if you re-schedule for the wrong reasons -- which will
become apparent when you find yourself re-scheduling the same thing more than about 3 times. In that case,
stop and think about whether you really want to do the thing. If it's important, go ahead and start.



Myth #5: This little task is not important.
Example: I cut open a package of food and leave the little bit of plastic I cut off on the kitchen counter.
Question: Shall I put the bit of plastic in the garbage right now? It seems that doing so is not important. The
plastic isn't doing any harm where it is. It won't hurt me if I leave it there. I can always put it in the garbage later.

But actually it is important to put it in the garbage. I ask myself, "Is it important not to have it sitting there on the
counter all year?" Yes. I don't want it there that long. OK, then I have to put it in the garbage -- now or some
time in the next few days. Next question: Is my time more valuable now than it will be, say, tomorrow? I seem in
a hurry now, but I will tomorrow, too. Really it's best to put it in the garbage right now. It's important enough to
be worth the few seconds of my time.

The myth really means, "It's not important to do it RIGHT NOW." However, it is important. Either it's important
or it isn't. When it's done doesn't affect that. It's important to wash the dishes before eating on them again;
therefore it's important to wash the dishes. If it's important, it's probably worth doing now.

All time management begins with planning.”

- Tom Greening


So What's Next

Managing Time Wisely

In order to focus on achieving goals, it is important to identify those time wasting activities which deflect us
from the task in hand. Some of the most common time wasters in the office are listed below.

 Interruptions - telephone, visitors

 Unnecessary meetings
 Unclear goals, objectives and priorities
 Tasks which could have been delegated
 Procrastination and indecision
 Crisis management (fire fighting)
 Unclear communications
 Poor planning
 Stress and fatigue
 Desk management and personal disorganisation

You may recognise some of these time wasters as being responsible for reducing the effectiveness of your
own time management. Some of these are likely to be areas which you and your coach will want to work on.


Time management skills and techniques

There are many different techniques and ideas you can employ to manage your time effectively, and working
with a coach will help you to explore the best options for you. We have suggested some possible time
management activities below to help you work smarter rather than harder.

1. Set Goals: Always define your objectives as clearly as possible. Decide what it is you want to achieve long
term and be prepared to stick to this wherever possible and be flexible wherever necessary.

2. Have a Plan: Sounds obvious, but you can't achieve your goals without a plan. Plan your yearly, monthly
and weekly activities and establish priorities. Constantly monitor and re-evaluate your plans against progress
to ensure you stay on track.

3. Analyse your Time: Make sure your use of time is efficient and effective. Eliminate time wasters and focus
on important tasks. Stop reacting to tasks which appear urgent but carry no importance towards achieving your

4. Delegate: Accept that you can't do everything, and that other people can be trusted. When you do delegate,
explain the task and the result required thoroughly, and then let them get on with it.

5. Communicate Efficiently: Be ruthlessly efficient in your handling of letters and phone calls. Handle
correspondence and calls only once; deal with them there and then if possible, don't put them aside to come
back to later. Screen calls with an answering machine or PA and set a time limit for telephone conversations.
Offer to call back if more time is required.


Effective time management benefits

The main benefit of effective time management is that it can drastically improve the quality of your life. Let's
look at a few common problems that can be solved with effective time management.

Reduce frustration - Many of the frustrating situations can be avoided with effective planning and organizing
techniques. When you have overcome frustration, it is a lot easier to release the full power of your creativity and

Get a sense of achievement and piece of mind - Much of dissatisfaction and anxiety comes from that you are
not sure where you are going, or you feel like you are going nowhere. Effective time management includes
smart goal setting techniques, which will help you to realize where you are going and to see the optimal path

Open yourself to more satisfaction - We are often burdened by subconscious guilt for those undone things
we think we should be doing or should have done. With effective time management you learn to overcome
procrastination and you learn to prioritize. This will keep you feeling that you did most of the important things
you possibly could do. That makes you more confident and decisive in your choices, leaving less space for guilt
or dissatisfaction.

Increase your energy level- The undone things circulating in your mind cost you much more time and energy
than the things you have done or are doing. With effective time management you get organize and un-clutter
your mind from those energy drains of un-handled things and "unfinished businesses". You will experience
much higher energy level.


Get more of quality time- There are many things that don't get you much forward, but you still have to do them
to survive. Take eating for example. Those maintenance tasks are a significant part of your total time
spendings. Learn how to organize them more efficiently and you will get more time for making progress or
enjoying life.

And this is not all. The overall effect of happier and healthier life will inevitably have many other positive

Time Management Presentation

Do you wish to know
 the techniques that will help you to direct your work life instead of merely managing your time.
 a framework for developing a mission and vision that gives purpose and direction to your work.
 to prioritize your highest-leveraged activities, leading to significant increase in productivity.
then write to

Personal Time Management Chart

Time and tide waits for none. So, spend a little time on creating your personal time management chart and free
yourself to do what you really want to do instead. Do you want "Personal Time Management Chart" then write



Time Check

Title: Time Check

Teaser: Catch time before it passes you by.
To read this article please click on the embedded word doc Micros oft Word

Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health
by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever.
- Samuel Smiles



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Where can I post my Query???

