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Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS)

Diploma in Business Management

Principles in Marketing & Production Management

Distribution & Marketing Plan for I-Pad X

Prepared By: Yeu Pit Choo
NRIC: S7770532E

Lecturer: Mr. Peter Chan



Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 2
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Background.......................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Purpose and Objectives ........................................................................................ 3
2. Analysis oI the Environment ..................................................................................... 4
2.1 External Analysis ................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Internal Analysis .................................................................................................. 7
3. SWOT Analysis ........................................................................................................ 4
3.1 Opportunities ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.2 Threats ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.3 Strengths ............................................................................................................ 11
3.4 Weaknesses........................................................................................................ 12
4. Fundamental Marketing Strategies ........................................................................... 14
4.1 Supply Strategies ............................................................................................... 14
4.2 Demand Strategies ............................................................................................. 14
4.3 Positioning Strategies ......................................................................................... 14
4.4 Competition Strategies ....................................................................................... 15
5. Marketing Mix Strategies ........................................................................................ 15
5.1 Product .............................................................................................................. 15
5.2 Price .................................................................................................................. 15
5.3 Place .................................................................................................................. 16
5.4 Promotion .......................................................................................................... 16
5.5 Personnel ........................................................................................................... 18
6. Implementation and Control .................................................................................... 19
6.1 Implementation .................................................................................................. 19
6.2 Control............................................................................................................... 20
7. Financial Forecast ................................................................................................... 21
8. Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 22


Executive Summary
To survive in the global and competitive business environment, it is essential Ior a company`s to conduct
extensive research so that they can develop a strong brand image Irom the initial stage as it leads to
greater Iinancial beneIits Ior the company. The marketing plan oI I-Pad X is the topic where an eIIective
marketing strategy is developed to ensure its success in the global competitive market where main
competitors such as Google, Samsung and HTC, have a signiIicant impact upon ACI`s strategies.

ACI`s market strategy will be incorporated with the generic business strategy which is towards growth
and maintaining a strong position in the market through its innovative products. Marketing planning and
strategies can become highly eIIective iI ACI Iocuses upon its strategic human resource management and
make continuous eIIorts to redesign its marketing plan to survive successIully.


. Introduction
. Background
Advance Computer Incorporation (ACI), is a well-known US computer maker had been developing
numerous computers and accessories Ior the United States and Internationally since 1950. The Company
designs, manuIactures, and markets personal computers, mobile communication devices, and portable
digital music and video players and sell a variety oI related soItware, services, peripherals, and
networking solutions. The Company sells its products worldwide through its online stores, its retail stores,
its direct sales Iorce, and third-party wholesalers, resellers, and value-added resellers. It has always been
seen as the innovator oI the technology world.

.2 Purpose and Objectives
The various marketing objectives that will assist in the achievement in the overall product goal are:
O Retain existing customers.
O Win new customers.
O To be the leading supplier oI electronic components in all markets in which the company operates
O Generate S$5.0 million sales turnover within the 1
year oI introduction
O Increase the sales turnover to S$10.0 million the Iollowing 2
O Progressively raise up to S$12.0 million sales turnover Ior the 3
O New product to be introduced aIter the 3

To accomplish these objectives, the project, aIter analysing the external and internal environments oI the
I-Pad X, identiIied the various marketing strategies designed to bring success. It then tabled the
implementation and control mechanisms aimed at ensuring that the desired results are achieved.


2. Situation Analysis
2. Product / Service Overview
Consumers are increasingly innovative ways to access the internet, e-mail, music, and more through
portable devices, rather than traditional computers. The growing popularity oI mobile devices, which
allow users to access all oI these services on-the-go, has increased the demand Ior technologically
advanced devices that are easy to transport and use.
The I-Pad X is mainly designed Ior inIormation consumption in the Iorm oI Web browsing, media, and
gaming. With more than 60,000 oI apps available Ior I-Pad X to perIorm at high-speed rate. It is
neither a laptop nor a personal digital assistant. It is unique in its own right most especially because oI
its tablet Irame. It is slightly larger than a netbook by halI inch and it does not have a keypad. Its multi-
touch screen is programmed to be multi-oriented, so the user can tilt the Irame Irom portrait to
landscape according to his preIerence. Multi-touch means that the user can "tap" and "drag" two items
on the display at once by using Iingers. The I-Pax X can also be used Ior some serious work using the
eWork soItware suite which allows the proIessionals Ior the creation oI documents, spread sheets and
slide show presentations. Media consumption is one oI the best oIIerings oI this awesome device. The
crisp screen resolution lends justice to images, videos and e-books. The enhanced speaker system
provides a great output Ior music and audio.

