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Prometric Exam / Saudi Council Exam

Although some nurses who are currently working in Saudi Arabia deny that the Saudi Council Exam (otherwise known as the Prometric Examination for Nurses here in the Philippines) is a requirement for hospitals in the kingdom, reports say that indeed it is NEEDED. Some agencies (good thing for them) advise their applicants beforehand that they have to take the Prometric Exam prior to being deployed to Saudi. However, there are other agencies claiming that the examination may be taken once the applicant is in the country. But come to think of it, you will be going to that country for work, so are you willing to be deported back again in our country if you fail the exam? For sure you would not want that to happen... Tsk tsk. Whether we like it or not their kingdom requires it now so let us just comply with that, okay? Anyway, taking it here (in the Philippines) is way cheaper as compared to taking it there. The examination has been existent for some years now but lately it has become a mandatory for those bound to the country to work as a nurse and for others who are just about to renew their contract in Saudi. Heres the link: Filipino Nurses Bound To Saudi Arabia To Take Prometric Exam

The Saudi Council Examination

The Saudi Commission requires candidates to sit the test for them to be able to evaluate an applicants ability in his/her field, in our case Nursing. For detailed information, heres the link from the Prometric website: Saudi Commission for Health Specialties In the Philippines, the accredited testing center for the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCHS) Examination is: Prometric Testing Center Ateneo Professional Schools, 130 H. Dela Costa St., Salcedo Village, Makati City. Telephone No.: (632) 892-0383

The examination is scheduled Tuesday up to Friday, with a fee of US$90.00.

Step by Step Procedures for Nurse Technician

Go to the website: 1. Under For Test Takers, tick the dropdown list box on Academic, Professional, Government & Corporate, scroll down and click Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. 2. You will be directed to a new window of SCHS: Saudi Commission for Health Specialties Testing and you may read on some articles there regarding the organization itself. On the Get Started Box click Start. 3. From the Program Name drop down list box: choose the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (Non-elig) --- the other options apply only to those who are currently in the kingdom --- then choose Philippines then click Next. 4. You will then be directed to a new window. Click Schedule an Exam. A new window will appear showing the details of registration (requirements, scheduling, payment, etc.). Click Next. 5. You will tick I Agree on the Policy Statement and click Next. 6. Under Exam Selection you will choose Nurse technician --- There are actually 2 options for nurses: Nurse Specialist and Nurse Technician. I personally cannot differentiate the two but to be sure, just ask your agency on what to choose here. FYI: Nurses from Saudi Recruitment Office (SRO) and other agencies in the metro instruct applicants to take the Nurse technician exam. 7. Another window will appear prompting you to type your address. Type in Philippines then click Search. There are two sites but it just bears the same address. On the time of writing this (March 15, 2010, 1500H), the 8475 location is not available. So instead, I chose 8479, Manila Philippines. 8. Click Schedule an Exam. You will be prompted to select your desired exam month, date and time. 9. You will be directed to another window and you will type some additional information. Type the required information including your name, address, birth date, email address, government identification card, etc. --- In the identification card, what I typed was: Professional ID Card (the space where you will type requires a limited number of characters and Professional Regulation Commission ID would not fit in

that is why I just settled for Professional ID Card.). Anyway, you may use other government issued card like Drivers License and Passport. --- and in the Government ID Issuing the Card, choose: Philippines. 10. After that, you will proceed to another window and you will be typing the necessary information under the Payment Information. Type the Card Number, the Security Code --- I used the Visa Card of my mom and the security code is placed at the back of the card alongside the signature.. You will type the last 3-digit code. Dont you worry, if you got no idea on this there is a user friendly HELP button there that will show a figure, i.e., credit card, where you can spot the required digits).--- Type in the Name (the owner of the card) and the Expiration Date of the card. Review the information and click Next. 11. After that you will be asked to review the entered information once again and you will click Complete Registration. The final window will show you the completed registration list for you to print. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you as well in 15 minutes after registration has been completed.

My Experience in Taking the Prometric Exam

I anticipated the heavy traffic so I came an hour and 20 minutes earlier. Anyway, I was thinking that I could do some reading while waiting for the time. --- This is me. For some people, reviewing just before the exam can be disastrous since that may mix up ideas in the head.--- My scheduled time was 1100H --- pardon me for using the military time, that is the best way on putting things here to avoid confusion --- but I got there at 0940H. So after registration a lady came out from the exam room and gave me a key for the locker to place my things. All your jewelry, mobile phones, hanky, pens, bags, calculator, etc. will not be allowed inside the room. I told the lady that my scheduled exam is at 1100H but she just told me that my exam will start at 1000H. She asked me to empty my pockets --- you will have to empty ALL your pockets in front of them one by one --- and asked for my valid identification (your PRC ID, Passport, or

any government issued ID will do). Then they took a picture of me --- in here give your best smile, smiling can release tension haha. --- and asked me to double check the details entered in their database. A guy escorted me to the exam booth. And I had to sit there for at least 2 hours. A lot have claimed that the exam is easier than NCLEX (United States Nurse Council Licensure Examination). Perhaps it is safer to say that it is patterned after the NCLEX exam, no difference at all --- May I add that they have a pool of questions, so definitely ones test questions will differ to another test taker.--- Questions were anything under the sun but in my case I got a lot of Pediatric Nursing items and the rest on MedicalSurgical Nursing, basic nursing stuff, no nursing theories/theorists (in my exam). I got 2 computations but those were just the basic desired/stock and some analysis (good thing there were no computation of inotropes.. haha). Some topics that I remember are as follows: Hirschsprung's, GERD, Pyloric Stenosis, Coumadin, Heparin, aPTT, deep vein thrombosis, cyctic fibrosis, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetes Insipidus, Total Pancreatectomy, Chest tubes and management, BLS, ACLS, infant reflexes (babinski, tonic, moro, rooting, etc..), nursing diagnosis, care plan, Cushings, peripheral vascular/arterial disease, therapeutic communication, nursing procedures (NGT insertion, catheterization), some easy pharmacology, etcetera etcetera... If in case you want to practice like the actual exam try to grab an NCLEX CD and sit the exam! Some items were uber easy, some were challenging, and a few that can induce epistaxis and hematemesis lol. But generally, I must agree with what others have claimed: Prometric Exam is easier than the NCLEX. During the exam, you have an option to mark your unsure answers to questions, and later if you have enough remaining time you could always get back on those marked questions. You will know the remaining time since there is a timer on the upper right corner of the computer screen. You will have 2 hours to finish the 70-item exam and after clicking END, the screen will post your score, right then and there. The examination proctor will be coming to you in a short while to give his instructions. You will get off the exam booths room, and he will print your exam results and place a dry seal and his signature over the dry seal.

Honestly, I only browsed my notes on diagnostics and normal values a day prior to the exam date. I just thought of challenging myself on my stock knowledge and experience in practice. But if I were you, just a first hand tip, it would be better if you try to review at least a week just to refresh. Experience really helped a lot but of course the exam is based on theoretical and on-the-book nursing. Here is one thing I realized after the exam, "I should have tried browsing my notes before the test... I could have gotten a better rating..." :p The result is valid up to 3 years. Good Luck.

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