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Separe las siguientes palabras en dos grupos, según que la parte media de la'
lenguaeste elevada o baja al pronunciar la "1". Si la "1" no se prpnuncia, o
,se aspira, no tome la palabra en cuenta.
Parte media Parte m~dia
elevada baja
league .

elk '.


18.1.A Y 18.1.B.l. Guiándose por el contexto, c.omplete con la forma correc-

.ta del sustantivo que aparece entre paréntesis, y los artículos the o ajan
si la situaci6n los pide. .

1. I need for my lace tablecloth, 1'11buy

some. (liquid soap)
2. performed an extraordinary operation
yesterday. Everybody is commenting about it (Dr. StiLlman)
3. is a wonderful invention. (computer)
4. Pleasegiveme for my coffee, Ann. (cup)
5. are not good friends of mice. (cat)
6. Where did you park - ? In the usual place? (car)
7. Our bodies need Oron)
8. I meL last night. They -are a nice couple.
9. symbolizes freeqom. (quetzal)
10. are in the top cabinet. (glass)
11. - made an emergency landing in a cornfield
near our house yesterday. 1saw it by accidente It was a dramatic expe-
12. Somebody is knocking at , please open it.
13. often travel many miles when they mi-
grate. (bird)
14. She loves ; fortunately, she doesn't care for
specially for expensive ones~ (dress) (jew-
15. could not give me an appointment for Mim-
my for tomorrow, so I asked him for one for next week. (doctor)
16. She is listeningto . attentively. (Mrs.Lee)
17. I will buy near the river. There are many
beautiful ones there. (house)
18. . and other. pol-
lute the air greatly. (car) (motor vehicle)

19. is possibly going to substituta
in many cases, due to tha high cost'of gasolina. (bicycle)
20 is essential' for.
(water) (life)


18.2.A. Escriba the donde sea necesario.

1. Weare goingto town early tomorrow morning.

2. weather improvedin the last two hours.
3. Can you see moon from there?
4. I am sure paradiseis similarto this.
5. Wenever watch televisionin the afternoon.
6. world has to find adequate solutions for the problems of
hunger and poverty. .
7. air is polluted in most cities, specially industrialcities.
8. Wecould see the force of wind.
9. society has to provide education for al! children.

10. civilization means different things for different people.

18.2.8. Escriba the cuando no se trata de la actividad conectada con un

objeto sino del objeto mismo.

1. Does the police in your town take people to jail for loiter-
ing? .
2. We go to church every day.
3. Don't sit on bed, here's a chair.
, 4. A terrible fire destroyed school around the corner last
5. Mrs. Armstrong invited us to tea.
6. Many soldiers remained in p rison months after
7. Do you play saxophone?
8. We'lIprepare d inner for al! the visitors.
9. The children won't go to bed now.
10. I cannot play tennis with you today.

18.2.C a Escriba the donde convenga por el contexto.

1. They are going to enlarge chemistry laboratories soon.

2. We neverstudy French beforelunch.
3. The concert will beginat 9:00 p.m.
4. Do you like philosophy?
5. physicsexam isgoingto includethe first fivechapters. .
6. Wedidn't have . biology last Saturday.
7. We're going to attcnq another class at 80'clock.
8. English Oepartment has a meeting Monday
next week.

18.2.1 A 18.2.0-1. Utilice the en los casos en que. lo pida el contexto, en los
~demás casos deje el espaci.o en blan~o.

1. He has a terrible temper. He's always tellin9 everybody to go to-

~hell.. .
,2. He didn't go to . college, but he is an authority in electron-
~~ .
3. Wehave to finisl1aH French excercisesbefore noon.
4. They served supper early.
5. s~n seemsstrange today;
6. museum opens at, 1'0a.m. every day except
Mondays. \
7. Helendidn't come to class today, she is sick.
8. Can you hear .
9~ Please go to- bed early tonight. We have to leave at dawn
10. . mathematics is a difficult s~bject.
11. We sponsor' . new college in our town.
12. He~sunscrupulous in his business dealings. He'l! end up in
13. world needs,peace.
14. ' Many blame society for their own mistakes and failures.
15. I didn't like chemistry dass this morning.
16. We have to attend a lecture . Tuesdayevening.
17. Let's go to town with the Clarks.
18. Oid you talk to school superintendent?


