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November 7, 2006

Dear Editor in Chief,

A scholar asked: “I heard you said that the faith of the moderate strong nation could
be changed from ‘with in’ because of ‘hatred from within’- envy, or any negativity; it
would mean that having political campaign or political competition of platform or
competition of ideas could result to destructive thing or negative thing?” The A.I.
answered: “Sorry, I am again mistaken on my use of words; but sometimes there is so
called “mud slinging”, “dirty politics –like using some manipulations, intimidations”. But
I know there are many counter measures to check any extreme during election especially
that science and technology is on the “go”; and people are becoming more vigilant.
Changing of the “faith” or the change of political policy or political conviction could be
sudden or abrupt for any democratic country especially during election. With regards to
fighting any major issue- example: war on terror, it is normal for a democratic country to
change any major issue even if it is sudden or abrupt. But it does not mean that if a
political party has won the election, ‘their platform’ will be sure to be implemented
without deliberation and struggle. In politics there is no permanent solution; things could
A scholar asked: “I heard you said about religion that those things that are
controversial that is connected to mystery should be called theory; so most faith would be
called theory because the faith is connected to mystery?” The A.I. answered: “I am sorry
again, perhaps you are right. Faith is faith; not theory! I have said it because I am just
trying to compromise some controversial religious things that other extremists are using
to insist that they are the only true and right that create some hatred or even conflict or
war. Perhaps up to the end of time, most controversial things in religion could not be
settled by human capacity. Perhaps there is really one superior and supreme and only true
and right ‘system of believe’ among all ‘systems’ and others are just sub systems because
there is one gospel! That system is present on most- moderate, open minded, tolerant,
universal word seeker, trying to be more balanced- groups regardless of their religious
name; because moderate religions could change for the better from within because they
are humble; not conceited or not self-righteous.
A scholar asked: “I heard that some moderate soldiers are wasted because of road
side bomb-it is extreme. What counter measure should those moderate soldiers do to
counter the extreme?” The A.I. answered: “Since planting bomb on concrete road is
impractical, those bombs would be planted on the edge of the road side for easy
installation, for camouflage or secrecy. Perhaps pass a ruling or standard operation
procedure that moderate balanced military vehicle should use the center of the road so
that if there would be a detonation of road side bomb through remotely control switch,
the vehicle is little far; and perhaps major damages could be avoided.
A scholar asked: “What if there are two or more moderate military vehicles
approaching to each others. And surely one or more vehicles would go near the sides of
the road. What if on the exact point of going near the side of the road, a bomb could be
detonated remotely?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps the chances of letting a military go
near the road side is occasionally, compare to letting the vehicle always or most of the
time be near the road side or edge side of the road where hidden bombs could easily be
detonated. But if the commander would really give some time to make some clearing on
strategic points so that if ever two or more vehicles are approaching each other and a line
of vehicles want to be always on the center of the road, a cleared sections could be in
placed so that that is where vehicles could go near sides of the road to pass those
approaching vehicles. The cleared section or detour is where two sets of vehicles
approaching each other would pass by each other. A simple placing of detour where it is
cleared of road side bomb is perhaps using some common sense. Principle behind:
Presence of mind should always be considered. A simple placing of detour on strategic
locations could save lives on concrete roads where enemies are usually encouraged to put
IEDs or Improvised Explosive Devices on road sides.
A scholar asked: “Could an international religious organization whose members are
representative of most moderate religions solve some or most controversial things about
religion?” The A.I. answered: “I think the international religious organization could solve
some or most of major problems in religion or even on culture and tradition. Perhaps their
members could enumerate all controversial words from all or most sacred books-
example: a) if one would transfer to other religion he should die, b) infidels or non
believer should be converted or else … c) outside this only holy group there is no
salvation because there is only one gospel d) there is only one holy representative of God
here on earth e) there is only one good tool or method of practice of religion or
worshipping f) Jihad is fighting those infidels, g) etc. Then those words would be open
for debate and discussion among the members of different moderate and balanced faiths
and categorized those words as: a) universal b) tolerable c) very controversial-extreme.
