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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2001, 40, 4681-4715 4681


Sonochemistry: Environmental Science and Engineering

Yusuf G. Adewuyi*
North Carolina A and T State University, Department of Chemical Engineering,
Greensboro, North Carolina 27411

Sonochemical engineering is a field involving the application of sonic and ultrasonic waves to
chemical processing. Sonochemistry enhances or promotes chemical reactions and mass transfer.
It offers the potential for shorter reaction cycles, cheaper reagents, and less extreme physical
conditions, leading to less expensive and perhaps smaller plants. The amount of things that
can be accomplished with sonochemistry is, at this stage, only limited by the minds of those
working in this exciting field. Existing literature on sonochemical reacting systems is chemistry-
intensive, and applications of this novel means of reaction in environmental remediation and
pollution prevention seem almost unlimited. For example, environmental sonochemistry is a
rapidly growing area that deals with the destruction of organics in aqueous solutions. However,
some theoretical and engineering aspects are not fully understood. This paper reviews the field
comprehensively by combining the existing knowledge from chemistry with insights into the
pathways and kinetic analysis of environmental sonochemical reacting systems and with
challenges for large-scale applications. The review is intended to advance our understanding
and outline directions for future research.

Contents 6. Concluding Remarks 4711

7. Literature Cited 4712
1. Introduction 4681
2. Theory 4682
2.1 Fundamentals of Ultrasound 4682 1. Introduction
2.2 Factors Affecting Aqueous 4682 When ultrasonic (or sonic) energy at high powers
Sonochemical Processes more than 1/3 W/cm2 for water at room temperaturesis
2.3 Fundamentals of Sonochemical 4683 applied to a liquid, a “cold boiling” termed cavitation
Reactions takes place. Simply put, cavitation is the formation,
3. Types of Pollutants 4686 growth, and sudden collapse of bubbles in liquids.1,2
Ultrasonic vibration reduces the thickness of liquid
4. Prior Literature 4686
films, enhances gas transfer, and reduces bubble coa-
4.1 Aromatic Compounds 4686 lescence, which increases the interfacial area for gas
4.2 Chlorinated Aliphatic 4700 transfer.3-6 For example, the diffusion of liquids through
Hydrocarbons porous media is enhanced by ultrasound. Ultrasound
4.3 Explosives 4702 can be used to separate gases because lighter molecules
4.4 Herbicides and Pesticides 4703 in an ultrasonic field will travel further than heavier
4.5 Organic Dyes 4704 ones. Ultrasonic energy is also used to remove contami-
nants from air and to break down toxic compounds in
4.6 Organic and Inorganic Gaseous 4704 water and soil.6 Nearly half of the 189 hazardous air
Pollutants pollutants (“air toxics”) regulated by the Clean Air Act
4.7 Organic Sulfur Compounds 4706 Amendment (CAAA) of 1990 are volatile organic com-
4.8 Oxygenates and Alcohols 4706 pounds (VOCs). This diverse list includes common
4.9 Other Organic Compounds 4706 solvents or halogenated aliphatic compounds, such as
4.10 Other Environmental 4707 methylene chloride, chloroform, and trichloroethylene,
Applications all of which are mineralized by ultrasonic irradiation.
7-14 The term mineralization implies the final products
5. Discussion 4707 of degradation reactions, which are carbon dioxide,
5.1 Reaction Pathways and Kinetics 4708 short-chain organic acids, and/or inorganic ions. Ben-
5.2 Effects of Water Quality 4708 zene, well-known for its resistance to the action of strong
5.3 Sonication Byproducts and 4709
Toxicity Effects * Phone: 336-334-7564.Fax: 336-334-7904.E-mail: adewuyi@
5.4 Efficiency and Scale-up Issues 4709

10.1021/ie010096l CCC: $20.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 10/04/2001
4682 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

Table 1. Some Advanced Oxidation Technologies ing the existing knowledge from chemistry with insights
(i) Fenton-Type Reactions into the pathways and kinetic analysis of environmental
Fe2+ + H2O2 f •OH + Fe3+ + OH- sonochemical reacting systems and with challenges for
(ii) Ozone-Peroxide-UV Systems long-term reliability and economical scaleup.
O3 + -OH f O2- f •OH
3O3 + UV (<400 nm) f 2 •OH 2. Theory
H2O2 + UV (<400 nm) f 2 •OH
H2O2 + O3 f 2•OH 2.1. Fundamentals of Ultrasound. Ultrasound are
H2O2 + O3 + UV f •OH waves at frequencies above those within the hearing
(iii) Semiconductor Oxides-UV Systems
range of the average person, i.e., at frequencies above
TiO2 + hv f TiO2 (h+ + e-) 16 kHz (16 000 cycles per second).1,2 Ultrasonic energy
H+ + OH- f •OH (high frequency sound waves) produces an alternating
(iv) Radiolysis (High-Energy Beams): adiabatic compression and rarefaction of the liquid
H2O f e-aq + H• + •OH + (H2, H2O2, H3O+) media being irradiated. In the rarefaction part of the
(v) Wet Oxidation (WO) Systems:
ultrasonic wave (when the liquid is unduly stretched
RH + O2 f R• + HO2• or “torn apart”), microbubbles form because of reduced
RH + HO2• f R• + H2O2 pressure (i.e., sufficiently large negative pressures).
H2O2 + M f 2 OH• These microbubbles contain vaporized liquid or gas that
RH + OH• f R• + H2O was previously dissolved in the liquid. The microbubbles
R• + O2 f ROO• can be either stable about their average size for many
ROO• + RH f ROOH + R•
cycles or transient when they grow to certain size and
(vi) Sonolysis (Ultrasound) violently collapse or implode during the compression
H2O f H• + •OH
part of the wave. The critical size depends on the liquid
oxidants, succumbs under ultrasonication in aqueous and the frequency of sound; at 20 kHz, for example, it
medium.15 Sonochemical oxidation techniques involve is roughly 100-170 µm. The implosions are the spec-
the use of sonic or ultrasonic waves to produce an tacular part of sonochemistry. The energy put into the
oxidative environment via cavitation that yields local- liquid to create the microvoids is released in this part
ized microbubbles and supercritical regions in the of the wave, creating high local pressures up to 1000
aqueous phase.16 The collapse of these bubbles leads to atm and high transitory temperatures up to 5000 K.17-21
surprisingly high local temperatures and pressures. This energy-releasing phenomena of the bubble forma-
Locally, the high temperature and pressure may reach tion and collapse is simply called cavitation or (“cold
up to and above 5000 K and 1000 atm, respectively.17,18 boiling”), or for the case described above, acoustic
These rather extreme conditions are very short-lived but cavitation.1,35-37 Cavitation can also be achieved by
have shown to result in the generation of highly reactive throttling a valve downstream from a pump. When
species including hydroxyl (OH•), hydrogen (H•) and pressure at an orifice or any other mechanical constric-
hydroperoxyl (HO2•) radicals, and hydrogen peroxide.19-23 tion falls below the vapor pressure of liquid, cavitations
These radicals are capable of initiating or promoting are generated which then collapse downstream with a
many fast reduction-oxidation (REDOX) reactions. recovery of pressure, giving rise to high temperature
These reactions with inorganic and organic substrates and pressure pulses. Cavitation achieved from this
are fast and often near the diffusion-controlled rate.24-25 mechanism is termed hydrodynamic cavitation.38
Sonochemistry is an example of advanced oxidation 2.2. Factors Affecting Aqueous Sonochemical
processes (or AOPs).26,27 As shown in Table 1, AOPs owe Processes. Sonochemistry is complicated by the fact
their enhanced reactivity, as least in part to the genera- that the nature or the physicochemical properties of the
tion of reactive free radicals, the most important of solvent, solute, or gas in the bubble can have dramatic
which is the excited hydroxyl radical (•OH). effect on the cavitational collapse.37 Cavities are more
A number of studies have documented the role of readily formed when using solvents with high vapor
sonochemistry in homogeneous and heterogeneous pressure (VP), low viscosity (µ), and low surface tension
chemistry.28-30 Although the phenomena of sonochem- (σ); however, the intensity of cavitation is benefited by
istry has been recognized for many years and despite using solvents of opposite characteristics (i.e., low VP;
its recent advances, the mechanisms of homogeneous high µ, σ, and density, F). The intermolecular forces in
and heterogeneous sonochemistry are not fully under- the liquid must be overcome in order to form the
stood. It is only recently that applications in synthesis bubbles. Thus, solvents with high densities, surface
and pollution control have prompted interest in indus- tensions, and viscosities generally have higher threshold
trial scale operation.31,32 Thompson and Doraiswamy33 for cavitation but more harsh conditions once cavitation
and Moholkar et al.34 recently reviewed the fundamen- begins.35 There are several properties of gases that can
tals and science and engineering aspects of ultrasound affect sonochemical activities.5 The heat capacity ratio
and its applications to organic synthesis. Luche28 dis- (Cp/Cv) or polytropic ratio (γ) of the gas in the bubble
cusses the use of sonochemistry in organometallic affects the amount of heat released and, hence the final
synthesis, biphasic systems, catalytic reactions, and temperature produced in an adiabatic compression and
organic electrochemistry and the practical consider- the cause of reaction. Assuming adiabatic bubble col-
ations for process optimization. However, the applica- lapse, the maximum temperatures and pressures within
tions of this novel means of reaction in environmental the collapsed cavitation bubbles (eqs 1 and 2) are
remediation and pollution prevention seem almost predicted by Noltingk and Nepprias from approximate
unlimited. Sonication improves mass transfer and chemi- solutions of Rayleigh-Plesset equations.39-40
cal reaction and is expected to reduce or eliminate

[ ]
chemical usage, resulting in minimal sludge and dis- Pa(γ - 1)
posal problems. This paper reviews the field of envi- Tmax ) To (1)
ronmental sonochemistry comprehensively by combin- Pv
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001 4683

{Pa(γ - 1)
} the temperature, and the pressure on collapse are all
Pmax ) Pv (2) dependent on acoustic amplitude; the cavitation bubble
Pv collapse will be more violent at higher acoustic ampli-
tudes. An increase in intensity will thus result in
where To ) ambient (experimental) temperature or greater sonochemical effects in the collapsing bubble.5,28
temperature of bulk solution, Pv ) pressure in the The power delivered to a system depends to some extent
bubble at its maximum size or the vapor pressure of on the frequency level. In most cases, as the power is
the solution, Pa ) pressure in the bubble at the moment increased, the reaction rate also increases. At a critical
of transient collapse (i.e., acoustic pressure), and γ ) power level, increasing the power will decrease the rate
polytropic index of the cavity medium.5 As seen from of reaction.42 Power input to the system is dependent
these equations, higher temperatures and pressures are on the amplitude. By increasing the amplitude, the
generated with monatomic gases with higher γ than power is also increased.42,43 Sonochemical activity rises
those with polyatomic gases with lower γ. Another with increasing intensity to an optimum above which
parameter that affects cavitational collapse is the efficiency falls. According to Raleigh, the main condition
thermal conductivity of the gas. Although compression of effective action for ultrasonic cavitation is that the
is adiabatic in the sonochemical process, small amounts time of cavity collapse should be smaller than half the
of heat are transferred to the bulk liquid. A gas with ultrasonics period (τ < T/2), as shown in eq 4.44,45 For a
low thermal conductivity reduces heat dissipation from bubble under constant external pressure (hydrostatic)
cavitation site following adiabatic collapse and should from an initial or maximum radius, Rmax, to some final
favor higher collapse temperature compared with high radius, the relation is given by
thermal conductivity gas. In addition, the gas with the
higher thermal conductivity reduces the temperature
achieved in a collapse. The solubility of the gas in the
liquid used is also an important aspect; the more soluble
τ ≈ 0.915Rmax ( )

the gas, the more likely it is to diffuse into the cavitation where τ ) time of cavitation bubble collapse, Rmax ) the
bubble. Dissolved gases form the nuclei for cavitation. maximum radius of cavitation bubble, T ) ultrasonic
Soluble gases should result in the formation of larger period, Ph ) hydrostatic pressure, and F ) density of
number of cavitation nuclei and extensive bubble col- liquid.28,44-45
lapse since these gases are readily forced back to the When the acoustic power increases and simulta-
aqueous phase. neously increases amplitude of vibration, the maximum
As expected from sonochemical reactions, lowering radius of the cavity bubble also increases, as well as its
temperature increases the rate of reaction unlike most time of collapse, τ, and this bubble is not able to collapse
chemical reacting systems. This is attributed to the within time equal half of the period. That is, before the
lowering of the solvent vapor pressure which increases sound field reverses itself, and the rarefaction phase
the intensity of cavitation. At low vapor pressure, less begins acting on the collapsing bubble.
vapor has an opportunity to diffuse into the bubble and Frequency has significant effect on the cavitation
thus cushion the cavitational collapse, therefore making process because it alters the critical size of the cavita-
the implosion more violent. Also, as liquid temperature tional bubble.46-51 At very high frequencies, the cavi-
decreases, the amount of gas dissolved increases and tational effect is reduced because either (i) the rarefac-
the vapor pressure of the liquid decreases. Very volatile tion cycle of the sound wave produces a negative
solvents lead to relatively high pressures in the bubble pressure which is insufficient in its duration and/or
and also “cushion” the collapse. In some cases, the intensity to initiate cavitation or (ii) the compression
increase of temperature may favor the reaction kinetics cycle occurs faster than the time for the microbubble to
to a point and further increase in reaction temperature collapse. Lower frequency ultrasound produces more
leads to a decrease in the reaction rate.41 violent cavitation, leading to higher localized temper-
In the case of a progrssive planar or spherical wave, atures and pressures. However, current research indi-
the acoustic (or sound) intensity (in W m-2) is directly cates that in reactions such as oxidations, higher
related to acoustic pressure by eq 3: frequencies may lead to higher reaction rates. This is
2 due to the fact that higher frequency may actually
Pa increase the number of free radicals in the system
I) (3) because although cavitation is less violent, there are
more cavitation events and thus more opportunities for
where F is the density of the fluid (e.g., water) and c is the free radicals to be produced. Francony and Petrier
the speed of sound in the fluid (1500m/s in water). The observed the ultrasonic degradation of carbon tetra-
acoustic power (W) represents the intensity emitted by chloride was enhanced and the yield of products faster
a given surface. The term Fc represents the acoustic when using 500 kHz ultrasound compared with 20
impedance (Z) of the medium. Values of Z for air, water, kHz.48 But at very high frequencies, the cavitation
benzene, and ethanol are 400, 1.5 × 106, 1.1 × 106, and process is decreased. Entezari and Kruus studied the
0.95 × 106, kg m-2 s-1 respectively.28 The literature sonochemical reaction rate of oxidation of iodide at
points to the conclusion that some increase in the different temperatures (0-50 °C) and with different
pressure of the system should increase the reaction rate ultrasonic horns at low frequency (20 kHz) and with a
due to the magnified effect of cavitation implosions. high-frequency (900 kHz) apparatus.50 The results
However, as pressure increases, the intensity must be showed that at 900 kHz the rate of oxidation increased
increased to obtain cavitation in the first place. Too up to 30 °C at lower power levels whereas at 20 kHz,
much pressure reduces the rate of reaction by decreas- the rate of oxidation decreased with increasing temper-
ing the frequency or efficiency of bubble formations.37 ature.
An increase in ultrasound intensity means an increase 2.3. Fundamentals of Sonochemical Reactions.
in the acoustic amplitude (i.e., Pa). The collapse time, The influence of ultrasonic energy on chemical activity
4684 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

Figure 1. Three reaction zones in the cavitation process.

may involve any or all of the following: production of tions associated with the fragmentative collapse is due
heat, promotion of mixing (stirring) or mass transfer, to intense electrical fields and seems not to involve a
promotion of intimate contact between materials, dis- true implosion. They liken the origin of cavitation
persion of contaminated layers of chemicals, and pro- chemistry to corona-like discharges caused by a frag-
duction of free-chemical radicals.1-3,52-53 The physical mentation process and supported their views by drawing
effects of ultrasound can enhance the reactivity of a numerous analogies between sonochemistry and corona
catalyst by enlarging the surface area or accelerate a chemistry and indicating the formation of microplasmas
reaction by proper mixing of reagents. The chemical inside the bubbles.55 The supercritical theory recently
effects of ultrasound enhance reaction rates because of proposed by Hoffmann56 suggests the existence of a
the formation of highly reactive radical species formed layer in the bubble-solution interface where tempera-
during cavitation.4,21 Homogeneous sonochemistry ex- ture and pressure may be beyond the critical conditions
amines, mainly in the liquid phase, the activity of the of water (647 K, 22.1 MPa) and which may have
radicals or excited species formed in the bubble gas physical properties intermediate between those of a gas
phase (OH•, H•, X•, C2•, CN/, etc.) during the violent and a liquid. They showed that supercritical water is
implosion and their possible release into the liquid.28 obtained during the collapse of cavitation bubbles
The cavitation event also gives rise to acoustic micros- generated sonolytically.
treaming or formation of miniature eddies that en- In general, most studies in environmental sonochem-
hances the mass and heat transfer in the liquid, and istry have adopted the “hot spot” concepts to explain
also causes velocity gradients that results in shear experimental results. This theory considers a sonochem-
forces. In heterogeneous sonochemistry, the mechanical ical reaction as a highly heterogeneous reaction in which
effects of cavitation resulting from the erosion action of reactive species and heat are produced from a well-
microjets formed during asymmetric collapse of bubbles defined microreactor, “the bubble of cavitation.21,57 In
at the vicinity of interfaces are also important.28 So far, the “structured hot spot” model shown in Figure 1, three
four theories have been proposed to explain the sono- regions for the occurrence of chemical reactions are
chemical events: (1) hot-spot theory; (2) “electrical” postulated: (1) a hot gaseous nucleus; (2) an interfacial
theory; (3) “plasma discharge” theory, and (4) super- region with radial gradient in temperature and local
critical theory. These have led to several modes of radical density; and (3) the bulk solution at ambient
reactivity being proposed: pyrolytic decomposition, hy- temperature. Reactions involving free radicals can occur
droxyl radical oxidation, plasma chemistry, and super- within the collapsing bubble, at the interface of the
critical water oxidation. The “hot-spot” theory suggests bubble, and in the surrounding liquid. Within the center
that a pressure of thousands of atmosphere (up to 1000 of the bubble, harsh conditions generated on bubble
atm) is generated and a temperature of about 5000 K collapse cause bond breakage and/or the dissociation of
results during the violent collapse of the bubble.17-19 the water and other vapors and gases, leading to the
Both Margulis54 and Lepoint55 advocate that the ex- formation of free radicals or the formation of excited
treme conditions associated with fragmentative collapse states. Solvent and/or substrates suffer homolytic bond
are due to the intense electrical fields. The “electrical” breakage to produce reactive species. The high temper-
theory by Margulis suggests that during bubble forma- atures and pressures created during cavitation provide
tion and collapse, enormous electrical field gradients are the activation energy required for the bond cleavage.
generated and these are sufficiently high to cause bond The radicals generated either react with each other to
breakage and chemical activity.22,54 The “plasma theory” form new molecules and radicals or diffuse into the bulk
by Lepoint and Mullie also suggests the extreme condi- liquid to serve as oxidants. The second reaction site is
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001 4685

