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Date: December 16, 2008
locksley, Michael
Banner!D: 101464035
Athletics Football 925E
Positloo Number: S07577 Suffix: 00
After consultation with appropriate University authorities, it has been determined that your appointment status will be
Head CoaehiFootbalf - Y7009
for the period of service from 12/08!2008 to 00130/2014.
$1,669,500.00 66.78 1.0 925027 100% 12!08/2008 06130/2014 $25,000.00 66.78
Base 8alary: $300,000.00
This is the {1) first year of a (6) six-year contract. Please refer to the Employment Addenda for details.
,.,..,..,..,;,,tm,.,..,t is governed by app!icabte policies as stated in the University's lntercoltegiate Athletics Policies and
"''"'ruu""'"' Manual and the University Business Policies and Procedures Manual, as they are amended from time to
time, published and distributed by the University, and by relevant federal and state laws and regulations. In conformance
with UNM policy 3240, The University reserves the right to renew or not renew this contract.
The contract of a for !he fiscal year !s usually written to indicate a twelve-month period of employment,
it being understood for coaches, a one-month vacation is implicit in the agreement However, details of the
policy on vacation accruals are governed by the University's !ntercoUagiate Athletics Polictes and Procedures Manual
and the University Business Policies and Procedures Manual. Where duplication of policy exists in both documents, the
University's Intercollegiate Athletics Policies and Procedures Manual shall prevail.
Please sign, make a copy and take the original of this contract !o the Division of Human Resources, 1700 Lomas NE.,
Ste. 1400 within !he next ten days.
i accept the appoin1ment described above.
SEP. 24. 2009 : 19AM UNM A HLET CS SSC 1-505-2 72-7122
NO. 5530 P. 4
11.2...2 Athletically Related Income
Contractual agreements, Including letter. of appointment, between a full-time or part..tirM athletics
department staff member (excludtng sec1'8tarlal or clerical personnel) and an institution shall Include the
stipulation that the staff momber is required to provide a written detailed account annually to the president or
chancellor for all dtletfcaOy related income and benefits ftom s o ~ oumlde the institution. In addition, the
approval of aJI athletically related income and benefits shall be consistent with the Institution's poliey related
to outside income and benefits applicable to au full-time or part-time employees.
1 understand that 1 am required by NCAA Bylaw 11.2.2 to provide a written detailed account annually to the
chief executive officer for all athletically related fncome and benefits from sources outside the institution. In
itdaltion, the approval of all athletically related income and benefits &hall be consiStent with UNM's policy
related to outside income and benefits apprtcable to all full.-tfme or part-time employees. Sources of such
income shal include, but are not rrmited to, the folloWing: (a) Income from annuJHes; (b) Sports camps; (c)
Housing benefits (including preferential housing arrangements); (d) Country club memberships; (e)
Complimentary ticket sales; (f) Television and radio programs; and (g) Endorsement or consultatiOn contracts
wtth athletics shoe, apparel or equipment manufacturers.
I understand that receiving athletically related Income for any actMtfes for which my involvement is related to
my reputation or abifrty as a coach and that benefits receiVed from an outside organization must include the
name of the organization as well aS the specific amount of the contract for any such income and/or benefits.
1 understand that If I have a contractual agreement with an organization (e.g., apparel or shoe company) that
Includes separate contracts for various items (e.g., hats, t-shirts), I must submit the contractual agreement
information on each Tine below.
(a) Income from amuitiel; (e) Sports camps
(b) Housing benefits (including preferential housing arrangements); {i) Country dub memberships
(c) Compfimentary ticket sales; (g) Television and radio programs
(d) Endorsemeht or consultation contracts with athletics $hoe apparel or eauiRJnent manufacturers_
Name of Organization: Amount Received or Value of
The following additional terms and conditions shall be an Addendum to the standard printed
employment contract between the University of New Mexico ("University") and Head CoachiMen's
Football MIKE LOCKSLEY ("Coach Locksley"). Together, this Addendum and Coach Locksley's
standard printed contract shall be referred to as the "A!:,JTeement."