18.3.1. Escriba el artrculo the donde convenga.


1. I met Mr.Simpson's daughter last night.

2. Did you atten~ Harvard.University?
3. Ted doesn't like color of my c<?at.
4. ~ansas City is not the capital of- State of
Kansas,Topeka is its capital. .

5. . Universityof Texas has an extraordinary Latin American

. Library.
6. Washington, the Capital of the United States, 'is not in
State of Washington.
7. . College of Williamand Mary was established in 1693 in
the City of Willi.amsburg, Virginia. .
8. sound of her violin awakenedme.


18.4.1. Excriba the donde corresponda.

1. We are going to include Carolinas in óur trip, Betsy is

-sp~cially interested in visiting North Carol ina and I am
, interested in South Carolina.
2. Azores are located' in Atlantic Ocean.
3. I feel attracted by Nile, especially by its history. My hus-
, I
band and I plan to visit it from its.source at Lake Victoria
to its mquth in Mediterranean Sea.
4. Mississippi River was a source of inspiration to Mark
Twain and other writers and composers.
5. - Pyrenees extend along the French-Spanish border from
Bay of Bis~ay to Gulf of Lions.
6. Congo region extends on both sides of Con-
go River.
7. Here is a picture of Mount McKinley, we took it in our last
.trip to Alaska.
8. capital of Aztec Empire was
9. Do they live on Washington Street?
10. Margaret went to Europe last summer. She will go to-
_Asia this summer. She is máinly interested in China.
11. Napoleon died on Sto Helena on May 5, '1821.
12. Philippines owe their name to King Philip 11.
13. The Italian merchant John Cabot sailed from- Bristol to
North America in 1497. He landed on Cape
Breton Island and continued to Newfoundland.
14. Mount Kenya is an extinct volcano.


18.5.1. Complete expresando la medida base correspondiente.

1. The water in this tan k rises nine inches in sixty minutes. It rises nine

2. I paid sixteen dollars for two pairs. Th~y cost eight dollars

3. We have a state fair in April and in October every year. We have state
fairs twice

4. Four quarts of that mixture cost one dollar. That mixture cdsts one
. dollar.

6. Helen sells twelve apples for six pesos. She sells her apples at six pesos

6. Its price per kilogram 'is five pesos. It costs five pesos.

7. We visit our grandmother every Sunday. W~visit her once

8. Did you buy the cabbages at twenty cents

Ves, 1paid one dollar for five heads of cabbage.
9. They produced six tons in six days. They produced one ton

10. It lost a gallon of water in four minutes. The waste wasof one quart


18.6.A-B.1. Complete utilizando ajan donde sea necesario.

1. What shame! They ruined that beautiful tapestry through
2. 1 have- little gasoline, let's not waste it on unnecessary
3. The operation of that big hospital is entirely founded on
4. Your daughter is beauty.
5. What ' waste of energy. That gentleman is terribly stubborn,
, he will not change his mind.
6. Terry brought few cookies and some lemonade. Let's have
them' in the garden. '

7. What terrible will affect the whole project!

8. They recovered good many p ieces of furn itu re. I

9. What nuisance ,that boy is! '

10. 'have few friends, but they are excellent.
11. On many occasion Ann helped them.
12. 1 have Httle money, saved. Take it, please, and give it to
those poor orphans. , ,

13. We had wonderful time at the party last night.

14. She wasted grea,t many opportunities.
15. The creation of beauty is his sole interest.
16. Don't bring shame on your parents.
17. What pity! They lost everything in that big fire.
18. Her heart is full of kindness.
19. They are having difficult time trying to fix the caro
20. I Mrs. Brow,nshows _Iittle patience with children, unfortuna-


18.Voc.A.1. Complete con la expresi6n que más convenga segón el contexto.