Table 2. Proposed Kinetic Mechanisms

A. Water Dissociation
H2O f H• + •OH R1 •OH + •OH f H2O2 R7 H• + H2O2 f •OH + H2O R13
H• + H• f H2 R2 •OH + •OH f H O + O•
2 R8 H• + H2O2 f H2 + HO2• R14
H• + O2 f HO2• R3 •OH + •HO f H O + O
2 2 2 R9 •OH + H O f HO • + H O
2 2 2 2 R15
HO2• + HO2• f H2O2 + O2 R4 O• + O• f O2 R10 •OH + H f H O + H•
2 2 R16
HO2• + HO2• f H2O + 3/2O2 R5 1/2O2 + 2H• f H2O R11 H2O + •OH f H2O2 + H• R17
H• + HO2• f H2O2 R6 H• + OH• f H2O R12
B. Under N2 Atmosphere
As in R1 Plus
N2 f 2N• R18 NO + NO2 f N2O3 R25 NO + NO f N2O + O R32
N• + •OH f NO + H• R19 N2O3 + H2O f 2HNO2 R26 N2O + O• f 2NO (or N2 + O2) R33
NO + •OH f HNO2 R20 N• + H• f :NH R27 N2O + N2 f O• R34
NO + •OH f NO2 + H• R21 :NH + :NH f N2 + H2 R28 N• + O2 f NO + O• R35
NO + H• f N• + •OH R22 N2 + •OH f N2O + H• R29 NO + O f NO2• R36
2 NO2(aq) + H2O f HNO2 + HNO3 R23 N2 + O• f N2O (or NO + N•) R30 2NO + O2 f 2NO2 R37
NO2 + •OH f HNO3 R24 N• + NO f N2 + O R31
C. Under O2 Atmosphere
As in R1 Plus
O2 f 2O• R38 O• + H2 f •OH + H• R42 O3 + O f 2O2 R46
O• + H2O f 2•OH R39 O• + HO2• f •OH + O2 R43 2HO2• f H2O2 + O2 R47
O• + O2 fO3 R40 O• + H2O2 f •OH + HO2• R44 2•OH f H2O2 R48
H• + O2 f •OH + O• (or HO2•) R41 HO2• f •OH + O• R45 2•OH f O• + H2O R49
D. Under Ar Atmosphere
As in R1 plus
•OH + •H + M f H2O + M R50 O• + H2O + M f H2O2 + M R55 O• + H2O f 2•OH R60
2•OH f •O + H2O R51 O2 + H• + M f HO2• + M R56 Ar f Ar/ R61
2•OH + M f H2O2 + M R52 •OH + H O f HO • + H O
2 2 2 2 R57 Ar/ + H2O f H2O/ + Ar R62
2H• + M f H2 + M R53 2HO2• f H2O2 + O2 R58 H2O/ f H• + •OH R63
2O• + M f O2 + M R54 HO2• + H• f H2O + O• R59
E. Under Air Atmospehre
As in B and C Plus
N2 + O2 f 2NO R64 NO2• + O• f NO3 R66 N2O5 + H2O f 2HNO3 R68
N2O• + O• f 2NO R65 NO2 + NO3 f N2O5 R67
F. Under H2 Atmosphere
As in R1 Plus
H2 f H• + H• R69 H2 + •OH f H2O + H• R70
G. Under CO2 Atmosphere
As in R1 Plus
CO2 + •H f CO + •OH R71 O • + O • f O2 R74 CO2 + H• f HCOO• R76
CO2 f CO + O• R72 CO + O• f CO2 R75 HCOO• + H• f HCHO + O• R77
2H• + O• f H2O R73

the liquid shell immediately surrounding the imploding For example, reactions R4 and R7 in Table 2 do not
cavity, which has been estimated to heat up to ap- occur in the gaseous phase (where H2O2 is unstable)
proximately 2000 K during cavity implosion. In this because of the prevailing high temperatures and pres-
solvent layer surrounding the hot bubble, both combus- sures. Rather, these reactions occur at the relatively
tion and free-radical reactions (involving •OH derived cooler interfacial region.
from the decomposition of H2O) occur.23 Reactions here Some of the sonochemical reactions identified in the
are comparable to pyrolysis reactions. Pyrolysis (i.e., cavitational events are summarized in Table 2. The
combustion) in the interfacial region is predominant at formation of •H and •OH is attributed to the thermal
high solute concentrations, while at low solute concen- dissociation of water vapor present in the cavities during
trations, free-radical reactions are likely to predominate. the compression phase (R1). Sonolysis of water also
At this interface between the bubble and bulk liquid, produces H2O2 and hydrogen gas, via hydroxyl radicals
surface-active reagents also accumulate and species and hydrogen atoms (R2-R7). The presence of oxygen
produced in the bubble first react with chemicals in the improves sonochemical activities, but it is not essential
bulk liquid. It has been shown that the majority of for water sonolysis, and sonochemical oxidation and
degradation takes place in the bubble-bulk interface reduction can proceed in the presence of any gas.
region.58,59 The liquid reaction zone was estimated to However, in the presence of oxygen acting as a scaven-
extend ∼200 nm from the bubble surface and had a ger of hydrogen atom (and thus suppressing the recom-
lifetime of <2 µs.17-19 In the bulk liquid, no primary bination of •H and •OH), the hydroperoxyl radical (HO2•)
sonochemical activity takes place although subsequent is additionally formed which is an oxidizing agent (R3).
reactions with ultrasonically generated intermediates This radical causes a number other reactions to occur
may occur. A small number of free radicals produced in resulting in the formation of H2O2, O2, O, and H2 as
the cavities or at the interface may move into the bulk- products (R4-R9). Thermal dissociation of oxygen mol-
liquid phase and react with the substrate present ecule may also occur, leading to the generation of
therein in secondary reactions to form new products. additional hydroxyl radicals (R38-R39). In the absence
Depending on their physical properties and concentra- of •OH scavengers, the main product of the sonolysis of
tions, molecules present in the medium will be “burned” water is H2O2 (R7). H2O2 can also be produced in an
in close to the bubble or will undergo radical reactions. “inert” atmosphere but only at the expense of •OH
4686 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

radical (R51). Formation of atomic nitrogen and oxygen, (3) Explosives

nitrogen fixation (with HNO2 as the major acid compo- • 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT)
nent formed) can occur in the cavity.60 Nitrogen mol- • Cyclotrimethylene-trinitramine (RDX)
ecules inside the cavitation bubble may react at high • HMX (octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine)
temperature with hydroxyl radicals and oxygen atoms (4) Herbicides and Pesticides
to give nitrous oxide and nitrogen oxide by a mechanism • Herbicides: atracine, alachlor, chlorpropham (isopro-
analogous to that in combustion chemistry (R19, R29- pyl-3-chlorocarbanilate 3-chloraniline)
R30). N2O is unstable under the high-temperature • Pesticides: pentachlorophenol (PeCP) and pentachlo-
conditions of the cavitation bubble and is further rophenate (PCP), polychlorophenyls (PCBs), par-
decomposed in the gas phase and may be transformed athion (O5-O-diethylo-p-nitrophenyl-thiophosphate),
to NO (R33).60 NO may undergo further reactions either and phenyltrifluoromethyl ketone (PTMK)
in the gas-phase of acoustic cavities or free-radical (5) Organic Dyes
reactions in the cooler interfacial zone, ultimately • Azo dye, remazol black (RB)
resulting in the formation of nitrous and nitric acids • Azo dye, naphthol blue black (NBB)
(R20-R23). Nitrogen fixation is inhibited by H2 and CO (6) Organic and Inorganic Gaseous Pollutants
under a hydrogen atmosphere; oxidation reactions are • Greenhouse gasessfluorotrichlormethane (CFC 11),
almost completely suppressed owing to the strong trifluorotrichloro ethane (CFC 113), nitrous oxide, and
reducing ability of •H. The inhibiting effect of CO on carbon dioxide
nitrogen is as follows. The oxygen formed in the irradi- • Hydrocarbonssacetylene, methane, ethane, propane
ated water is used up in the oxidation of the CO • Hydrogen sulfide
introduced into the water with subsequent formation • Ozone
of CO2 (R74). The presence of CO (or CO2 in small (7) Organic Sulfur Compounds
amount) may cause formation of HCHO in the cavita- • Carbon disulfide
tion bubble (R75-R76). If CO is introduced with N2 and • Di-n-butylsulfide
H2, then HCN and HCHO are major products. HCN, (8) Oxygenates and Alcohols
NH3, and HCHO can be formed from solutions saturated • Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), methanol, and etha-
with N2, CO, and H2.60 Another mechanism suggested nol
is that in which inert gases penetrating into a cavity • Mixtures of alcohols and chloromethanes
can contribute to the transfer of electron excitation to • Mixtures of alcohols (i.e., ethanol), polyvinlpyrrolidone
water or hydrogen molecules.22,44,60 For example, the (PVP), and tetranitromethane (TNM)
excited argon atom (Ar*) can participate in energy (9) Other Organic Compounds
transfer reactions, as shown in reactions (R60-R62). In • Surfactantsstert-octylphenoxy polyethoxyethanol (Tri-
the presence of H2, argon also facilitates the formation ton X-100), polyoxyethylene alkyl ether (SS 70)
of ‚H by direct dissociation of H2 within the cavitation • Formic acid and formates
bubble. • Acetate
• Thymine
(10) Other Environmental Applications
3. Types of Pollutants • Industrial wastes of a cyclohexane oxidation unit
• Natural groundwater and organic matter
A number of previous studies have examined the • Biological treatment systems: toxicity reduction and
transformation of pollutants by ultrasonic irradiation disinfection
or combined ultrasound and other advanced oxidation
techniques to organic techniques to organic intermedi-
4. Prior Literature
ates with mineralizaton to inorganic ions, CO2, and
short-chain organic acids as final products in some Studies involving the use of sonochemical or pho-
cases. The pollutants studied and other environmental tosonochemical processes to treat a variety of chemical
applications include: contaminants mostly in aqueous systems are sum-
(1) Aromatic Compounds marized in Table 3, highlighting the chemical oxidation
• Phenol, 2-, 3-, 4- and 2,4-chlorophenols, p-nitrophenol, schemes and experimental conditions utilized, removal
and p-nitrophenyl acetate (PNPA) effectiveness, and intermediates and degradation prod-
ucts observed.
• Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylben-
4.1. Aromatic Compounds. The ultrasonic degrada-
zene (mesitylene), xylene, fluoro-, bromo-, iodo- and
tion of phenol, chlorophenols, and nitrophenols have
chlorobenzene, hydroxybenzoic acids, humic acids,
been studied by a number of investigators. The inter-
nitrobenzene, nitro- and chloro-toluene, and styrene
mediates and products of the sonochemical oxidation of
• Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),- anthracene, phenol usually include hydroquinone, catechol, p- and
phenanthrene, pyrene, byphenyl, and dioxin o-benzoquinone, 2,5-dioxohexen-3-dioic, muconic, ma-
• Mixtures of chlorophenol and chlorobenzenes leic, succinic, formic, propanoic, oxalic and acetic acids,
(2) Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons (CAHs) and CO2. Berlan et al.61 observed that primary degrada-
• Trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetra- or perchloroethyl- tion products such as dihydroxybenzenes and quinones
ene (PCE) are further degraded upon time into the low molecular
• Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), chloroform (CHCl3), dichlo- carboxylic acids under mild external conditions (room
romethane (CH2Cl2), and methylene chloride (CH3- temperature, atmospheric pressure) due to local extreme
Cl) conditions resulting from cavitation, without the need
• 1,1,1-Trichloro and 1,2-dichloroethane for any chemical reagent. Petrier et al.62 found the rate
• Chloral hydrate of sonochemical phenol degradation to proceed more
• Mixtures of CAHs with phenols, BTEX, or chloroben- rapidly at higher (i.e., 487 kHz) than low (i.e., 20 kHz)
zenes frequency with concomitant better release of •OH in the
Table 3. Studies Utilizing Sonochemical and Photosonochemical Degradation of Aqueous Organic and Inorganic Pollutants
chemical degradation degradation
contaminants oxidation experimental intermediates/ efficiency/other
authors degraded concentration scheme conditions products results or remarks
Adewuyi carbon disulfide (CS2) 6.4-7.0 × 10-4 ultrasound: 20 temp, 1-50 °C; in air :sulfate in the degradation rates in the
and Collins, M, 10.5 × 10-4 kHz, 14-50 W irradiating pH range 8-11 irradiating gases is in the
2001a,b M, 13.2-13.6 gases, Air, Ar, order He > Air > N2O > Ar
× 10-4 M He, N2O; pH
Alippi et carbon tetrachloride 1.0-5.0 M ultrasound (US) temp, room, Free iodine and Cl2 in 5.0 × 10-3 - 3.0 × 10-3 (mol
al., 1992 (CCl4), chloroform CCl4, 1.0 M (300 W) irradiation the case of CCl4. HCl dm-3) free iodine yield.
(CHCl3) dichloromethane KI time, 1-3h inferred from pH
(CH2Cl2), (in aqueous decrease. No Cl2 formed
solution of KI) with CHCl2 and CHCl2.
Barbier and 4-nitrophenol (4-Np) 0.5 mM ultrasound/ temp, 20 ( 2 4-nitrocatechol, CO2 ultrasound-enhanced
Petrier, ozonation °C; pH 2; O3 minerilization potential
1996 ultrasound, 20 irradiating potential of substrate
kHz (30 W), 500 gas, O3/O2
kHz (30 W); O3 (2-3% O3)
1.72 × 10-4 M at
20 kHz, 1.58 ×
10-4 M at 500
Berlan et phenol; aniline; 100 mg/L ultrasound (30 temp, 27 ( 2 hydroquinone, catechol, Total degradation after 100
al., 1994 2-chlorophenol W), intensity, 1 W °C; pH 6; p-benzoquinone, oxalic min at 541 kHz, unchanged
cm-2 at 541 kHz dissolved gas, maleic, acetic, formic at 20 kHz. Mineralization
and 27 W cm-1 at air, O2, and Ar; and propanoic acids, of phenol improved with
20 kHz solid catalyst and CO2 Raney nickel.
Bhatnagar methylene chloride; 50-350 mg/L ultrasound (20 temp, 25 °C; No chlorinated products 72-99.9% destruction in
and chloroform, CHCl3; aqueous solutions kHz, 0.1 kW/L) pH 6-5, 7, 9 detected. HCl inferred 20-40 min. First-order
Cheung, carbon tetrachloride, of VOCs and from pH decrease. degradation kinetics varies
1994 CCl4; 1,2-dichloroethane, mixtures from 0.021 to 0.046 min-1.
1,1,1-trichloroethane, TCA;
trichloroethylene (TCE);
perchloroethylene (PCE)
Buttner et methanol-water mixtures 0-100 vol. % ultrasound (US) irradiation H2, CH2O, CO, CH4, degradation efficiency not
al., 1991 CH3OH (1-MHz, 2 time, 10 min C2H4, C2H6 under explicitly given
W/cm2) argon; CO2, CO,
H2 under oxygen
Catallo and chlorpyrifos, 3,3′,4,4′- 3 µg/mL ultrasound (1.6 temp, 4-12 °C; dechlorination products not explicitly given
Junk, 1995 tetrachloroazoxybenzene kW h) sonication time, 6-10 h detected for all
(TCAOB), at 5-100 psi. compounds (except for
2-chlorobiphenyl, Sparged under TCAOB and TCDF)
2,4,8-trichlorodibenzofuran Ar for 1 h prior under minimal
(TCDF), lindane, aldrin, to run. sonochemical
hexachlorobenzene (HCB), conditions
mixture of chlorinated
olefins, parafins and
Chen et al., phenol (PhOH), sewer PhOH, ultrasound, 25, temp, 22 °C; hydroquinone, catechol oxidation proceeded toward
1971 waste treatment effluent 100-700 55, and 800 kHz; irradiating completion at the high
mg/L, solid intensity, 0-33.3 gas, air; frequency
catalysts, W/cm2 catalysts,
20-200 mg V2O5, PtO2,
Ag2O, MnO2,
and RuO2
Chendke carbon tetrachloride (pure 0-100 vol. % ultrasound irradiation major products, HCl 7.5-20.0% CCl4 consumed
and Fogler, CCl4, two-phase CCl4 time, 15 and HOCl; minor
1983 water-CCl4 solution, min; pressure, products, C2Cl4 or
saturated water solution in 1-20 atm C2Cl6
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001 4687
Table 3. (Continued)

chemical degradation degradation

contaminants oxidation experimental intermediates/ efficiency/other
authors degraded concentration scheme conditions products results or remarks
Cheung et methylene chloride, carbon 100-1000 ultrasound (250 temp, 15-20 Products not explicitly Methylene chloride
al., 1991 tetrachloride, mg/L aqueous W) °C reported. HCl dropped from 120 to 25
1,1,1-trichloroethane, solutions formation inferred from ppm in 40 min. First-order
trichloroethylene pH drop. rate constant of 3.93 × 10-2
min-1 calculated.
Cheung fluorotrichloromethane 50 mg/L ultrasound (20 temp, 5-10 °C HCl, HF or other acidic almost 100% in 40 min for
and Kurup, (CFC11), aqueous kHz), batch CR at 5 psi g species (inferred from CR and 10 min for batch
1994 trifluorotrichloroethane solution reactor pH drop) reactor
(CFC113) (160 W/4.6
reactor (CR),
0.64 W/mL
Cost et al., p-nitrophenol (in the 2 × 10-5 M ultrasound (20 temp, 10 °C; 4-nitrocatechol degradation not affected by
1993 presence of common kHz, 50 W) pH 5.5; chemicals of natural water
chemicals of natural water) irradiation
medium, air
Dahi, 1976 Rhodamine B, E. coli E. coli, sonozonation; temp, 18 °C; not determined ultrasonic treatment of
106-107 ultrasound, 20 pH 7.2; effluent from biological
bacteria per kHz ozone, irradiation sewage reduced the
mL 3.68-3.94 medium, sterilization dose of O3 by
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

mg min-1 L-1 O2/O3 50% and decoloration

zero-order rate constant of
Rhodamine B by 55%
David et al., chlorpropham (isopropyl- 0.1 mM sonolysis, probe temp, 20 °C; 3-chloroaniline, Degradation efficiency was
1998 3-chlorocarbanilate), aqueous transducer (20 & irradiation HCOOH, CO, CO2, Cl- 100% after 45 min at 482
3-chloroaniline solutions 482 kHz, 40 W) medium, air for chlorpropham; Cl-, kHz and 60% at 20 kHz.
NO2-, NO3-, CO, CO2 Efficient elimination of
for 3-chloroaniline both compounds at 482
De Visscher trichloroethylene (TCE), TCE, 3.34 ultrasound (518 solution temp, not reported H2O2 enhanced o-CP
and o-chlorophenol (o-CP), mM; o-CP, kHz, 18.2W) 30 °C; degradation rate by
Langenhove 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol 0.362 and with/without irradiation 20-25%. TCE and DCP
1998 (DCP) 0.724 mM; Fenton reagent, medium, air unaffected by H2O2.
DCP, 0.29 hydrogen Presence of t-BuOOH and
mM; H2O2, 0, peroxide (H2O2) t-Bu-OO-t-Bu
1, 10, 100 or organic inhibited degradation.
mM; peroxides
CuSO4, 10,
De Visscher ethylbenzene (EB) 0.5-1mM ultrasound (518 solution temp, benzene, toluene, styrene, Rates are first-order.
et al., 1997 aqueous ( 1 kHz, 13 W 30 ( 1 °C cumene propylbenzene, Pyrolysis is an
solution per 150 cm3 diphenylmethane, important pathway.
solution) 1,2-diphenylethane,
acetophenone, phenylacetylene
De Visscher benzene (B), ethyl benzene B, 3.38, 1.69, ultrasound (520 temp, 29 ( 1 not reported first-order kinetic rates, k
et al., 1996 (EB), styrene (S), 0.9, and 0.45 kHz) °C; pH 7 (min-1): B, 0.0271; EB,
o-chlorotoluene (OC) mM; EB, 1, 0.0622; OC, 0.0431; S,
0.5, and 0.33 0.0446
mM; OC,
0.68, 0.34,
0.17mM; S,
0.97, 0.49,
and 0.25 mM
Drijvers et trichloroethylene (TCE) TCE, 0.84, ultrasound, 520 temp, 29.5 + products from mixture TCE, 3.34 to 0.1 in 90 min.
al., 1999 chlorobenzene (CB) 1.67, and 3.37 kHz (14.23 ( 0.73 W) 0.5 °C; of TCE and CB, Sonolysis rates of TCE and
mixtures of TCE and CB mM; CB, 086, solution pH 7 C8H4Cl2, C8H6,Cl2, CB depend on initial
1.72, and 3.44 mM C8H5,Cl3, and C8H4Cl4. concentration of TCE and CB
Table 3. (Continued)
chemical degradation degradation
contaminants oxidation experimental intermediates/ efficiency/ other
authors degraded concentration scheme conditions products results or remarks
Drijvers et chlorobenzene 1.72mM ultrasound, 520 temp, 29.5 ( methane, acetylene, Argon accelerated
al., 1998 aqueous kHz (14.23 ( 0.73 W, 0.095 W 0.5 °C; butenyne, butadiyne, degradation rates
solution. ml -1) solution pH, phenylacetylene, compared with air.
4.7, 7, 10; benzene,
irradiation non-chlorinated
gas, Ar, air mono- and dicyclic
chlorophenols, CP (in
the presence of air only)
Drijvers et trichloroethylene (TCE) 3.34 mM ultrasound, 520 temp, 29-32 C2HCl, C2Cl2, C4Cl2, Concentration decreased
al., 1996 aqueous kHz (0.095 °C; pH, C2Cl4, C4HCl3, C4Cl4, from 3.34 to 0.25 mM at
solution W/mL), 20 kHz 4.7, 7, 10; C4HCl5, C4Cl6 520 kHz and 3.34 to 0.5
(0.43 W/mL) irradiation mM at 20 kHz in 60 min.
gas, air, Ar
D’Silvia et benzo [a}pyrene (B[a]P, PAHs, 8.9-15 ultrasound (18 PAH solutions PAH and Dioxin, fine B[a]P in 20% aqueous
al., 1990 benzo [ghi]perylene, mg/L, pure or kHz, 50 W) typically carbonaceous deposits; ethanol, 99.1%, 94.1% and
coronene (PAHs) and neat TCE and sonicated for TCE and TCA, brown 22% degradation rates after
2-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin TCA over 2 h period polymeric materials 60 min for initial
(in 20% ethanol-water), concentrations of 1.1, 8.9
trichloroethylene (TCE), and 21.5 ppm respectively,
1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) significantly lower for 100%
ethanol solution alone.
Eiler, 1994 VOCs, trichlorothylene TCE, CAVOX system, H2O2 added organic acids, halides, removal efficiencies greater than
(TCE) primarily; BTEX, 1475-2000; sequential before the CO2 and H2O 99.9% for TCE and BTEX
Benzene (Bz); toluene (TL); Bz, 240-500; hydrodynamic cavitation
ethylbenzene (EB); xylenes TL, 8-11; XL, cavitation (360 chamber
(XL) up to 100 (all W, 5 & 10 kW)
in ppb) and UV
(low-pressure Hg
lamp, 2.5-10
Entezari et carbon disulfide (CS2) pure CS2 ultrasound, 900 temp, -50 to + amorphous carbon and effect of irradiating gas on
al., 1997 kHz (29 W) and 10 °C; monoclinic sulfur rate, He >H2 > Air > O2,
20 kHz (49 W) irradiating negligible rate at 900 kHz
gas, Ar, H2, air,
He, O2, CO2
Gondrexon pentachlorophenol (PCP) 10-4 M three-stage temp, 20 ( 2 No products and conversion rates up to 80%
et al., 1999 aqueous sonochemical °C; solution intermediates for ultrasonic units in
solutions reactor (500 kHz pH 7 determined. series
each, 0-100 W)
Gonze et al., Sodium 0.1 mM sequential temp, 20 ( 2 degradation products Ultrasonic irradiation
1999 pentachlorophenate ultrasonic/ °C solution, not reported decreased immensely the
(NaPCP) as wastewater biological pH 6.8-7.5; toxicity of NaPCP to
model compound. Bacteria treatment; operating microorganisms and could
(vibrio fischeri). Daphnids Electrical wattage, be used as preoxidation
(Daphnia magna). generator, 500 55-65 W step before biological
kHz, 0-100W treatment.
Gutierrez poly(vinylpyrrolidone) PVP, 0-0.1 ultrasound (300 irradiating PVP and EtOH, CH4, The decomposition of TNM
and (PVP), ethanol (EtOH) and M EtOH, kHz, 2 W cm-2) medium, Ar C2H6, CH2O, CH3CHO, is one of the fastest
Henglein, tetranitromethane (TNM) 0-0.5 M C2H6, CO, CO2; TNM, sonochemical reactions.
1988 in aqueous solution TNM, 4.5 × C(NO2)3-, NO2-, NO3-, Maximum rates of PVP
10-3 M and 5 N2, CO, CO2 occurred at about 0.04 M
× 10-3 M (in
water plus
glycerin, or
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001 4689
Table 3. (Continued)

chemical degradation degradation

contaminants oxidation experimental intermediates/ efficiency/other
authors degraded concentration scheme conditions products results or remarks
Gutierrez et aqueous acetate solutions 0-0.8 ultrasound, 300 temp, room ( 2 °C ; major, succinic, glycolic At acetate concentration greater
al., 1986 mol/dm3 kHz (16 W) irradiating gas, Ar; and glyoxylic acid, and than 0.4 mol/dm3, CO2 and CO
acetate irradiating smaller amounts of became the predominant
time, 30 min HCHO, CO2; minor, CH4 products of sonolysis.
Hamlin et carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) 2 mL CCl4 or ultrasonic temp, 20 °C; CCl4: CO2, O2, Cl2, with CCl4 alone (no water),
al., 1961 and chloroform (CHCl3) in CHCl3 in 20 generator, irradiating HCl, C2Cl6, C2Cl4; cavitation occurred but
aqueous suspension mL H2O medical (15 W, gas, Ar; CHCl3: HCl, C2Cl6, there was no reaction
1mc-sec, 3 irradiating C2Cl4
W/cm2), electric time, 15-180
(5 W, 300 kc/s) min
Harada, carbon dioxide (CO2) CO2 in ultrasound (200 temp, 5-45 °C; gaseous products; the decreasing rate for CO2
1998 distilled kHz, 200 W) irradiation major, CO, H2; minor, followed the order Ar > He
water gas, Ar, He, O2 H2 > N 2
(0.0-0.60 H 2, N 2
mole fraction)
Hart et al., acetylene in aqueous 0-10-2 M ultrasound irradiating H2, CO, CH4, HCOOH, Products similar to those in
1990 solutions quartz generator medium, Ar CH3COOH, HCHO, pyrolysis and combustion.
(1 MHz, 2W/cm2) CH3CHO, other C2-C8 Maximum rate occurred at
hydrocarbons, insoluble 2 × 10-3 M or 5 vol % of
soot, C6H6, styrene, C2H2
naphthalene, and
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