The advent oI this product has created an entirely new niche within the computer industry.


2.2 Market Segmentation
2.2. Geographical
O Region:
O Size oI metropolitan area:
O Population density:
O Climate:

DiIIerent geographical units according to
nations, states, regions, countries, cities,

Most marketers will operate in one more
than one geographical area and localize
their products, advertising promotions and
sales eIIorts to Iit the needs oI respective
geographical areas
Grouped by age, gender, Iamily size, Iamily
liIe cycle, income, occupation, education,
religion, race, nationality
Since there is a relationship between these
Iactors and the consumers needs and
wants, this is the more popular bases Ior
segmenting customer
Based on social class, liIestyle or
personality characteristics
Gain popularity because liIestyle and
personality aIIects people`s interest in
diIIerent goods although they may be in
the same demographic class
Based on consumer knowledge, attitudes,
users or responses to a product
Eg. In user status segmentation, we look
into ex-users, potential users, Iirst-time
users and regular users. In usage rates, the
categories might be light, medium or heavy
while loyalty status examine the loyalty oI
consumers to brands, stores and companies


The unique selling points are a larger screen, and large buttons that make it easier to see and it more user
Iriendly. It is simpler to use then an iPod. The Rio Innvo player can be charged by a USB cord or adapter.
An excellent Ieature is our unique, durable, water-prooI casing which enables the mp3 player to be used
during sporting activities without worrying about damage. The Rio brand has always been seen as an
innovator to the mp3 world. The target audience baby boomers that tend to have the majority oI
disposable income.

Our research Ior this sample marketing plan has revealed several mp3 players that could potentially be competitors
in our market niche. These include the SanDisk Sansa, the Coby MP7095C, and the Samsung YP-K3JQB. SpeciIic
attributes oI these models will be discussed in Iurther detail below. All oI these mp3 players have attributes that
could give the proposed version oI the Rio Innovo brand competition. They do not, however, target the proposed
niche in the mp3 product market. No brands were Iound that directly targeted the baby boomer market niche.
The Iirst oI the possible competing brands is the SanDisk Sansa mp3 player. This brand has 1-4 GB oI the same
type oI Ilash memory we are suggesting. It also has a subscription download service similar to the download service
that our proposed version oI the Rio mp3 player. It supports the MicrosoIt PlaysForSure download subscription
service. The brand is targeting the Innovators on the VALS Iramework. The SanDisk company is attempting to
attract consumers with the products unique and innovative design. Prices Ior this mp3 player vary Irom $39.99 to
$79.99, based on the amount oI memory available.

The second brand that we will look at is the Coby MP-C7095 mp3 player. This brand has 1 GB oI Ilash memory, 2
LCD color display, and FM radio. It can be used to play music and videos and it stores photos and text documents.
The navigation buttons are small compared to the buttons we are proposing Ior our brand and menu navigation
structure is to engaging Ior our target market segment. Like the SanDisk Sansa it does have a download
subscription service similar to the one we are proposing Ior the Rio. The product is regularly priced at $58.00.

The last competing brand we will discuss is the Samsung YP-K3JQB. This brand`s positioning is product related
attribute positioning, and is based on the slim product design, the Iact that the mp3 player is P2 subscription
enabled and that it is touch enabled. The communication message Ior the product is, 'Imagine the power oI touch,
Imagine slim size big sound. Its competitive advantage is that the mp3 player is touch enabled and it is very easy
to download music with the music players P2 subscription service. The ease oI use will be attractive to our targeted
market segment, but it may appear to be to technologically advanced Ior the majority oI the baby boomer market
niche. The communication message Samsung is using may not be an eIIective means oI reaching the proposed
market niche. A more appropriate message would enhance the ease oI use rather then innovative product Ieatures.
The price Ior this brand is $119.99 and it has 4 GB oI Ilash memory.


