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September 15,

Dear Editor in Chief,
A scholar asked: “I heard that a religious teacher said that his group is really the only
true and right and the original, could the religious teacher really telling the truth; that
others are really false?” The A.I. answered: “perhaps it might be his belief or the stand of
their group, but what is important: strong leaders and good journalists should really be
opened to all claims and publish them-those claims- as soon as possible to all people so
that every body could digest other’s claims, or other’s stand, other’s faith; and caution
people not to hate-because as a journalist there is something in ones heart that pushes him
to believe that the universal ‘true’ or one gospel is about ‘universal love; and not on
superiority of group or on whose tools is the true. Perhaps if a journalist is a good
member of a different group he might be angry if he does not know words ‘love your
enemies…’to that religious teacher who said the claim…! Because he –being not a
member of the perceived only true church- would probably or most likely go to hell
because his group might be having some different gospels from other group claiming that
their group is the true one; and having the true gospel! But the key is the Word! Universal
words mold, tame the brain to be calm especially if words “love of enemies…” is
accepted as true in spite of others proud claims.
A scholar asked: “Which is better to invest on research or to study available
technology, and to improve it and have a practical application to have better economy?”
The A.I. answered: “Let us go to the details. For science, economics or commerce, the
best policy is thru imitation and improvements of available technology. To research and
discover needs lots of money and efforts, but to imitate and improve is not hard. Piracy is
copying exactly; it is illegal. But thinking of many things and not imitating and
improving other available technology is bad habit. Too much talks and politics is bad. But
strong leaders should insist the government should have 30% of their effort to imitate,
improve other available technologies especially for security, mass housing for the poor,
food, family planning or scientific management of density of people with relation to
structures, transportation facilities, industries- imitate what South Korea, Taiwan, Hong
Kong, Japan did. However, for entertainment, sports, games of chance, net workings,
journalism, always ‘prepare and dress for action’ imitate the Americans, Europeans.
Government should always think of jobs that are connected to consumables business.
Consumable business would create jobs that is permanent or has cycle. Government
should hinder or put a stop to something that would kill consumables business. The
domino effects of jobs created by consumables are many such as food, sports,
entertainments, tourist attractions and destinations. They are good examples of
consumables business.
Laws should be passed to convert permanent things into consumables. Example: pass
law that would not allow example 5 years old luxury vehicles to be registered so that the
rich will consume their blessings; for public air-con buses or cars say 10 years, for poor
public transport or public jeeps say 15 or 20 years. For clothing and shoe: industries,
churches, disco houses, movie houses, restaurants, factories, construction projects,
schools, offices should have dress codes, safety shoes and uniforms. Every two years
there should be new model dress or uniforms. For first class-subdivision: houses there
should have a five year compulsory repainting or remodeling, three months gardening job
so that dilapidating houses could be remodeled and tall grasses be cut. Premiums should
be collected for every house so that when time comes the insurance would be the one
who will pay for the job. It is like reinventing the College plan. If one cannot afford to
follow majority rule, the government or insurance will paint or remodel the dilapidating
house or paint faded paints or remove the grass in the surroundings and the expenses will
be charged to the owner of the house or from the insurance or premiums. Then if he
cannot afford the luxury of owning a nice house he should give up to others who can
afford. There are many permanent things that could be made into consumables by just
passing of law.
Pay checks, pay slips could be divided into consumables. Example bonuses or
privileges could be given as incentives. Example for every 6 months, a check for travel to
a specific tourist destinations could be given non transferable. Thus, he cannot use it and
buy for anything except for that purpose only.
Perhaps appliances, computer sets could also be consumables. It is up for the factories
to make it like that. Perhaps they could design it to last only for 5 years then after some
period, problems and defects should come out because it could not be protected from new
viruses, etc.
Government should initiate that every year one to ten corporations or companies
whose capital comes from stock markets should be created to fabricate, manufacture
things that are being imported. The technology should be imitated and improved from
others. Intelligence net work and scientists should give a major rule. They should start
from creating corporation to fabricate ammunitions, transport military trucks, helicopter,
airplane, patrol boats then alternative cheap construction materials for mass housing and
high rise condominiums for poor people.