Hart et al., methane (CH4), ethane water ultrasound, 300 irradiation major products, maximum decomposition
1990 (C2H6) containing kHz, 2 W/cm2 gas, Ar hydrogen, acetylene, occurs at 15% for methane
2-100 vol % ethylene, ethane; and 10% for ethane
CH4 or C2H6 minor, CO, propane,
in Ar propene
Hart and formic acid-water mixtures 0-30 M ultrasound (300 gas medium, major, H2CO2, CO; At 15 M HCOOH, overall
Henglein, 1988 aqueous kHz, 2 W/cm2) Ar minor, oxalic acid rate of decomposition is 540
solution mM min-1.
Hart and ozone (O3) in aqueous O3, 353 & 628 ultrasound, 300 temp, 33 °C; H2O2 formation rapid decomposition rate of
Henglein, solutions mM, 1.6 mM kHz irradiation ozone (3 mM/min) occurred
1986 gas, Ar + at [O3] ) 1 mM
O2/O3 mixture
Hart and nitrous oxide (N2O) water ultrasound, 300 irradiation N2, O2, NO2-, NO3- maximum yield obtained at
Henglein, containing kHz gas, Ar Ar/N2O vol % ratio of 85:15
1986 0-100 vol %
N2O in Ar
Hart and solutions of KI and sodium HCO2-, ultrasound, 300 irradiating KI: iodine, H2O2; H2 the yield of H2O2 was about
Henglein, formate (HCO2Na) in pure 0.001, 0.01 & kHz; O3, 31.8 & gas, Ar, O2, also formed in the 4 times greater under
1985 and ozonized water 0.1 M KI; 0.1 67.4 mM and Ar/O2 absence of O2. HCO2Na: H2O2, H2, Ar/O2 mixture (70/30%)
M mixture; CO2 and oxalate in the absence than under the pure gases
solution pH of O2; H2O2 and CO2
6.32-12.07 (absence of O2)
Henglein, carbon dioxide (CO2), CO2-N2O- ultrasound, 300 bulk solution CO2: major, CO; minor, No chemical effects
1985 nitrous oxide (N2O), CH4 kHz (3.5 W/cm2) temp, 20 °C; HCOOH. N2O: N2, occurred during irradiation
methane (CH4) containing aq. irradiating nitrite, nitrate. CH4: under an atmosphere of
solutions gas, Ar C2H6, C3- and C4- pure CO2, N2O, or CH4.
(0.0.1 mole hydrocarbons, CO, CO2, Sonochemistry
fraction); CH2O characterized by a strong
Ethanol linkage between the
(0.05M); KI sonolysis of water and the
(0.1 M) gas.
Hirai et al., CFC-113 (F2ClC-CCl2F), CFC-113, ultrasound (200 irradiation CO, CO2, Cl-, F- CFCs and HCFCs are
1996 HCFC-225ca 25-1000 ppm; kHz, 6 W/cm2) medium, Ar, readily decomposed
(F3C-CF2-CCl2H), HCFC- air ∼CFC-113 degradation
HCFC-225cb 225ca,cb, 100 faster under argon than air
(F2ClC-CF2-CClFH) and ppm;
HFC-134a (F3C-CF2H) in HFC-134a,
water 300 ppm
Table 3. (Continued)
chemical degradation degradation
contaminants oxidation experimental intermediates/ efficiency/other
authors degraded concentration scheme conditions products results or remarks
Hua et al., p-nitrophenol (p-Np) in 100 µM near-field temp, 22-25 4-nitrocatechol first-order rate constants at
1995 aqueous solution acoustical °C; solution (4-NC); other products 1.4W/cm2 higher in Ar than
processor (NAP), pH 4.5-5.0; not reported here in O2, kO2 ) 5.19 × 10-4 s-1
16 and 20 kHz, irradiation kAr ) 7.94 × 10-4 s-1
0-1775W medium, Ar,
O2, mixture of
Hua et al., 1995 p-nitrophenyl acetate 100 µM immersion-probe temp, 25 °C major, hydrolysis products; hydrolysis rate constants
(PNPA) in aqueous solution ultrasound (115 solution pH minor, NO2-, NO3- varies from 9.8 × 10-5 to 3.8
W, 96 W/cm2) 3-8; × 10-4 s-1, depending on
irradiation dissolved gas, accelerated
gas, Kr, Ar, He by ultrasound
Hua and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) CCl4, 1.95 × ultrasound (20 solution pH CCl4: C2Cl4, C2Cl6, Cl-, CCl4: 90% and 99%
Hoffmann and p-nitrophenol (p-Np) + 10-4 and 1.95 kHz, 135 or 112.5 11.8; HOCl, p-Np; reduction after 12 and 90
1996 CCl4 in water with/without × 10-5 mol L-1; W/cm2) irradiation 4-nitrocatechol (4-NC) min, respectively; not
saturation with Ozone (O3) p-Np, 100 µM gas, Ar affected by O3. Degradation
of p-Np enhanced
significantly by CCl4 and
accumulation minimized
Hung et al., nitrobenzene (NB) 25 µM ultrasound (US)/ temp, 15 ( 2 intermediates: with US, combination of ultrasound
2000 Fe°. US, 20 °C; initial pH 6 o-, p-, m-nitrophenol and Fe° had synergistic
kHz (139 W/L); and 4-nitrocatechol; effect on the reduction of
Fe°, 0-88 g/L with Fe°, nitrobenzene, nitrobenzene
Hung and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) 0.1 mM ultrasound (US)/ temp, 15 °C; intermediates: US/Fe°, combined US/Fe° system
Hoffmann, Fe°. US, 20 kHz irradiation C2Cl4 and C2Cl6; Fe° had a positive synergistic
1998 (62 W/285 L); Fe°, gas, Ar; initial (only), CHCl3, and effect on CCl4
0-24.49 g/L pH 7 CH2Cl2 dehalogenation
(powder) 0-42
g/L (turnings)
Inazu et al., trichloroethylene (TCE), 10 ppm ultrasound irradiation in air or O2, Cl-, H2, Over 75% initial amount
1993 tetrachloroethylene (PCE), generator/barium gas, Ar, O2, or CO2, negligible CO; in decomposed in 10 min.
1,1,1-trichloroethane titanate air argon, Cl-, H2, CO, CO2 Order of degradation rates:
(TCA), chloroform (CHCl3), oscillator (200 in argon, TCE > TCA > PCE;
carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) kHz, 6 W/cm2) in air, CCl4 > CHCl3
Ingale et al., refractory component in COD, 1000 sequential sonication at formation of acetic acid hybrid system more
1995 the industrial waste of a mg dm-3 sonication/wet 30 and 50 °C as byproduct effective than sonication-
cyclohexane oxidation unit oxidation with CuSO4 66% in COD reduction
(SONIWO); (6.26 × 10-4 (1473 to 499 mg dm-3) vs
ultrasonic catalyst for 1 36% (1533 to 980) for Cu2+
cleaning bath (40 h; WO, 250 °C, system
kHz, 150/300W) 0.69 MPa
Johnston pentachlorophenol (PCP), PCP, 2.4 × simultaneous UV temp, 35 ( 2 PCP: chloride Sonication of UV-irradiated
and 3-chlorobiphenyl 10-4 M; 3-CB, (Hg bulb-100W, °C; TiO2: catalyst solution
Hocking, (3-CB), 4-chlorophenol 4 × 10-4 M; 7000W/cm2/ultra surface area, significantly improved
1993 (4-CP), 2,4-dichlorophenol 4-CP, 7 × 10-3 sound (20 kHz, 55 ( 10 m2/g; rates.
(DCP) M; DCP, 2 × 475 amount, 0.2%
10-3 M W)/photocatalytic W/W
(TiO2) treatment catalyst/
Kang and methyl tert-butyl ether 0.01-1.0 mM simultaneous temp, 20 °C; tert-butyl formate (8%), the presence of O3
Hoffmann, (MTBE) sonolysis/ solution pH tert-butyl alcohol (5%), accelerated MTBE
1998 ozonation, 6.6-6.8; methyl acetate (3%), degradation rates
ultrasound (205 irradiation acetone (12%) substantially, enhancement
kHz, 200 WL-1), gas, O2/O3; by 1.5-3.9 depending on
[O3]o ) 0.26-0.34 irrad. time, [MTBE]o
µM 0-60 min
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001 4691
Table 3. (Continued)

chemical degradation degradation

contaminants oxidation experimental intermediates/ efficiency/other
authors degraded concentration scheme conditions products results or remarks
Khenokh benzene (Bz), toluene (TL), Bx, 2.4, 5.0 & ultrasound, 435 temp, 40 °C Bz & TL, HCHO, HCHO yields increased
and phenol (PhOH) (saturated 10.2 × 10-4 M; kc phenolic hydroxyls with initial concentration of
Lapinskaya, aqueous solution) PhOH, 0.01, Bz or TL and time
1956 0.08 & 0.32 M
Koike, 1992 alcohol-water mixtures, 10-80 vol % sonication bath argon bubbled typical products, CH4, order of yield for CH4 was
CH3OH, C2H5OH, (SB), 50 kHz, 120 for 15 min C2H6, C3H6, C2H4, C2H5OH > CH3OH >
n-C3H7OH, i-C3H7OH W before C2H2 i-C3H7OH ∼ n-C3H7OH
Koszalka et synthetic carbon 13.6-15.8 ultrasonic probe temp, 25-35 intermediates, CCl4 reduced from 13.6 to
al., 1992 tetrachloride CCl4), ppm (475 W) °C; pressure, chloroform, 1.71 ppm (g90%
contaminated water (sonication at 15-45 psig; dichloromethane, destruction) by sonolysis,
250 W), irradiation, air, Ar, H2; chloromethane; final 15.8 ppm to <0.5 ppb with
unknown irrad. time, products, methane, sonolysis plus chemical
chemical agent 0-5 min chlorine/chloride agent.
Kotronarou parathion (O,O-diethyl saturated ultrasound (20 temp, 30 °C; p-nitrophenol (p-Np), initial parathion was
et al., 1992 O-p-nitrophenyl aqueous kHz, 75 W cm-2) solution pH SO42-, PO42-, oxalate degraded e 2 h since
thiophosphate) parathion 6.0; final pH (C2O42-), NO2-, NO3- [SO42-]o was originally
solution (82 after 2 h equal 82 µM
µM) sonication, 3.7
Kotronarou p-nitrophenol (p-Np) in 100 µM ultrasound (20 temp, 30 °C NO2-, NO3-, first-order rate constants
et al., 1991 oxygenated aqueous kHz, 84 W) solution pH p-benzoquinone decreased from 3.67 ×
solutions 2.12; (p-BQ), hydroquinone,
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

10-4s-1 (pHo 5) to 2.0 × 10-4

irradiation 4-nitrocatechol, s-1 (pHo 8).
gas, air formate (HCO2-),
Kotronarou hydrogen sulfide (H2S) 92,100 and 20 probe ultrasound temp, 25 °C sulfate (SO42-), sulfite S(-II) completely oxidized
et al., 1992 (S[-II] ) [H2S] + [HS-] + µM (20 kHz, ∼75 solution pH (SO32-), thiosulfate in less than 30 min
[S2-]) W/cm2 or ∼85W) 10.6-7.4; (S2O32-) in the mole
irradiation ratio 2.2:2.7:1
gas, air respectively
Kruger et natural groundwater 350 µg/L ultrasound [361 temp, 22-31 chloride complete destruction
al., 1999 containing mainly kHz (60 W), 620 °C; solution within 60 min
1,2-dichloroethane kHz (75 W), and pH 6.2-7;
(1,2-DCA) 1086 kHz (105 irradiation
W) gas, air
Ku et al., 2-chlorophenol (2-CP) in 1.26 × 10-4 M probe ultrasound temp, 17-60 chlorohydroquinone, apparent pseudo first-order
1997 aqueous solution (20 kHz, 0-550 °C; pH 3, 5, 7, catechol, chloride at pH rate constant ranged from
W); intensity, 9, and 10; 11, but glyoxilic acid 3.3 to 1.5 × 10-3 in the pH
38.1 W/cm2 irrad. gas, air, also detected at pH 3 range 3-11 at 24 ( °C
O2, N2
Lin et al., 2-chlorophenol (2-CP) 10 and 100 ultrasound (20 temp, 25 °C; not explicitly given; 2-CP decomposition was
1996 mg/L kHz, 160 pH 3, 7, 11; total organic carbon 99%, 62%, and 15% at pH 3,
W)/H2O2 (200 catalyst, (TOC) monitored 7, and 11, respectively, at
mg/L) process FeSO4 350 min, and was enhanced
by FeSO4 as catalyst.
Lin et al., 2-chlorophenol (2-CP) 100 mg/L ultrasound (20 temp, 25 °C; not explicitly given; H2O2 improved 2-CP
1996 kHz, 0, 125, and solution pH 3, total prganic carbon decomposition, 57% over
160 W)/H2O2 (0, 5, 7, 9, 11 (TOC) monitored the control with 500 mg/L
100, 200, and 500 H2O2
mg/L) process
Lur′e, 1962 phenol (PhOH), benzene PhOH, ultrasound, 800 solution temp, PhOH: catechol, Prolonged treatment
25-300 mg/L; kc/s, 1500 W; 40-60 °C; pyrogallol, o-quinone; resulted in rapid oxidation
Bz, 200-500 Intensity, 4-7 treatment Bz; phenol, pyrogallol, of catechol to muconic acid.
mg/L W/cm2 (350 time, 40 min to catechol, formaldehyde
mL solution) 5 h.
Mead et al., thymine (aerated aqueous 2 × 10-3-2 × ultrasound (447.5 solution temp, cis- and trans-5, A value of 1.8 ( 0.3 × 10-5
1975 solutions) 10-2 M ( 0.6 kHz, 5 W 25 °C 6-dihydroxy-5,6- M min-1 was obtained for
cm-2) dihydrothymine, the zero-order rate
5-hydroxymethyluracil constant.
and urea
Table 3. (Continued)
chemical degradation degradation
contaminants oxidation experimental intermediates/ efficiency/other
authors degraded concentration scheme conditions products results or remarks
Nagata et monohydroxybenzoic acid 100 µM/L ultrasound, 200 temp, 25 °C; only CHCl3 measured Rates of the HBAs were
al., 1996 (HBA); kHz, 200 W irradiating faster in Ar than in air but
3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid gas, air & Ar rates of TA and HA were
(3,4-DHBA); gallic or faster in air.
acid (GA); tannic acid (TA);
humic acid (HA)
Nagata et 2-, 3-, & 4-chlorophenol 100 µM/L ultrasound, 200 irradiating chloride Degradation of CPOHs and
al., 2000 (CPOH), kHz, 200 W gas, air & Ar, PCP were almost 100%
pentachlorophenol (PCP) presence of Fe(II) under Ar and 80-90%
under air after 1 h.
Olson and fulvic acid (FA) and FA, 10 mg/L sonolysis/ temp, 25 °C; CO2 91% TOC removed as CO2
Barbier, naturally colored TOC; NCG, ozonolysis groundwater pH 8.6; (from FA) after 60 min.
1994 groundwater (NCG) contains (sonozone irradiating Sonozone is more effective
2.5-3.0 mg/L process); gas, 2.1% O3 in than ozone or ultrasound
(dissolved ultrasound, 55 W, O2 (3.2 mg/min) alone
organic 20 kHz
Okouchi et phenol (PhOH) 100 ppm ultrasonic temp, 25 °C; catechol, hydroquinone degradation rates increased
al., 1992 (mg/dm3) generator (200 W; catalyst, Fe2+, in the order O2 > air > He,
19.5, 50, 200, and MnO2 irradiating N2 and enhanced by
600 kHz) gas, Air, O2, N2, He catalyst
Orzechowska carbon tetrachloride CCl4, 40 ppm; ultrasound (20 solution temp, chloride and formate At 20 min, the pH decreased
et al., 1995 (CCl4), chloroform (CHCl3), CHCl3, 37 kHz); cup horn, 27-40 °C; ions; chloride: CCl4, 2.80 by 2.3 units for CCl4
trichloroethylene (TCE), ppm; TCE, 37 100 W; horn deionized and ppm; CHCl3, 4.55 ppm; solutions.
chlorobenzene (CB), ppm; CB, 94 probe, 120 W tap water (pH TCE, 2.80 ppm; CB,
polychlorobiphenols (PCBs) ppm; PCB, 55 6.3-8.37); 0.50 ppm; PCB, 0.30
Triton X-100 (TX) ppm; TX, 1% sonication ppm; TX, 0.30 ppm;
aq. soln. time, up to 60 formate, <1.00 ppm for
min. each
Petrier et pentachlorophenate (PCP) 10-4 M ultrasonic disk temp, 24 ( 1 CO2, (CO in Ar only), fast cleavage of the C-Cl
al., 1992 transducer (530 °C; pH 7; Cl-, NO2-, and NO3- bond, releasing Cl- and
kHz, 20 W) irradiation mineralization of PCP to
gas, Ar, air, CO2 in 100 minutes
Petrier et phenol (PhOH) 0.05-10 mM ultrasound (30 temp, 25 °C; CO2 as the only rate is dependent on
al., 1994 (a) W): disk irradiation gaseous product, [PhOH]0 with maximum
transducer, 487 gas, air hydroquinone (HQ), value reaching limits of:
kHz titanium catechol (CC) 11.6 × 10-6 M min-1 (for
probe, 20 kHz benzoquinone (BQ) 487 kHz) and 1.84 × 10-6 M
min-1 (for 20 kHz)
Petrier et atrazine (ATZ), ATZ, 0.1 mM; ultrasound: temp, 20 °C; ATZ: dealkylation the degradation proceeded
al., 1996 pentachlorophenol (PCP) PCP, 0.1 mM immersion probe, pH 7 (for PCP); products of atrazine, 7.8 times (for ATZ) and 4.8
20 kHz, 18.5 W; dissolved gas, CO2, chloride; PCP: times (for PCP) more
ultrasonic air; irradiation chloride rapidly at 500 kHz than at
emitter, 500 kHz, time, ATZ 120 20 kHz
18.5 W min, PCP 180
Petrier et chloroform (CHCl3), MeOH: 1% ultrasound irradiation acidic degradation chloromethanes extensively
al., 1994 (b) dichloromethane (CH2Cl2), CCl4; BuOH: (30W), Vibracell gas, O2 and products detected with decomposed MeOH and
carbon tetrachloride 0.5% CCl4; emitter, 20 kHz; argon β-carboline (10-4-10-5 BuOH remained stable, but
(CCl4), and dilute mixtures Et(OH)2: 0.02 Undatim M) especially for Et(OH)2 oxidized
of CCl4 in methanol and 0.05% Irradiation solutions of CCl4 in
(MeOH), butanol (BuOH), CCl4 system, 500 kHz alcohol
and 1,2-Ethanediol
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001 4693
Table 3. (Continued)

