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While the science and technology is drastically changing human are influenced and they are more towards

stressed up life style. In a way to escape from this ethic life phenomenon that is becoming a talk of the town currently is social network pages that you can find all around the website such as Facebook, Friendster, Tagged and some other network. Which opens an opportunity for the teenagers till infinity to surf online where they could host information about ourselves so friends could keep track of us, and we could share anything that we wanted to? But this is not positive way to escape for real life, this is because this entire social network as a strong bond between human to mold the reality to its virtual world. This social network relationship also causes cyber net crime to increase which we often seen in news paper. To avoid this surrounding which said to be convincing that we are able to immerse into this comforting space and juggling escapism due to lack of liberality in real life but this might end up in tragedy. The best way to escape from real life we can make our self to get involve in healthy lifestyle such as music and dance, exercise, reading books and game. Music is a sensual way of escape; to quickly relieve stress or self-soothe, listening to good and soulful music will help you attain self improvement and have a better quality of life. You can do your household chores after turning on some good music and you will never feel the strain. Also you can use music for motivation. Music can definitely change your state of mind and make you more relaxed and happy. By listening to stimulating music you tend to become more relaxed. You can also use music for intelligence. In this case music stimulates creativity by creating channels of neurons in the brain. Research has proved that music tunes the brain to higher planes of thinking. Music therapy is an emerging arena of health care in which music is used to heal patients fighting cancer, children with reading/writing problems and others. Many health care facilities also make use of music to help patients fight depression, cope with pain and ease muscle tension. With respect to brain waves, studies have shown that music with strong beats can help bring alert thinking and better concentration there by promoting calm and a meditative state. Also music can bring changes in brain activity levels which will enable it to shift speeds very easily on its own. This in turn can lead to a healthy state of mind. Music can also alter the heart rate and breathing functions and there by improve the relaxation response by causing slower and relaxed breathing. This is the reason why music therapy is largely used to counteract the damages caused by chronic stress and thereby leads to promotion of all-round health. Music helps to create a positive bent of mind and helps to stay away from depression. This can lead to better levels of optimism and creativity and a lot of other benefits. Because of all these advantages and positive effects physically, many view music as a crucial factor which helps the body to fight diseases and to stay healthy. Other than that dancing is the best remedy for a lot of things in life. It is the best way to release tension, stress and depression. The physical movement one makes along with the rhythm of the music is believed to release a lot of stress hormone and makes a person fresh. It is not only good for the body toning but also provides a lot of fun and joy to a person. Especially if dancing is done in groups, it simply makes it much more enjoyable. Whenever a person feels sad, if he or she puts on her favorite music and starts dancing, it will put her in to a groove and the person tends to forget all their worries. This is one of way to escape from real life. Beside that exercises are essential for maintaining the fitness levels of the body and also for improving the immunity system of the body. Exercises are very similar to the regular cleaning that you do to keep your house clean from dust and other harmful particles. Through exercises the body flushes out some of the harmful toxins and energies from the body and thus our internal system is able to work much better. Through exercises blood is pumped to the heart and other organs and thus the body has better flow of oxygen, which is another advantage for your health. Exercises can be of various kinds also like there are some exercises for losing weight faster and most people try out different forms of exercises in the hope of being able to get faster results. Also there are some exercises, which are done to increase the muscle mass in the body and these include exercises like weight training and strength training that help those with lean bodies to get good shapes. The most important benefit of exercising is that the person performing the same is able to gain more confidence and self esteem because they are more confident with their bodies. For example, meditation, yoga, and aerobics. Reading books can help you to improve your vocabulary. While reading books, especially challenging ones, you will find yourself exposed to many new words you wouldnt be otherwise. Cunninghams studies have found that analytical thinking is boosted by reading. Readers improve their general knowledge, and more importantly are able to spot patterns quicker. If you can spot patterns quicker, your analytical skills receive a boost. By reading, you think more and become smarter. Builds self-esteem by reading more books, you become well informed and more of an expert on the topics you read about. This expertise translates into higher self esteem. Since you are so well read, people look to you for answers. Your feelings about yourself can only get better. By reading books you can reduce stress. Many avid readers (including me) unwind by reading. Compared with the person who gets home from work and immediately turns on the TV news, you are going from work stress to crime stress. But its not just news. TV as a source of relaxation is too full of loud commercials and fast moving (often violent) images. If relaxation is something you want, turn off the TV or computer and pick up a book. Some people enjoy reading books when they feel bored and this is one of the ways to escape from real life. Online games help people to be entertained and relaxed at the same time. Many online games are easily played by visiting a website. Players irrespective of their ages can now find the perfect place to entertain themselves just sitting in the comfort of their homes. Online Games are now one of the most popular and fast growing part of the internet based industries. These computer games can be played by many people together in a network like the Internet or any office network. With the growing availability of the World Wide Web, these games have become one of the best ways to relief stress after a busy day. Online games are an excellent way to escape the real" world for a while and enter the virtual domain. In addition to providing entertainment, these games help us to be mentally strong. The games are quite thrilling as they provide incredible features as well as a user friendly ambiance. These games also build team efforts and team spirits. Part of mobile-phone gaming popularity is the ability to be taken anywhere. Once a game is downloaded onto a phone, it doesn't even need an Internet connection to run. The application runs through the phone's hard drive just like on a laptop computer. This means people can play mobile -phone games anywhere, at any time, even if they don't have Internet access or a phone signal. Best of all, most phone are small enough that games can be played in places where traditional games cannot, such as in a car or a waiting room.

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