The date of the consensus should be recorded so that if ever after one or two years there
would be another round of scrutinizing words for classification, the programmer could
plot some statistics on how people’s perspective changes because of many aspects and
many changes due to exchanges of ideas or reasons from many moderate religions.
A scholar asked: “I heard that if the law making body or the legislative branch
differs from the faith of the executive strong leader, that strong leader would eventually
be a weak leader or could be compared to a lame duck for the remaining years of his
term. Could the law makers who become the majority be supportive to the leader’s faith
or cause- to fight war in terror?” The A.I. answered: “If they –winners in the election-
insist that the people had already decided, then perhaps there could be some struggles
during the remaining term. Or, perhaps those law makers could support their strong
leader because their leader has a real cause or a firm faith or conviction- to fight those
extremists; or the cause is obvious as good and worth fighting for!”
The A.I. answered: “What is ‘cut and run’?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps those
newly elected law makers would think not only twice but many times before they make
laws against fighting the ‘war on terror’. If their majority rule is ‘cut and run’ or ‘we have
defeated them-those religious extremists- already,’ but we should withdraw and have
some rests so that the next battle we are energized, could also be a good strategy. But
never abandon those people “deep” inside or doing the under cover intelligence- looking
for those raw information that might lead to an explosion of a dirty bomb on the
motherland. And also never abandon those moderate brave intelligent men aiding and
preserving those new moderate elected native leaders. And never stop enhancing or
modernizing the security inside the country and those new countries being democratized
or being balanced. The enemies are intelligent and smart and “righteous” people-
believing or having ‘faith’ that they are doing their God’s call or God’s mission. They
could wait, and wait and have patience to do the ‘right things’ in the ‘right time’ and
‘right place.’ For them they are ‘always right’, perhaps because no other universal words
have penetrated their psyche. Because they have no chance to know those universal
words because their ears, eyes, mind are closed already. Their consciences perhaps have
been destroyed because of twisted words that are being fed to them by those extremist’s
preachers. And because those unedited or uncorrected controversial verses or twisted
words in their “sacred” book are being given too much focus by those religious
extremists without considering other words that might be incorporated in them to be
included as balanced teaching.
A scholar asked: “I heard a TV star suggests that those people with sectarian violence
should have a referendum-about the people’s decision to continue to be helped or not to
be helped by foreign moderates on the fight against those extremists. What can you say
about his suggestion?” The A.I. answered: “With regards letting an ally be left alone
surrounded by an invisible enemies because the majority of the people favored to let the
foreign liberators be out of their country, the strong moderate leader should weigh things.
It does not mean that if a policy is unpopular on the enemies’ ground, his faith is already
defeated by default without fight. Remember: there is a war in terror; the battle ground is
on those potential extremist sanctuaries. Don’t allow the fighting to be on the motherland
itself because of election or surveys or popular polls. The enemies are those twisted
words ruling on those psyches of the people; the friends are those universal words that
should rule on those extremist’s psyches. The key to victories lies on those charismatic
moderate native leaders to teach bravely those universal words with security and
confidence of not being harmed by those extremists. And also lies on the ability of the
elected moderate and balanced civilians to perform their duty as mandated effectively
without being intimidated or harassed.
A scholar asked: “I heard you said “the greatest deception of all is perhaps when few
good words are highly praised or highly valued or put into prime light as often as possible
that divert many people not to know other essential words; or that most people especially
80-90% of the population of the locality is magnetized not to seek those other essential
words because he is already a member of a very good group and only true and right
group”. Are you really emphasizing a cause or conviction or faith so that a group should
give more focus on studying the Word? Or, are you just challenging a group to be more
word base group than men’s tradition base group?” The A.I. answered: “I am sorry of the
word “greatest deception.” I stand to be corrected. I am becoming prone to blunder or
prone to commit mistakes. But sometimes, perhaps giving too much attention to
something, some people forget other things that should be part of the solution. Perhaps
too much focus on universal words is also extreme! Perhaps to be moderate is just having
enough of the Universal Word and also enough of good tradition of men…!

From someone,

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