chemical degradation degradation

contaminants oxidation experimental intermediates/ efficiency/other
authors degraded concentration scheme conditions products results or remarks
Petrier et aqueous solutions of CIBZ and ultrasound (30 temp, 20 °C; CIBZ: Cl-, CO, CO2, Chloroaromatic hydrocarbons
al., 1998 chlorobenzene (CIBZ), CIPH, 0.5 mM; W), disk water C2H2; 4-CIPH: Cl-, and yielded g 89% Cl- as product in 150
4-chlorophenol (4-CIPh), 1,2-DCB, 0.4 transducer (500 equilibrated hydroxlated min. For the mixture, CIBZ
1,2-dichlorobenzene mM 1,3-DCB, kHz), titanium air intermediates degrades before 4-CIPH
(1,2-DCB), 0.05 mM; probe (20 kHz) (hydroquinone, (100 vs 300 min). 1,2-DCB,
1,3-dichlorobenzene 1,4-DCB, 0.2 mM; 4-chlorocatechol, etc.) 1,3-DCB, 1,4-DCB,
(1,3-DCB), 1,3,5-TCB, 1,3,5-TCB, and 1-CN more
1,4-dichlorobenzene 0.02 mM; 1-CN, efficiently destroyed.
(1,4-DCB), 0.04 mM
(1-CN) and mixture of
Petrier and phenol (Ph), carbon Ph, 10-3 ultrasound (30 temp, 20 °C; Ph hydroquinone, degradation rates for CCl4
Francony, 1997 tetrachloride (CCl4) mol/L; CCl4, W), titanium solution pH 2; catechol; CCl4: Cl-, and increase with frequency,
4-4.6 × 10-4 horn, 20 kH; O2-saturated CO2 but maximum for PhOH at
mol/L piezo-electric solutions 200 kHz
disk, 200, 500
and 800 kH
Phull et al., bacterial cells (E. coli) 676 bacterial ultrasound (US) temp, 20 °C; dead bacterial cells ultrasound amplified the
1997 colonies per and/or sonication biocidal effects and reduced
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

cm3 (1/10 chlorination. US, time, 1, 2, 5, the amount of chlorine

dilution) 20 kHz (8 W 10, or 20 min required for disinfection
cm-2) & 800 kHz
(15 W cm-2);
0.01-30 ppm
Popa and chloromethanes in aqueous 1.5 cm3 ultrasound, 1 temp, 25 °C; C2H2Cl4, C2HCl5, the sonolytic reaction fairly
Ionesu, 1992 media (CH2Cl2/H2O, samples megacycles/s, 584 irradiation C2Cl6 obeys zero-order kinetics.
CHCl3/H2O, CCl4/H2O) (chloro- W gas, argon; pH The rate constants were
methane) in 6 1.73 × 10-7, 2.22 × 10-7, and
98.5 cm3 H2O 2.78 × 10-7 Ms-1 for CCl4,
CHCl3, and CH2Cl2,
Price et al., chlorobenzene (CB), saturated horn ultrasound temp, 20 °C not explicitly reported At 20.9 W/cm2, the rate
1994 1,4-dichlorobenzene, solutions (M): (22 kHz), (ambient); constants for 1,4-DCB, NT,
(1,4-DCB), naphthalene CB, 4.1 × intensities solution, pH AN, and PR are 0.038,
(NT), anthracene (AN), 10-3; DCB, (W/cm2), 13.5, 5.48-4.50 (not 0.015, 0.033, and 0.016
pyrene (PR) 6.2 × 10-5; NT, 11.7, 20.9, and controlled by (min-1), respectively, and
2.36 × 10-4; 38.9 buffer) 0.022 for CB at 23.9 W/cm2
AN, 2.30 ×
10-7; PR, 6.4
× 10-7
Rajan et al., water-KI-CCl4 system 1%, 16.6%, horn ultrasound temp, 34 °C; I2, Cl2, Cl, HOCl, HCl, Model developed predicted
1998a,b (KI-water solution and 25% KI (25 kHz) irradiation CO2, and O2 well the rates observed for
saturated with CCl4) solutions gases, air, N2, CCl4 suspension in KI
containing 5.2 O2 solution.
× 10-3 M CCl4
Reinhart et trichloroethylene (TCE) 5-20 ppm sonolysis/ temp, 25 °C; not explicitly reported combined sonolysis/Fe rates
al., 1996 zerovalent Fe. irradiation Cl- inferred was 3 times that of Fe alone
US: 20 kHz, 90 & gas, N2
180 W; iron (Fe),
1&3 g/L
Sakai et al., chloral hydrate (CH) 0.1 M in ultrasound (29 temp, 30 °C; solution chloride ion (Cl-) kinetic rate expression
1977 aqueous and 400 kHz); saturated with obtained for the formation
solutions power output, 0.5 air and mixtures of HCl agreed with
W/cm (20/80 and experimental result
2/98) of O2 and
Table 3. (Continued)
chemical degradation degradation
contaminants oxidation experimental intermediates/ efficiency/other
authors degraded concentration scheme conditions products results or remarks
Sehgal and thymine (THY) 0.1 mM ultrasound (1-7 temp, 20-70 not determined At an aeration rate of 50
Wang, 1981 W cm2) °C; aeration mL/min at 34 °C, [THY] is
medium, air reduced to half in 30 min.
Serpone et 2-, 3-, and 4-chlorophenols 4-CPOH, 75.1 horn ultrasound temp, 33 ( 2 4-CPOH, hydroquinone (HQ), total degradation in 10 h for
al., 1994 (2-CPOH, 3-CPOH, and µM; 3-CPOH, (20 kHz, 49.5 °C; air 4-chlororesorcinol (4CR), 2-CPOH and 3-CPOH and
4-CPOH) 77.8 µM; W, 52.1 W/cm2) equilibrated; 4-chlorocatechol (4-CC); 15 h for 4-CPOH with rates
2-CPOH, 83.1 natural solution 3-CPOH, Cl-, [4.8 ( 0.4, 4.4 ( 0.5, and
µM pH: 4-CPOH, 5.1; chlorohydroquinone 3.3 + 0.2] × 10-3 min-1,
3-CPOH, 5.4; (CHQ), 4-3-CC, respectively.
2-CPOH, 5.7 carbonaceous species;
catechol (CC)
Serpone et phenol (PhOH) and PhOH, 75 µM immersion horn 30 ( 2 °C; pH PhOH, appearance (in At pH 12, neither HQ, CC
al., 1992 intermediates, catechol (pH 12), 68 ultrasound 200 3, 5.4, 5.7, 12; 9h) and subsequent or BC were detected from
(CC) hydroquinone (HQ), µM (pH 3) kHz, 25, 50, or 75 open to air disappearance of CC, the insonation of PhOH
p-benzoquinone (BQ) and 51 µM W/cm2 HQ and BQ BQ, HQ + since they were unstable.
(pH 5.7); HQ, unidentified species CO2 could not be detected.
44 µM, pH 3; HQ, BQ + unidentified
BQ, 43 µM, species
pH 3; CC, 54
µM, pH 3
Sierka, trinitrotoluene (TNT) and 70/30 mg/L ultrasound temp, 25-59 not explicitly ultrasound inhibited
1985 cyclotrimethylene TNT/RDX; (5-50W at °C; pH 5.84-10.0 determined kinetics at high temp and
-trinitramine (RDX) aqueous 852-863 kHz, pH due to radical-radical
solutions 60.6-1,007 extinguishment reaction
kHz)/ozone (72.91
mg O3/min)
Sierka and humic acid (HA) solution unknown ultraviolet/ irradiating trihalomethanes O3-US-UV system proved
Amy, 1985 concentration ultrasound/O3; gas, O3/O2; formation potential to be most effective reaction
US, 40 kHz, 300 pHo 4.0, 7.1, (THMFP), and conditions, followed by
W; UV lamp, and 10.0 nonvolatile total O3-UV, O3 alone, and
253.7 nm; O3, 4.3 organic carbon O3-US, providing 93%,
mg/L (2 min), (NVTOC) monitored as 86%, 75%, and 71%
21.6 mg/L (10 byproducts reduction in THMFP levels,
min) and 43.2 respectively, in 20 min.
mg/L (20 min)
Soudagar and toluene (T), nitrotoluene mixture of 20 KMnO4; temp, 30-35 T, benzoic acid; O-T T studied in detail among
Samant, (NT), O-chlorotoluene mmol of ultrasonic cleaner °C and MTB, the arylalkanes. The
1995 (O-T), O-p-xylene, KMnO4; and (23 kHz, 120W) corresponding optimal time for oxidation
mesitylene (1,3,5- 10 mmol of carboxylic acids of T was 3 h. KMnO4
trimethylbenzene (MTB), arylalkane in accelerates oxidation in the
and isopropyl- 50 cm3 water presence of ultrasound.
Spurlock et carbon tetrachloride saturated ultrasound, temp, 20 °C; CCl4, CO, CO2, HOCl, irradiation of products R2
al., and (CCl4); di-n-butyl sulfide aqueous 280-800 kHz at irradiation and hexachloroethane SO and R2SO2 yielded
Reifneider (R2S) solution of 5-11 W/cm2) gases, O2 and (C2Cl6) (in AR only); RSO3H as principal product
1970, 1971 CCl4 Ar Minor, R2SO2, RSO3H, only at 800 kHz
butyric acid, CO, C2H4,
C2H2, and CH4
Stock et al., azo dye, naphthal blue 50 ( 5 µM sonolysis/ temp, 20 ( 5 °C NBB intermediates Degradation rate for
2000 black (NBB) photocatalysis; minerilized to sonolysis was about 2 times
US, 640 kHz, 250 inorganic species faster than that of
W; TiO2 (P.25), 1 photocatalysis.
Suzuki et surfactant, 100 ppm in ultrasound/ temp, 25 °C; not explicitly significant enhancement in
al., 2000 polyoxyethylene-alkyl 1000 mL aqueous photocatalysis, irradiation determined TOC the photocatalytic reaction
ether (SS-70) sample 200 kHz/200 W, gas, air; irrad. monitored observed when combined
TiO2/Hg lamp time, 60 min with US irradiation
(253.7 nm/20W)
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001 4695

Table 3. (Continued)
chemical degradation degradation
contaminants oxidation experimental intermediates/ efficiency/other
authors degraded concentration scheme conditions products results or remarks
Takizawa et phenol (Ph), 2-naphthol 8.0 × 10-3 M ultrasound (200 temp, 25 °C; Ph, CC, hydroquinone Hydroxylated products
al., 1996 (2-Nph), 4-methylphenol in water and kHz) irradiation (HQ); 4-mpH yields ranged from 15% to Ph and
(4-mPh), catechol (CC), water- time, 12-18 h; 4-methylcatechol; 4-HAN have the highest
resorcinol (RS), ethanol irradiation 4-HAN, hydroquinone; yields of products, Ph 30%
3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole (3-tb-4-HAN), mixture (1:1 gas, O2 2-NpH CC and 26% HQ in 12 h;
3-methyl-4-hydroxyanisole V/V, 100 mL) 2,3-dihydronaphthol; 4-HAN, 50% HQ in 12 h.
(3-m-4-HAN) CC and RS, pyrogallol;
3-m-4-HAN, metyhl HQ
Tauber et 4-nitrophenol 5 × 10-3 ultrasound, 321 irradiation pH 10, 4-nitrocatechol, thermolysis products
al., 2000 mol/dm3 kHz, 170 W/kg gas, Ar; pH 4 & hydroquinone + observed at low pH
10 benzoquinone, nitrite; compared with OH-induced
pH 4, products at pH 10 reactions at high pH.
+ phenol, nitrate, CO,
CO2, H2
Theron et phenyltrifluoromethyl 160 µmol/L TiO2 temp, 293 K; CF3COOH and the amount of CF3COOH
al., 1999 ketone (PTMK) aq. solution photocatalysis pH 6-6.5 hydroxlated PTMK was 8 times lower in
and/or (natural sonicated solutions than in
ultrasound (US); water) UV-irradiated TiO2
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

TiO2, 3.5 g/L; US, suspension at both

30 & 515 kHz, frequencies
16 W
Thoma et benzene (Bz), toluene (T) 4, 40, and 80 near-field air or O2 not reported rate constants for 4 to 80
al., 1998 mg/L; Bz, acoustic saturated mg/L solutions; Bz, 0.01-0.003
51-1030 µM; processor (NAP), solutions min-1; T, 0.028-0.004 min-1
T, 43.5-870 200-800 W,
µM 16-20 kHz, 1.3
Toy et al., 1,1,1-trichloroethane 3.6 and 2500 cup-horn temp, ambient; chloride (Cl-) decomposition more
1990 (CCl3CH3, or TCA) ppm ultrasound (20 pH 3 extensive with combined
kHz)/Hg/Xe lamp photolysis and sonolysis
(200 W) (photosonolysis) than each
[photolysis only
and/or sonolysis]
Toy et al., 1,1,1-trichloroethane (CCl3CH3 1.06 and 10 immersion horn temp, chloride (Cl-) disappearance of TCA was
1992 or TCA) ppm ultrasound ambient; open 91.4 in 18 min.
(475 W, 20 kHz) to atmosphere
Trabelsi et phenol 89-100 mg/L sonolysis, SS (20 temp, 27 ( 2 maleic acid (MA), oxalic At 20 kHz, 5% conversion
al., 1996 and 500 kHz, °C; solution acid (OA), muconic acid with sonolysis alone
20 W)/electrolysis, ES (current saturated with (MCA), p-benzoquinone compared with 755 for SEO
density ) air for 20 min (BQ), hydroquinone in 10 min. SEO’s conversion
68A/m2) (HQ), catechol (CC), is 95% at 500 kHz in 10
[sonoelectro- CO2 min and 100% in 60 min.
oxidation (SEO)] HQ, CC, and BQ disappear
after 2 h at 540 kHz
Vinodgopal azo dye, remazol black B 33 µM ultrasound (640 temp, oxalate (C2O42-) RB disappeared in 90 min
et al., 1998 (RB) kHz, 240 W) ambient; with rate constant of 2.9 ×
under 10-2 min-1 and 60%
constant mineralization achieved in
bubbling of O2 6 h.
Weavers and ozone in aqueous solutions 85 ( 5 to 245 ultrasound direct temp, 23 ( 3 not explicitly first-order degradation rate
Hoffmann, ( 3 µM O3 probe, 20 kHz; °C; irradiating determined constants are 0.84 and 0.66
1998 saturated 263 W L-1 gas, O2/O3 min-1, respectively, at 20
solutions ultrasonic mixture; pH 2 kHz and 500 kHz at [O3]o )
transducer, 500 245 µM
kHz, 96 WL-1
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001 4697

solution in the former case. Okouchi et al.63 observed

the degradation of phenol in less than 100 min to

W cm-2 (s-1) are: 2-PCB, 2.1

× 10-3 ( 2.8 × 10-5; 4-PCB,

2,4,5-PCB, 2.6 × 10-3 ( 9.4

destruction efficiencies in 6

first-order rate constant of

proceed with pseudo first-order rate and the addition

constants at 20 kHz/30.8

1.6 × 10-3 ( 3.4 × 10-5;

results or remarks
of Fe2+ and MnO2 to increase the rates in aqueous

products remains to be

pseudo-first-order rate
the toxicity of reaction

min with an average

solutions. Serpone et al.64 noticed the disappearance of

0.7 min-1 at 25 °C
phenol at the initial concentration range of ∼30 to 70

greater than 99%

µM to follow a zero-order kinetics with k ) 0.08 µM/

min at [phenol]initial ) 51 µM and pH 5.7 and slower at
an alkaline pH of 12. They also observed three principal

× 10-5
intermediate species formed at pH 3 (catechol, hydro-
quinone (HQ), p-benzoquinone (BG)), only catechol (CC)
and HQ at natural pH 5.4-5.7, and no intermediates
detected at pH 12. The mechanism is given as
PA, phenanthrene diol;

8 •OH + H•
not explicitly reported

H2O + ))) 79

phenol, propylphenol,
BP, ortho, meta, and

di-tert-butyl phenol,

para-1,1 biphenols


biphenyl, ethyl

OH 98 1/2H2O2 (6)


H 98 1/2H2 (7)

OH + phenol 98 products (8)
power intensity,

power intensity,
to atmosphere)

mL/min (open

1-22 W/cm2;
temp, 21-27

temp, 20-60

temp, 15 °C;
°C; pH 3-9;
reactor, 100

30.8 W/cm2;
°C; air flow


gas, air

gas, Ar
(20 kHz, 27 W/cm2)

(PUS), 20 kHz for

and 1071 kHz for

probe ultrasound

probe ultrasound
all PCBs; also at

205, 358, 618,


(147 W/cm2)

2-PCB only

For a constant phenol concentration, the rate of loss of

phenol as a function of sonocation time was found
linearly related to the sonocation power, P, according

Rate ) (10)
PA or BP, 0.39

2,4,5-PCB, 7.6

k2[ OH] + k4[phenol]
and 130 pm

µM; 4-PCB,
0.53, 1.6, 8,
mg/310 mL

2-PCB, 4.6

× 10-2 µM
5.4 µM;

At low concentrations of phenol, k2 [•OH] > k4[phenol],


and at low constant P, the rate follows first-order

kinetics; at high concentration, where k2 [•OH] ,
k4[phenol], the rate follows zero-order kinetics at con-
stant P. However, contrary to the zero-order kinetic
behavior observed at 25 and 50 W/cm2, the sono-
carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)

polychlorinated biphenyls
(2-PCB), 4-chlorobiphenyl
(PCBs), 2-chlorobiphenyl

oxidation of phenol was found to be only first-order at

hydrocarbons (PAHS),

75 W/cm2. Over a pH range of 3-9, Lur’e et al.65 found


phenanthrene (PA),
polycyclic aromatic

the decomposition of phenol to be practically indepen-


dent of pH. Chen et al.66 also found that at high

biphenyl (BP)

concentrations ([PhOH] > 300 ppm) the conversion was


zero-order and become first-order at very low concentra-


tion (<100 ppm). The rate was also found to be negli-

gible at low frequency and the oxidation proceeded
toward completion at high frequency. Trabelsi et al.67
Table 3. (Continued)

investigated the oxidation of phenol in a screened

reactor with ultrasound alone at 20 kHz and with
ultrasound associated with electrolysis. They found that
Tumeo, 1997
Wheat and

Zhang and

the electrochemical oxidation of phenol in NaCl media

Hua, 2000

Wu et al.,

combined with sonication at 20 kHz resulted in 75%


conversion of the initial phenol within 10 min and led

to the formation of toxic p-quinone. At a higher fre-
quency of 500 kHz, a conversion of 95% was obtained
4698 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