1. He is not to give advice

to anyone. He is immature.
2. Youshould to that misúnderstanding..
3. Mrs.Williamsleft . She had
to pick up her husband at the airport, and she only had a few minutes
to get there.
4. Henry is not rejectingthe work
.,he is acceptif,lgextra work to help the club.
5. The rain began ,
without any warning.
6. That company se 11s ---2 one
hundred thousand dollars a month.
7. The little 9irl was lau9hing happily. When she noticed her mother was
not there, she felt .

and cried.
8. Mary is
- to support her brother and his family.Sh~has a big personal fortune
inherited from her late husband.
9. I'm losing~ one
pound a week.
10. We'lIbegin ' , please wait.


18. Voc.B.l. Complete las siguientes oraciones con la forma adecuada de

make o do según corresponda.

1. The men are the whitewashing now. Help them,

, please.
2. William doesn't have to three tables this week.
3. When are you going to 'the checking?
4. What did your father- in New York?' Oid he visit
all the museums?
5. Mrs. Simpson didn't." the washing today, and she
won't be able to the ironing tomorrow.
6. Can you a cake for the church bazaar? 1'11
four dozen cookies.
7. Grandmother a beautiful tablecloth for Myra last
8. Do you have to .that dress tomorrow?
9. Whendid the gardener. the pruning?
10. What will you and Pat ? You should discuss
everythingcarefully firs~,and thendecide.
11. I couldn't the curtains on time for the party.
12. Shallwe the framesnow?
13. How isCharles at coaching?
14. When does Mrs. Kent usually the cleaning in your
"5. The women volunteersare dresses for the
little orphan girls.
16. Do theY,usually lunch before eleven?
17. She- !he sorting of the clóthes in a hurry béf~:>reshe
18. Alice isn't the sandwiches now.


18. Voc.C. 1. Utilice la forma correcta de do o make según el' cont~xto.

1. Carolyn the work without any help yesterday.,
2. Please- that clear to the students.
3. We cou Idn"t " - the first two exercises.
4. The team- a final attempt to score.
5. The patrol car a quick U turn and returned to the
6. The patient didn't , any improvement yesterday.
7. Howcan 1-
\ without Pat's assistance?
8. He would never a favor for anybody.
9. I have to- an appointment with Dr. Wh'ite.
10. They finallv peace after one.hundred years of war.
11. We'll have to the best of the résources we have now.
12. You have to return. We can't without you.
13. When will you your school assignment?
14. They- believe the problem was solved.
15. Please. 'a deal with uso
16. He always his duty faithfully and silently.
17. I can never up my mind easily about selecting food
in a restaurant.
. 18. It was my duty to the dishes.during vacation. .
19. Who. the lesson first yesterday morning?
20. They wonderful progr~ss after Ted began helping
21. He seldom errors in spelling.
22. Willshe- the plane reservation for us?
23. Mrs. Lee an effort to get up, but she failed.
24. He- a solemn promise to his wife beforeleaving
25. Mr. Kent can't business with the new company.
26. That firm is- important nuclear research.
27. Margaret always -- her job efficiently.
28. She didn't many mistakes. '

29. They will- their,best to arrive on time.

30. That message doesn't sense at al!.


18. Trad.!. Traduzca

1. Could you do a small favor for me? Could you do me a small favor?

2. Wasthere another house here? .

3. Pleasegiveme double that amount of unsalted butter.

4. I cO,uldfind my eyeglasses nowhere.

5. Which brand did Tom buy this time?

6. Who'll receive the first two portable television sets?

7. There is nothing in your red purse.

8. What color are the baby' s shoes?

. 9. Do you haveanother credit card?

10. Are these Helen's earrings? No, hers, are the amethyst ones


Lea cuidadosamente la siguiente biografía y luego conteste las pregun-

tas que se le hacen. .


As a child Patri9k Henry didn't want to study; he would go into the

woods of his beloved Virgir.ia instead, and enjoy the beauty of nature
around him. However, his father, John Henry, a well-educated Scotsman,
and his uncle, the Rev. Patrick Henry, managed to get into him some
mathematicsand a little Latinand Greek. .