2.2. External Analysis
The external analysis looked at the macro-environment, the market and the competition in order to
identiIy our opportunities and threats.

Competitors: Competitors will regulate what, when, how and why strategies will be adopted. The
introduction oI new products will greatly inIluence I-Pad X.

Overseas Influences: The breaking down oI barriers between countries can increase the sales oI the
new I-Pad X, as more people are made aware oI the product.

Demographic Patterns: Males and Iemales Irom the age oI 12years and over will be in Iavour oI this
product because oI its new innovation to be able to not only play music but also books and other literature
which would in Iact appeal to them.

2.2.2 Internal Analysis
The internal analysis looked at our perIormance, our internal conIiguration and our customers in order to
identiIy our strengths and weaknesses.

Management: EIIective management is required Ior the training and development oI employees Ior the
continue innovation oI I-Pad X and Ior retraining suIIicient Iunds during competitor introducing new

Capital Availability: Competition may cause mishap in the cash Ilow. SuIIicient Iunds must be
available when competitors unpredictably put Iorward their product in the market.

Technological Adoption: Technology must be adopted to improve overall eIIiciency. It must be
integrated directly into operations (to increase productivity), as well stay on date with the amount oI I-Pad
X`s ordered, made and delivered.


2.3 SWOT Analysis
This situation analysis begins with a look at the current environment surrounding the ACI I-Pad X` by
providing a SWOT analysis, enabling us to identiIy our, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats..
This overview will cover both internal and external Iactors that impact the I-Pad X.
Table 1 below illustrates the internal Iactors that aIIect the marketing opportunities Ior the I-Pad X. This
analysis illustrates the ways in which ACI has revolutionized the personal computer industry by providing
the I-PAD tablet. This new device allows you to surI the web, check emails, watch movies, read eBooks,
listen to music, two cameras Ior Iace time and HD recording and perIorm many other Iunctions on such a
lightweight tablet you might even Iorget you are holding it in your hand. The I-Pad X is not to replace the
traditional desktop or laptop computer but to provide the mobility and convenience Ior the users. In ACI`s
Iavor are the strong leadership qualities shown by Iounder Stewart Bob, the unique oIIerings associated
with the I-Pad X, the ease oI purchase and set up oI this device, and the opportunities Ior Iurther
development oI this product.
Table 2 below reIlects the external Iactors that may impact ACI I-Pad X. Some oI the Iavorable external
Iactors are the relatively Iew direct competitors in this market and the number oI consumers that will be
interested in this product and have the disposable income to purchase it. Among the unIavorable Iactors
are the number oI tablets that are expected to come out within the next 1-2 years which will increase
competition with the I-Pad X and the current down economy which may prevent some consumers Irom
purchasing the I-Pad X (Hope, 2010).


Table - Internal Factors
Internal Factors Strengths Weakness

Stewart`s innovative leadership and
Maybe diIIicult to Iind suitable
replacement Ior job
The I-Pad X delivers a unique
computing experience, multiple
Iunctions, and ease oI transport Ior users
Consumers may be intimated by the
perceived diIIiculty oI using the
multiple Ieatures oI the I-Pad X

Capability to purchase I-Pad X in stores
and online. Ease oI purchase and set-up.
Excellent acceptance among consumers
Competition Irom other tablets such as
Kindle and Samsung Galaxy Tab
ManuIacturing /
More Ieatures and beneIits can be added
to I-Pad X later on; more accessories
and apps can continue to be developed
ManuIacturing and licensing costs may
increase down the road

