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what is the ftp path?

ftp path tells blogger where to place your blog files on your server. it should be of this
directory/directory/ (be sure to include the trailing slash)

if you're familiar with ftp, your "path" is your web-accessible directory. for example, it
might be 'htdocs' or 'www' or 'public_html'
or, if you want to put your blog in a subdirectory, 'htdocs/blog/' etc.
if all this sounds a bit complicated, try contacting your hosting provider for help. they can
tell you how things should be set up for your specific server.

• do not use http://, ftp:// or (your server's address)

• the directory you specify must already exist on your ftp server

• this must not be an absolute path - it should be relative to your ftp root location
on the server.

detailed example (optional)

the path setting you use will depend entirely on how your server is configured, so this
example should only be taken as an example of how to determine the correct path to use.
the actual path shown here will not necessarily work on your own blog.

• start up your favorite ftp program to access your account. if you don't have an ftp
program, or don't know what that is, use internet explorer (on a pc) or firefox
(mac or pc).

• to log in, you'll need to use the username and password that you set up with your
hosting provider (not necessarily the same information that you use to log in to

• in ie or firefox, enter in the address bar, substituting in

the ftp address for your host. when you press enter, it will prompt you for your
username and password. alternatively, you can enter and it will just prompt you for the
password. if you are using a different ftp program, you can probably enter all this
information at once. if it asks for a default path or directory, leave that setting

• now that you've logged in, you should see a list of files and/or directories on your
ftp account. look for a folder with a name like httpdocs, www, public_html or
anything that looks like it's supposed to contain web pages. on some servers, the
folder is named the same as your domain, e.g. if you don't see
an obvious candidate, ask your hosting provider where webpages are supposed to
go. for this example, we'll say that the folder was called www.

• once you find this folder name, it will be your path setting, e.g. www/. that may be
all you need, if you just want your blog to be at the root level of your server, e.g.
at (this is assuming you're publishing
your blog with a filename of 'myblog.html'.)

• if you want your blog in a specific directory, you can just add that to the end of
the path, like this: www/blog/. this will publish your blog to a location like this: if the given folder does not yet
exist on your account, blogger will go ahead and create it for you.

• once you've got your path setting figured out, you'll need to enter it not only for
your publishing settings, but also for your archiving and site feed settings. most
likely, you'll just use the exact same settings on these pages. some people though,
like to put archives in a different folder, with a path like www/blog/archives/.

what is an ftp server?

an ftp server is a computer that uses ftp to accept uploaded files from users. the address of
your ftp server usually looks something like this:

when you purchase a hosting service, you should be provided with the address of the ftp
server to use. if you do not have this information or you are unsure about it, please
contact your hosting provider.

• the default port numbers will be used (:21 for ftp and :22 for sftp). specifying an
alternate port will not work.

• do not include http:// or ftp:// in the server address.

how do i setup an ftp (or sftp) connection to my external

web host?
go to settings | publishing:
then, enter your settings:

when you're done, save your server details via the save settings button at the bottom, and
republish your blog.

• the default port numbers will be used (:21 for ftp and :22 for sftp). specifying an
alternate port will not work.

• do not include http:// or ftp:// in the server address or the path setting.

what happens if i switch publishing from blog*spot to

another server?
if you switch your blog's publishing settings from blog*spot to an external server (or
another blog*spot subdomain), your original subdomain will be released back into the
available namespace. this means that other people can take it. a temporary
workaround for this is to, once you've switched publishing settings, create a new blog
with your previous subdomain to act as a placeholder. this keeps the subdomain
associated with your account, preventing other users from using it.

what should i try if i get ftp publishing errors?

