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Quick America to Insist Than Europe on Facilities for Development

By Grover C. Loening

AviationMoves Steadily Forward illustrations

No Less


-.--.-.............._._-____________ y- a

in the United States

Commerce Stand Ready to Pay for Increase in Speed in Trade

of the




Commerce of THE appearance from time to time of European reports gives rise to the query. "Is America lagcing behind the rest of the _er!d jn aviation?" The answer to

Prttident Aeronautical Chamber of America

the public sees and takes part In, but which it does not read about. The manner in which America hat
.issumed the leadership In aviation over the rest of the world comes as * surprise to most people.

most emphatically, is, "No!" It necessary, in order to gain a cleat andersUnding of the aeronautical sit

Forty thousand feet altitade, twentysix hours' endurance, one million milei Of air mall flying without a fatality, nnd numerous speed records of air


mingled with his bitions rearas The aeronautical crt of to. sy, which stands literally at the pinto

ranees, bat according to facts. From the remotest times man's




to ap-

planes and air yacht.all are achieve ments of the last year in the United
States alone!



Kapld Progrs. Made Hy Army and Navy Craft

Due to the necessities of govern mental secrecy, it is to be regretted

.'allure has been so predominant as succcsive suc aiBsoit to obscure the us *-day into cessful steps and lead tfce error of regarding practical huma" indefinite and far flight as something fact, it is at hand. cj. As a matter of The erroneous conclusion that Eu to the' rope appear to be superior readily United States in aviation is of the k. .plained. At the beginning century experiments in f f twentieth flight were being carried on mechanical in practically every nation. The Wright brothers were fortunate in being the first to achieve actual demonstration. That was in 1003. From 1903 to 1914 aviation claimed more serious attention in France, England, Germany and, Italy than It did in the United States. On the opening of the World War all the European nations possessed the rudiments of an aircraft industry. We in this country had but the semblance of one. The exigencies of war from -'914 to 1917 forced a tremendous de velopment in European aviation. It was not until 1917, when we entered the conflict, that we were compelled to begin the colossal task of training en gineers and creating production facili ties. The war ended, in the fall of 1918, just as the newly formed Ameri can industry was getting into wing. And with the ending of the war, the pressure which forced this expansion was withdrawn. European Nations Quick To Adjust New Industry frfaether it was because four years of suffering had made them apprehensive of the next war or whether by experi ence their vision had been sharpened, the major European nations were quick
the new industry to new con First of all, instead of ab ruptly ending all war contracts, these were tapered off. Second, the very fun damental of all successful business. standing before the law.was provided by the enactment of aerial codes. Third, systems of direct and indirect encouragement for aerial transporta tion companies were established. The effect in England, FTance, Belglum, the Netherlands, Italy and Japan was to remove many of the natural ob stacles and to provide substantial as

.ac'e of science, is the result of cen turies of patient effort, in which

The interior of the passenger cabin on the commercial airship


series of experiments in the course of which aircraft flown from land bases bombed and sank, one after the



cruiser and the most modern examples of warship construc tion. In the fall the conference on the limitation of armament was held in Washington, and it is asserted that the bombing tests cleared the way, more than any other single event, for a possible solution of the international competition in capital ship construc tion. For the 2,000 pound TNT bomb which crushed in the steel walls of the Ostfriesland was, as the army chief of ordnance remarked at the moment, "heard around the world." Commercial aviation, struggling for nearly three years without assistance of a national policy, found an Intelli gent and sympathetic friend in the Harding Administration. The Presi dent in his inaugural address urged the early enactment of an aerial code and the consistent encouragement of civilian flying. In consequence there was drafted a bill regulating the op eration of aircraft in interstate and foreign commerce, and establishing a bureau of civilian aeronautics in the Department of Commerce. This bill, introduced by Senator Wadsworth, passed the Senate, and is now before the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.