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It's how we spend our time here and now, that really matters.
If you are fed up with the way you have come to interact with
time, change it.
- Marcia Wieder


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1. There are six eggs in the basket. Six people each take one of the eggs. How can it be that one egg is left
in the basket?

2. How could a baby fall out of a twenty-story building onto the ground and live?

3. Blind beggar had a brother who died. What relation was the blind beggar to the brother who died? Note:
"Brother" is not the answer.

4. A police officer saw a truck driver clearly going the wrong way down a one-way street, but did not try to
stop him. Why not?

5. How can you lift an elephant with one hand?

For Solutions please click here… Anything that is wasted effort represents wasted
time. The best management of our time thus
becomes linked inseparably with the best utilization
of our efforts.
- Ted W. Engstrom quotes



Find the Correct Answers:

 What is the largest of the seven continents? - a. Europe b. Asia c. South America

 Which of these islands is a part of the Australian continent? - a. Sri Lanka b. Madagascar c. Tasmania

 Of the following countries, which is not found in Africa? - a. Saudi Arabia b. Tanzania c. Ethiopia

 The capital of Indonesia is: a. Jakarta b. Phnom Penh c. New Delhi

 Who was the first president of the United States? - a. Andrew Jackson b. Thomas Jefferson c. George
 One continent has only one country so it is both a continent and a country. It is______. a) Australia
b) Africa c) Asia
 What does NASA stand for? a.National Astronaut and Space Administration b.National Aeronautics and
Space Administration c.National Aeronautics and Science Association

Please send your solutions to and win a GVC branded Mouse pad.



Please roll over your mouse on the ‘Course Title’ to view the
description of the courses

Course Title Duration

Managing Time 2.5 Hours

Analyze Your Use of Time 2.0 Hours

Set Goals and Prioritize Your Use of Time 2.0 Hours

Major Time Management Challenges 3.0 Hours



 In New Zealand, chewing gum in public is considered impolite.

 In Russia, powerful handshakes among men are often carried to extremes.
 In Brazil, kids do not have sleepovers.
 In most parts of Asia, it is taboo to touch people's heads, especially those of children.
 In Thailand, people do not step on their doorsills. It is believed that a spirit lives in the threshold of
every home.
 In France, children celebrate their name day (a saint's feast day) rather than their birthday.
 In Taiwan, eating or drinking in the streets is considered crude.
 In Ethiopia, both men and women of the Surma tribes shave their heads as a mark of beauty. The
women wear lip plates; their lower lips are pierced and stretched as ever-larger plates are inserted
over time.



1. The last person took the basket with the last egg still inside
2. The baby fell out of a ground floor window.
3. She was his sister.
4. The truck driver was walking.
5. It is not a problem, since you will never find an elephant with one hand


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Please roll over your mouse on the ‘Course Title’ to view the
description of the courses

Course Title Duration

Managing Time 2.5 Hours Description: "Do not squander time, for
that is the stuff life is made of," so said Benjamin
Analyze Your Use of Time 2.0 Hours Franklin. Therefore, making every moment count is
the surest path to living the good life. In this course,
Set Goals and Prioritize Your Use of Time 2.0 Hours the third in the series "Achieving Balance in Your
Professional and Personal Life," you'll begin by
Major Time Management Challenges 3.0 Hours recognizing many of the everyday activities,
interruptions, and attitudes that waste your time and,
in turn, eat away at the very thing you should value
most. With your time savings account thus enriched,
you will then learn to hone your time-management
skills and achieve much greater results for the same



Please roll over your mouse on the ‘Course Title’ to view the
description of the courses

Course Title Duration

Managing Time 2.5 Hours

Analyze Your Use of Time 2.0 Hours

Set Goals and Prioritize Your Use of Time 2.0 Hours

Description: This course contains lessons
Major Time Management Challenges 3.0 Hours on how to get organized, how to prepare a "To Do"
list, how to set a Priority Matrix, and how to identify
the most valuable time in a workday.



Please roll over your mouse on the ‘Course Title’ to view the
description of the courses

Course Title Duration

Managing Time 2.5 Hours

Analyze Your Use of Time 2.0 Hours

Set Goals and Prioritize Your Use of Time 2.0 Hours

Description: In today's competitive, fast-
Major Time Management Challenges 3.0 Hours paced world, it is easy to become overwhelmed and
lose control. You need to define your priorities and
set clear goals to give shape to your life and achieve
balance. You have to effectively manage your time
and direct it towards your high priority goals,
simplifying or eliminating your lowest prioirity projects.
This course is all about optimally using your time to
achieve your goals and be happy in life.



Please roll over your mouse on the ‘Course Title’ to view the
description of the courses

Course Title Duration

Managing Time 2.5 Hours

Analyze Your Use of Time 2.0 Hours

Set Goals and Prioritize Your Use of Time 2.0 Hours

Major Time Management Challenges 3.0 Hours

Description: This course helps managers

save a lot in terms of time, money and resources by
delegating effectively, controlling meetings,
controlling time-eaters and avoiding procrastination.


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