within the same treatment time with acetic and chlo- were found to be approximately 2 orders of magnitude
rocrylic acids as final products of degradation. However, lower than that of 2,4-chlorophenol (2,4-DCP), and this
sonoelectrooxidation at high frequency allowed total was attributed to the fact that the formation of aryne
degradation in 20 min with no toxic aromatic intermedi- intermediates is blocked by the ortho methyl groups.73
ates. They also observed that high frequency ultrasound Nagata et al.74 found the first-order ultrasonic degrada-
enhanced mass transfer substantially up to 70-fold the tion rates of 2-, 3-, and 4-chlorophenol to be faster under
mass transfer by diffusion, and without ultrasound argon atmosphere compared to air atmosphere. With 0.1
dimerization of phenol radicals yielded polymeric species mM initial concentrations, the rates for 2-CPOH,
which built on the electrodes and passivated them. 3-CPOH, and 4-CPOH were 6.0, 7.2, and 7.0 µM min-1,
The sono-oxidation intermediates and products of 2-, respectively, in argon compared to 5.0, 6.6, and 4.5 µM
3-, and 4-chlorophenols (2-,3-,4-CPOH) and 2,4-dichlo- min-1 in air atmosphere. The rate was even faster for
rophenol (2,4-DCP) in air equilibrated media generally 3-CPOH (k ) 20.0 µM min-1) with an initial concentra-
include chlorohydroquinone (CHQs), catechols (CC), tion of 1 mM in argon atmosphere. The faster degrada-
chlorocatechols, chlororesorcinols (CRSs), and chlorides. tion of 3-CP compared to 2-CP and 4-CP was attributed
In addition, 2,4-dichlorophenol has been found to pro- to the fact that with 3-CP, there are three points of
duce some 2- and 4-chlorophenols as intermediates. The simultaneous ortho and para orientation to Cl and OH
major mechanism of oxidation for these chlorophenols groups where, due to the electrophilic character of OH,
is a radical attack similar to equations for phenol (eqs OH radical addition would easily occur. Johnston and
5-9).64 Serpone et al.68 obtained CHQ as the major Hocking75 investigated the photocatalytic and photolytic
intermediate for both 2-CPOH and 3-CPOH sonolysis, degradation of 2,4-DCP with and without sonication.
with a small quantity of catechol (CC) in the case of They found that the use of sonication (1 × 10-3 M, 2,4-
2-CPOH. By contrast, the principal intermediate for DCP, or 0.2% or 0.05% TiO2) in photolysis resulted in
4-CPOH was found to be HQ with a small amount of the enhancement of chloride release rate by a factor of
4-CRS. Ku et al.69 in the sono-oxidation of 2-CPOH with 4 compared with that of UV irradiation only.
oxygen purging at various solution pH levels identified The main sonooxidation products of p-nitrophenol (p-
CHQ, CC and glycoxilic acid as intermediates at pH 3 Np) are nitrates (NO2-), nitrates (NO3-), short-chain
but only CHQ and CC at pH 11. Lin et al.70 found that carboxylic acids, formic acid (or formate, HCO2-), acetic
the combination of ultrasound with H2O2 increased the acid (or acetate), and oxalic acid (or oxalate) with
efficiency of 2-CPOH decomposition significantly. With intermediates such as 4-nitrocatechol (4-NP), hydro-
the ultrasound/H2O2 process, they observed that with quinone, and benzoquinone. Kotronarou et al.76 and
pH controlled at 3, the rate of 2-CPOH decomposition Hoffmann et al.58 found that in the presence of ultra-
(i.e., 99%) was enhanced up to 6.6-fold and TOC removal sound, p-nitrophenol solutions was denitrated to yield
(i.e., 63%) up to 9.8-fold compared with values at pH NO2- and NO3- by two independent mechanisms: (a)
controlled at 11. The variations in decomposition rates via the gas-phase reaction, which takes place in pure
at the different pH values were attributed to the pKa water, and (b) from the decay of p-NP molecules. It was
value of 8.49 for 2-CPOH at 25 °C. The 2-CPOH is shown that while NO3- did not interfere with the
almost completely in the ionic form when the pH exceeds sonochemical reactions of p-NP, NO2- appeared to affect
the pKa value of 8.49 but exists in molecular form when the decay of p-nitrophenol and the formation of 4-ni-
pH < pKa, the fraction in molecular state increasing trocatechol (4-NP). Ultrasonic irradiation of a solution
with pH drop. In ionic state, 2-CPOH does not vaporize containing 100 µM p-NP and 100 µM NaNO2 was found
into the cavitation bubbles, and oxidation reaction to result in a slower disappearance of p-NP (k1 ) 2.0 ×
occurs with OH radicals outside the bubble film. How- 10-4 s-1) when compared to a kinetic run in the absence
ever, in the molecular state, reactions occur by both of NO2- (k1 ) 3.67 × 10-4 s-1). On the basis of the
thermal cleavage inside the bubble and oxidation with products and kinetic observations, it was concluded that
OH radicals outside, leading to more effective decom- the degradation of p-NP involved high-temperature
position. Lin et al.71 also studied the effect of H2O2 reactions of p-NP in the interfacial region of cavitation
concentration on decomposition. It was shown that the bubbles and that the main pathway was carbon-
more the H2O2 that was added, the greater the degrada- nitrogen bond cleavage with hydroxyl radical reaction
tion efficiency. In a particular study with 500 mg/L of providing a secondary reaction channel. Hua et al.77
H2O2 and initial 2-CPOH concentration of 100 mg/L, studied the sonochemical degradation of p-NP using
they observed, after a reaction time of 30 min, an high-power ultrasonic system (parallel-plate near field
improvement as great as 57% over the control, i.e., acoustical processor, NAP, with 0-1775W) in the pres-
without H2O2 addition. The result was attributed to ence of argon (Ar) and oxygen (O2) in order to investigate
increase in OH radicals generated on addition of H2O2. the effect of power per area. They found pseudo-first-
However, the increase in degradation rates was not order constant for p-NP degradation in the presence of
significant between the additions of 200 and 500 mg/L pure O2, (k2 ) 5.19 × 10-4s-1) was lower than that in
H2O2, suggesting the concentration saturation of OH the presence of pure Ar, (kAr ) 7.94 × 10-4s-1). The
radicals at the 200 mg/L level. Petrier et al.72 studied highest degradation rate was in the presence of Ar/O2
the sonochemical degradation of 4CPOH and concluded (4:1 v/v) mixtures (kAr/O2 ) 1.20 × 10-3s-1) at the same
that the release of end products (i.e., Cl-) and formation intensity of 1.4 W/cm2. Cost et al.78 also studied the
of hydroxylated intermediates (HQ, CC) were evidence sonochemical reactions of p-NP in solutions containing
of a two-step reaction involving OH radicals with particulate matter, phosphate (total ions: HPO42- +
substrate in the liquid layer surrounding the cavitation H2PO4-, and a pH 6.8), bicarbonate (HCO3- ions, and
bubble. The dechlorination yields were also found to be pH 8), and humic acid and in solutions from lake water
higher at 500 kHz (using undatim ultrasonic source) (natural water). They also observed first-order rate
than with the common 20 kHz ultrasonic probe. The constants, kobs, for p-NP of 4.4 × 10-4 in deionized water
dechlorination rates for 4-chloro-3,5-dimethyl-phenol and 3.4-3.2 × 10-4 s-1 in water with bicarbonate
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001 4699

concentration: 10-4 e [HCO3-] e 10-2 M. They found reactions to be dependent on initial concentrations of
the degradation rate was unaffected by chemicals of the substrates and the sonication time. Pyrolysis is
natural water. They rationalized the results by indicat- expected to be the main reaction path for the degrada-
ing that for pollutants such as p-NP which decay via tion of polar compounds. De Visscher et al.83 analyzed
thermal reactions near the interface or inside of cavi- the reaction products of the sonochemical degradation
tating bubbles, the high-temperature denitration reac- of ethylbenzene in aqueous solutions and found them
tions in this case are not significantly affected by to be typical of high-temperature pyrolysis reactions.
common chemicals of natural waters. Barbier and The reaction rates were also found to be first-order.
Petrier79 investigated the ultrasonic degradation and Unlike ethylbenzene, both pyrolysis and radical attack
minerilization of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) at two ferquencies appear to be important pathways of benzene and
(20 kHz and 500 kHz) and in water saturated with chlorobenzene degradations. Drijvers et al.84 observed
oxygen or an oxygen-ozone gas mixture. They found the that chlorobenzene was mainly degraded thermally and
coupling of ultrasound and O3 increased the potential that the first-order degradation rates for the sonolysis
of ozonation to mineralize 4-NP degradation products. was not influenced by the pH of the aqueous solution
At low pH (pH 2), where the ozone auto-decomposition while saturating the solution with argon instead of air
radical pathway is suppressed, they observed 4-NP accelerated the degradation. It was also suggested that
mineralization at 500 kHz was 1.8 times faster than at chlorophenol (CP), the only oxygen-containing interme-
20 kHz for the same O3 consumption and attributed the diate detected, was not formed directly by the reaction
enhanced rate to increased O3 utilization occurring at of OH radicals with chlorobenzene but resulted from the
the higher frequency. Tauber et al.80 found the sonolytic addition of oxygen to chlorophenyl radicals in the
degradation of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) in argon-saturated interface since chlorobenzene could not break down in
aqueous solution (321 kHz) was fully due to OH-radical- the bulk solution itself. Price et al.86 obtained a first-
induced reactions at pH 10, where 4-nitrophenol is order rate constant of 0.055 min-1 and 0.08 min-1,
deprotonated (pKa ) 7.1) and nonvolatile 4-nitrophe- respectively, for the sonication of chlorobenzene (CB)
nolate predominates. At pH 4 and with the neutral form and 1,4-dichlorobenzene (1,4-DCB) at about 39 Wcm-2
of 4-nitrophenol, oxidative-pyrolytic degradation pre- and observed that 1,4-DCB was totally consumed after
dominated, resulting in large yields of CO, CO2, and H2. 40-50 min. For a given intensity (i.e., 20.9 W/cm2), the
Takizawa et al.81 sonicated various phenolic com- reaction rate of 1,4-DCB was found to be faster com-
pounds in aqueous media (water and water-ethanol) at pared with those of CB, naphthalene (NT), anthracene
215 °C for 12-18 h. using 200 kHz ultrasound in the (AN), and pyrene (PR). Drijvers et al.85 compared the
presence of oxygen and isolated various hydroxylated sonolysis at 520 kHz (9.4 or 0.063 Wml-1) and 25 °C of
phenols as products of ultrasonic oxidation (Table 3). four monohalogenated benzenes, fluorobenzene (FB),
They also identified catechol and hydroquinone as the chlorobenzene (CB), bromobenzene (BB), and iodoben-
oxidation products of phenol. They postulated the fol- zene (IB), at different initial concentrations, 0.5, 1, and
lowing mechanism for the production of hydroquinone 2 mM. They found all four to degrade by similar
from phenol: The phenolic benzene ring was attacked mechanisms and the sonolysis rates to depend on initial
by the hydroxyl radical produced in water sonochemi- concentrations. Petrier et al.72 also studied the sonochem-
cally. The attack took place at the carbon attached to ical degradation of chlorobenzene (CB). On the basis of
the methoxy group at the p-position of phenolic hydroxy the chloride ion evolution, the low level of hydroxylated
group and the methoxy group was eliminated with intermediates, and the formation of gaseous stable
hydrogen radical to give hydroquinone and methanol. products (CO2, CO, C2H2), they suggested a thermal
Hua et al.56 observed that ultrasonic irradiation acceler- degradation inside the cavitation bubble as the prefer-
ated the rate of hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate (p- ential reaction pathway, with C2H2 formed by ther-
NPA) in aqueous solution by 2 orders of magnitude over molytic ring cleavage. The formation of brown carbon-
the pH range of 3-8 compared to the same hydrolysis aceous particles was attributed to soot formation under
under ambient conditions at 25 °C. The first-order rate pyrolytic conditions, phenyl radical combination, or
constants were independent of pH and ionic strength. C2H2 reactions at high temperatures. For a mixture of
They explained their observations by considering the the hydrophobic CB and the hydrophilic 4-CPOH at 0.5
existence of transient supercritical water (SCW) around mM each, CB decayed first, and the 4-CPOH transfor-
the collapsing cavitation bubbles during sonolysis as an mation started only when CB reached a low level (0.02
important factor in the acceleration of chemical reac- mM). The results also indicated that the presence of
tions due to higher concentration of OH- at the hot hydrophobic compound with high vapor pressure (Hen-
bubble interface resulting from higher ion product, Kw, ry’s law constant, H, for CB ) 3.77 × 10-3 atm.m3mol-1)
of supercritical water. hinders efficiently the degradation of hydrophilic com-
The main chemical degradation intermediates and pound with less vapor pressure (H ) 2.4 × 10-3
products from benzene usually include phenol, catechol atm.m3mol-1) or the less volatile solute, 4-CPOH.
(CC), hydroquinone (HQ), p- and o-benzoquinone (p- and Khenokh and Lapinskaya87 observed that the oxidative
o- BQ), 1,2,3-trihydroxybenzene, maleic and muconic processes arising from the ultrasonic irradiations of
acid, formalaldehyde, and acetylene.82-85 Chlorobenzene benzene and toluene in aqueous solutions resulted in
transforms into 4-chlorophenol, chlorophenol, 4-chloro- the destruction of the six-membered ring compounds,
catechol, hydroquinone, benzene, butenyne, butadiyne, with the formation of formaldehyde and other simulta-
nonchlorinated mono- and dicyclic hydrocarbons, CH4, neous reactions leading to the formation of phenol.
and C2H2 upon ultrasonic irradiation in air-saturated Thoma et al.88 studied the sonochemical treatment of
solutions.84 De Visscher et al.82 investigated the sono- benzene and toluene in water using a parallel plate near
chemical degradation of monocyclic aromatic com- field acoustic processor (NAP). They found the magne-
pounds, benzene, ethylbenzene, styrene, and o-chloro- tostrictive system to be capable of degrading both
toluene, in aqueous solutions and found the first-order contaminants in a continuous stirred tank reactor
4700 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

configuration with the rate constant inversely propor- acids (HA) under air or argon atmosphere. They found
tional to the target pollutant concentration. They also the pseudo-first-order constants for 2-HBA, 3-HBA, and
observed that the apparent first-order rate constant 4-HBA to be 3.0 × 10-2, 4.9 × 10-2 and 5.1 × 10-2 min-1,
increased approximately linearly with the power input respectively, under Ar and 2.7 × 10-2, 3.4 × 10-,2 and
(measured from the wall) to the system. 3.1 × 10-2 min-1 under air. However, the rate constants
Hung et al.89 found the rate of reduction of nitroben- of GA and TA were higher under air irradiation (5.5 ×
zene by Feo enhanced in the presence of ultrasound 10-2 and 16.4 × 10-2 min-1) compared with irradiation
(US). For example, the first-order rate constant for the under Ar (2.6 × 10-2 and 6.4 × 10-2 min-1). The rate
ultrasonic degradation of nitrobenzene in the absence constant for 3,4-DHBA was the same under both
of Feo was found to be 1.8 × 10-3 min-1 compared to atmospheres (1.9 × 10-2 min-1). The decomposition of
7.8 × 10-3 min-1 in the presence of 70 g/L Feo. They 3-HBA was almost completely quenched in the presence
described the overall rate of nitrobenzene disappearance of t-BuOH at a concentration of 0.1 mM. They argued
by the linear relation: that the sonolytic degradation of the HBA under Ar
atmosphere proceeded mainly via reactions with OH
d[NB] radicals in the bulk solution. Whereas under air oxygen
- ) kus[NB] + kFeo[NB] + k′[NB] )
dt molecules contributed to the decomposition of the poly-
(kUS + kFeo + k′)[NB] (11) hydroxybenzoic acids at the interface, thermal decom-
position in cavitation bubbles or interfacial regions
where kus, kFeo, and k′ are, respectively, the first-order played a negligible role in both atmospheres. They also
degradation rate constants for sonolysis, reduction by suggested that the participation of oxygen molecules
Feo, and the synergistic kinetic effect achieved by accounted for the faster decomposition rates of GA and
combining the two systems. They also obtained the TA in air, the rates in air facilitated with an increasing
following relation from eq 11: number of OH groups (kTA > kGA) as expected with
oxidation of phenolic compounds with oxygen. D-Silva

[ ]
) (kus + kFeo)t + kseckpt2
et al.92 observed the rapid destruction of polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and dioxin when solu-
tions of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), benzo[ghi]perylene,
coronene, or 2-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in 20% ethanol-
where ksec, kp ) xoka, xo, and ka are the average second- water at approximately 10-15 ppm levels were sub-
order rate constant for the reaction between the Feo jected to high-intensity sonication. It was shown that
surface sites or the reaction intermediates and ni- the sonolytic decomposition of PAH and dioxin was
trobenzene, a zero-order rate constant that increases accompanied by the formation of a black carbonaceous
with added [Feo], the initial activated Feo surface before residues. It was also shown that the effect of ultrasound
the application of ultrasound, and a proportionality (dx/
on a 100% ethanol solution of B[a]P was not as pro-
dt ) kax, x ) surface area of Feo at time t), respectively.
nounced as in water-ethanol mixture.
They attributed the faster degradation rates in the
combined US/Feo system to several causes. These in- 4.2. Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons (CAHs).
clude the indirect chemical effects associated with the The sonochemical reactivity of chlorinated hydrocarbons
continuous ultrasonic cleaning and activation of the Feo in aqueous solutions is attributed to their volatility and
surface, the accelerated rates of mass transport result- their low solubility in water, properties facilitating their
ing from the turbulent effects of cavitation, and the concentration in the cavitation bubbles resulting in
acidity produced by H+ released from HNO3, a product rapid decomposition by high temperature and high
of sonolysis of nitrobenzene and water. The intermedi- pressure. The sonication of 15 mL of neat chlorinated
ates such as 4-nitrocatechol and benzoquinone usually solvents 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) and trichloroeth-
observed when Feo is used for reduction were negligible ylene (TCE) produced a yellow color (presumably due
in the combined US/Feo system. They also found the to elemental chlorine) in 10 min and in 2 h produced a
sonolytic degradation of aniline to be a first-order brown suspension indicating the solvents have polym-
reaction with apparent rate constant of 2.4 × 10-3 min-1 erized due the treatment.92 Inazu et al.93 found that
at 20 kHz and 139 WL-1 with or without Feo. aqueous solutions of trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachlo-
Soudagar and Samant90 evaluated the ultrasound- roethylene (PCE), 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA),
catalyzed oxidation of various aryl alkanes (eg., toluene, chloroform (CHCl3), and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)
nitro- and o-chloro-toluene, p-xylene) to the correspond- decomposed rapidly to chloride anions (Cl-), hydrogen,
ing aryl carboxylic acids using aqueous KMnO4 under carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide by ultrasonic
heterogeneous conditions and optimized parameters irradiation in the presence of argon, O2, or air. They
such as quantity of KMnO4, stirring rate and reaction suggested that the main reactions were thermal decom-
time. It was shown that heterogeneous oxidation of position or combustion in cavitation bubbles and not
unsubstituted aryl alkanes was significantly accelerated reactions by OH radicals or H atom. It was also shown
using aqueous KMnO4 at ambient temperatures and in that the main products of TCE degradation products
the presence of ultrasound. While under optimized under Ar were Cl-, CO, and H2. The minor products of
conditions o-chlorotoluene and mesitylene (1,3,5-tri- the decomposition under Ar were CO2, CH4, C2H4, and
methylbenzene) were effectively converted into the a trace amount of dichloroethylene. Under the sonica-
corresponding carboxylic acids, isopropyl benzene and tion of O2 or air, considerable amount of CO2 evolved,
tert-butyl benzene did not undergo oxidation and were and no CO was observed. Drijvers et al.94 identified the
recovered unreacted. Nagata et al.91 investigated the following volatile products of TCE sonication at 50
aqueous sonochemical degradation of hydroxybenzoic kHz: chloroacetylene (C2HCl), dichloroacetylene (C2Cl2),
acids such as monohydroxbenzoic acids (HBAs), 3,4- dichlorodiacetylene (C4Cl2), tetrachloroethylene (C2Cl4),
dihydroxybenzoic acid (3,4-DHBA), 3,4,5-trihydroxyben- two isomers of trichlorobutenyne (C4HCl3), tetrachlo-
zoic acid (gallic acid, GA), tannic acid (TA), and humic robutenyne (C4Cl4), pentachlorobutadiene (C4HCl5), and
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001 4701

hexachlorobutadiene (C4Cl6). It was also shown that the involving CCl4 and oxidants such as OH radicals. The
degradation rate of TCE was more energetically efficient bulk-liquid rate constants (e.g., 107 M-1 min-1) were
at 520 kHz than at 20 kHz. Reinhart et al.95 studied found to be about several times smaller than those in
the combined effects of sonication and zerovalent iron the cavities (e.g., 1012 M-1 min-1). On the basis of a
on the destruction rate of TCE and found ultrasound to detailed chemical reaction mechanism and assuming a
increase the rate significantly. For example, they ob- batch reactor, they described the destruction of CCl4 in
tained first-order rate constants, k (hr-1), of 0.0147, water by the following differential equations using
0.0218, and 0.0426, respectively, for ultrasound alone, second-order rate constants and concentrations in the
iron alone (3 g/L), and the combined system, respec- bulk-liquid phase and cavity respectively:
The main intermediates of the sonication of the -d[CCl4]
) kI[OH][CCl4] + kII[H][CCl4] +
aqueous carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) are tetrachloro- dt
ethylene (C2Cl4) and hexachloroethane (C2Cl6) with kIII[HO2][CCl4] + kIV[O][CCl4] (13)
trace amounts of dichlorocarbene, dichlromethane,
trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethane, pentachloroethane, d[CCl4]
hexachloropropene, hexachlorobutadiene, and chloro- ) kckv[CCl4][M] (14)
form, and the final products are usually chlorine, dt
chlorides (or HCl), chlorohydric acid, hypochlorous acid where M is any collision partner and kc is the system
(HOCl), CO, and CO2.96-100 Jennings et al.97 investi- adjustment coefficient, which is a function of bubble
gated the sonochemical reactions of CCl4-H2O mixtures concentration, bubble radius concentration, mixing ex-
in an argon atmosphere and compared results with tent of the system, etc. The results of this model
those of CHCl3-H2O mixtures. They observed cavitation formulation via a series of elementary reactions were
when CCl4 was sonicated alone, but there was no found to be in general in agreement with experimental
reaction. In the presence of as little as 1 mL H2O per data. They obtained the value of kc to be constant at
100 mL of CCl4, reaction ensued, and the total inorganic 2.5 × 10-11 by fitting experimental data to the model,
chlorine yield was found not to be significantly sensitive assuming constant vessel size, steady-state tempera-
to large changes in the CCl4 to H2O ratios. The observed ture, and power. Hung and Hoffmann101 investigated
products from the CCl4 reaction included: CO2, O2, Cl2, the degradation of CCl4 by combined ultrasound (US)
HCl, C2Cl6, and C2Cl4 compared with products of and iron (Feo) in Ar-saturated solutions and observed a
CHCl3: HCl, C2Cl6, and C2Cl4. Hua and Hoffman99 40-fold enhancement in overall rate for the coupled
studied the sonolytic destruction of aqueous CCl4 in the system compared with US alone. The first-order ultra-
absence or presence of ozone (O3). The observed first- sonic rate constant for CCl4 was 0.107 min-1 at 62 W
order degradation rates in argon-saturated aqueous (20 kHz) in 285 mL solution, whereas the apparent rate
solutions were 3.3 × 10-3 and 3.9 × 10-3 s-1 with CCl4 constant in the presence of Feo was found to depend on
initial concentration of 1.95 × 10-4 and 1.95 × 10-5 mol the total surface area of elemental iron as follows:
L-1, respectively. It was shown that the presence of O3
did not affect the degradation rate significantly but kobs ) (kus + kFeoAFeo) min-1 (15)
inhibited the accumulation of C2Cl4 and C2Cl6 interme-
diates. However, sonication of p-nitrophenol in Ar- where kus ) 0.107 min-1, kFeo ) 0.105 L m-2 min-1, and
saturation aqueous solution in the presence of CCl4 AFeo is the reactive surface area of Feo in units of m2/L.
resulted in the degradation rate enhancement of p-NP Rajan et al.102,103 investigated experimentally and by
by a factor of 4.5 compared to sonication without CCl4 modeling of the water-KI-CCl4 system and attributed
and the reduction of 4-nitrocatechol, an aromatic deg- the significant increase in oxidation rates observed in
radation product. The improvement in rate and mini- a suspension of CCl4 liquid in KI solution to the release
mization of 4-nitrocatechol formation were shown to be of Cl2, Cl, and HOCl, which act as a separate source of
due to the presence of HOCl, a product of CCl4 sonolysis. reactants to yield I2. They used a complex mathematical
Koszalka et al.100 obtained 98% reduction of CCl4 in model that included detailed kinetics of CCl4 to predict
the presence of H2, air, or Ar and observed the ultrasonic the extent of degradation of dissolved CCl4 and the large
destruction to be an exponential process. It was shown enhancements in the rate of oxidation of aqueous iodine
that the initial reaction products: chloroform, dichlo- ion (I-) in the presence of CCl4. A similar study of the
romethane, and chloromethane were further degraded CCl4/KI (1.0 M solution) system by Alippi et al.9 found
to methane and chlorine/chloride. Total halogen analy- the yield of free iodine to increase linearly with soni-
ses of unreacted and reacted CCl4-contaminated samples cation time.
also confirmed Cl balance, indicating that CCl4 was not Petrier et al.104 studied the sonolysis of chloromethane
volatilized or masked by the chemistry of the process. and their dilute mixtures in alcohols under saturation
Wu et al.7 studied the destruction of CCl4 under dis- with Ar or O2 and found the zero-order rate constants
solved air and varied process parameters such as pH, to be greater in Ar atmosphere. Since the sonochemical
irradiation, time, steady-state temperatures, and ultra- cleavage of the alcohols were found to be weak, the
sonic intensity. It was shown that CCl4 destruction rate initial step in the transformation (faster in Ar) was
was significantly affected by the intensity of the ultra- attributed to the C-Cl cleavage, in constrast to the
sonic energy, the rate increasing proportionally to the reaction in water, where sonochemical cleavage of the
intensity. However, the addition of H2O2 as an oxidant solvent plays a major role. They also explained that the
with or without ultrasonic irradiation was also found sonolysis, probably in the cavitation bubble of CCl4 and
to have negligible effect upon the rate. This was at- which was more efficient in alcohols than in the pure
tributed to the predominance of the thermal dissociation state, could result from the preferential vaporization of
reaction in the cavitation holes under supercritical this apolar molecule into a bubble formed in a hydrogen-
conditions compared to the bulk-liquid-phase reactions bonded structured liquid. Toy et al.12,13 investigated the
4702 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