Table 2 - External Factors
Opportunities Threats
Existing users are likely to purchase
I-Pad X, as are tech-savvy consumers
who desire a portable tablet computer
Price may hinder some consumers
ability to purchase I-Pad X
Loyal ACI users likely to buy I-Pad X
over other tablet computers; high brand
awareness associated with ACI products
Kindle and Nook reading tablets;
competitors comparable tablet
computers in the works
I-Pad X is Iirst touch-screen
tablet personal computer so its
technology is relatively new
Competition Irom other tablets such as
Kindle and Samsung Galaxy Tab
Tech-savvy consumers and ACI Ians
with disposable income are likely to
purchase I-Pad X
Due to the down economy there may be
Iewer consumers willing to pay the
price oI the I-Pad X, resulting in Iewer
sales Industry


SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Weaknesses:
There are enough Iinancial resources that are allocated Ior the operation oI this product.
Appealing to both males and Iemales
Good competitive skills
Past products have had a good reputation
Advanced key technology
Product innovation skills
The product has a narrow product line thereIore unable to expand into other markets
High prices may push potential customers to competitors with aIIordable prices
Introducing a new product, when the niche market is already controlled by other competitor`s
Poor use oI promotional strategy, as consumers were not properly introduced on the products signiIicant

Opportunities: Threats:
Opportunity to capitalise Iinancially
Develop an admirable/exceptional goodwill that can have monetary value in Iuture
Opportunity Ior Iast market growth as parents may see this as an educational device as it is able to read
Growing market trend
New competitors continually enter the market.
The threat oI not appealing to target market at all thereIore generating a loss as opposed to proIit
Entry oI imitators
Vulnerable to the business cycle
Tough laws being placed on internet MP3 downloads


2.3. Strengths

O Our leading position in the industry, with respect to our market shares oI assets, loans and deposits,
puts us in a position to inIluence the level oI interest rates.
O We are the only local commercial bank with a Board oI Directors, a Board that can attract good
business to the Bank as it consists oI successIul & respected business people with a good mix oI
expertise in key industries and with strong social links in the country. Approval oI loans is Iaster with
a local Board in place.
O Most oI the staII are young and have the requisite capabilities, and are re-trainable Ior newer systems
and technology. This will thereIore make the selection and training oI the sales team easy.
O All the members oI the staII are local, and very well known and have good contact with all sectors oI
the community. They will thereIore be in a good position to attract more customers to the Bank.
O The network oI branches and other outlets aIIords customers service Irom any point within the state as
the computer mainIrame is accessible Irom all branches.
O The Bank is leading the local competition in inIormation technology, and its core banking system has
the capacity Ior Iurther advancements. Customers may preIer to open accounts at Sample Bank Ltd
because statements and account inIormation are produced Iaster that our competitors who on several
occasions have to wait on their regional head oIIices to Iorward the inIormation.
O The monopoly some branches have by being the only bank in the particular area and the only collector
oI bills Ior various utility companies is advantageous in increasing customer base.
O The strong network oI regional and international correspondent relationships places the Bank in an
advantageous position in the execution oI Ioreign exchange business.


O It may be an advantage Ior Sample Bank Ltd to have the largest customer bade as customers may
encourage others to use its services.

2.3.2 Weaknesses

O The lack oI exposure Ior our staII as a result oI our poor customer mix makes it diIIicult Ior our staII
to be as experienced and equipped as most oI our competitors to deliver services eIIiciently and
maintain high standards oI service.
O Our international competitors, the other Iour commercial banks, are better prepared to stay aIloat in
the Iace oI strong competition with research departments and qualiIied staII to keep their institutions
in line with legal, technological, operational and other changes.
O The Bank is totally reliant on its correspondent banking relationships to conduct its Ioreign exchange
business and may Iind it impossible to survive against its international competitors iI its correspondent
banks should close such relationships.
O Although Sample Bank Ltd has the largest customer base, it has over the years had little success in
attracting the business community because it is government owned, and may continue to Iail in this


