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Brampton Bulletin

B r a m p t o n P r i m a r y S c h o o l S t r i v i n g t o R e a c h t h e B e s t Week ending: 9.9.11 Autumn Term: Issue 1

Inside this weeks issue: Parent Partnership Forthcoming Dates Family SEAL Film Club Week 1 Menu Building News FOB News Gold Book Entries Weekly Attendance And finally Parking


Parent Partnership Statement At Brampton we aim to establish a mutually supportive and respectful relationship with all of our parents where trust and respect is at the heart of what we do. We aim to keep parents informed and involved in a positive way, encouraging them to be realistic with regards to expectations in their childs education, working in partnership together in order to help every pupil to achieve their full potential. In December 2009 we achieved the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) and since then we have continued to work closely with all our parents. This term we have already held Meet the Teacher meetings which are a useful foundation to establishing good communication and relationships at the start of a new year. Our new Reception parents have also had a home visit prior to the children starting school. We have facilitated the KUCH course for interested parents to develop their own knowledge and understanding of how their child learns. Last week Amanda Reed, our Parent Support Advisor, organised a workshop for parents on Dyslexia with Bexley Advisor Lynne Mills. This was well attended and provided useful suggestions to children at home. We look forward to having an Activity Room in our new build where we can hold future events and work more closely with you this year. Please let us know if you have any suggestions to improve our partnership work.
Brampton Primary is a restorative school where the initial response to conflict is to find a solution where things are put right, the victims needs are met whilst also meeting the needs of the wrong doer and meet all the schools responsibilities.

Forthcoming Dates: Friday 24th Sept Y4 Hever Castle FOB MacMillan Coffee pm Monday October 3rd Y5 BattleHastings trip Tuesday 11th Oct Harvest Festival Wed 19th-Thurs 20th Oct Parents Evenings Friday 21st Oct School ClosureStaff Training Day Monday 24th Friday 28th October Half term Monday 31st October School Photos - Individual Tuesday 8th November Governors Meeting

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Brampton Bulletin

F A M I LY S E A L 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 2
Last year we introduced Family SEAL to Brampton, a new aspect to our work with parents. This term Miss Wilson, Mrs Cox, Mrs Huggins and Amanda Reed have started the 6 week sessions with parents and children in Years 1 and 2. These sessions proved very popular with last years Year 3 and now the activities have been amended to suit the younger children. The themes covered mirror the work that goes on in classes across the school, looking at the SEAL themes of New Beginnings, Getting on and Falling Out, Going for Goals, Good to be Me, Relationships and Changes. This programme is being repeated throughout the year to include all parents who showed an interest. For more information see Miss Wilson or Amanda Reed.

BOOM! A Free Film Making Club for 9-13 year olds St Catherines School is pleased to be continuing their film making club for all 9-13 year olds. BOOM! Will restart in September, and will be an opportunity for children to learn how to use video cameras, how to write, shoot and edit films and then make films that matter to them. Interested children can come along to the school with their parents on any Wednesday from 4.00-5.00 during term time. They will provide a fun introduction to film making, and then allow those interested to register to become members of the film club. For further information contact: Miss Simpson 01322 556333

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Monday Meat
Lamb Tagine with Rice

Soy and Ginger Chicken with noodles. Salmon Noodles



Chicken Tikka with Rice

Roast Pork with Beef Stew & Homemade Apple Dumplings with Sauce & Roast Mash Potato Potatoes Cheese & Leek Pie Tomato & Basil with Roast Pasta Potatoes Potato Farls with Baked Beans Jelly with Fruit Wedges Fruit Cookie & Yoghurt

Fish or alternative Vegetarian

Jacket Potato with cheese beans or tuna crunch

Lemon & Herb Crusted Fish with Chipped Potatoes Vegetable Korma with Chipped Potatoes Carrot Cake