Patrick Henry was a' gay .and friendly person, and a good conversatio-
nalist, and people liked to listen to him, although he lacked the authority
derived from knowledge,
Twice he triad his luck as a stor:e owner, first when he was fifteen, as a
partner to his older brother; five years later, at twenty, by himself. 80th
attempts failed completely. In between his two experiences as a storekeeper,
hel had married Sarah Shelton, who bravely accepted his proposal of
márriage, although Patrick had no money and no prospects. 80th his and her
parents tried to help and gave them a far.m.Again Patrick failed, because he
loved life in a farm, but he didn't care for the business part of it.
Then he decided to become a lawyer. He was a Iittle afraid, but his wife
encouraged him, .and his owri desire to become a brilliant orator and con-
vince people with his eloquence ofwhat he thought about life in general and
life in the British Colonies in particular, helped him. He could not attend
the un iversity, so he ordered the books he needed and started to study them.
Patrick Henry was intell ¡gent, and he finally was doing what he really wanted
to do, so he learned well and quickly. In 1760 he a'pplied for the bar
examinations, and to the surprise of the members of the bar, who examined
him orally, he passed them. This was the beginning of his great success as a
lawyer. After his first case in defense of a group of farmers, which.he vVon,
many more came and made him one of the most famous ,Iawyers in Virginia
and in the American Colonies. In 1763, when he was twenty-seven, Patrick
won the famous "Parson's Cause" by arguing that King George 11,in disal-
lowing a just law enacted by the Virginia General Assembly in 1758, had
proven an enemy to his people, and not the father he was supposed to be.
This launched Patrick Henry into politics and he became an important
element in the American Revolutionarv War, mainly through his highly
eff~ctive oratory protesting the 8ritish intrusion on colonial rights. 8ut not
only this, he was instrumental in convincing the people of the Cólonies that
it was necessary to organize militarily, and to the arguments against war
with the British he said, among other things, these famous words: "Is I¡fe so
dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and
si?avery Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may
take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me' death". And through his
efforts, and the efforts of many other Americans, the United States finally
obtained its independence from Engl.and.
Patrick Henry continued actively in politics almost to the end of his
life. Retired for a few years, came back again into politics in 1799, but only
briefly, as he d ied that year.


1. What would young Patrick Henry do instead of studying?

2. What did his father and his uncle manage to get into him?

3. What happened wit~ his attempts to be a storekeeper?

4. Whom di'd h~ marry after the first time he failed as a storekeeper?

5. Who encouraged him to study law?

6. What did he do, since he could not attend the university?

7. When did he apply for the bar examinations?

67 .
8. How did the members of the bar examine him?

9. What famous case did he win when he was twenty-seven?

10. What did he argue about King George II? .

11. In what way did he become an important element in the Americar

Revolutionary War?

12. What did he say he wanted if he could not have liberty?

13., In what year did Patrick Henry die?



Parte media Parte media Parte media Parte media

elevada baja. elevada baja

silk silk elm e/m

allow allow lager lager
lock lock hello hello
alcohol alcohol calk
th ri11 thrill licit licit
becalm dwell dwell
league league along along
floor floor psalm
sta Ik telephone telephone
elk elk elect elect


18. 1 .A Y B. 1 .
1. I need¡¡quid soae. for my tablecloth. 1'11buy some. (liquid soap)
2. Dr. Stillman performed an extraordinary operation yesterday. Every-
body is commenting about it. (Dr. Stillman) ,

3. The com~uter is a wonderful invention. (computer)

4. Please give me a cue..for my c0ffee, Ann. (cup)
5. Cats are not good friends of mice. (cat)
6. Where did you park the car? In the usual place? (car)
7. Our bod ies need iron. (iron)
8. I met the Clarks last night. They are a nice couple. (Clark)
9. The guetzal symbolizes freedom. (quetzal)
1Q. The glasses are in the top cabinet. (glass)

11,. A-l2.lane made an emergency landing in a cornfield near our house
yesterday. 1saw it by accident. It was a dramatic experience. (plane)
12.. Somebody is knocking at the door, please open it. (door)
13. Birds often travel many miles when they migrate. (bird)
14. She.1oves dresses; fortunately, she doesn't care for jewels, specially for
expensive ones. (dress) (jewel)
15. The doctor could not give me an appointment for Jimmy for tomor-
row, so 1asked him for one for next .week. (doctor)
16. She is listening to Mrs. Lee .attentively. (Mrs. Lee)
17. I will buy a house near the river. Th~re are many beautiful ones there. .
18. Cars and other motor vehicles pollute the air greatly. (car) (motor
19. The bic.y-cleis possibly going to substitute the car in manycases-, due to
the high cost of gasoline. (bicycle) (car)
20. Water si essential for life. (water) (life).