2.4 Environment Factors (PEST)
With all the technology around us today people either learn it or try earnestly to ignore it (which tends to
not work). The baby boomers are one oI the groups caught in a struggle to either become technologically
savvy or Iall behind. The reason Ior the Rio Innovo 2G model is solely due to the ability and willingness
oI the older adult population to learn how and use the new mp3 technology that was originally geared
toward the younger population. The Rio 2G model was released due to the socio-cultural developments
within our society regarding technology and the push Ior the latest and most advanced within the industry:
'Now given the rapid development oI digital music production and storage, as well as broadband wired
and wireless access and distribution technologies, music is among the most potent Iorces in existence...
(Burger 1). America and many other Ioreign nations` alike are moving Iorward to innovate the latest
gadget; iI we can simpliIy the technology through its appearance and use, then we can attract the baby
For more thun 20 yeurs, Apple hus been worklng on wuys to mlnlmlse the lmpuct our compuny und our products huve on the
envlronment. We developed und formuluted our flrst envlronmentul pollcy ln 1990 und every yeur slnce then, weve contlnued to muke
our products more energy efflclent, ellmlnuted muny toxlc substunces, und embruced renewuble energy ln our fucllltles. In 2009, we
becume the flrst compuny ln our lndustry to report comprehenslve culculutlons of our totul curbon footprlnt lncludlng envlronmentul
reports for every product glvlng the publlc un opportunlty to |udge our efforts und truck our progress ln detull.

-Consist oI laws, government agencies
and pressure groups that inIluence or
limit various organizations and
individuals in a given society
-Well-conceived regulations` can
encourage competition and ensure Iair
markets Ior goods and services
-protect companies Irom each other to
deIine and prevent unIair competition
-protect consumers Irom unIair
business practices
-protect the interest oI society against
unrestrained business behavior
Consist oI Iactors that aIIect consumers
purchasing/buying power and spending
-subsistence economics: they consume
their own agricultural and industrial
-industrial economics: consist oI rich
markets Ior many diIIerent kinds oI
-other economic trends in US: change
oI income & changing consumer
spending patterns


Social / Cultural
Made up oI institutions and other Iorces
that aIIect a society`s basic values,
perceptions, preIerences, and behaviors
InIluence by
-cultural values
-people`s views oI themselves & others
-people`s view oI organizations
-people`s views oI Society
-people`s views oI Nature
-people`s views oI the Universe
Most dramatic Iorces that create new
technologies, creating new product and
market opportunities
Perhaps the most dramatic Iorce
shaping the marketing environment

3. Marketing Mix

3. Product / Service

Develop a new chequing account called a 'Golden Years account that will attract a higher rate oI interest
than the regular savings account and will allow the customer the beneIit oI other services at reduced price.

4.2 Demand Strategies

O Target wealthy Nationals over 50 years oI age returning home or resident locally, including doctors,
lawyers, managers, entrepreneurs and retired persons.
O Achieve product diIIerentiation and a competitive advantage in the market.
4.3 Positioning Strategies

Measuring Irom a scale oI 1 to 6, where 6 is the best point, Sample Bank Ltd is currently perceived to
hold the second position oI 4 Ior service oIIering and also the second position at 4 Ior service quality (see
Figure I). The Bank`s aim is to also move to the top position Ior service oIIering and service quality
through its innovative product development and improved service quality (see Figure II).


4.4 Competition Strategies

O Improve service quality by training staII.
O Promote ATMs and telephone banking services that will provide greater convenience.
O OIIer innovative wealth-management products that will attract the target group.
. Marketing Mix Strategies

. Product

This product allows consumer's to download not only their favourite music but also books and other literature which can be read
and listened to. Additionally this pod can be used in your car and in other mobile settings (refer to appendix A for product).

Positioning aimed at the middle to high class, therefore product will be positioned in department stores associated with
prestige products. This will create a strong, clear and consistent image of the product in the consumer's mind which is essential.
Positioning is how target market defines in relation to competitors. SigmaTel, nc.'s Rio nnovo mp3 player is unique because of
its simplicity. t's easy to start using it right away which is a huge benefit to busy people who might shy away from complicated
music players because they do not have the time to learn a complicated process just to listen to music. Our positioning is based
on a combination of attribute positioning and benefits positioning. We will combine positioning in terms of a particular feature
that represents a competitive advantage and with respect to brand benefits that appeal to consumer needs. Our attribute
positioning is product related in that our design is made with superior materials and with a differentiating appearance such as
large buttons and screen which makes it easy to use. The superior materials include the durableness and waterproof features.
By using benefit positioning, we will show the customer how the product will suit their needs. The main benefit positioning need
we are appealing to is functional needs. We are attempting to fulfill the consumer's consumption-related problems. Our large
easy to read function buttons and waterproof rubber casing fulfill the consumer's need for convenience. The waterproof ability is
only offered with the Rio brand and gives us a competitive advantage. t is an outstanding feature that allows the customer to
virtually have their music with them at all times which is great for the active and health conscious consumer. These unique
features are what will give the Rio the competitive advantage against other mp3 players. Our target market will respond well to
these features and find it easy to join the mp3 craze with the Rio