decomposition of aqueous 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1- to change the conditions of a cavitation event signifi-
TCA) under sonolysis, photolysis, and the synergistic cantly. The effect on o-CP indicated that tert-butyl
combination of the two and reported more extensive hyroperoxide scavenged OH radicals without producing
decomposition with combined photolysis and sonolysis any radicals that entered the liquid phase where oxida-
(photosonolysis) than UV photolysis or sonolysis alone. tion was expected to occur. Unlike the less polar, organic
It was also shown that TCA (CCl3CH3) decomposed into peroxides, the presence of H2O2 did not affect the
gases, VOCs, and ionic species, and as the volume of degradation of TCE and DCP but enhanced the degra-
the same concentration was increased, the sonolysis dation of o-CP on the order of 20-25%. The degradation
digestion efficiency decreased. Cheung et al.8 examined of both o-CP and DCP (with low Henry’s constant) are
the sonochemical destruction of methylene chloride expected to occur by radical attack. Hence, they at-
(CH3Cl), TCA, TCE, and CCl4 and attributed the rapid tributed the low reactivity of DCP toward OH to the
decrease of reactor solution pH in all cases to the lack of aromatic rings on which the radicals can add
probable formation of HCl from the chlorinated reac- and to the presence of Cl atoms on DCP that could lead
tants with the hydrogen source being water. Bhatnagar to electronic repulsion toward the OH radical. They also
and Cheung10 studied the kinetic behavior of individual observed that in the presence of H2O2 and copper ions,
VOCs in the presence of other VOCs by sonicating the sonochemical degradation of o-CP is the sum of the
mixtures of (1) two chloromethanes (CH3Cl + CCl4) and effect of the ultrasound and the chemical oxidation effect
(2) CH2Cl2, CCl4 (C1 compounds) + 1,1,1-TCA (C2 and likened the overall degradation mechanisms to
compound). The first-order rate constants for the com- sonochemical switching effect. That is, sonication in-
pounds were essentially unchanged by the presence of duces a specific reactivity and silent chemical, and
other reacting species. Petrier and Francony105 com- sonochemical degradations follow separate paths. The
pared the decomposition rates of CCl4 and phenol at CAV-OX has been shown to degrade TCE and BTEX
different frequencies (20-800 kHz) and observed that in contaminated groundwater with efficiencies better
irrespective of frequency, it was easier to decompose the than 99.9% when varied principal opearting parameters
hydrophobic and volatile CCl4 than the hydrophilic such as H2O2 dose, pH, and flow rate are used.14 The
phenol with a low vapor pressure. For the phenol, they process involves the use of sequential hydrodynamic
found that degradation proceeded faster at 200 kHz and cavitation and direct UV photolysis of H2O2 to generate
that the addition of an excess of 1-butanol (10-fold hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl radicals. Orzechowska et
phenol initial concentration), used to scavenge hydroxyl al.108 monitered and compared the chloride release
radicals totally inhibited the reaction. The rate of tendencies of CCl4, CHCl3, TCE, aromatic chloro com-
disappearance of CCl4 on the other hand was found to pounds (e.g., CB, polyaromatic chloro compounds, PCBs,
increase slightly with increase in frequency, and the 4,4′- and 3,3′-dichlorobiphenyl) and TritonX-100 (a sur-
addition of 1-butanol (10-fold CCl4 initial concentration) factant) upon sonication and found that CB and PCBs
did not affect the rate of CCl4 destruction. It was also did not release Cl- as readily as did CCl4, CHCl3, and
shown that both phenol degradation and H2O2 forma- TCE. They attributed the results to possible hydroxy-
tion involving reactions with OH radical at the interface lation reactions at an open position of aromatic ring,
increased with frequency reaching an optimal value at i.e., oxidation of PCBs and CB by OH radical without
200 kHz. Drijvers et al.106 investigated the mutual dehalogenation. The presence of humic substances was
influence of TCE and chlorobenzene by sonicating dilute also found not to affect Cl- yields. Catallo and Junk109
aqueous mixtures of the two volatile organic compounds studied the sonochemical transformation of hazardous
and found the sonolysis rates to depend strongly on the chlorinated chemicals and a mixture of chlorinated
initial concentration of TCE and CB. The presence of olefins, paraffins, and aromatics from a Louisiana
CB was found to lower the sonolysis rate of TCE, while superfund site (LSS) and observed dechlorination via
the sonolysis rate of CB (with initial concentration 3.44 aryl C-Cl bond heterolysis and hydroxylation reactions
mM) was enhanced by the presence of 0.84 mM TCE. to be the main reaction pathways. Dechlorination and/
They attributed the different effects of both volatile or other transformations were observed for chlorinated
organics on each other’s sonolysis to the difference in alkanes (e.g., CCl4) 2,4-dichlorophenol, chlorpyrifos, and
reaction rate of TCE and CB with the radicals formed lindane (hexachlorocyclohexane, γ-isomer) and a for
during sonolysis. They suggested that the effect of TCE range of chlorinated aromatic and aliphatic chemicals
on the sonolysis rate of CB (i.e., the lowering of the γ in the LSS mixture. The herbicide byproducts, chlorpy-
value of the gas present in the cavitation bubble and rifos, 3,3′,4,4-tetrachloroazoxybenzene (TCAOB), and
consequently the temperature during collapse) was trichlorodibenzofuran (TCDF), were not dechlorinated.
compensated by an increased indirect degradation of CB However, TCAOB appeared to deoxygenate sonochemi-
by radicals formed out of TCE. cally to the 3,3′,4,4 tetrachloroazobenzene. Sakai et al.110
De Visscher and Van Langelove107 explored the influ- studied the sonochemical degradation of aqueous solu-
ence of Fenton-type oxidants on the aqueous sonochemi- tions of chloral hydrate (CCl3CH(OH)2 or simply CH)
cal degradation of trichloroethylene (TCE), o-chlorophe- and found the rate to be proportional to the square of
nol (o-CP), and 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol (DCP). It was oxygen concentration at low concentrations, while at
shown that di-tert-butyl peroxide inhibited the sonolysis relatively high concentration, the rate is independent
of both TCE and CP by scavenging OH radicals and by of the oxygen concentration. They also found the reac-
lowering the maximum temperature generated during tion rate to be proportional to the square root of the
a cavitation event. However, 10 mM tert-butyl hydro- concentration of chloral hydrate and to the intensity of
peroxide had no considerable effect on the sonochemical the ultrasound regardless of the concentration of oxygen
degradation of TCE but inhibited completely the deg- gas dissolved in the solutions.
radation of o-CP. The effect of TCE was interpreted to 4.3. Explosives. Sierka111 investigated the treatment
mean that the amount of tert-butyl hydroperoxide in the of aqueous solutions of trinitrotoluene (TNT) and cy-
cavitation bubbles (where TCE is degraded) was too low clotrimethylene-trinitramine (RDX) in the weight ratio
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001 4703

of 70:30 (typical of munitions wastewater) at 25-59 °C bubbles. The formation of hydrated products (e.g.,
using a combination of ozone and ultrasound in the pH 3-chlorohydroquinone) indicated the involvement of the
range of 5.84-10.00. They demonstrated the synergistic hydroxyl radical in the degradation of chloropropham.
effects of both ozone and ultrasound. While the maxi- Petrier et al.114 investigated the ultrasonic degradation
mum destruction of both TOC and TNT was observed of atrazine, CIET [2,4-diamino-6-chloro-N-ethhyl-N′-(1-
at 859 kHz and 50W, experiments performed without methylethyl)-1,3,5 triazine] and pentachlorophenol (PCP)
O3 at these same conditions resulted in no TNT or TOC at 500 kHz and 20 kHz and demonstrated in both cases
removals. The increased removal with O3/ultrasound that degradations were more efficient and complete at
systems was explained partially by the increased tem- the higher frequency. Sonochemical degradation of
perature in the reactor. While at 25 °C, the TNT atrazine resulted in dealkylation product: CIAT [2,4-
destroyed after 60 min of ozonation was 23%; 99% was diamino-6-chloro-N-(1-methylethyl)-1,3,5 triazine],
destroyed when temperature averaged 59 °C. Removal CEAT[2,4-diamino-6-chloro-N-ethyl-1,3,5 triazine], and
rates of both TNT and TOC increased directly with CAAT[2,4-diamino-6-chloro-1,3,5- triazine], which are
increases in reaction temperature and initial pH. How- typical oxidation products of atrazine from degradation
ever, it was shown that at solution pH values main- by ozone, Fentons reagent, or TiO2 photocatalysis. Long
tained in excess of 9.6, the combination of high pH and irradiation times (3 h) resulted in the formation of CO2
temperature was not beneficial. This was attributed to (13% of initial atrazine) and chloride. They observed fast
the fact that ultrasound inhibited kinetics at high reactions for PeCP (10-4 M aqueous solution at pH 7)
temperatures and pH by promoting radical-radical at both frequencies, yielding 98% of the theoretical
extinguishment reaction. But ultrasound was also shown amount of chloride and 20% theoretical carbon as CO2
to have an additional benefit potential in that it can act recovered after 180 min for the reaction conducted at
as a catalyst by enhancing the autodecomposition of O3 500 kHz. However, the addition of n-pentanol (10 mM)
to free radicals once the ozone has been dissolved in the inhibited completely both atrazine and PeCP degrada-
aqueous phase. Sonolysis was evident in the degrada- tion at high and low frequency, suggesting reactions
tion of residues of the military explosives TNT (2,4,6- with OH• radicals escaping from the cavitation bubble.
trinitrotoluene) and HMX (octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro- Koshkinen et al.115 found the sonochemical degradation
1,3,5,7-tetrazocine), as indicated by release of nitrate of atrazine to be slower than that of alachlor (70-fold)
(NO3-) during treatment.73 Hoffmann and co-work- at 20 kHz at the same concentration (e.g., 3.1 µmol/L)
ers16,58 112 investigated the sonochemical degradation of and temperature (30 °C). The first-order rate constants
TNT at 20 and 500 kHz to acetate, formate, glycolate, and extrapolated half-lives were 8.01 × 10-3 min-1 and
oxalate, CO2, NO2-, and NO3- as products with 1,3,5- 86 min and 2.1 × 10-3 min-1 and 330 min for alachlor
trinitrobenzene as intermediate and found the overall and atrazine, respectively. They also attributed the
degradation rate to follow an apparent first-order rate decomposition of both atrazine and alachlor to the
law. The overall reaction stoichiometry for the auto attack by hydroxyl free radicals. Nagata et al.74 found
oxidation of TNT was found to be: the aqueous sonochemical degradation of 0.1 mM pen-
))))) tachlorophenol (PeCP) to be faster under argon atmo-
C7H5(NO2)3 + 9O2 98 sphere compared with air atmosphere (first-order rate
constant of 6.4 vs 4.5 µM min-1).
7CO2 + H2O + 3H+ + 3NO3- (16)
Gondrexon et al.116 studied the sonochemical degra-
where ))) denotes ultrasonic irradiation. They found dation of PeCP in a three-stage, continuous flow,
TNT degradation to be more efficient at 500 kHz than laboratory-scale ultrasonic reactor and obtained a con-
20 kHz, irrespective of the background gas. The first- version up to 80%. Johnston and Hocking75 investigated
order kinetic rates vary by a factor up to 3, depending the photocatalytic and photolytic degradation of PeCP
on the nature of dissolved gases and also on the (2.4 × 10-4 M solution) with and without sonication.
ultrasonic frequency: kO2 ) 1.67 × 10-5 s-1, kAr ) 4.50 They observed the initial rate of chloride formation due
× 10-5 s-1, and kO2/O3 ) 5.50 × 10-5 s-1 (with 99/1 vol to photocatalysis using TiO2 to be about 2.7 times faster
% O2/O3 mixture as cavitating gases) at 20 kHz com- with sonication than without. In the absence of sonica-
pared with kO2 ) 2.00 × 10-5 s-1, kAr ) 7.17 × 10-5 s-1, tion, the percent degradation measured by Cl- release
and kO2/O3 ) 8.50 × 10-4 s-1 at 500 kHz. reached a value of 40% after 50 min, beyond which
4.4. Herbicides and Pesticides. The sonolysis of the continued irradiation up to 200 min did not significantly
systemic herbicide, chlorpropham (isopropyl-3-chloro- affect increase in degradation. In contrast, combined
carbanilate) in air equilibrated aqueous solutions lead sonication, UV, and photolysis resulted in a rapid initial
to the formation of hydroxylated products and 3-chlo- degradation, with near quantitative release of chloride
roaniline as intermediates, and subsequent mineraliza- after 120 min. They attributed their observation to
tion of intermediates to Cl-, NO2-, NO3-, CO, and CO2. possible poisoning of catalyst active sites during pho-
David et al.113 observed that the ultrasonic treatment todegradation by inert intermediates formed but which
of chlorpropham at 482 and 20 kHz led to a highly are removed from active sites by sonication, allowing
drastic degradation with the initial rate at the high further degradation or decrease in pH during photolysis,
frequency (13.0 × 10-8 M s-1), much higher than that leading to significant decrease in a photochemical
at the low frequency (4.2 × 10-8 M s-1). They also degradation process. Petrier et al.117 also studied the
noticed a complete degradation after 45 min at 482 kHz sonochemical degradation of pentachlorophenate (PCP)
compared with 1/3 of chlorpropham remaining after 60 at 530 kHz in aqueous solutions saturated with air,
min at 20 kHz. It was also shown that the yield of Cl- oxygen, or argon and observed the degradation and the
was about 98% after 80 min at 482 kHz, indicating the resulting toxicity decrease to be faster under argon
C-Cl bond cleavage is a major primary process. Two bubbling (PCP disappeared in 50 min) than under air
pathways deduced to be involved in the transformation, or oxygen. The ultrasonic degradation of PCP was also
the oxidation by OH• and pyrolysis near the cavitation attributed to a rapid cleavage of carbon-chlorine bond
4704 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

to release Cl- (90% chlorine recovered as Cl- in 150 hydrolysis product) with complete degradation in e2 h.
min). This was followed by degradation to CO2 in air- They proposed that parathion transformation proceeded
or oxygen-saturated solutions (or CO in argon-saturated via thermal decomposition in the hot interfacial region
solutions) and nitrite and nitrate in solutions aerated of the collapsing bubbles with secondary reactions with
with air or oxygen. They also postulated that because •OH radicals. Theron et al.121 determined the removal

of the high temperature inside the cavitation bubble, rates of phenyltrifluoromethyl ketone (160 µmol L-1
the formation of CO in the presence of argon was due PTMK) by sonolysis at 30 and 515 kHz, by UV-
to reactions of the type: irradiated TiO2 (Degussa P25 and Rhodia), and by
simultaneous photocatalysis and ultrasonic irradiations.
CO2 + Ar f CO + O + Ar and The PTMK first-order removal rate constant was found
to be 14 times greater at the higher frequency compared
CO2 + •H f CO + •OH
with that at the lower frequency at the same energy
level and 2.5 times higher when synthesized Rhodia
Wheat and Tumeo118 studied the aqueous sonolysis of TiO2 was used instead of Degussa P25. The amount of
two polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or PAH’s (phenan- trifluoroacetic acid (CF3COOH or TFA), an undesirable
threne and biphenyl), and the results obtained suggest and stable product of TiO2-treated CF3-containing pol-
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) may be susceptible lutants, was about 8 times lower in sonicated solutions
to hydroxyl radical substitution reactions under the than in UV-irradiated suspensions, for both frequencies.
vigorous reaction conditions supplied by high-intensity 4.5. Organic Dyes. Vinodgopal et al.122 studied the
ultrasound. The principal products of biphenyl reaction sonochemical degradation of a reactive black dye (Azo
identified through mass spectral analysis were [1,1- dye, Remazol Black B or RB) at high frequency (640
biphen]-2-ol, [1,1-biphen]-3-ol and [1,1-biphen]-4-ol, and
kHz) in O2-saturated aqueous solution. They found
the principal products of phenanthrene appeared to be
sonolysis as a feasible method to achieve both decolori-
di-hydroxy substituted phenanthrene. The phenolic
zation and 65% degradation of the dye in 6 h as
products produced from these hydrophobic compounds
measured by the decrease in the in total organic content.
were considered consistent with a free radical attack
The pseudo-first-order rate constant for the disappear-
by hydroxyl free radicals (OH•) on the hydrocarbon
ance of the dye was determined to be 2.9 × 10-2min-1.
skeleton. Zhang and Hua119 also observed that poly-
They also observed that degradation stopped far short
chlorinated biphenyls (2-, 4-, and 2,4,5-chlorobiphenyls)
of completion when performed in an aqueous solution
dechlorinated rapidly to chloride ion during sonolysis
of about 2% tert-butyl alcohol, an excellent OH radical
at 20 kHz with 99% destruction of 2-PCB, 4-PCB, and
scavenger, and attributed the conversion of the dye to
2,4,5-PCB in 36, 47, and 29 min, respectively. The
oxalate (C2O42-) to •OH radical-initiated oxidative deg-
chloride recovery ratio defined as [Cl-] /([M]i - [M]f) ×
n, where n is the number of chlorine atoms per cogener radation. They also compared photocatalytic and radi-
in each sample and [M]i and [M]f are initial and final olytic methods of degradation to sonolysis. Their results
concentrations of parent compound (i.e., mol/L PCB), suggested that sonochemical degradation rates of Azo
were 77%, 79%, and 70%, respectively, for 2-PCB, dyes were substantially faster and led to better destruc-
4-PCB, and 2,4,5-PCB, respectively. They also identified tion of the dye compared to photocatalysis. Stock et al.123
products such as biphenyl, toluene, ethylbenzene, phe- investigated the degradation of an azo dye, naphthol
nol, trichlorophenol, hexenyldiphenol, and other phenols blue black (NBB), using sequential combination of high-
(Table 3). They investigated the role of aqueous hydroxyl frequency sonolysis and photocatalysis in four different
radical in the decomposition of 2-PCB at 205, 358, 618, configurations: (1) sonolysis only, (2) photocatalysis
and 1071 kHz. It was shown that ultrasonic irradiation only, (3) simultaneous sonolysis and photocatalysis, and
was optimal at 358 kHz but chloride recovery was (4) sequential sonolysis and photocatalysis. They ob-
optimal at 1071 kHz. They proposed that both ther- served that for individual techniques, sonolysis was
molysis and free radical attack are important pathways effective for inducing faster degradation of the parent
of PCB destruction but that free radical attack (espe- dye, while TiO2 photocatalysis was effective for promot-
cially •OH) in the aqueous phase played a more signifi- ing degradation. For example, photocatalysis was re-
cant role at 358 kHz than at other three frequencies. sponsible for 68% conversion compared to 35% for
Johnston and Hocking75 investigated the photo catalytic sonolysis after 12 h. It was also shown that the first-
/photolytic degradation of PCB isomer 3-chlorobiphenyl order rate was enhanced by the combined systems
at 75 ppm level (4 × 10-4 M) by monitoring the chloride (simultaneous and sequential). For example, pseudo-
formation. TiO2 (0.2% w/w) and 30 mL aliquots were first-order rate constant was 1.83 × 10-2 min-1 for the
subjected to UV irradiation and to combined UV/ combined case compared with 1.04 × 10-2 min-1 for
ultrasound irradiation. They found a linear rate of sonolysis or 0.56 × 10-2 min-1 for photocatalytic experi-
appearance of chloride with time for both conditions, ments.
but rates with sonication were approximately 3 times 4.6. Organic and Inorganic Gaseous Pollutants.
greater that without sonication, and they attributed the Cheung and Kurup124 investigated the sonochemical
enhanced rates partially to the highly hydrophobic destruction of fluorotrichloromethane (CFC11) and tri-
nature (i.e., low solubility) of substrate. They also fluorotrichloroethane (CFC113) in dilute aqueous solu-
attributed the significant increase in degradation rates tions in a batch and circulating reactor. They found the
and efficiency of the concurrent UV/ultrasonic irradia- rates to be fairly rapid with less than 5% of the original
tion to cavitational effects, bulk, and localized mass CFC’s undergoing volatilization and the bulk of material
transport effects and sonochemical reactions. destroyed in the liquid phase. In these preliminary
Kotronarou et al.120 showed that the sonolysis of studies, they also observed the rates to be slightly higher
parathion (o,o-diethyl o-p-nitro phenyl thiophosphate) at 5 °C than at 10 °C and rapid drops in pH (initial value
led to its transformation to sulfate, nitrate, nitrite, of 7.4 to about 5.4), indicating the formation of acidic
phosphate, oxalate and p-nitrophenol, p-NP (parathion species. Hirai et al.125 evaluated a number of CFC’s and
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001 4705

