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Time line
King Louis XVI
Queen Maric Antoinette
Napoleon Bonaparte
King Louis XVI

King Louis XVI was the king of France from 1755 - 1793, during the French Revolution. He was a very laid
back and lazy king. He was also not a very likeable king to the people of France because he did not pay attention
to the important things in governmental affairs such as economy and food for all of the people of the country. This
made many citizens very upset and angry at him because he did not mind that he was destroying the country. He
did not really care about his citizens and their well being and that is why he was executed with the process of
beheading. As said in Monty Python, (give or take a few words), "King Louis XVI was 5'6" when he began his
reign, but only 4'8" at the end of it."

This is a picture of the king of France during the French Revolution. Many people from this time period
did not like him very much because he did not really care about his citizens and the economy of the
country. That is why he ended up without a head.
Queen Marie Antoinette

Marie Antoinette was the Queen of France from 1755 - 1793 while King Louis XVI was the King. The
stories of Antoinette's excesses are extremely exaggerated. For example, rather than ignoring France's
increasing financial crisis, she reduced the royal servants inside of Versailles, eliminating many
unnecessary positions that were privileged based jobs. It was the nobility that disagreed with the
financial reforms that the governmental ministers attempted to make. In truth, Marie Antoinette and King
Louis were placed in danger not only by aspects of their personalities, but by the changing of political
and social ideology in the 18th and 19th centuries.

This picture is of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France from 1755-1793 while her husband King Louis XVI was
reigning. She did not help her husband's cause to stay in office because she ignored many financial
problems that France had at the time.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte was arguably the greatest leader in all of history. Napoleon led his army into many
successful missions. Napoleon also centralized France's government by choosing officials to administer regions
called departments, into which France was divided. Napoleon also made many reforms to the government that
made the citizens of France very pleased after the weak government of King Louis XVI and Maxilimilien
Robespierre. Napoleon had many supporters and I think that is why he was so successful in battle because he was
well liked throughout the country.

This a picture of Napoleon Bonaparte riding off to battle. This is an example an artist portraying Napoleon as
being an extraordinary leader and warrior because he is leading his troops into wars known as the
Napoleonic Wars.




1760 SEVEN xxxxxxxxxx




August 5, 1769: Napoleon Bonaparte is born on Corsica.






1780 american xxxxxxx




26 AUGUST ....rights of man...

1792 21 SEP first......

1793 21 JANUARY e......... of the king

1795 Fought dissidents

Nov 9, 1799 Seizes power in a coup d'etat on 18 Brumaire

1804 21 MARCH code napoleon , Becomes "First Consul"

later Emperor I

1805 Losses to England

1814 (1815 also ) congress of Vienna

1815 bastille of waterloo

June 18, 1815: Napoleon loses at the Battle of Waterloo.

June 22, 1815: Napoleon abdicates for the second time.

1821 May 5 Napoleon dies.

28 years

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