I. POSITION: Coach Locksley shall be responsible for all aspects of the University's
intercollegiate men's football program, under the direct supervision of the Vice President tor
Intercollegiate Athletics ( "VPIA ") or the Senior Associate Athletic Director. During the period of
this Agreement Coach Locksley shall devote his entire time to the duties of Head Coach/Men's
Football, and shall not engage in any other employment except as specifically authorized by this
A!:,JTeement or the VPIA.
2. TERM OF AGREEMENT: The term of this A!:,JTeement shall be for a period of five (5) years and
seven (7) months, commencing December 9, 2008, and ending June 30, 2014. The first contract
year under this Agreement shall be an abbreviated contract year commencing on December 9,
2008, and ending on June 30, 2009. All subsequent contract years shall commence on July I and
end on June 30. This Agreement may be extended beyond June 30, 2014, only by the mutual,
written a!:,JTeement of the parties. This Agreement shall automatically terminate upon Coach
Locksley's death or pennanent disability ("pennanent disability" shall mean a minimum of six
(6) consecutive months of incapacity preventing Coach Locksley from performing the essential
functions of his job). No notice to Coach Locksley shall be required for this Agreement, and with
it Coach Locksley's employment by the University, to end on June 30,2014.
3. COMPENSATION: The compensation obligation of the University under this Agreement shall
be in four components: (a) Base Salary and Benefits; (b) Other Compensation; (c) Independent
Income; and (d) Incentive Salary. All compensation described in para!:,JTaphs 3.a, 3.b.4, 3.b.5 and
3.b.6 of this Agreement shall be prorated tor the first, abbreviated contract year described above.
a) BASE SALARY AND BENEFITS: Coach Locksley shall receive a base salary of
$300,000 per contract year. Effective July L 2010, and each year thereafter within the
Agreement tenn. Coach Locksit:y's base salary will be adjusted in accordance with the
Regents' annual salary policy for staff for that year. Employer-paid fringe benefits shall
be paid in addition to the base salary consistent with University policy.
b) OTHER Ctl:Jch Locksky shall pnHidcd
dun tcm1
l) Coach Lockskv shall be provided 2 courtesy cars for his personal use.
subject to all the insurance. income tax. and other policies and regulations of the car
donor. the l:niversity. and the lntcm;d Revenue Senice. Coach Locksky
understands and that the uc of the cars is taxable
to h
2) Coach Locksley shall receive twelve ( 12) reserved season tickets to home
games for each Men's Football season. Coach Locksley understands and agrees that
the value of these tickets is taxable compensation to him;
3) Coach Locksley's spouse \\ill be added to the official University travel
party to regular-season away games within the continental United States. Coach
Locksley understands and agrees that the value of this benefit is taxable
compensation to him;
4) In addition to his regular coaching duties, Coach Locksley shall be
responsible for reasonable efforts to promote the men's football program, the
University of New Mexico and the University's athletic department within the
community, and for meeting with sponsors and donors. These additional duties
shall be discharged in coordination with and under the direction of the VPIA and
shall include, without limitation, speaking to youth groups, alumni assemblies,
service clubs and the like, conducting free football camps and clinics to
disadvantaged youth, meeting with sponsors and donors, and similar activities as
may from time to time be assi!:,'11ed by the VPIA or the Senior Associate Athletic
Director. Coach Locksley shall not refuse any reasonable community relations
assignment from the VPIA. Coach Locksley shall be paid, in twelve approximately
equal monthly payments in addition to the base salary described above, the amount
of $150,000.00 per contract year in consideration of discharge of the duties
described in this paragraph, said amount to be paid directly from funds available to
the Athletic Department. Coach Locksley understands and agrees that payments to
him pursuant to this paragraph constitute taxable compensation;
5) The University may enter into agreements with radio and/or televisions
station(s) (the "Media Agreements") under which the University will receive
revenue subject to conditions and terms negotiated between the University and
third parties. Irrespective of the University entering into any Media Agreements
during the Term, the University will, in addition to the foregoing amounts, pay to
Coach Locksley the additional sum of $200,000.00 per contract year to be available
to make appearances as a representative of the University and/or which will
otherwise fulfill the obligations of the University with regard to those third-party
contacts or other arrangements. The University will pay the $200,000.00 described
in this paragraph in t w e l v ~ approximately equal installments during the contract
year, as part of Coach Locksley's monthly compensation. Coach Locksley shall
assist the University in obtaining contracts and arrangements as described in this
para!:,rraph, and will n(t unreasonably withhold any appearance which is necessary
meet the contractual and other obi under this paragraph.