submarine, destroyer, light

that the public cannot be more fully informed of the rapid and successful progress being made by the Navy Department and the army air service In their technical developments. The framework of the ISodensee j The statistics of the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce, above ref _rred death to forty-nine persons and in 1 to, show more and more every day the jury, more or leas serious, to eighty- lead that America is assuming in all nine. Each of the 111 accidents branches of aviation. Added to the recorded was caused by deficiency in i navy's achievements in the successful


one or more

of the necessary requisites flying. Forty-nine were at tributed to the pilot, perhaps through earelessntss, perhaps incompetence,

for safe

of torpedo planes, an an nounced recently, may be mentioned the successful development by the




other factors. There is


judgment, combined with


doubt that h/oard

Navy Department of the catapult and of various types of planes for shipuse

rector-General of Transportation for the A. E. P. The airplane man, alive to what is undoubtedlj- the most vexing of al! contemporary business problems, con ceives the greatest commercial need to bo swifter dispatch.' The railroad man, equally conscious of the need but schooled with practical experience, de mand3 economy. This is the challenge to commercial aircraft, and it is significant of the immediate future that,
in 1P21, improvement in construction, decrease in operating costs and in crease in the factor of safety and reli ability, went far toward establishing

good pilot



a poor


safety with greater chance of suc than a poor pilot can operate a first class craft. Therefore, at the ally perfected, ready for service, arma very top of the list of governmental ment for combat planes, details of needs we place the Federal examina which cannot be disclosed, which Is far tion and licensing of pilots. superior to anything in Europe. In ad Twenty accidents are attributed in dition to this the army air service, in whole or in part to inadequate landing order to stimulate the development of fields or to the total lack of terminal the highest class of pursuit planes, has facilities. While four accidents

factory. The army air service has per fected many new types of combat and bombing planes, and the army has actu

that have proved most satis


the commercial aerial transportation business upon a sound financial basis, with but one thing lacking, and that about to be provided.the enactment by Congress of an aerial code. Commerce Ready to Pay Increased Price for Speed Commerce is the same in principle, whether carried on in a thickly popu lated territory, well equipped with the
means of transportawhether in sparse regions poorly served, if at all, by conveyances on road, rail and water. Commerce is satisfactory only when conducted vtith dispatch, and there are circumstances and conditions under which commerce will gladly pay an increased tariff for increased speed. The greatest growth in commercial aerial transport ha3 been in those parta of the country where the volume of traffic requiring rapid transit is such as to choke available surface facilities or where surface facilities being anti

Above, the aeromarine cruiser Santa Maria, on her return to IS eve York, after two years'1 opera tion. Below, a Curtis navy racer, which has record for straight flight 197.8 miles an hour of

attributed to the lack of weather reports and ten to the lack of clearly defined routes or limitations in travel ing between or over cities, it is certain that aerial transport can not develop until these factors are met. Commer cial cross-country or inter-city flights,

it is evident,


not be

Statistics Showing How Commercial Aircraft Have Demonstrated Utilitv



Aeronautical Chamber
Fills Long-Felt Want Possibly the most definite proof of growth in interest in commercial avia tion was the establishment, late in the year, of the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America. The. need for





COMPARATIVE COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS. 192(1-1. .1 1320. 1321. Estimated number of aircraft In operation. 1,000 l,2n0 Estimated total mileage. ,000,000 6,250,000-6,500,000 Operating companies reporting. 88 125 Equipment of tha-s. companies. 3.5-425 500-600 Mileage flown by these i;omiianies. 8,138.550 .2,007,245 Number of laassaMigeri. carried. 122,512 Pounds of freight carried._ 115.16.1 41,300 121,227 Number c>f flights by Unknown 130,738 A ver ge duration <af operating companies. flights. UnKnown 12L Average charge of short flights. $12.50 $3.00 Average charge a mile for intercity flights'. .55 .65 Averag" chm-g a pound for freight. Unknown ,33 States in which
Air torminal

with safety until there is full protec And with Federal regulation, con- tion afforded by establishing civil trolling stunting and enforcing proper weather reports and co-ordinating these field policing and protection, it is be- with the various government reports. lieved certain most of these fatalities This service obviously can not be provided by the several states. would have been avoided.


128 116 ".Decrease facilities. by lesa free and explained



carried on.