A scholar asked: “Why is it that there is terrorism?” The A.I. answered: “I think
indoctrinating vulnerable brothers of a particular group such as teachings of religious
extremists like: “look, the infidels are grabbing our ancestral land, they are enjoying the fruits
of our ancestral land, and “the pigs” or “the devils”, the one who supports the infidels are
scandalizing our God given way of living by their rampant pornography, immodesty,
corruptions, drugs, pedophiles, free sex, adulteries, abortions, promiscuities, etc. You should
join our Jihad or holy war. If you sacrifice your precious life for our cause you will be “a
saint and a hero.” I think these teachings if accepted by a vulnerable brother, he will become
a terrorist cell capable of detonating a weapon of mass destruction if given a chance. Who are
those vulnerable: Those brothers who are not busy, or unemployed, no access to other
teachings example Cable and TV Channels, radio channels, have no electricity, telephone or
internet lines. They have lost their ancestral land, now other ethnics are occupying. They are
vulnerable to religious extremist teachings. Once indoctrinated, they would have full of anger
and hatred. What is the solution to these problems? I think these should be fought on all
fronts. A) Do what might other country did- they remove the ethnics or groupings by mixing
them with other main race or main belief. Control the teachings of the religion, give
opportunities, or things to be busy with like being busy improving their standard of living,
etc. “equal opportunity & prosperity will forget the past” vs. “ Their Jihad, and saint & hero
syndrome” B) Or, give back their ancestral land, rewrite of boundaries, favoring the many
and weak and poor. Having segregation, separation; or support the new installed democratic
country with constitution against religious extremists C) Or enhance deep penetration agents,
spies, government assets; or give rewards. Have military & police actions. Give educations,
economic aids, provide other source of teachings, of ideas, of information such as from TV
channels, radios, etc. Restrict scandalous practices that might offend other cultures such as
rampant pornography, rampant immodesty, rampant corruption, drugs, etc. Give stiffer
procedure for people to obtain materials for making explosive, chemical, nuclear bomb. Give
stiffer procedure to gain access to information about making bombs from references or
engineers and scientists; or ban those things. Have prayer rallies against extremes from
religion -ex. jihad’s net work, extremes from science ex.-weapon of mass destruction,
extremes from politics ex.-corruption, and extremes from human behavior ex.-pornography.
The scholar asked: “I noticed that the Holy Spirit is always mentioned when the
apostles are doing decisions. In today’s standard how can you know what is evil or good
or the teaching or claim is inspired by the Holy Spirit or is not inspired…?” The A.I.
answered: “If someone is a religious leader and claiming things and has followers
perhaps he should be tested if he is really inspired by the Holy Spirit or not. But those
journalist and contributors and critics perhaps when they share something and using only
opinions…it could be a deception or inspired but when people begin to debate and to
have consensus and pray and accept it as something that could make thing better perhaps
it is now called “in conformity with the Holy Spirit” or ‘thoroughly studied opinion’.
Perhaps there is lesser chance that the evil is using journalists or contributors to sow
seeds of evil because they are contributing just an opinion. Or opinions are open for
scrutiny and critics and it could easily be ignored; unlike if the word is a claim or should
be followed without question by their members.
A scholar asked: “Could the devil use person who is expert of destroying people to
exaggerate some mistakes of a contributor so that the devil would win? Or the contributor
is saying something good that could help people but another evil doer who is expert in
destroying people would do something so that some of the good contributions could be
branded as “false;” but the truth there are also some true in the contributions?” The A.I.
answered: “Sometimes people commit mistakes privately, and what is private should be
kept private but there are people especially those evil spies who are malicious. Malicious-
perhaps are those actions that the intention is to destroy people even if the person is
private. Perhaps if a person would even put spy camera; or interceptor or a sensor or even
staged some appearances example small or medium snake/s as a sign that there is
negative supernatural behind… as a propaganda, perhaps that person might be
comparable to something described as poisonous snake in some sacred books. Perhaps
his motive is for money, position, credit or it is just his nature or his blood to destroy
From someone,

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