will not en1er \'>hich conflict with
of the as m paragraph. Coach
understands and that the benefits provided under this paragraph are taxable
compensation to him:
6) The Lniversity may enter into promotion, use and/or endorsement
any Endorsement Agreements during the Tenn. the University wilL in addition to
the foregoing amounts. pay Coach Locksley the sum of $100.000.00 per contract
year to wear and equip his team with shoes, other apparel and equipment as
directed by the University. Coach Lockslcy will not enter into individual
endorsement or any other agreements with third parties \vhich require him to
endorse, wear or equip his team with shoes and/or apparel andior equipment \\hich
would conflict with agreements between the University and Leartield Lobo Sports
Properties or other parties or entities. The VPIA shall reasonably decide in good
faith whether there is any such conflict, and the VPIA' s decision shall be tina! and
binding on Coach Locksley. The University will pay the compensation described
in Paragraphs 3(b)(4), 3(b)(5) and 3(b)(6) on a pro-rated monthly basis during each
contract year, as part of Coach Locksley's taxable monthly compensation.
c) INDEPENDENT INCOME: Subject to compliance with Athletics Depa1iment, UNM,
Mountain West Conference and NCAA policies, as currently in force and from time to
time amended, and with the advance written permission of the VPIA to be requested in
writing, Coach Locksley may earn other athletics-related income during the period of this
Addendum. The required written permission of the VPIA shall be requested prior to the
commencement of each contract year or as otherwise required based upon deals that may
commence during a particular contract year. Such activities are independent of his
University Employment, and the University shall have no liability or responsibility for
any claims arising therefrom. Coach Locksley agrees to indemnify the University and
hold it harmless from any claims arising out ofhis independent contractual arrangements
with third parties. Coach Locksley's advance written requests pursuant to this para!,'Taph
shall include the sources and amounts of any independent income contemplated by this
With the written permission of the VPIA, Coach Locksley may organize and conduct a
camp, clinic, lessons, or sport league pursuant to the Athletics Department's summer
camp policy (Camp/Clinic Manual). These activities are performed in addition to Coach
Locksley's assigned duties and responsibilities, and shall not interfere with those assigned
duties and responsibilities. Coach Locksley shall receive no compensation from the
University in connection with these activities.
d) INCENTIVE SALARY: In addition to the compensation set forth above, Coach Locksley
will earn incentive salary according to the following schedule, whi.:.h shall be reviewed
and may \Vith mutual agreement of the parties be adjusted upwards annually:
APR OVER 935-$5.000
0'\!E YEAR A'\!D 4 Y \R GRADL\ TION RATES OVLR o-$5.000
SELECTI0'-1 TO BCS 80\VL GA\1E-S J 50.000
\1\VC CHAMPIO:\:SHIP-\25.0()()
4. RELOCATION EXPENSES: The University will reimburse Coach Locksley for moving
expenses not to exceed $20,000.00 incurred by Coach Locksley in moving his residence from
rllinois to New Mexico.
5. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: This Agreement is subject and subordinate to a determination by
the Board of Regents to the availability of funds for the support of the intercollegiate men's
football program. In the event such funds are determined to be insufficient by the Board of
Regents and the men's football proJ:,rram is indefinitely suspended or tenninated or Coach
Locksley's compensation hereunder is adversely affected, this A&rreement may also be
terminated at the end of the fiscal year in which such a finding is made or within ten ( 1 0) days of
any actual reduction of compensation, whichever first occurs. Upon such termination, all rights
and obligations due from each party to the other under the provisions of this Agreement shall
6. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT FOR CAUSE: The University reserves the right to
tenninate this Agreement for "adequate cause" at any time. "Adequate cause": shall mean the
violation of any material obligation of Coach Locksley under this Agreement or any amendments
thereto which are not cured by Coach Locksley within a reasonable amount of time;
insubordination; neglect of duty; malfeasance; conduct involving moral turpitude; conviction of
a felony; major or repeated minor violation of policies, rules, or regulations of the University;
major or repeated secondary infractions of the Mountain West Conference or NCAA rules;
violation of his duty to use diligent, good faith efforts to ensure such compliance by his statf or
student-athletes in the men's football program; willtul or grossly negligent conduct injurious to
the intercollegiate football program at the University; or, any other reason constituting adequate
cause for tennination pursuant to official written policies of the University and/or its Athletics
Department. If this Agreement is terminated for adequate cause, the University shall have no
turther liability except for base salary and fringe benefits accrued to the date of termination and a
pro rata share of the Other Compensation described in paragraph 3.b.4, 3.b.5 and 3.b.6, above, to
the date of termination.