Asa result, lines

sistance to the aeronautical pioneers. were established radi ating from London, Amsterdam, Paris, Rome, etc. The effect in Germany was even more marked. The hiatus be tween the armistice and the signing of the peace treaty was taken full advan tage of by the Germans, particularly in the development of airships and in metal airplane construction. Even when, under the treaty, all overt work was prohibited, scientific experiment went on, culminating in the truly start ling gliding tests which so alarmed France as to prompt the calling by that country of an international gliding

felt. With definite assurance that an aerial code would shortly be estab lished, manufacturers of heavier and lighter than air craft, motors, parts, accessories, materials and supplies; dealers, distributors, operators and

organization had long been

establishment of common terminals for the encouragement of all aviation and if neglected now, will invite difficulties within a few years similar to those in which the waterways and the railways now find themselves. At the close of 1920 operating re ports showed the existence of 128 ter minals of all classes, of which five wero in Canada and three others de voted to airship experiment, leaving a net of 120 in the United States. Of this number probably twenty could be classified as seaplane bases. At the close of 1921 the operating reports showed a total of 146 air ter minals, both land and water, within the United States. All were for heavierthan-air craft. This 3 an increase of
for the national need is a public

security in time of responsibility, which,



The aircraft situation in the United States, anxious as we were to free our selves as quickly as might be from the Political entanglements invited by the war, maybe summarized thus: On No vember 1,19i8i we wereat top producI f"> o p.anes and engines for war purL ****$. On November 11, practically on r the Pbeation of the duction was stopped. armistice, pro From then on through to the close of 1919 the indus try underwent liquidation. Invested capital shrunk from $100,000,000 to an 110,000,000, and the numberless of nployees from a quarter of a million .a few thousand. The airplane, being goods carried. war manufactured product, could -hit vy reason quickly find not Speed Is Most Valuable its P'*ce in peace. Service Aircraft Provides we war no lees quick than the The most valuable service which air wpii to insist on the need for craft provide is speed. Conjoined .'nal law and for nch tangible en- with this is their unique ability to uragement as airways and terminals, operate independently on land or .. lacking the mpetu of fear and water, dominating both in time of war, Pur of rivalry which came from the and capable of adaptation in time of lose proximity and traditional policy peace to a multitude of novel uses lim many of the European countries, we ited only by ingenuity and commercial no political urge. And as for and industrial needs. demand, it did not exist. The pub- The following visualizes the service peo were curious but the practical of the airplane and airships of aircraft had yet to be NATIONAL,

firms and individuals engaged in the commercial phases of the art, decided to equip themselves with a national organization of the type which had proved so useful in the development of other American industries. The Aeronautical Chamber of Com merce was incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, "to foster, advance, promulgate and promote" aeronautics, and "generally, to do every act and thing which may be necessary and proper for the advance ment" of American aviation. Formal organization was announced on De cember 31, 1921, with a charter mem bership of 100. To date the member ship ha3 increased to 170, including such pioneers a3 Orville Wright and Glenn H. Curtiss, and embracing prac tically every important aircraft manu facturing unit in the United States. Commercial aircraft in 1921, definite ly began demonstration of practical utility. The business man who, in 1919, was merely curious, and in 1920 was interested, became convinced in 1921 that aerial transportation was no longer fancy but fact. More miles were flown, more paid passengers booked and more package freight and


corporations, quated, available traffic

seeks othei

means of movement. In commerce pays a




aerial code. The experiences of the inland water ways and the railroads in either bur twenty-six over the preceding year. dening themselves with huge termina Of the total number, thirty were debts or in struggling selfishly for thi classified as seaplane bases. Sixteen exclusive control of available sites, of the 146 were publicly owned or con control which meant private monopoly trolled. and this, , in turn, public burden, poin _Deprive the rail and ocean carriers the way for the sound economic treat of depots and docks, and operation ment of the air port problem. Th must cease. Withhold terminals from

tion.meager capital, insufficient ter minal facilities*and popular doubt as t< reliability. The correction of these de ficiencies, and the consequent oppor tunity for the rapid growth of aeria transport, depend upon Federal regula tion and reasonable control through ai

Three deficiencies operate to the seri embarrassment of American avia-




Echoes From Abroad

High Cost of Polygamy
The high cost of living is having the effect of discouraging polygamy in Zululand. Such is the report of the Danish author, Olaf Linck, who has so journed a year in that country. A good wife costs at present eight oxen, and the market is so firm that many fathers aell their daughters on installments. The man pays one ox when the woman arrives, and one weekly. When the purchaser does not pay the installment punctually the father takes his daughter back. The husbands find this on the whole to their advantage. If a man is dissatisfied with his wife aft<-r a week or two of wedlock he those who had borrowed the Jewel were anxious to own it- The Lockharts rejected their offer, and thus the miracu lous stone is in the hands of the wife of admiral de Robeck. Walter Scott is said to have utilized this tale In writing his novel, "The Talisman.