1. We are going to town early tomorrow morning.
2. The weather improved in the last two hours.
3. Can you see the moon from there?
4. . I am sure paradise issimilar to this.
5. We never watch television in the afternoon.
6. The world has to find adequate solutions tor th.e problems ot hunger,
and poverty.
7. The air is polluted in most cities, specially industrial Cities.
8. Wecould see rhe force of the wind. .

9. Society has to provide education tor ,all children..

10. Civilization means different things for different people.

1. Does the police in your town take people to jail for loitering?
2. We go to chu r~h every day.
3. pon't sit.on the bed, here's a chair.

. I

4. A terrible fire destroyed the school around the corner last night.
5. Mrs. Armstrong invited us to tea.
6. Many soldiers remained in prision months after the war.
7. Do you play the saxophone?
8. We'll prepare dinner for all the visitors.
9. The children won't go to bed now.
10. I cannot play tennis with you today.

18.2.C a
1. They are going t.o enlarge the chemistry laboratories soon.
2. We never study French before lunch.
3. The concert will begin at 9:00 p.m.
4. Do you like philosophy?
5. The physics exam is going to incl':Jdethe first five chapters.
6. Wedidn't have biology last Saturday. .

7. We're going to attend another class at 8 o'clock.

8. The English Oepartment has a meeting Monday next week.

18.2.A a .

1. He has a terrible temper. He's always telling everybody to go to hall.

2. He didn't go to college, but he is an authority in electronics.
3.We have to finish all the French exercisesbefore noon.
4. Theyserved supper early.
5. The sun seems strange today.
6. The museum opens at 10 a.m. every day except Mondays.
7. Helen didn't come to class today, she is
8. Can you hear the wind?
9. Please go to bed early tonight. We have to leave at dawn tomorrow.
10. Mathematics is a difficult subjet.
11.' We sponsor the new college in our town.
12. He's unscrupulous in his business dealings. He'll end up in jail.
13. The world needs peace.
14. Many blame society for their own mistakes and failures.
15. I didn't like the chemistry class this morning.
16. ,Wehave to attend a lecture Tuesday evening. .
17. Let's go to town with the Clarks.
18. Oid you talk to the school superintendent?

18.3. 1.
1. I met Mr. Simpson's daughter last night.
2. Did you attend Harvard University?
3. Ted doesn't like the color-of my.coat.
4. Kansas City . is not the cap.ital of .the State of Kansas, Topeka is its
capital. .

5. The University of Texas has an extraordinary Latin American Library.

6. 'W~s,hingt6n, the Capital of t,he United States, is not in lhe State of
7. The College of William and Mary was established in 1693 in the City bf
Williamsburg, Virgini~. .

8. The sound of her violin awakened me.


. 18.4.1.

1. We are going to includethe Carolinas in our trip, Betsy is specially

interested in visiting North Carolina and I am interested in South
2. -The Azoresare located in -the Atlantic Ocean.
3. ,1 feel attracted by the Nile, especially by its history. My husband and I
plan to visit it from its source at Lake Victoria to its mouth in the
Mediterraneqn Sea.
4. The Mississippi River was a source of inspiration to Mark Twain and
other writers and composers. '
5. The Pyrenees extend along the French-Spanish border form Bay of
Biscayto the Gulf of Lions. .

6. The C.ongo region extends on both sides of the Congo River.

. 7. Here is a 'picture of Mount McKinley, we took it in our last trip to
8. The capital of the Aztec Empire was Tenochtitlan.
9. Do they live on Washington Street?
~ 10. Margaretwent to Europe last summer.Shewill 90 to Asiathis summer.
She is mainly interested in China.
11. Napoleon died on ,Sto Helena on May 5, 1821.
12. The Philippines owe their name to King Philip 11.
. 72
13. The Italian merchant John Cabot sailed from Bristol to North America
in 1497. He landed on' Cape Breton Island and continued to Newfound-
14. Mount Kenya isan extinct volcano.