7. TERMINATION BY REQUEST OF COACH LOCKSLEY: Coach Locksley may terminate this
Agreement without cause at any time upon thirty days notice to the VPIA. In the event that
Coach Locksley terminates this agreement pursuant to this paragraph, the University shall have
no turther liability except for base salary and benetits accrued to the date of tennination, a pro
rata share of the Other Compensation described in paragraph 3.b.4, 3.b.5 and 3.b.6, above, to the
date of tcnnination. Coach Locksley understands and agrees that his ten11ination of this
Agreement pursuant to this paragraph prior to the expiration of the tcnn of this Agreement \\ill
cause irreparable harm to the reputation and athletic programs of the University in an amount not
capable of precise calculati<'n or quantitication. Therefore. Coach Locksley agrees to pay to the
Cnin:rs1 , as liquidated damages (the "Liquidated Damages") :Jnd not as penalty. a sum
m tcr111inates to paragraph at any
time to tlmd full (July l June 30) contract year. and the sum l)f
S I 00.000.00 m the event he terminates th1s Agreement pursuant to this paragraph at any time
between the end of the third full contract year and the expiration of the term of this Agreement.
The Liquidated Damages shall be the l'niversity's sole and cxclusi\t: quantification and
limitation nf Cnach Llcksley's (bmages owed to the l pursuant to this 7 and
L \ l
8. TERMINATION BY REQUEST OF UNIVERSITY: The University may voluntary tenninate
this Agreement by giving written notice to Coach Locksley not later than March 31 of any
contract year. No notice from the University shall be required for the Agreement to expire by its
terms on JUNE 30, 2014. In the event of termination of this by the University other
than for cause as defined in paragraph 6, above, the University shall pay to Coach Locksley his
pro-rated base salary, as described in paragraph 3, above, and his pro-rated other compensation
as described in paragraph3.b.4, 3.b.5 and 3.b.6, above, for the remainder of the contract year in
which such notice is given. The University shalL in addition, pay to Coach Locksley his base
salary, as described in 3 .a. above, for each remaining contract year of the tenn of this
Agreement. This additional sum shall be deemed a severance payment to Coach Locksley. in
return tor which Coach Locksley agrees to release the University from any claims and liability
associated with the termination of his employment at the request of the University. The sum
described in this paragraph will be paid in monthly payments to Coach Locksley, with New
Mexico and federal tax withholdings, until paid in full. Coach Locksley understands and agrees
that there will be no retirement withholding or contribution on the severance payment described
in this paragraph. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this paragraph all rights and
obligations due from each party to the other under this shall cease upon the effective
date oftennination as set forth in the written notice required by this paragraph.
In the event Coach Locksley obtains other coaching employ1nent during the period for which
UNM is obligated to continue pa)ments to Coach Locksley pursuant to this paragraph, Coach
Locksley shall immediately notify the Vice President of Intercollegiate Athletics of his new
employment and all annual compensation to be paid to him pursuant to a written contract of
employment, including any addenda or amendments associated with that contract. Pursuant to
this paragraph, the University's financial obligation to Coach Locksley will be offset by all
compensation paid pursuant to the new written contract of employment, including any addenda
or amendments, including but not limited to, base salary, deferred compensation, shoe and
equipment contracts, public relations and bonuses and incentive salary.
9. CONDUCT OF ATHLETICS PERSONNEL: Coach Locksley. hired to administer, conduct or
coach intercollegiate athletics, shall act with honesty and sportsmanship at all times in promoting
the honor, dignity, fair play and high standards associated with competitive sports.
