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LESSON PLAN School Subject Topic Sub topic Class/ Semester Times Allocated : SMA Negeri 3 Semarang : Chemistry : Chemical Laws and Stoichiometry : Chemical calculation/ Stoichiometry : X/ I : 2 x 45 minutes

A. Standard Competence 2. Comprehend chemical base laws and its appliying in calculation B. Basic Competence 2.2. Prove and communicate the implementation of chemical base laws passed experiment and apply mole concept in finalizing calculation chemistry. C. Indicators 1. Convert number of moles to number of particles, mass and volume of substance. 2. Determine empiric formula and molecule formula D. The Purpose of Teaching-Learning 1. Students can convert number of moles to number of particles, mass and volume of substance. 2. Students are able to determine empiric formula and molecule formula E. Main Material Chemical Calculation F. Resources and Media Susilowati, Endang, 2009, Theory and Application of Chemistry for Grade X of Senior High School and Islamic High School (p133- 141 ), Solo: PT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri Sri Juari Santosa dkk, 2006, Kimia Kelas X Semester I untuk SMA dan MA (p. 94 -99 ), Klaten: Intan Pariwara

Setyawan, Fuad, Buku Evaluasi Siswa Kimia Kelas X untuk SMA/MA Semester I, Klaten: Sinar Mandiri Presentation Slide, Students work sheet, LCD, Computer Internet

G. Teaching Learning Method Group discussion and information Exploratory Combination of discourse Problem Based Instruction Structured exercise method H. Learning Activities No Activities 01. Introduction Greeting Teacher checks the students attendance Teacher conditioning the class, so the students are ready to accept the materials. Students listen to this apperception: Nitrogen is the most required element for plant. Usually nitrogen is added in fertilizer, for instance urea CO(NH2)2. Assume you want each land meter square will get addition 2, 5 g nitrogen, how many urea fertilizer do you need if nitrogent content in the fertilizer 45%? U will know, amount of nitrogen that U need by laerning stoichiometry 2. a.

PBKB Value





10 minutes

Giving informa tion

Observation on students attitude and response

Main Activities Toleran Moles Concept ce Exploration Students listen to short explanation about mol concept Students analyze to find

15 minutes

Explorat ory

Chemistry Books http://www .chemicalel m http://www

Observation 100% of

the relationship between number of moles and the number of particles, mass and volume of substance. Students are given a chance by teacher to ask questions Elaboration Students get some examples about mole concept Confirmation Students practice to convert number of moles to number of particles, mass and volume of a substance, and molarity b. Empirical and Molecular Formula Exploration Students listen to explanation about the empirical formula and the molecular formula Elaboration Teacher gives examples how to determine the empirical formula and the molecular formula Students get chance to ask questions about the material Students get some problems that must be done Confirmation Some students come forward to do the problem about empirical formula and molecular formula Others student correct the answer Students are guided by techer in doing the task 3. Closing Activities Students and teacher conclude the materials

Group Discussi on http://baha najarsma.di kmenum.g php?pelid= 1

students do the analyze

Effective questioning . 90% of students are active in class discussion

Commun icative

35 minutes

Explorat ory

Observation on Chemistry students Books http://www attitude and .chemicalel response m http://www http://baha najarsma.di kmenum.g php?pelid= 1

Group discussio n

Problem solving

Responsi ble

Observation 90% of students are active in problem solving


5 minutes

Answer question


Post test Students get homework for next meeting Teacher gives information about the matter for next meeting

Observation 100% of students do the task

I. References Susilowati, Endang, 2009, Theory and Application of Chemistry for Grade X of Senior High School and Islamic High School (p145- 168 ), Solo: PT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri Sri Juari Santosa dkk, 2006, Kimia Kelas X Semester I untuk SMA dan MA (p. 102 -115 ), Klaten: Intan Pariwara Setyawan, Fuad, Buku Evaluasi Siswa Kimia Kelas X untuk SMA/MA Semester I, Klaten: Sinar Mandiri J. Evaluation Evaluation Technique : Written test Instrument : Essay Respond : Minimum Completion Criteria Less than minimum Completion Criteria (76) More than Minimum Completion Criteria (76)