18.5.1 .
1. The wa~er in this tank rises nine inches in sixty minutes. It rises nine
inches an hour.
2. I paid sixteen dollars for two pai rs. They cost eight dollars !!.tlair.
3. We have a state fair in, April and in October every year.. We have state
fairs twice!!. y"ear.
4. Four quarts of that mixture cost one dollar. That mixtur~ costs one
dollar 9-.gallon. '
5. Helen sells twelve apples for six pesos. She sells her apples at six pesos!
dozen. .
6. Its price per kilogram is five pesos. It .costs five pesos a kilogram.
7. We visit our grandmother every Sunday. We visit her once a week.
8. Oid you buy the cabbages at twenty cents a head? Ves, 1 paid one
dollar for five heads of cabbage.
9. They produced six tons in six days. They produced one ton a dav.
10. It lost a gallon of water in four minutes. The waste was of one quarti!

1. What ~ shame! They ruined that beautiful tapestrythrough careless-
ness. . - .
2. I have little gasoline, let's not waste it on unnecessary trips.
3. The operation of that big hospital is en~irely founded on charity.
4. Your daughter is!! beauty. .
5. Whati! waste of energy. That gentleman is terribly stubborn, he will not
chal1gehis mi nd. .
6. Terry brought ~ few cookies and some lemonade. Let's have them in
the garden.. .
7. What i! terrible mistake. It will affect ~hewhole project!
8. They recovered g good many pieces of furniture.
9. What! nuisance that boy ¡s!

10. I have few friends, but they are excellent. .
11. On many an occasion Ann helped them.
12. I have!!. Iittle money saved. Take it, please, and' give it to those poor
13. We had~ wonderful time at the party last night.
14. She wasted!!. great many opportunities.
15. The creation of beauty is his sole interest.
16. Don't bring shame on your parents!
17.. What~pity! They lost everything in that big fire.
18. Her heart is full of kindness.
19. They are havingE difficult time trying to fix the caro
20. Mrs. Brown shows little patience with children, unfortunately.

18. Voc.A.1.
1. He is not in a Il.osition to give advice to anyone. He is immature.
2. You shouldIl.ut an end to that misunderstanding.
3. Mrs. Williams left in a hurry. She had to pick up her husband at the
airport, and she only had a few mi nutes to get there.
4. Henry is not rejecting the .work, as a matter of fact, he is accepting
extra work to help the club.
5. The rain begé1nall of a sudden. without any warning.
6. That compan'l sells an averafle of one hundred thousanq 'dollars a
7. The little girl was laughing happily. When shenoticed her mother was
not there, she felt at a loss and cried. .
8. Mary is in a ppsition to support her brother and his family, she has,a big
personal fortune inherited from her late husband.
9. I'm losing an average of one pound a.week:
10. We'lI begin in a while, please wait.
18. Voc. B. 1.
1. The lTienare doing the whitewashing now.. Help them, please.
2. William doesn't have to make three tables this week.
3. When are you going to do the checking?
4. What did your father do in New York? Oíd he visit all the mus~ums?
5. Mrs. Simpson didn't do the washing today, and she won't be able to do
th,e ironing tomorrow.
6. Can you make a cake for the church bazaar? 1'11make four dozen
7. Grandmother made a beautÚul tablecloth for Myra last year'.
8. Do you have to make that dress tomorrow?
9. When did the gardener do the pruning?
10. What will you and Patdo? You should discuss everything carefully and
then decide. "

11.> I couldn't make .the curtains on time for the party.

12. Shall we tna'ke the frames now?
13. How is Charles doing at coaching?
14. When does Mrs. Kent usually do the cleaning in your house?
15. The women volunteers are making dresses for the little orphan girls. ~
16. . Dothey usuallymake lunch before eleven?
17. She did the sorting of the clothes in a hurry before she left.
18. Alice isn't makin!1 the sandwiches now.