I 0. UNETHICAL CONDUCT: Coach Locksley shall refrain from unethical conduct Unethical
conduct by a prospective, cmTent or former University employee shall mean the following
a) Refusal to furnish infonnation relevant to an investigation of a possihle violation of an
\ICAA regulation when requested to Jo so by the \ICAA or the Cnivcrsity;
or transcripts for
c) Knowing involvement in ng or providing a prospective or an enrolled student-
athlete an improper inducement or extra benefit or improper financial aid;
e) Receipt of benefits by Coach Locksley for facilitation or arranging a meeting bet\veen a
student-athlete and an agent, financial ad\isor, or a representative of an agent or advisor,
(e.g., a "runner") in violation of NCAA rules.
1 I. COMPLIANCE WITH RULES AND REGULATIONS: Coach Locksley shall be responsible for
maintaining complete knowledge of and full compliance with the policies, rules and regulations
of the University (particularly those described in the Athletic Department's Policies and
Procedures Manual), the MWC or any other conference with which the University may elect to
affiliate, and the NCAA (all as currently in force and as amended from time to time). Coach
Locksley shall immediately report any suspected or real violations of the above policies, rules
and regulations occurring in the Department to the Assoc. Athletic Director Admin. If Coach
Locksley is tound to be in violation of any of the foregoing while employed by the University,7
or is found to have been in violation of NCAA or conference rules and regulations during prior
employment at another NCAA member institution, he shall be subject to disciplinary or
corrective action as set forth in the NCAA enforcement procedure and as set forth in this
Agreement, up to and including termination. Tennination pursuant to this paragraph shall be
deemed termination for adequate cause.
12. ARBITRATION: To the fullest extent permitted by law, any dispute or controversy arising out
of or relating to this At,:rreement or the breach thereof, including the rights, duties, obligations and
liabilities of the parties hereunder, shall be determined by binding arbitration. The duty to
arbitrate shall survive and include the cancellation or termination of this Agreement and shall
include all disputes or questions regarding interpretation and enforceability of this Agreement.
Arbitration shall be conducted, upon request of either party, before a single arbitrator chosen by
the parties by alternately striking names from a list of seven names submitted by the American
Arbitration Association of individuals who shall be attorneys knowledgeable in the field of
employment contracts and, to the greatest extent possible, collegiate athletics, and who shall
make his/her award in confonnity with the rules of said Association and in accordance with the
laws of the State of New Mexico as applied to the facts found by him/her. The expense of
arbitration proceedings conducted hereunder shall be bome equally by both parties hereto, and
all arbitration proceedings hereunder shall be conducted in Albuquerque, New Mexico. If the
arbitrator detennines that the University did not have adequate cause for any tennination under
Paragraph 5, damages shall be calculated based upon sums that the University would be required
to pay under the compensation provisions of this Agreement. No other compensatory,
consequential or exemplary damages may be awarded to Coach Locksley.
13. The waiver by either party of a breach of any provision of this A.b'Teement
shall not operate or be construed as a waiver by that party of any subsequent breaches. All
agreement and covenants in th1s Agreement are se\ erublc. and 1 f a cout1 competent
any to be 1m ali d. remamder of this
max1mum cable extent.
14. The l'ni\ersity standard printed employment contract and this
Addendum to that contract together constitute the entire agreement between the parties. Coach
Locksley affin11ati\Ciy states and warrants that he does not. in entering into this agreement. rely
l) STATUTORY OVERSIGHT: This Agreement and any other amendments or addenda shall be
governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Mexico and policies of the
University of New Mexico Board Of Regents.