HFC’s and found them to be readily decomposed butane, 1-butene, 2-methyl,1-butane and butadiene) and
sonochemically with high efficiency to inorganic prod- CO as other products of CH4 sonolysis under argon
ucts (CO, CO2, Cl-, F-). It was also shown that CFC- atmosphere. They found the products for the sonolysis
113 decomposed faster under argon atmosphere (with of the C2H6 to be the same as CH4 except that they were
higher CP/Cv ratio) than air atmosphere and that its produced in higher yields. Hart et al.130 also observed
decomposition rate was not significantly affected by the the sonochemical degradation of acetylene to be rapid
addition of tert-butyl alcohol (tert-BuOH), a known (90% consumption of C2H2 at time g 80 min) with
effective OH radical scavenger. Hart and Henglein126 formation of large products. In addition to small gas
studied the sonochemistry of Ar/N2O mixtures and the molecules such as CO and CH4, various hydrocarbons
pure gases in aqueous solutions at high frequency, 300 with intermediate C atom numbers, such as benzene
kHz, and observed products of decomposition of N2O to and other C6H6 isomers, high C atom numbers such as
be N2, O2, NO2- (or HNO2), and small amount of NO3- naphthalene are formed.
(or HNO3). It was also observed that the maximum yield Kotronarous et al.131 found the ultrasonic irradiation
of decomposition occurred at an Ar/N2O vol % ratio of of H2S or S(-II), [[S(-II) ) [H2S] + [HS-] + [S2-]]
85:15. However, the rate of N2O decomposition was very solutions to result in rapid oxidation and the formation
low when water was sonicated under pure nitrous oxide, of sulfate (SO42-), sulfite (SO32-), and thiosulfate (S2O32-)
as expected with a triatomic gas. The yield of HNO2 was as products at pH g 10 with the initial mole ratio of
much higher than observed in the irradiation of water 2.2:2.7:1, respectively. They also found oxidation of S(-
under air and under mixtures of nitrogen and argon, II) at pH 10 to be zero order with respect to [S(-II)]
and this was attributed to the decomposition of N2O of with the zero-order rate constant, kO, dependent on
the type: 3N2O + H2O f 2HNO2 + 2N2. Henglein127 initial concentration of S(-II) and increasing linearly
studied the ultrasonic irradiation of water under argon with [S(-II)]O up to [S(-II)]O = 450µM (where kO = 12
atmosphere containing small amounts of CO2, N2O and µM min-1) and remaining constant thereafter. However,
CH4. They observed no chemical effects in the irradia- at low pH e 8.5 (e.g., pH 7.4), the rate of ultrasonic
tion under atmosphere of pure CO2, N2O, or CH4. oxidation of S(-II) was first order with respect to [S(-
However, they showed that sonochemistry in an argon II)], the rate of oxidation increased with a decrease in
atmosphere containing small amount of any of the pH, and measured concentrations of SO42-, SO32-, and
polyatomic gases was characterized by a strong linkage S2O32- could not account for the total observed decrease
between the sonolysis of water and the added gas. The in S(-II), especially at the short sonication times. The
main products of the sonolysis of CO2 were CO and discrepancy between the [Sox] measured and the [Sox]
small amount of formic acid, about 30 times smaller expected was attributed to the formation of sulfur (S8)
than CO yield. The main products of N2O sonolysis were that was not analytically measured but increased the
N2, NO2- and NO3- in this study.127 In the N2O-Ar turbidity of the solution. The apparent zero-order
containing solutions, they observed the yields of the dependence on [S(-II)] suggested that the rate-deter-
products NO2- and NO3- were about 10 times greater mining step (or the main pathway) in the overall
than the amounts formed in the ultrasonic irradiation reaction was the reaction of HS- and the oxidation
of aerated water and greater than the amounts in water intermediates with •OH radical in the liquid phase as
irradiated in the presence of both N2O and O2. Hara- it diffused out of the cavitation bubble (HS- + •OH f
da128 investigated the sonolysis of CO2 dissolved in HSOH-) and the observed decrease in the zero-order
water (0.0-0.6 mole fraction CO2 in water) at 5-45 °C rate constant at the pH > 10 was attributed partly to
using an ultrasonic generator (200 kHz, 200 W) and Ar, the dissociation of •OH in the alkaline solutions and
He, H2, and N2 as the irradiating gases. While irradia- since the oxide radical ion (•O-) reacts more slowly with
tion of ultrasound had hardly any sonochemical effect the same substrate than •OH according to the reaction:
under CO2 atmosphere, the most favorable atmosphere •OH +OH- S O•- + H O, where the forward rate, k )
2 f
for reducing was CO2-Ar mixture with 0.03 mole 1.2 × 1010m-1s-1 and the backward rate, kb ) 9.3 ×
fraction of CO2 in gas phase, a concentration considered 107s-1. At pH e 8.5, thermal decomposition of H2S
an equal mixture of CO2 and Ar in water because CO2 within or near collapsing cavitation bubbles was con-
is more soluble than Ar. The amount of CO2 in CO2- sidered the important reaction pathway. Kotronarou
Ar was found to decrease to about half at 5 °C, and the and Hoffmann132 also developed a comprehensive aque-
decreasing rate for CO2 followed the order Ar > He > ous-phase mechanism for the free-radical chemistry of
H2 > N2. They also observed that dissolved CO2 was the S(-II) + ‚OH + O2 system and used the mechanism
deoxidized to carbon monoxide (CO2 f CO + O) by to successfully model the oxidation of S(-II) at 20 kHz
sonolysis and showed that the hydrogen carbonate or and 75 W/cm2 and at pH g 10, assuming a continuous
bicarbonate ion (HCO3-) played an important role and uniform ‚OH (3.5 µM/min) input into the solution
compared to the carbonate ion (CO32-). Since hydrogen from the imploding cavitation bubbles.
is also obtained from the solvent (water) and both CO When water was irradiated with ultrasound under an
and H2 are fuel gases, which also react to produce C1 atmosphere containing O2 and O3, an extremely rapid
compounds such as methanol, they proposed sonication decomposition of O3 was found to take place, leading to
as a useful and potential technique to reduce CO2 and a yield of H2O2 up to a factor of 6 higher than in water
produce fuel. containing oxygen only.133 Weaver and Hoffmann3 in-
The main oxidation products of the methane-contain- vestigated the sonolytic degradation of O3 aqueous
ing solutions were oxygen-containing gases such as CO, solutions at pH 2 using both closed and open continuous
CO2, and compounds with oxygen, such as C2H4, C2H6, flow systems and the mass transfer mechanisms occur-
and C3 and C4 compounds, and the production of large ring in sonolytic ozonation and their effects on chemical
amounts of H2. Hart et al.129 also identified H2, C2H2, reactivity. They found the sonochemical degradation of
C2H4, and C2H6 as major products and C3-C4 hydro- O3 to follow apparent first-order kinetics with typical
carbons (e.g., propane, propene, 2-methylpropane, n- rate constants of 0.84 ( 0.07 and 0.66 ( 0.08 min-1,
4706 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

respectively, at 20 and 500 kHz and an initial O3 gas ([O3]0 ) 0.26-0.34 mM in solution) accelerated the
concentration of 245 ( 3 µM. It was also shown that degradation of MTBE by a factor of 1.5-3.9, depending
both the sonochemical degradation of O3 and the on the initial concentration of MTBE. The sonochemical
increase in O2/O3 gas flow rate enhanced mass transfer first-order degradation rate constant for the loss of
at 20 kHz. This effect was attributed partially to MTBE was found to increase from 4.1 × 10-4 at
turbulence induced by acoustic streaming. [MTBE]0 ) 1.0 mM (90% conversion in 93 min) to 8.5
4.7. Organic Sulfur Compounds. Spurlock and × 10-4s-1 as the concentration of MTBE decreases to
Reifsneider96,134 investigated the ultrasonic irradiation 0.01 mM (90% conversion in 45 min). The O3-ultrasound
of diakyl sulfides at 20 °C using 280-, 610-, and 800- system was shown to effectively degrade the MTBE into
kHz transducers and 5-11 W/cm2 intensities under innocuous and biodegradable products with tert-butyl
oxygen and argon atmospheres and in suspensions in formate (TBF), tert-butyl alcohol (TBA), methyl acetate
pure water and in saturated aqueous solutions of CCl4. (MA), and acetone identified as primary intermediates
The principal products of the irradiation of 0.06 M and byproducts of the degradation reaction. Acetone,
aqueous suspension of di-n-butyl sulfide (R2S) at 800 which was formed from the oxidation of TBF (degrada-
kHz and 9.4w/cm2 were di-n-butyl sulfoxide (R2SO) and tion rate constant, kTBF ) 1.87 × 10-3s-1) and TBA, was
n-butyl sulfonic acid (RSO3H) in the yield ratios of 85/ found as the intermediate product with the highest yield
15 and 80/10 in O2 and Ar, respectively. Minor products (12%). Using measured values of MTBE and TBF rate
observed included di-n-butyl sulfone (R2SO2), butyric constants, a reaction mechanism involving tree parallel
acid, carbon monoxide, ethylene, acetylene, and meth- pathways: (1) direct pyrolytic decomposition of MTBE,
ane. (2) direct reaction of MTBE with O3, and (3) reaction of
MTBE with •OH radical were proposed and used to
Entezari et al.135 sonicated 50 mL of pure carbon
obtain the following kinetic rate expression:
disulfide (CS2) at 20, 50, and 900 kHz frequencies under
the atmosphere of different gases (Ar, H2, Air, He, O2,
CO2) in a temperature range of -50 to +10 °C. They [MTBE]
-d ) (kpyr + kI + kII + kIII)[MTBE] )
observed that ultrasonic sonication at 900 and 50 kHz dt
(up to 4 h) led to no visible or chemical changes due to ko[MTBE] (17)
the sonication while irradiation of CS2 at 20 kHz
frequency resulted in the formation of heterogeneous where kpyr, kI, kII, and kIII are the pseudo-first-order rate
mixture of amorphous carbon and monoclinic sulfur. The constant for the direct pyrolysis, thermal degradation
dissociation of CS2 was proposed to be due to the leading to O-CH3 bond breakage, direct reaction with
extreme conditions resulting from the collapse of the ozone, and other direct routes to products formation,
cavity bubbles, the low thermal conductivity of CS2 respectively.
ensuring the high-temperature persisted long enough Koike139 studied the sonolysis of alcohol-water mix-
to result in the breakage of the C-S bond to form tures using CH3OH, C2H5OH, n-C3H7OH, and i-C3H7-
elemental carbon and sulfur. The dissociation rate was OH and found each mixture to form gaseous products,
also found to be rapid and efficient at lower tempera- including CH4, C2H6, C2H4, C2H2, and C3H6. Koike139
tures and higher intensities but at the same power found the product yields to increase to a maximum at
(49W) and under helium and hydrogen gas than under alcohol composition of about 20 vol % in the water
air, argon, or oxygen. The fact that the sonochemical solution and to decrease thereafter for each of the
activity was higher in He than in Ar (with lower heat alcohol-water mixture. Buttner et al.140 studied the
conductivity) was attributed to other properties of gases, sonolysis of water-methanol mixtures under argon and
especially solubility. Adewuyi and Collins136,137 studied oxygen and obtained similar results. With increasing
the kinetics of the sonochemical degradation of aqueous methanol concentration the product yields first in-
carbon disulfide in a batch reactor at 20 kHz and the creased as methanol is a reactant and decreased with
effects of process parameters (e.g., concentration, tem- increasing concentration leading to a maximum in the
perature, ultrasonic intensity) on the degradation pro- yields versus composition curves. In solutions containing
cess. They found the reaction rate to be zero-order in more than 80% methanol, they observed almost no
the temperature range 20-50 °C and first-order at lower chemical reactions. They detected typical pyrolysis and
temperature. The zero-order rate constant for the combustion products of methanol (H2, CH2O, CO, CH4,
degradation at 20 °C, at 14 W, and in air was 2.27 × and traces of C2H4 and C2H2 under argon, and CO2, CO,
10-5 min-1. At the same initial concentrations and HCOOH, CH2O, H2O2 and traces of H2 under oxygen).
temperature of 20 °C and in the presence of air, the Gutierrez and Henglein141 compared the sonolysis of
degradation rate of CS2 at 50 W (39.47 W/m2) was more aqueous solutions of ethanol (as volatile and soluble
than 2 times that at 14 W (11.04 W/m2). The rate of solute), poly(vinylpyrrolidine) PVP (as nonvolatile sol-
sonochemical degradation of CS2 in the presence of the ute), and tetranitromethane TNM (as volatile and
different gases was on the order of He > Air > N2O > almost insoluble solute) under Ar irradiation (at 300
Ar; the rate with helium was found to be about 3 times kHz and 2W/cm2). They explained the formation of
that of argon. They found the formation of sulfate as a products in all three cases (such as CH4, C2H4, C2H6,
product to be enhanced at the lower pH and also at CO, and CO2 from ethanol and PVP; and NO2-, NO3-,
lower temperatures when solutions from experiments N2, CO, CO2 from TNM) in terms of pyrolysis in or close
in the pH range 8-11 and temperatures 5-50 °C were to the cavitation bubbles.
analyzed. 4.9. Other Organic Compounds. Suzuki et al.142
4.8. Oxygenates and Alcohols. Kang and Hoff- examined the effect of ultrasound (200 kHz, 200W) at
mann138 studied the sonolysis, ozonolysis and the com- 298 K on the degradation rate of the surfactant, poly-
bined sonolysis/ozonation of methyl tert-butyl ether oxyethylene-alkyl ether (C14H29O(CH2CH2)7H), under
(MTBE) in the concentration range of 0.01-1.0 mM and three different conditions: ultrasonic irradiation only
demonstrated that the addition of O3 to the influent O2 (sonoprocess), photocatalytic reaction using TiO2 (0.25
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001 4707

g/mL of P25) and low-pressure mercury (20W, 253.7 nm) rate constants of 0.062, 0.063, and 0.044 min-1, for the
lamp (photoprocess), and the combination of the two sonication at 361, 620, and 1086 kHz respectively at
processes (photosonoprocess). They observed the decom- 105W.
position rate in the photosonoprocess was faster than Olson and Barbier149 studied the effectiveness of the
the photoprocess or sonoprocess alone. A significant “sonozone” process (i.e., combined ultrasound ozonolysis)
acceleration in the degradation of TOC was also ob- in degrading refractory electrolytes such as humic
served when stirring speed was increased from 100 to materials using purified fulvic acid, FA (as a substrate)
500 rpm. The significantly enhanced rate in the pho- and naturally colored groundwater sample with pH 8.6.
tosonoprocess compared to the sonoprocess alone was The combined system was found to significantly en-
attributed to the redispersion of the agglomerated hance TOC removal and mineralization rates. Sierka
catalyst particles under ultrasonic irradiation. They also and Amy150 also studied the singular and combined
successfully separated solid catalyst particles agglomer- effects of ultraviolet (UV) light and ultrasound (US) on
ated by ultrasonic irradiation at 28 kHz in the presence the ozone (O3) oxidation of humic substances, the most
of glass beads. important of the trihalomethane (THM) precursors.
They found that the combination of O3-US-UV proved
Hart and Henglein143 evaluated the sonolysis of to be the most effective reaction condition, followed by
mixtures of formic acid and water at concentrations of O3-UV, O3 alone, and O3-US, providing 93%, 86%,
0-30 M. The main reaction products under an argon 75%, and 71% reduction in trihalomethane formation
atmosphere were H2, CO2, CO, and very small amounts potential (THMFP) levels, respectively, in the reaction
of oxalic acid. Hart and Henglein144 also studied the time of 20 min.
irradiation of aqueous solutions of potassium iodide and Gonze et al.151 investigated the use of the ultrasonic
sodium formate under the atmosphere of argon, oxygen process as a preoxidation step before a classical biologi-
and argon-oxygen mixtures of varying composition. The cal treatment used for further mineralization. They
sono products of formate solutions were H2O2 and CO2 simultaneously monitored the toxicity for sodium pen-
in the presence of O2 and H2, CO2, and oxalate in the tachlorophenate solution (NaPCP) on marine bacteria
absence of O2. Gutierrez et al.145 found the products of (Vibrio fischeri) and on daphnids (Daphniamagna), and
sonolysis of acetate to include succinic acid (as a product the biodegradability of the pollutant solution during
of attack of OH radicals on acetate), glyoxylic and ultrasonic irradiation at 500 kHz. The pollution degra-
glycolic acids, smaller amounts of HCHO, CO, and CO2, dation was found to follow an apparent first-order
and CH4 as a minor product. kinetic:

( )
Thymine (Thy) was found to degrade sonochemically
in aqueous solutions at 450 kHz into six products: cis-
[NaPCP] ) [NaPCP]o exp -kth t (18)
and trans-5, 6-dihydroxy-dihydrothymine (cis- and trans- V
thymine glycols), 5-hydroxymethyluraacid, urea, and
possibly N-formyl-N′-pyruvelurea plus an unidentified i.e., the disappearance rate is proportional to the power
product.41 Mead et al.146 also found the degradation to density applied, and the kinetic pseudo first-order rate
vary linearly with sonication time with a zero-order rate constant, kth (m3 J-1) is representative of ultrasonic
constant of 1.8 ( 0.3 × 10-5 M.min-1. Sehgal and efficiency. In general, they demonstrated that ultrasonic
Wang41 found that at an aeration rate of 50 mL/min and irradiation decreased the toxicity of NaPCP and could
at 34 °C, the concentration of thymine is reduced to half be considered a preoxidation step without which the
its value in 30 min, implying that an average of 3 × NaPCP could not be degraded by activated sludge for
up to 28 days.
10-8mol or 1.8 × 1016 molecules of Thy reacted per
Dahi152 studied the ozonation process with and with-
second per liter. The studies also indicated there was a
out simultaneous sonication at 20 kHz in regard to the
change in kinetics of reaction of Thy from first to zero
disinfections of microorganism (Escherichia coli) and
order as temperature of solution changed from 0 to 50 oxidation of organic (e.g., Rhodamine B). The ultrasonic
°C, and they suggested that the sono reaction took place treatment was found to intensify the action of ozone in
in the bubble-liquid interphase. the oxidation of chemicals and in the inactivation of
4.10. Other Environmental Applications. Ingale microorganisms. The enhanced performance of the
et al.147 investigated the degradation of a refractory simultaneous sonozonation process was attributed to (1)
component in the industrial waste of a cyclohexene sonochemical degradation of O3, causing augmentation
oxidation unit using a hybrid system, namely, sonication of activities of free radicals in water, and (2) increase
followed by catalytic wet oxidation (SONIWO). It was in the aeration parameter (kLa value) and intensified
shown that sonication in the presence of CuSO4 as mass transfer resulting from sonication. Phull et al.153
catalyst resulted in an accelerated degradation of the reported the biocidal effects of ultrasound alone (at 20-
unknown compound which was refractory to wet oxida- 25 kHz and 800 kHz) or in conjunction with chlorine
tion at 225 °C compared with sonication without a on microorganisms. Ultrasound was found to signifi-
catalyst. cantly amplify the biocidal effects of normal chlorination
Kruger148 investigated the sonolysis of natural ground- and to reduce the amount of chlorine required for
water containing 1,2-didhloroethane (1,2-DCA) as the disinfections.
main organic contaminants (350 µg/L), and trichlo-
romethane, cis-1,2-dichloroethane, trichloroethane and 5. Discussion
tetrachloroeathane, trichloroethene, tetrachloroethene
in trace amounts (total of ∼85 µg/L), and Fe (3-17 mg/ As reviewed above, the results of most studies seem
L) and Mn (0.4-0.9 mg/L) as the main inorganic to demonstrate that while ultrasound is effective in
products. They observed almost complete destruction of degrading pollutants, total mineralization is difficult to
1,2-DCA in all cases after 60 min and pseudo-first-order obtain with ultrasound alone, in particular, with recal-
4708 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

