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Thunderhawk Transporter


A Thunderhawk Transporter is a variant of the Astartes Thunderhawk Gunship that sacrifices a portion of its firepower and infantry transport capacity in order to mount magnetic grapples that can lock onto a tank and allow the Thunderhawk to transport it from orbiting star ship to a dedicated landing zone, secured by battle brothers already on the ground. BS Front Side Rear Thunderhawk Transporter 4 12 12 10 Unit Size: 1 Thunderhawk Transporter Unit Type: Super Heavy Flyer Structure Points 3

Access Points: 3 Fire Points: 0 Transport Capacity: 20 Models + 1 Land Raider (any variant) or 2 Rhinos/ Razorbacks/ Predators/ Whirlwinds/Vindicators

Special Rules
Hover Mode- (See Apocalypse Rulebook) Ceremite Shielding- (See Thunderhawk Gunship entry in Apocalypse Rulebook) Tank Transporter- A Thunderhawk Transporter may choose to transport one Land Raider or two Rhino variants. Whilst transported these tanks may fire any sponson mounted weapons as if firing from a firing point, counting as AA mounted. Once per turn a Thunderhawk Transporter may elect to drop a tank off at the start of its movement phase. The tank is placed in base contact with the Thunderhawk Transporter. The Transporter then moves or disengages normally. This may be done on a turn that the Thunderhawk engages. Alternatively if the Thunderhawk has room, it may move into base contact with a friendly Land Raider/Rhino variant and pick it up

Wargear and Equipment

4 Sponson mounted Twin linked Heavy Bolters, 2 Hull mounted Lascannons, 4 Hellstrike Missiles

Tervigon Spawning Brood

60+ Models

Tervigons are tyranid monsters which spawn broods of termagants. When deployed en masse, broods of tervigons spawn huge broods of termagants which swamp the enemy lines in an endless tide of bodies, exhausting ammunition and forcing the enemy backwards into a defensive position. Unit Size: 3+ Tervigons

Special Rules
Strike Force All tervigons in the brood must be deployed within 6 inches of another tervigon or, if coming on from reserve, enter within 6 inches of another tervigons entry point. Mass Termagant Spawning If any tervigons are within 6 inches of another tervigon at the start of their movement phase, they may choose to combine their spawned broods, if they do roll 3D6 and multiply the result by the number of tervigons combining their spawn, this combined brood is placed on the board within the regulations detailed in the tervigon entry in the tyranid codex but may be placed within 6 inches of any tervigon combining spawn. If a double is rolled, one tervigon involved runs out of larvae. If a triple is rolled all tervigons involved run out of larvae.

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