English Religious Music

English are not a musical people seems likely to be rn part removed, through the researches of Dr. Terry,
the musical director of the great Roman Catholic Cathedral at West minster. According to "The Catholic News," he ha3 discovered in the meusems and libraries of Great Britain rich musical treasures, rep resentative of the national genius, which for centuries had fallen into un just oblivion. His discoveries coraprisemany important works of church music, emanating from English com posers belonging to the period of the Tudos and the prereformation. These works have been copied from the manu scripts in the libbaries. The pieces display all kinds of forms: Masses, anthems, sacred com positions, offertories, proses, liturgical

The long-standing reproach that the



JH-ty aonstrated.


Readjustment a

2*J? patent

Alter the slump _f 1819 eame the ***> and frequently discouraging re.aiment of 1920, marked chiefly by det"rafned though unsuccessful eapts of European nations to r-opoliz, the budding American fly"tttaiket by dumping into thi counffreat quantities of war-made Wpment at junk prices. The 0f the PQbl5c. V patient and demonstration, *-*aa, in 1920, wy but Bure!y vitall3sed lnt0 ***.

Sharp Slump


Natlonal Sefens (Army, Navy, Marine Corpa). Air mall.

Foreat patrol. Coast guard. Customs and revenu ._"____Agricultural survey. rurveyv Coast and geodetic

simply declines

to pay.

Bclentlfio observation. Warning and relief in dlaist.*.

Commuting. so "Commerce Demands Speed; Flying we Europe in almost every Is the Answer," is the timely and Ms of practical aviation. original trade phrase being urged by y*ar 192 1" marked to three the operators. "Less Waste More "tanding aviation events, one of Speed" is the reply which Commerce

.^ed i_T1St*nCd .8t_*

*rtng Ju-p m

last year ^.erest and first real American aviaJ *>ad 'tits thoroughly that have opportunity, and

CIVTO' City planning. Road and building construction. Rail and wafer terminal problem. Fire and police zoning. Park Improvement. COMMERCIAI. Pasaenger service. Freight transportation. Messenger seflce la banking. Surveying. Engineering. Aerial photography. Collection and dissemination of new. Advertising and publicity.
Sport and pleasure.

A Miraculous Stone Th marriage of Lady Lockhart and Admiral Sir John de Robeck recalls traditions which, if true, should assure the couple of future happiness.
Centuries ago, it is related, a Lockhart in the time of the Crusaders went to the Holy Land and captured a pow erful emir. The emir's wife hastened to bring a ransom to liberate the pris oner. In Lockhart's camp she lost a certain precious stone which the victor found and set in a medal. On returning to Scotland Lockhart discovered that the jewel possessed the power of preserving its proprietor from disease and inclining him to happiness, so the tradition goes. In Newcastle, under the reign of Charles I, the inhabitants, terrified by pestilence, borrowed the magical medal under a guaranty of 6,000 pounds. The

hymns. They show,

to the



the Catholic a school of composers whose works rival those of the most famous musicians of the con tinent. After the Anglican Reforma tion these sacred works must have

prise of experts,- that in epoch England possessed

and epochal importance. makes, through Samuel M. Felton, and ju5y there _,ere held> president of the Chicago Great West He off the Virginia cape, a ern Railroad, and during the war Dl

plague disappeared immediately,

fou-id a refug ein the dusty achives of the libraries. Several among them are and extracted from venerable manuscripts,