=76 = Remedial (examination) = Enrichment

K. SUBJECT MATTER CHEMICAL COMPUTATION(Stoichiometry) 1. Calculate the volume of reactant and product gases The law of volume proportions determines volume of reactant and product gases. Look out the following example: At the same temperature and pressure, 1 L hydrogen gas + 1 L chlorine gas2 L hydrogen chloride gas Hydrogen gas volume:chlorine gas volume:hydrogen chloride gas volume = 1: 1: 2 Simple relationship between reacted gases and product gases provides illusion the present of simple relationship between gases volume and its number of molecules. 2. Mole Definition In chemistry, number of atomic particles or elements that involved in chemical reaction is explained by mole. Mole is a unit to express the number of particles. Commonly, one mole is substance containing number of particles that equals

with number of particles in 12 g 12C atom. The number of particles in 12 gram 12C atom specified based on experiment result is 6, 02 x 1023. Number 6, 02 x 1023 is known as Avogadro constant symbolized with NA. That statement can be written mathematically as follows: NA = 6, 02 x 1023 particles The number of particles in mole of any substances is n x 6, 02 x 1023 particles 3. Molar Mass and Molar Volume a. Molar Mass Molar mass is one mol mass of substance expressed in grams. Molar mass is symbolyzed as Mm in gram/mol unit. Molar mass is close associated with definition of relative atomic mass(Ar) and relative molecular mass(Mr) m = mass (g) m = n x Mm n = number of moles (mol) Mm = molar mass for each 1 mol of gas. Molar mass (Mm) A element = Ar A g/mol Molar mass (Mm) B element = Mr B g/mol b. Molar Volume Molar volume expresses volume for each 1 mol of gas. Hence, molar volume is mostly affected by temperature and pressure. In chemistry, the conditions 0 C and 1 atm are deemed as standard conditions that commonly abbreviated as STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure) If expressed as STP, molar volume is symbolized by Vm, relationship between volume number of moles and tha gas molar volume is as follows: V = Volume of the gas N = number of moles Vm = The gas molar volume When volume of the gas is measured at certain temperature and pressure, then equation used is the ideal gas equation.The ideal gas equation is as follows:

V = n x Vm

PV = nRT

P = Pressure of the gas (atm) V = Volume of the gas (L) n = number of mole R = gas constant (0, 0821 atm L mol-1 K-1)

If one mol gas measured at room temperature (25C) and 1 atm then its volume is 24, 5 L 4. Empirical and Molecular Formulas Chemical formula is a combination of chemical symbol to express comosition of molecules, compounds or mixture. Chemical formula of any substance can be molecular and empirical formulas. Molecule is an aggregate of atoms. A

molecular formula shows the exact number of atoms of each element in the smallest unit of a substance. Example: Methane molecule consists of one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. Hence, methane has molecular formula CH4. Empirical formula is the simplest ratio of atoms that compose a molecule. Hence, empirical formula is also called comparison formula. Chemical name Molecular Formula Empirical Formula Water H2O H2O Benzene C6H6 CH Ethane C2H6 CH3 Ethene C2H4 CH2 Ethyne C2H2 CH Sugar C11H2O11 CH2O

