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THE OVERHEAD PASS A player in the team who tosses the ball to a teammate either to make a pass or to set

the ball for an attack performs the overhead pass. There are three (3) aspects involved in the execution of the skill namely: 1) the overhead stance, 2) the ball contact and 3) the follow through. The following are the uses of the overhead pass: 1. To set up the ball to a teammate for a spike attack 2. To receive a served ball 3. To pass the ball to a teammate 4. To ground the ball to the opponents court Mechanics of the Overhead Pass 1. Player assumes the overhead stance. Arm Position: Arms are raised above the shoulders at 90-degree angle with elbows bent outward. Hand Position: Hands opened, facing upward with fingers evenly spaced above the forehead. Both index fingers and thumbs form a triangular figure with about 3 inches spaced between them. The back is almost in a straight position with the trunk slightly bent forward. Knees are bent in a near half squat position. The space in between the feet may be relatively wider than the shoulder width. One foot steps in front. About 60-70% the front foot carries weight of the body while the rear foot supports the other 30-40%. 2. Ball contact Eyes are focused on the ball. During the duration of the pass, the ball bounces at the pads of fingers.


3. The follow through At the point of ball contact, both hands push the ball 45-50 degrees upward as the arms are fully extended. During the pass, the rear foot pushes upward as the rear leg extends.

DRILLS FOR THE OVERHEAD PASS INDIVIDUAL DRILLS Self Toss Objective: To train the player to toss the ball at a 90 degree angle. Mechanics: 1. Player assumes the tossing stance. 2. Player performs the overhead pass at a 90-degree angle relative to the ground for 5, 10, 15 and 20 consecutive times within a specified area. Overhead Pass Objective: 1. To gain ease & confidence in performing the stance of the overhead pass 2. To adequately prepare the player for the overhead pass. Mechanics: 1. In standing Position, the player holds the ball with both hands below waist level. 2. Player throws the ball vertically at 90 degrees parallel to the ground. 3. Player catches the ball in a tossing stance in 5 repetitions for 3 sets. Moving Self Toss Objective: To develop ball control in performing the overhead pass in three different directions: forward, backward and sideward. Mechanics: 1. Player throws the ball upward and performs a continuous overhead pass in a forward movement at a distance of 9 meters. 2. Player goes back to the other side in the same forward movement. 3. Player performs the same overhead pass (mechanics a & b) in backward and then sideward movement.

PARTNER AND GROUP OVERHEAD PASS DRILLS Continuous Overhead Pass with Partner Objective: To develop ball control in performing the overhead pass. Mechanics: 1. Each partner assumes the overhead stance 2. Partners toss the ball back & forth to each other at a distance of 2 to 3 meters. Partners Moving Overhead Pass Objective: To develop accuracy in tossing the ball with a partner in different movement directions: forward, backward and sideward Mechanics: 1. Both partners assume the overhead stance. 2. Partners toss the ball back and forth at a given distance. One moves forward as the other partner moves backward during the pass. 3. After the forward-backward pass, partners perform the same pass in sideward movement. TESTING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Self Toss 1. Player tosses the ball continuously far a maximum of 15 consecutive times within a designated area. 2. Each player is given two consecutive trials. 3. If a player scores 15 in the first trial, he/ she may not attempt the second trial. Both trials will be counted but only the higher score will be recorded. 2. Feed the Ball Toss 1. Choose a teammate. 2. At a distance of 3 meters, thrower feeds the ball to partner 15 consecutive times. 3. Partner tosses the ball using the overhead pass and returns the ball accurately to the thrower. 4. If a player returns the ball accurately for 15 consecutive times, he/she may not attempt the second trial. Both trials will be counted but only the higher score will be recorded.

(Self Toss Grade + Feed the Ball Toss Grade) / 2 = FINAL GRADE



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