route operated anyciplined; had the pilots been more have revealed.four concerning the alert through consciousness of licensed plane, nine the engine and nine an ac where, with a record not even apresponsibility and had there been cessory, gas or oil. This inspection | proached by any European air line, of the American aircraft industry, and strict inspection of aircraft, engines, must be made at frequent intervals by having flown 3,525,020 miles up to JanFederal authority. When it Is remem l uary 1 of this year. aerial transport can achieve neither accessories and supplies. Air yachting by private owners of size nor reliability. The 146 terminals Flights by Commercial bered that operators of motor cars are aircraft has been started in this coun required to qualify and that the motor try with excellent reported available to commercial air Aircraft in Twelve Months results. This Is a cars are periodically placed under rigid craft in the United States represent branch of commercial aviation that s Yet, even conceding the foregoing, inspection, It is the facilities for 600 machines without it is to learn astonishing found that during unknown in regard to geographical or business re 1500 to 600 commercial twelve months that any one can take any sort of fly totally of seaplanes Europe. The char tering and flying boats of aircraft made ing machine into the air at the quirements. The wonder is that there 130,736 present flights, traveling 2,907,245 time, with the consequent peril not several different types, for trips from has been so much paid flying from so New York and other large centers to miles, carrying 122,512 passengers only to himself and his few fields. passengers, One hundred and twenty-five estab (men, women and children), without a but to many persons on the ground. neighboring watering places, is practically a daily occurrence, and whil lished companies, operating 500 to 600 single fatality in flight. Out of these 122,512 persons only If the standard of control were left to there are in this country as yet no two and three place machines, made the various municipalities or states the overland air twenty-one were injured in flying and hope of routes, such as 130,736 flights, covering 2,907,245 miles in ground correcting this unfortunate Paris, the success that the London to flying boat and carrying 122,512 passengers in the ratio of no accidents, combined, or a condition would seem remote. fatuity to 130,736 flight: In the lack of any governmental ex operation in this country has achieve^ twelve months, October 1, 1920-October and when compared to miles difficulties 1, 1921. In making their reports these jury 2,907,245 flights, flown, and 1 in amination and inspection the legitimate tremendous expense the the London and to 6,701 and 138,440 miles manufacturers and of to have en Paris route, have led companies seemed careful to itemize flown. operators many experts to all forced landings, crashes, etc. Yet It is estimated that during th< deavored to do what they could. They the conclusion that the conception o? the number of accidents in which per calendar check up on their products, but their commercial aviation year 1921, 1,200 aircraft were of necessity limited to local far sounder and morein this country is sons wore killed or injured totals engaged In civil flying in the Unitec control is to a practical. ities and but twenty-four. brief pe pears to be a curious fact that a It ap comparatively States, and that these flew 6,500,00. riod of time. As large Analyzing the causes to which the miles and carried 250,000 flying increases this number of the on twenty-four accidents are attributed: These figures are approximate persons method must become more hopeless and pean air lines passengers the Euroare Americans. Of the six fatalities, three were due to elude both the itinerant and and in a stern responsibility is thus placed Much of the rapidly increasing suefixed bas stunting, two to gross carelessness on flying. A survey shows that 114 acci upon the Federal government to pro cess of American aviation is attributvide an adequate system of examina able to the field, and one to storm. Not a dents occurred, not intelligent interest and co-operincluding j ation of the single person, passenger or pilot lost that involved governmant-owned thos tion and Inspection. and air his life in straight commercial flying craft. The 114 accidents resulted ii of the 114 accidents oc j country lacks army two navy. This Twenty-nine but things.aerocurred during stunting. In these ! nautical legislation as presented in the twenty-nine accidents, twenty persons Wadsworth bill now before Congress were killed and thirty-six injured. and a public support and confidence in more than 40 per cent of the total. In air'travel, which are being greatly other words, stunt flying in unre stimulated the recent successful destricted areas was responsible.. for velopments by all branches in of Ameralmost as many casualties as all other ; lean aviation. elements combined. Now stunt flying No better example of the sourit of the finding of which indicate that they the man is flattered in whom are is necessary to testing and essential the government can be than the were used in the royal chapel when stirred up all chivalrous sentiments, to warfare. It is believed ad following letter sent given President by Henry VIII and his first wife, has pity upon the helpless, delicate be visable that all pilots know how to Harding: Catherine of Aragorx. attended the ing who cannot alone carry on the bat stunt, so that, in case of emergency, "The White House, Washington. state masses. tle of life, and he exerts himself for when only a stunt will save their "Gentlemen: I find pleasure in "This discovery," adds "The Catholic her, attends to her affairs with the ex craft, they will be able to act quickly, N<*W9," will have considerable effects: ercise of all his forces. She, however, with understanding and without fear adding a word expressive of my interest in aerial and in It makes the Westminster Cathedral knows perfectly well what she wants But the habit of for thrill is the presentation transport, of the subject