16. ASSIGNMENT: This Agreement is strictly non assignable.
Date: '1/JJ /CJ9
Paul Krebs
Vice President for Intercollegiate Athletics

/ I
The part1es and ag= that the >nii'3Ct between Hoad
Coach/Men's Football Mik< LocLsley (''Coach Lockslcy"') and I he I n"crsil) of Se"
( .. th< l'niver>ll) .. ) is comprised of Coach l.ocJ.,k) s sund.ud. print!. annual
cmplo) mcm agreement nd the ADDENDUM TO EMPLOYMP..'T AGRFr-\IENT or
IIE.AD COACH MIKE l.OCKSlEY (''lhe Addendum" i. tnse<hcr referned to as ''the
AgroemcnL'' The pan1es furtl>er and ngr that P""''.'J11Ph 14 of the Addendum
permits amcndmentthercofb) \\nttrnogroemcnt of the partlt'S. Th< par1ies hereby
murually agree that the Ap<Cment b< amended. effective March I, 20 II,"" 'ICI forth
P-araph ' of the Addendum. TERMINATION B' RlillUEST OF CQbCH
LOCKSkEY. is amended tO read. Cooch locl..l<l rna} tenninate Asr<ement
wnhou< couse at ftn) lime upon thirt) cU)< notice to the VI'Lo\ In the evem dtM
Croch Lochk) tenmnates this agreement pur<:uant tO th1; paragruph. lhc
Umvcrsit} shall ha>c no further hah1hl)' C\C<pl for ba'< salary and benc:fiu
accruod to the date of termln>tion and a pro rata share of the Od>or Ce>mpensation
described in paragraph 3.b 4 >.b.S w>d 3 b.6. above, to tho oftcrmintion.
2. Paragraph 8 of the Addendum. TERMI:-e.TIOl>; BY REOUESI OF
l"\1\ &Rsm, i amended 10 read The ttn,versil)' mny voluntary tc:rmmate th"
Agreement, "1thout cnuS<' a.< defined 1n ranllmph 6. abo\e. gr"ing wrinen
notice to C.oa<h loculey not lar than '>btch ) I of an) conrro.:t yeur. No nouce
from the l;nhm1ty <hall be requlrod lor the D'Pire b> its 1emrs on
JUNE 30. 1014. In the O\cnt ofterm1naunn of thl> Agreern..'tll b) the l
t\ther than for cause as defined in parattap/1 6. above, the L nhersir> shall pay ro
Cooch Loci.sle) hrs base <alury and benefit> os dccribed rn parugraph 3(al,
above. and o pro mta share of the Other Compen-...ti<m described m paragraph
3.b.4, 3.b.5 and J.b.o, abo>e. tO the date of tcmrination. lind oontinue hi< ba<e
and benefiu as described in patai<Ph 1(o\together w1th pro mm payment<
of the Other Ce>mrensation described on pamgrph l.b 5 and 3.b.6, abo' e. for the
remanrder of the oontmet year rn "luch notice is grven The llnhersiry shall. "'
acldiuon. pa) to Coach the sum ol ONE HUNDRED A NO FIFTY THOUSAND
DOLL.,RS ($I 50,000.00) for each remainrng full con!J1ld )car of the term of !hi
Thi> oddnionul sum shall be deemed <:e\cranee payment ro Coach
in rerum for which Conch Lockslcy agrees to the tnicrsit)
from OD} clorms and hobihty ll$SOC1nted "-llh the termination ofhiscmpklym<m at
tho of the Linl\e<"t> The 'CVeranee pa)mcnl described in this )'OJ1!
"ill be pald in month)) paymenu. to Cooch Locl..;ley, "-llh t-Oe\1< MelU> and
fedcrul tax withhold1ngs, until prud rn full. Coach t ocl.>ley llllder<w>ds and
ogre.:. that then: "-ill be oo n:tnement "''thboldin or contributiorr on the
pa)ment described on this parai'aph. Except a< Othef"ise express!>
pro,ided "' this pmsrapb all rights and obligatoons due from o.t<h pany 10 lhe
olher under !hiS Agr<ement <hall cease UJ'<lfl the dTccuve <btc of "'"'"n"'"" "> forth 1n 1he written notice "'qUI red by lhos paragmph
3. P""'l"Ph l(d) of the INCQHIVE SALARY. is aononded to odd an
odd!tional ilcm tn the m"enue salar) schedule. 10 read SIX REGULAR
unde<> and 11l' that, apon from the 3!tlendments forlh tn tlu< HRST
COAC II MIKE LOCKSL!:. Y, terms und co11ditions of employment set forth in 1he
Addendum ase unaff<cted hy th" first Amendm<nt and rema1n m full force and effect

Paul Krebs
Pres1dent for ln1ercoll irue A.thleliC\
D J.
Pres dent
Date. _ _ _

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