L. INSTRUMENT Essay! 1. At the same temperature and pressure: 1 L hydrogen gas + 1 L chlorine gas2 L hydrogen cholrine gas. Determine its complete chemical equation. 2. How many particles are found in 3 mol of iron metal? 3. How many mol of copper are found in 3, 01 x 1024 copper particles? 4. Known Ar Fe= 56. Calculate the molar mass of Fe= 56 g/mol! 5. Zinc (Zn) is silver white metal used to mske bronze (copper mixture) and to coat iron so that no rust occurs. a. How many grams of Zn are present in 0, 356 mol of Zn? b. How many moles of Zn are in 668 g of Zn? 6. At certain temperature and pressure, 5 moles of SO2 gas have 100 L volume, at the same temperature and pressure, what is the volume of 3 moles of NO2 gas? 7. Calculate mass of carbon dioxide gas (CO2) produced when 108 g ethane (C2H6) burned in O2 gas. 8. Detrmine percentage of each element in ether anaesthesia (C4H10O). (Ar C= 12, H= 1, O = 16) 9. A 0, 476 g sample of iron oxide is reduced by flowing CO gas. Iron mass produced is 0, 345 g. Determine that oxide empirical formula. 10. A compound consists of 84% carbon and 16% hydrogen. If Ar C=12, Ar H=1 and Mr=100, determine the empirical and molecular formulas of the compound.

Key of Essay No. 01. Key Hydrogen gas volume:chlorine gas volume:hydrogen chloride gas volume= 1: 1: 2. It means that the ratio of number of hydrogen molecules: number of chlorine molecules: number of hydrogen chloride molecules= 1: 1: 2. The equation between hydrogen gas and chlorine gas is as follows. H2(g) +Cl2(g) 2HCl(g) 1 mol of iron metal (Fe) = 6, 02 x 1023 particles 3 mol of Fe metal = 3 x 6, 02x1023 particles = 1, 806 x 1024 particles Copper metal (Cu) = 3, 01 x 1024 particles 1 mol of Cu = 6, 02 x 1023 particles Score 10





04. 05.

Mass of 1 mol of Fe = 1 x 56= 56 gram. Thus, molar mass of Fe = 56 g/mol a. Molar mass of Zn s 65, 4 g/mol, then Zn mass is: 0, 356 mol x 65, 4 g/mol= 23, 3 gram Thus, there is 23, 3 g of Zn in 0, 356 mol f Zn. b. Based on Zn molar mass, you can change Zn mass into mole. Mol Zn = Comparison of mole of SO2 gas and NO2 gas = 5 : 3 Volume of 5 mol of SO3 gas is 100 L then volume of 3 mol of NO2 gas is : Thus, volume of NO2 gas is 60 L 2C2H6(g) +7O2(g) 4CO2(g) + 6H2O Known 108 g of C2H6, Mr CO2 = 44 Three following steps can determine mass of carbon dioxide: Step I : Calculate moles of 108 g of ethane 1 mol of C2H6 = 30 g then 108 g of

10 10





Step II : Calculate the number of moles of carbon dioxide produced. Based on equation, 2 mol of C2H6 produced 4 mol of CO2. 3, 6 mol of C2H6 produce Step III : Calculate the number of carbon dioxide produced (in grams)


1 mol of CO2 = 44 g 7, 2 mol of CO2 = 7,2 x 44 g = 316, 8 g So, the mass of carbon dioxide gas produced from combustion of 108 g of ethane is 316, 8 gram Total mass of 1 mol of C4H10O derived from its relative molecular mass Mr C4H10O = (4 x 12) + ( 10 x 1) + 16 = 74



Thus, percentage of each element in ether anaesthesia is 64, 9% C, 13, 5% H and 21, 6% O Iron mass produced = 0, 345 g


Oxygen mass = 0, 476 0, 345 = 0, 131 g Fe : O ratio = Thus, iron oxide empirical formula is Fe3O4 10. The number of C atoms:the number of H atoms = Thus, that compound empirical formula is C7H16, Its molecular mass is (C7H16)n = 100 100 n = 100 n=1 Tha compound molecular formula is C7H16 Total 10


Semarang, Approved by, School Principal of SMAN 3 Semarang

July 2011


Drs. HARI WALUYO, M. M NIP. 19640207 198803 1 016

Dra. WIDYA PRAHASTUTI NIP: 19600813 198803 2 005

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