18. V oc. C. 1 .
1. Carolyn did the work without any help yesterday.
2. Please make that clear to the students.
. 3. Wecouldn't do the first two exercises.
4. The team made a final attempt to score. , .

If The patrol c,armade a quick U turn and returned to the city.
6. The patient didn't make any improvement yesterday.
7, How can I do without Pat's assistance?
8. He would never do a favor for anybody.
9. I have to make an appointment with Dr. White.
10. They finally made peace after one hundred years of war.
11. We'lI have to make the best of the resources we have now.
12. You have to return. We can't do without you.
13. When will you do your school assignment?
14. They made believe the problem was solved.
15. Please make a deal with uso
16. He always does his duty faithfully and silently.
17. I can ~ever make_up my mindeasily about selecting in a restaurant.
18. It was my duty to do the dishes during vacation.
19. Who did the lesson first yesterday morning? \ '
20. They made wonderful progress after Ted began helping th.em. .
21. He seldom makes errors in spelling.
22. Willshe make the plane re~ervation for us? \

23. Mrs. Lee made an effort to get up, but she failed.
24. He made a solemn promise to his wife before leaving yesterday.
25. Mr. Kent can't do business with the new company.
26. That firm is doing important nuclear research.
27. Margaret always does her job efficiently.
28. She didn't make many mistakes.
29. They will do their best to arrive on time.
30. That message doesn't make sense at all.


18. Trad. 1.
1. Could you do small favor for me? Could you do me a small favor?
¿Me Ruedes hacer un Requeño favor?
2. Was there another house here?
¿Había otra casa aqul? (lo.. .aquí otra casa? )
3. Please give me double that amÓunt of unsalted butter.
Por favor deme 'ldame) cantidad doble de la manteguilla sin sal.
4. I could find my eyeglasses nowhere.
No pude encontrar mís anteojos en ninguna l!.arte.
5. . Which brand did Tom buy this time? .
¿Qué marca compró Tom esta vez?
6. Who'lI receive the first two portable televisionsets?
¿Quién recibirá los primeros dos televisores pprtátiles? (.. .los dos
I2rimeros. . .)
7. There is nothing in your red'purse.
No haY..nada en tu (§...u)
bolsa roía.
8. What color are the baby's shoes?
¿De qué color son los zaRatos del bebé?
9. Do you have another credit card?
¿Tienes (tiene usted) otra tarjeta de érédito?
10. Are these Helen's earrings? No, hers are the amethyst ones.
¿Son éstos los aretes de Elena? No, los de ella son los de amatista.


1. What would Y<»Jng Patrick' Henry do instead of studying?

He would 90 into the woods of his beloved Virginia and enj!!'L the
beautv.. of nature around him. '
2. What did his father and his unde manage to get into him?
Some mathematics and a little Latin and Greek.
,3. What happeneq with his attempts to be a storekeeper?
They" failed coml2.lete/~
4. Whom did he marry, after the first time he failed asa storekeeper?
He married Sarah Shelton.
5. ~ho en~ouraged him to study law?
His wife.
6. What did he do, since he could not attend the un,iversity? .
He ordered the books he needed and started to study them.
7. Whendid he apply for the b~r examinations? -
In 1760.
8. How did the membersof the bar examinehim?
Thev.. examined him oral/y':", " '
9. What famous case did he win when he was twenty-seven?
He won the famous "Parson's Cause".
10. What did he argue about King George II?
He argued that Kinu. GeorgtLl.l, in disallowing a just law enacted by the
Virginia General Assemblv.. in 1758, had R.roven an enem,,- to his n.eo{!.le,
and not the' father he was sUPl!..osedto be. '
11. In what way did he become an important element in the American
, Revolutionary War? ,

He became an im{!.ortant element in the American Revolutionar'L War

main/~ through his hiflhly effective orator'Ll!..rotesting the British in-
trusion on colonial rigl1t5.:.
12. What did he say he wanted if he could not have liberty2
He said he wanted death if he could not have IibertY..:..
13. In what year did Patrick Henry die?
In 1799.

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