Potato & Vegetable Layer Plum Crunch cake with ice cream Apple Crumble & Custard


A choice of salads, seasonal vegetables, fresh bread, fresh fruit platter, fruit yoghurt, milk and drinking water are also available daily. Peanut Allergies Please can we remind everyone that we are a Peanut Free school in our cooked meals and we ask parents not to put any nuts or items containing nuts in their childs packed lunches. Thank you Building News As you can see from the car park the walls and window frames are now going up in the North extension and our new Junior wing is taking shape. Our Infant classes are now all settled in their new rooms. TODAY FRIDAY 24TH SEPTEMBERMacMillan Coffee Afternoon Amanda Reed, our Parent Support Advisor, and Mrs Heasman from FOB, are organising a coffee afternoon to raise funds for the MacMillan Cancer charity. It will be held in the new Breakfast Club room next to 2PW and then outside after school. Any donations of cakes are greatly appreciated. Please pop in this afternoon and support this great cause. FOB News On Sunday 26th September two members of FOB, Danielle McTaggart and Lyndsey Tierney, will be taking part in the O2 half marathon, raising money for Breast Cancer Campaign. Any donations to this very worthwhile cause would be hugely appreciated, either via our Just giving page http:// or in an envelope FAO FOB 1/2 marathon. Many thanks and good luck to them both!!

BRAMPTON GOLD BOOK Striving to Reach the Best Every week we print the names of those children who have achieved in either their work, conduct or behaviour around school and have been entered in the Gold Book. They have been mentioned in Mondays celebratory assembly. After 3 mentions children receive a bronze certificate, 6 mentions for a silver, 9 mentions for a gold, 12 mentions for a Super Gold and 15 mentions for a Platinum certificate, 18 for Diamond, 21+ for a Head teachers Award and 24 for a Special Head teacher Award and Badge.
1B Evie Alexander 1B Joshua Lucas 1B Eva Ralley 1BMatthew Swann 1W Florence Black 1W Leena Cheung 1W- Lucy Courtney 1W Zak Drew 1W- Liberty Gowers 1WKamron Holmes-Lewis 1WShyanne Lorde-Perry 1W Ana Neal 1W Grace Stuchberry 1WJack Whyte 2BDaisy Kenny 2B Saif Nabi 2B Macy Billington 2BJemma Chalmers 3W Billy Peto 3W Billy Voller 3W Prajval Haldia 3WLily Steer 3W Erin Rye 5B Emily Steer 5B Thomas Hall 5B Gabrielle Foster 5B Laurence Goff 5B Ruby Allen 5B Romy Hares 5BCain Lawrence 4C Jessica Baldwin (Gold) 4CHarry Goodban 4CLuke Jarvis $CSam Edwards (Super Gold) 4CLibby McKenzie 4CAbbie Waitson 4CHarry Vickery (Bronze) 4CRhys Larner 4CJack Allender 4CSerena McKay 4CDaniella Capelli 4C Joshua Marley 4C Freddie Sweeney 4CAusten Coppen (Super Gold) Unfortunately there is not enough space to mention the childrens achievements here but if you are interested to see your childs mention please pop in and ask to see it.

Weekly Attendance

Week ending 18.9.11 RB: RJ: 1B: 1W: 2B: 2PW: 3W: 3WH: 4C: 4H: 5B: 5C: 6S: 6M: 100% 100% 99.7% 98.7% 96.7% 98.6% 99.3% 97.7% 98.3% 100% 98.7% 100% 98.7% 99.4%

Well done to RB, RJ, 4H, 5C and the other classes above
96.1% Our School Total was 98.9%! Raffle Prize Winners The winners in this weeks draw for bowling with Miss Fisher were Carys Orchard, Jamie Lee in 1B and Niamh Hill in 5C. Well done to them for showing the appropriate behaviour.

HOUSE POINTS Week ending 16.9.11

1st Yellow = 142 2ndBlue = 139 3rdGreen= 118 4thRed= 97

Congratulations to Yellow House members!

And finally.......Please park responsibly and safely around the school, giving consideration to our neighbours and other traffic. Remember if you like what were doing tell us and others! If you dont, please help us improve! School Office; 020 8303 2873 Fax; 020 8298 0286

Were on the web!

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