citrant pollutants or mixtures of pollutants. Moreover, Generally, improvements in technology are needed to
where the final products are determined to be carbon oxidize organics especially polar compounds more ef-
dioxide, short-chain organic acids, and/or inorganic ions, ficiently. If degradation rates can be enhanced, reaction
the time scale and the dissipated power necessary to times will be reduced for equivalent final contaminant
obtain the complete minerilization of the hazardous concentrations, translating to reduction in reactor sizes.
pollutants are currently not economically or practically Consequently, the cost of application of this technology
acceptable. Combinations of ultrasound with other to industrial or field-scale projects would be significantly
advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) or conventional reduced. The manipulation of macroscopic parameters
biological processes are found to be effective in degrad- has been shown to lead to enhancement of cavitation
ing some recalcitrant compounds; however, the econom- chemistry as the number of cavitation bubbles and
ics are poorly understood. This section discusses some chemical events at each bubble are varied. Hoffmann
of the problems related to sonochemical reaction kinet- and co-workers77 optimized the degradation rates of
ics, byproducts, and ecological effects and to technical- aqueous-phase organic compounds with acoustical pro-
scale application and implementation of the ultrasound cessors by adjusting the energy density, energy inten-
for water treatment and the need to address them. sity, and the nature and properties of the saturating
5.1. Reaction Pathways and Kinetics. In general, gas in solution. They observed that the first-order
three distinct pathways have been determined in the degradation rates increase as the energy density and
sonochemical degradation of chemical compounds. These intensity increased to a saturation value. Continuous
include oxidation by hydroxyl radicals, pyrolytic decom- gassing conditions also induce a greater number of
position, and supercritical water oxidation.58 The ultra- cavitation events in homogeneous systems and assist
sonic degradation of organic compounds in dilute aque- cavitation in heterogeneous systems.28 Susuki et al.155
ous solutions depends to a large extent on the nature investigated the influence of aeration, bubble distribu-
of the organic material. The specific nature of the tion, and frequency on the degradation rate of surfactant
saturating gas also influences the relative proportion SS-70 (initial concentration, 50 ppm; critical micelle
of the pyrolytic or free radical steps. Hydrophobic and concentration, 52.2 ppm) at 298°K using cylindrical-type
volatile organic compounds tend to partition into the (26 kHz) and disk-type (100 kHz, 300 kHz) ultrasonic
collapsing cavitation bubbles and degrade mainly by transducers and showed that the degradation rates were
direct thermal decomposition leading to the formation enhanced by aeration (i.e., aeration bubbles generated)
of combustion byproducts. The sonochemical oxidation and the shape of the reactors used. It is also well-known
of polar organics (e.g., phenol) is slow compared to that that ultrasonic degradation of phenolic compounds
of nonpolar, volatile organics such as CCl4.56,58 Hydro- involve •OH radical attack, and hence, the use of high-
philic and less volatile or nonvolatile compounds de- frequency ultrasound (e.g., 500 kHz) has proven to be
grade to form oxidation or reduction byproducts by more advantageous compared with low-frequency ul-
reacting with hydroxyl radicals or hydrogen atoms trasound. Higher ultrasonic frequencies are more favor-
diffusing out of the cavitation bubbles. Thermal de- able for the generation of hydroxyl radicals possibly due
struction processes are not considered important for to faster production rates.46,48-50 Weaver et al.156 ex-
nonvolatile substrates because they do not partition amined the first-order sono degradation kinetics of three
appreciably into the bubbles. The efficiency with which similar aromatic compounds, nitrobenzene (NB), 4-ni-
a solute reacts with hydroxyl radicals generated in tophenol (4-NP), and 4-chlorophenol (4-CP), by ultra-
ultrasonic reaction mixtures is related to its hydropho- sound at frequencies of 20 and 500 kHz. They found that
bicity; the greater the hydrophobicity is, the more in the 20 kHz reactor, NB degraded the fastest and 4-NP
efficient the solute can act a radical scavenger.154 The the slowest, but in the 500 kHz reactor, 4-CP was the
time scales of treatment in simple batch reactors fastest while 4-NP was the most resistant to sonolytic
reported in the literature are generally in the range of destruction. They attributed the results to the greater
minutes to hours for complete degradation. Most inves- degree of vapor-phase pyrolysis at the lower frequency
tigators have observed the kinetics of sono degradation due to high temperatures achieved during bubble col-
of pollutants to be first- or zero-order. For pollutants lapse, while higher frequency favored ‚OH production.
with first-order degradation rates, the first-order rate Using 20 kHz ultrasound, large salt-induced enhance-
constants tend to decrease as the initial substrate ments in oxidation/destruction rates have been ob-
concentrations increase.112,131 In contrast, for pollutants served: 6-fold for chlorobenzene, 7-fold for p-ethylphe-
displaying zero-order substrate disappearance, the rate nol, and 3-fold for phenol oxidation, in sodium chloride
constants increase as the initial substrate concentration solutions (0, 0.17, 0.67, and 1.38 mol/L).59 The enhance-
increases. A change in reaction order from zero-order ment was ascribed to the fact that the presence of the
(at high initial substrate concentration) to first-order salt increased the residence of the aromatice compounds
(at lower initial substrate concentration) has also been in or at the surface of the cavitation bubbles. The rate
observed.66 The change in rate constants with initial of the sonochemical degradation of 3-chlorophenol was
substrate concentration is ascribed to radical scaveng- enhanced 2.4 times by the addition of appropriate
ing/recombination, i.e., a combination of a first order amount of Fe(II) concentrations (e.g., 1 mM). The
thermal destruction processes and a zero order reaction enhancement was attributed to the probable regenera-
with hydroxyl radicals.112,131 Sehgal and Wang41 ob- tion of OH radicals from H2O2, which would otherwise
served change in reaction order from first to zero as formed from recombination of OH radicals and contrib-
temperature increased. Cost et al.78 indicated that zero- uted to lesser degradation.74 More such inexpensive
order kinetics are typical of hydroxyl radical reactions approaches for improving process efficiency should be
since the free radicals are generated at constant rate investigated in the future to make sonochemical oxida-
under ultrasonic irradiation and suggested the slow tion an economically viable remediation technology.
degradation of humic acid occurred mainly by radical 5.2. Effects of Water Quality. This section discusses
attack. how measures of water quality (i.e., matrix components)
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001 4709

such as alkalinity, particulate matter (dissolved organic and contaminated waters (surface and groundwater)
and inorganic), and mixtures of compounds affect the generally contain a wide array of both pollutant and
rates of sono-reactions. Sonchemical oxidation reactions nonpollutant chemicals, more studies on the effects of
like other AOPs should generally be inhibited by high water quality on sonochemical oxidation rates are
alkalinity usually resulting from the presence of large needed to advance our understanding.
concentrations of radical scavengers such as bicarbon- 5.3. Sonication Byproducts and Toxicity Effects.
ates and carbonates. This significantly reduces process If ultrasound is to be used in the destruction of hazard-
efficiency. However, Cost et al.78 observed that added ous wastes on an industrial scale, the associated reac-
alkalinity did not affect the rates of destruction of tions must be ecologically acceptable. Hence, the toxicity
p-nitrophenol (p-Np) or p-nitrocatechol by ultrasound. of the reaction products obtained from sonochemical
According to models on bubble nucleation in liquids, treatments is a factor that should be considered prior
suspended particles are expected to affect cavitation, to subsequent utilization of treated water. In most
and hence, the rates of ultrasonic degradation of pol- studies so far, the toxicity of the reaction products
lutants because of the formation and stabilization of gas produced by treatment remains to be determined.
bubbles in the crevices of the particles. Large particles Special attention must be paid to the types of products
might be expected to decrease the rate because of sound formed and their toxicity and resistance to further
attenuation. Fine particles containing gas- and vapor- ultrasonic cleavage or other secondary treatments. Total
filled crevices might enhance the rate by providing organic carbon (TOC) analysis is one method that has
additional nuclei for bubble formation.157 However, been used extensively to determine quantitatively
Kotronarou112 investigated the effect of large sand whether the sono degradation of the organic compound
particles (500 µm average) and fine particles (7 nm results in complete minerilization to the relatively
average) on the sonication of sulfide oxidation and harmless CO2 (g) or some product that presents toxic
observed no significant effect for the sizes and concen- features. However, TOC analyses do not give the entire
trations studied. Cost et al.78 also noted that particulate picture with respect to toxicity because a given hazard-
matter (sea sand or Fe2O3 particle) did not significantly ous substance may also degrade to carbon deposits135
affect the degradation rate of p-Np. Orzechowska et or be converted into other benign substrates that are
al.108 observed that the presence of humic substances acceptable end-products. A quick minerilization of an
did not affect Cl- yields in the sonication of aqueous organic contaminant should be the goal to minimize the
chlorinated hydrocarbons. However, Taylor et al.158 survival time of toxic intermediates. The use of ultra-
found the presence of fulvic acid (FA) to significantly sound in combination with other advanced oxidation
inhibit the sonochemical degradation of PAHs (in the processes or conventional biological processes has been
concentration range of 0.1-0.5 µM) at 20 kHz (600W) found to be effective in reducing toxicity. For example,
and at 20 °C. In the presence of approximately 50 µM Gonze et al.151 demonstrated that ultrasonic irradiation
FA, the first-order rate constants (k, s-1) of anthracene, when used as a pretreatment step decreased the toxicity
phenanthrene, and pyrene decreased by factors of 3.7 of sodium pentachlorophenol (NaPCP) solution im-
(0.015 vs 0.0041), 3.3 (0.006 vs 0.0018), and 2.3 (0.006 mensely allowing degradation by biological activated
vs 0.0026), respectively. sludge process. Other possible ways include the coupling
Multicomponent waste streams are more realistic of H2O2, O3, or UV photocatalysis and solution chemistry
matrices to consider for practical treatment situations. modification to enhance the efficiency of free radical
Hua and Hoffmann99 found that sonication of a mixture generation through cavitation. Hoffmann and col-
of CCl4 and p-NP resulted in the enhancement of p-NP leagues138 demonstrated that the combination of ultra-
degradation, demonstrating that ultrasound is not sound with ozonation or other AOPs effectively degraded
limited to single-solute solutions. They also found that recalcitrant pollutants such as MTBE into innocuous
the effect of CCl4 in a mixed waste stream was particu- and biodegradable products. Trabelsi et al.67 showed
larly interesting in that it released a residual oxidant, that the combination of electrochemistry and high-
which could continue to attack other refractory mol- frequency sonication allowed a total degradation of
ecules in solution after the ultrasonic irradiation was phenol within 20 min with no production of toxic
halted. Drijvers et al.106 also showed that volatile aromatic intermediates. It appears that using a combi-
organic compounds could strongly affect each other’s native AOP approach is certainly a positive step toward
sonolysis rates. However, as indicated earlier, the achieving quick minerilization and more such studies
presence of hydrophobic compound CB hindered the should be considered in future efforts to address and
degradation of hydrophilic compound, 4-CPOH.72 Zhang mitigate the byproduct toxicity problems.
and Hua159 found moderate decreases in degradation 5.4. Efficiency and Scaleup Issues. The ultrasonic
efficiency when a mixture containing 10µM chloropicrin system transforms electrical power into vibrational or
(CCl3NO2 or CP), 10µM trichloroacetonitrile (C2Cl3N or ultrasonic energy, i.e., mechanical energy.31-32 160-161
TCA), and 0.5 mM bromobenzene (BB) was sonicated This mechanical energy is then transmitted into the
at both 20 kHz (30.8 Wcm-2) and 358 kHz in a complex sonicated reaction medium. The efficiency of the energy
aqueous matrix (i.e., river water) compared to reagent transformation depends not only on the equipment itself
grade water. Differences in rate constants observed but also on the ultrasonication conditions. Therefore,
during sonication of the mixture and individual com- the amount of acoustic energy delivered into the liquid
pounds were also minimal. The first-order rate con- medium cannot be measured solely by measuring the
stants at 20 kHz for TCA, CP, and BB were, respec- amount of electrical energy expended to produce the
tively, 4.7 × 10-2 ( 6.5 × 10-4, 5.3 × 10-2 ( 4.4 × 10-4, mechanical vibration. Sonolysis is relatively inefficient
and 4.4 × 10-2 ( 7.5 × 10-4 min-1 when sonicated with respect to total input energy. This is because part
individually. The rates were 4.4 × 10-2 ( 7.2 × 10-4, of the total energy input is lost to produce heat and
5.0 × 10-2 ( 8.8 × 10-4, and 4.1 × 10-2 ( 9.1 × 10-4 another part produces cavitation. But not all of the
min-1 in a mixture. Since both industrial waste streams cavitational energy produces chemical and physical
4710 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

Figure 2. Energy conversion in sonochemical processes.

effects. Some energy is consumed in sound re-emission system is also not an optimal reactor configuration for
(i.e., harmonics and sub-harmonics).32,57 The low ef- the efficient generation of transient cavitation for two
ficiency of the conversion sequence electrical energy f other reasons. First, sonication efficiency is reduced due
acoustic energy f chemical effects may preclude the use to blanketing effect caused by intense generation of
of this method as a primary treatment. As illustrated cavitation bubbles at the tip. Second, the probe type
by Kotronarou et al.,131 the limitation of sonolysis for transducer tips have relatively short life before the
the control of H2S and other trace contaminants in titanium tip requires replacement. For these reasons,
water is that it is relatively inefficient with respect to the application of direct probe sonolysis to special
the energy input. Their calculations indicated only a applications such as groundwater remediation or pre-
small portion of the total energy supplied to the system treatment of industrial hazardous wastes is not eco-
resulted in “useful” free-radical reactions. The energy nomically feasible. In their studies of H2S ultrasonic
transformation losses within the system are shown in oxidation, Hoffmann and co-workers131,132 found a direct
Figure 2. At each stage in the transmission of power, linear relationship between the applied power at a fixed
there is an inefficiency whereby sonochemical benefit frequency and the observed rate of loss of S(-II),
is lost to heat or sound. Hence, it can be appreciated indicating a continuous-flow stirred-tank probe reactor
that the determination of an energy balance is not easy. could attain significant conversion efficiencies. Their
The sonochemical yield (SY ) measured effect/input initial tests indicated that the use of large high-powered
power (W)) is measured in moles of products generated sonicators in the CSTR mode could result in viable
per second. Despite the difficulty in ascertaining ac- degradation efficiencies. Hua et al.77 found that a near-
curate energy balance, “SY” is defined in general this field acoustical processor or NAP (where liquid flows
way similar to the definition of “photochemical between two high intensity vibrating plates) was more
yield”.31,32,162 Hence, the acoustical power transferred efficient than a probe reactor for the degradation of
to the reaction mixture is less than the overall power p-nitrophenol. They observed that NAP provided about
input into the power generators (i.e., the power drawn 1.5 times the power per unit volume of the probe reactor
from the wall supply). The challenge is to harness these but resulted in 19 times more p-nitrophenol destruction
energy losses to useful purposes, e.g., pollution treat- per kilojoule energy imparted on the system. It was also
ment. In addition to knowledge of the characteristics of shown that the G value for the probe reactor is ap-
the reaction mixtures and kinetics of reaction, effective proximately 1 order of magnitude less than that in the
scaleup procedure is necessary and requires that all NAP, although the degradation rate constants were the
parameters affecting cavitation efficiency be studied same magnitude. The G value is an efficiency measure
well, properly quantified and optimized. used in radiation chemistry and for each species in
The majority of the reported studies to date employed neutral water is defined as the number of molecules
laboratory-scale piezoelectric probe (0.25-0.5 in.) batch undergoing reaction for each 100 eV electrical energy
reactors with small volumes (20-200 mL) for ultrasonic transferred.25 The NAP parallel-plate reactor allows for
degradation of pollutants45,160 The probe type reactor a lower sound intensity but a higher acoustical power
is widely used due to its ability to deliver high power per unit volume than those of the conventional probe-
output and the ease of operation to give optimum type reactor. However, limited work has been reported
performance at different amplitudes. However, Kotron- on the NAP and tank reactors, and comparison of their
arou and Hoffmann111,132 found that the same energy performance data with the probe reactor are scarce.
input dispersed over a broader area resulted in a Gondrexon et al.116 observed a conversion rate for
significant enhancement in reaction rate and energy pentachlorophenol (PCP) up to 80% using a three-stage
utilization efficiency. It was also shown that sonolysis laboratory-scale sonochemical reactor (each equipped
reactors with larger radiating surfaces are more energy with 500 kHz piezoelectric disk) and operating in the
efficient the direct immersion probe reactor, which has continuous flow mode. Operation in continuous-flow
a small (1 cm2) radiating surface. In addition to the low- mode also has the advantage of short residence time,
energy utilization efficiency, the probe type reactor especially for pollutants that are degraded quickly.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001 4711

However, as they indicated, the scaleup of such an the change in biodegradability of a waste subjected to
experimental system would not be easy, and a lot of prior chemical oxidation.164 Integration of destructive
technical problems remain to be overcome. But increas- processes for recalcitrant or inhibiting contaminant
ing commercial interest in sonochemical processes conversion is advantageous conceptually. However,
should reduce cost in the very near future. Problems substantial research efforts are needed to develop
related to technical-scale application and implementa- efficient processes through coupling of biological ap-
tion of sonochemical steps into conventional water proaches with chemical and physical treatments. The
treatments must be considered in future investiga- design key for such a coupled system lies in choosing
tions.31,32,160 processes that complement each other and leads to a
synergistic effect. Sonochemical oxidation technologies
6. Concluding Remarks are most advantageously used in combination with other
advanced oxidation processes and/or biological treat-
Ultrasonic irradiation shows promise and has the ment.
potential for use in environmental remediation due the Ultrasound has other environmental science and
production of high concentrations of oxidizing species engineering applications. Low permeability geomateri-
such as •OH and H2O2 in solution and localized transient
als such as clay or silt are difficult to remediate because
high temperatures and pressures. In terms of conven-
of low transport rates and high adsorption potential. It
ience and simplicity of operation, sonolysis could prove
has been shown that ultrasonic vibrations enhance
to be economically competitive and far superior to many
removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and
alternative approaches. These include high-temperature
liquid contaminants from low permeability geologic
catalytic combustion or incineration, activated carbon
formations that have been pneumatically or hydrauli-
or zeolite adsorption, supercritical fluid extraction or
cally fractured.166 Mukherjee et al.167 and Liu et al.168
oxidation, substrate-specific biodegradation, membrane
also showed that sonication could be used as a pretreat-
separation, electron-beam irradiation, UV-photolytic,
ment step to improve the release of organic matter
and other chemical degradation methods.26,163-164 Some
associated with the particulate phase into the soluble
of these techniques are cost-intensive and require
aqueous phase enhancing its bioavailability during the
transference of the target molecule from an aqueous
phase. Biodegradation provides a promising method for anaerobic biodegradation of aquatic sediments. Also, in
environmental remediation. However, currently avail- the desorption of phenol from activated carbon and
able processes are slow and produce unpredictable polymeric resin, Rege et al.169 found sonication at 40
results. Aerobic biological oxidation is also limited when kHz and 1.44 MHz to significantly increase desorption
the feed is either recalcitrant to bidegradation, or rates, and the rates were also favored by decreased
inhibitory or toxic to the bioculture.164 The sonochemical temperature, aerated medium, and increased ultrasonic
approach also has the advantage of being adaptable to intensity. They also found desorption rates in the
mixed solid-liquid wastes. Ultrasonic degradation is absence of ultrasound was limited by pore diffusion,
several times (about 10 000-fold) faster than natural whereas those under ultrasonic irradiations were lim-
aerobic oxidation, for example.115 Also, sonochemical ited by surface reaction. The improvement in desorption
degradation occurs over wide range concentrations rates were attributed to an enhancement in diffusional
(varying by order of magnitude), unlike certain biologi- transport due to the acoustic microstreaming caused
cal systems that are inhibited by relatively low sub- within the pores.
strate concentrations. In a recent economic analysis of The amount of things that can be accomplished with
a dilute p-nitrophenol aqueous waste treatment, the cost sonochemistry is, at this stage, only limited by the
of sonochemical oxidation was found to be comparable minds of those working in this exciting field. It is a
to that of incineration.77 The relative efficiency of whole new field of research that is growing very fast,
ultrasound in terms of p-nitrophenol degraded per liter with exciting prospect for any researcher. The review
of water was also shown to be far superior to conven- of the environmental aspects of sonochemistry high-
tional UV-photolytic degradation.58 Calculated G value lighting remediation processes, reaction pathways, and
efficiencies from the literature also indicate sonochemi- kinetic studies presented here indicates a large scope
cal systems are competitive with other AOPs such as for further experimental and theoretical investigations
UV photocatalysis and supercritical water oxida- on all aspects of this important medium of reaction.
tion.87,163,165 Sonolysis does not require the addition of More research and developmental studies, both experi-
chemical additives to achieve viable degradation rates. mental and theoretical and encompassing kinetics,
However, some chemicals may be utilized as an effective reaction mechanisms, reactor design, and energy con-
sonolytic catalyst for reactions involving ‚OH radical for servation, are needed to improve reliability and mini-
example. mize costs for scale-up and long-term use.170-172 De-
As obvious from the degradation products in Table 3, staillat et al.173 demonstrated the effectiveness of a novel
complete mineralization of recalcitrant pollutant is pilot-plant scale sonochemical reactor (UES 4000C
difficult to obtain at reasonable rates with ultrasound Pilotstation) recently developed for large-scale reme-
alone. Because the efficiency of electrical-to-sound-to- diation applications. A budget analysis of this system
thermal conversion is poor, even faster decomposition (612 kHz, 3 kW) indicated that nearly one-third of the
is needed to carry out the oxidation at the commercial applied power is converted into sonochemical activity.
level. Moreover, other barriers remain to the large-scale It is hoped that this review has stimulated thinking
implementation of this technology for pollution degra- beyond the cases presented and should spur future
dation. The economics are poorly understood. The engineering-based research in the continued use of
scaleup of sonochemical reactors remains problematic sonochemical oxidation as an environmentally benign
because few studies have been done to determine which process for the removal of inorganic and organic species
measures of reactor efficiency correlates best with from industrial wastewater streams and remediation of
pollutant destruction rates. Several studies have noted contaminants in subsurface environments.
4712 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 22, 2001

Acknowledgment (25) Bielski, B. H. J.; Cabelli, D. E.; Arudi, R. L.; Ross, A. B.

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