the sanctuary where the natjonpl spirit and laughs in her heart at the victim dangerous, fatal stunting In many instances, which is being made by the Aero will recognize itself again in some thus caught. and always harmful to civil flying. A of its richest treasures. Its influence "As in bigger, so also in smaller mat- governmental system of control, limit nautical Chamber of Commerce. The of on Church music in England will be tors. Everywhere she finds men's ing stunting to certain areas will meet, history civiliitation is largely the incalculable; it can only be compared hands ready to help her, whether it this unfortunate menace to aero history of communication. Each stage of progress seems to demand with the results that followed the be in the purchase of things or in the nautics. From the foregoing it Is seen and develop improved means of restoration of plain chant." now it is a salesman and now that flying, even with the burden of railway; transport. The steamship, the rail a porter on whom she 'leans.' She has unnecessary hazard, Imposed . * "e through road and the motor car have been realized that her weakness is her the lack of an aerial code, is not un devised and utilised. Now Strength in Weaknet greatest strength, and that helplessness, safe. Furthermore, the airplane of a new phase. It is a real we enter Surely the name of some Englishmen helps her most. It is true, only deli 1921, powerful and beautiful as it ap to America to be knowndistinction as the is ungfcllantry, to Judge from recent cate women can avail themselves regu peared to us, and as it undoubtedly birthplace of the airplane; it should larly of this trick. Amazons are less was, in contrast with the gliders of be our concern that this art shall utterances of one concerning women. believed in their helplessness." Lilienthal and Chanute and even the not but that in It praeHappily, he speaks of his own country Kitty Hawk biplane of the Wrights, tlcal languish, we shall lead * * . women alone. will some day be to the ultimate flying world.application development the An amazing "One of women's favorite tricks," he machine what the primitive train of take placo in the near future will Imagination's Power in the says, "is to affect a pose of helpless A dental review reports a most curi 1830 is to the Twentieth Century utilization of the air as a means oi ness. She knows that in assuming it Limited. The designing and engineer transport and communication. As a she never fails to make an impression ous case which throws a bewildering ing features are progressing. Im government we are aiming to pro on the man and in this way gains her light on the effects of imagination. in safety and efficiency vide this art with provements ends more easily. A very clever and Several bad teeth had to bo pulled are being constantly introduced. These, ties of law and necessary guaran with such facilities energetic widow recently confessed to for a young woman. if aided by regulation and stipulation as may be possible through the en r.ic that she uses this trick in the great The operation began, by anaesthetiz by the government, assure security in and small things of existence with the ing the patient, who soon lost con- the air travel of the near future com couragement of airways and termi nals. But for air transport quickly same invariable success. 'I lean against sciousness and gave no sign of pair, parable with that of the accepted to achieve the important place it ia man who offers himself to me during the extraction of the teeth. every means of transportation which we destined to occupy it must have pub as a pillar,' she said. 'Men like t'.is, But a little later it was found that have to-day on rail, road and water. lic Interest anl> _tpport. I hope your and I am saved much wotk and trouble.' j owing to a small accident in the func The sensational news value of air efforts in this behalf may be pro -"When, clad in her best dress, she tioning of the apparatus that was em accident reports is a great burden on ductive of most gratifying results. goes to her banker or lawyer, she never ployed the capsule containing the an the aeronautical industry, and is giv Very truly yours, forgets her trick. 1 understand noth aesthetic had not been broken. ing a picture to the public not borne WARREN Q. HARDINO. at all of these things,' she laments. Thus the young woman had fallen out by facts. But time alone will ing "Aeronautical Chamber of Com 'You know all this so well; you are asleep, imagining that she was under eradicate this, since year by year, mere of America, no., 601 Flf-tt the only man who can help m.' And the influence of chloride of ethyle. more and more flying is done, which Avenue, Nv York City N. T.*

32 34

There were twenty-one persons in Thorough Inspections jured in the twenty-four accidents. Called Vital Necessity These mishaps were due to causes Equal in importance with learning which could have been removed by the qualifications of pilot and naviga making this country supreme in aviaFederal regulation or supervision, tor is inspection of aircraft and en tion, and the results achieved in a had landing fields, air routes and gines. Out of the 114 accidents twen- short year have surprised even the weather reports been fully available; ty-two may be attributed to faults most optimistic. had the field help been more dis which proper inspection probably would j The air mall service is the greatest commercial air

eral constructors for the fastest air planes in the world, which are now being built around high-powered mo tors that were initiated and perfected by the engineers at McCook Field. Practically every world's record c. any consequence is held in this coun try. The world's altitude record, the world's speed record around a circuit, the world's seaplane records, the world's endurance record, were all made by American pilots within the last year. America has the flyers, the raw mate rials, the engineers and splendid gov ernment technical departments that have all combined toward the aim of

placed "carte blanche" orders with


paid flights. tMlnutos.


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