most of the errors you might encounter when publishing by ftp come directly from your
ftp server, so we can't anticipate exactly what you might see. we've listed some of the
common error types, however, along with possibilities for resolving the problems.
unknown host
this error means that blogger was not able to locate your ftp server with the address you
specified in your setting. check to make sure you didn't include the ftp:// at the
beginning of the server name (it just needs the address, not the protocol), and check with
your hosting provider to make sure you are using the correct information.
login incorrect, user cannot login, etc.
these errors (or other variations on them) mean that your ftp login information is
incorrect. you can fix this by correcting your username and password in your settings. if
you are unsure of the correct information to use, please contact your hosting provider.
connection refused
this error usually appears when a server rejects connection requests from blogger. double
check all of your publishing settings to verify they are correct, and make sure you can
connect to your server through a separate ftp program. if your publishing information
checks out, then your server may be denying our ftp connection requests. if this is the
case, please contact your hosting provider for further assistance in getting this matter
if you server is blocking connections by ip addresses, you should be able to give your
hosting provider blogger's ip address to grant it access. you can find this information in
this article.
connection timeout
the first thing to try in this case is connecting to your server through a different ftp client.
if the same error happens there, then you'll need to contact your hosting provider to get it
resolved. note that blogger published via passive ftp or sftp, depending on your settings.
active ftp is not supported, so you'll need to doubled check that your server isn't requiring
permission denied, or file not found
these sorts of errors are usually due to problems with your path setting. if your path is
incorrect, blogger may be unable to find the correct location to publish your files, or it
may not be allowed to published them to that location. if you're unsure of how to
determine your path setting, please see this article.
note that there are actually separate path settings for your main page, your archives, and
your site feed, so all of these will need to be correct. you can find them under the
publishing, archiving and site feed tabs of the settings, respectively. if the error message
mentions files with dates in the names, that refers to the archives. atom.xml is the default
name for the site feed file. that can be a hint as to which path setting is causing problems.
socket not established
this error most commonly occurs when blogger is set to publish via sftp to a server that
does not support that. try changing your publishing settings to regular ftp and see if that
fixes it. if not, contact your hosting provider to find out more about the error.
account over quota, or quota limit exceeded
this means that you have filled your allotted space on your ftp server, and will not be able
to add anything new unless you make more space. check with your hosting provider and
they can help you remove extra files or increase your quota as necessary.
broken pipe
this error occurs when the connection with your server is lost. sometimes this will happen
when you have gone over the disk quota for your ftp account (see above). it can also be a
symptom of general connection problems. if it only occurs sporadically, then you can
probably just wait a little bit and try again. if it persists, though, you might want to check
with your hosting provider to see if there is a problem that prevents them from
maintaining the connection to blogger.
still need help?
if none of these suggestions work for you, let us know and we'll see what we can do. to
help us help you, be sure to mention what error message you're seeing, and whether you
are able to connect to your server through a program other than blogger. you may also
want to contact your hosting provider at the same time, since the source of the problem
could be at either end of the connection.

what is ftp?
ftp is the publishing method by which blogger transfers blog files to remote servers, so
you only need to know about it if you are publishing to your own website. if you are
using our free blogspot hosting, the publishing is all taken care of for you automatically.
blogger works with both passive ftp and sftp (secure ftp), but not active ftp. if your
hosting provider only supports active ftp, you can ask them to enable either of the other
versions so that you can work with blogger.

what are the ips of the blogger publisher?

if you are using blogger to publish to your own website and your host blocks by ip, you
will need to allow through the ips of the blogger publishers.

do i have to store my ftp username/password?

yes, blogger requires that you save your username and password in your publishing
settings, if you are publishing via ftp. otherwise certain features, such as the publishing of
comments on your blog, will not work.

can i use blogger if my server is restricted by ip address

or behind a firewall?
yes. if you are using blogger to publish to your own website and your host blocks by ip,
you will need to allow through the ips of the new blogger publishers. the ips are:
additionally, ports 1024 and up must be enabled for these ips, for the ftp connections to
work properly.

what is sftp?
sftp, part of ssh, is a secure method for transferring files to blogger's servers. it is our
recommended method for publishing; if your host does not currently support sftp, heckle
them until they do!

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