Branding Apple pod will give consumer's one year warranty to assure consumers of the quality of the product. This will
associate a level of quality with the brand and will not only increase brand loyalty and repeat services, but also sell products at a
premium to competitors.
Packaging Apple pod's packaging will:
- Have product identification so easily separated from its competitors
- Product differentiation so it is unique
- using the most cost efficient method of packaging
This will make the product both functional and desirable to possible consumers.

The bank will oIIer a 'Golden Years deposit account that will target wealthy nationals over 50 years oI
age, returning home or resident locally, including doctors, lawyers, managers, entrepreneurs and retired
persons. The account will allow Ior the writing oI cheques while at the same time will attract interest at a
rate higher than that paid to regular savings. It will also allow the customer to access other banking
services at reduced price, as well as personal banking services.

.2 Price
O Interest rate will be 1 above the rate paid to regular accounts in the market.
O Charges Ior other services will be at halI price.


O Apple pod will use cost base method to derive its prices. They will add a 65% profit margin to the cost of the product to gain
efficient revenue.
Price and quality interactions
- n this way, price creates perception of quality.
- High price attract an image of quality
- This will allow Apple pod to increase its market share

.3 Place
O Special counter will be made available to golden years customers Ior them to do their transactions
without having to wait in the regular line.
O Provide the service through our network oI branches throughout the country.
O Install six additional ATMs at strategic locations throughout the country.
O Introduce telephone banking to allow customers to transIer Iunds between accounts, perIorm account
inquiry and pay their utility bills without visiting the bank.
O PerIorm personal banking Ior busy proIessionals, including doctors, lawyers, managers, etc.

Distribution channels Apple pod will use indirect distribution where an intermediary organisation will be involved in the
process. The intermediaries will provide functions such as:
- Fragmenting bulk supplies of inventory
- Give financial services to retailers
- ncrease ease of customer purchase
This will assist Apple pod as they can concentrate on other areas of the business

Transportation Apple pod will lease trucks in order to transport the inventory to intermediaries. By leasing the trucks
Apple pod will accumulate extra funds to utilize else were.

Warehousing inventory will be kept in a warehouse close to the intermediaries which will minimise transport costs.
mplementing, Monitoring and Controlling

Apple pod Company will change because of the new added features to the product range. For its success, Apple pod
Company must impose several key changes. Production needs to be on time and meet the quota demanded from
wholesalers. t must also be efficient so as not to build inventory stocks and inventory prices. The marketing needs to be
motivated and knowledgeable about the product. The forms of promotion such as advertising must be attracting and
enticing to the target market to get the greatest amount of exposure possible for the product. This will ensure the success of
the product in the stores. Distribution of the product must be efficient. This problem has already been taken care of with
convenient transport routes to commercial areas and transport already being arranged.

.4 Promotion
O E-mail or write to prospective customers inIorming them oI the service.
O Phone prospective customers or visit them at their residents or place oI business to sell the service to
O Advertise the service on our website.
O Develop an advertising program targeting the selected group.


O By promoting the Apple pod this will satisfy the needs of the customer's and business. Consumers will gain better
understanding of the product and how it can satisfy their needs, but on the other hand will help Apple pod increase their
profits and market shares.
Advertising - Apple pod will spotlight on a successful advertising campaign comprising of magazine and television
advertisements focusing on (refer to appendix B for magazine advertisement):
- The target market (teenagers and young adults)
- How often they want the target market to be exposed to the advertisement
- When they want to reach their target market
- Most cost efficient methods to fulfil the above
By doing this Apple pod will add value to their product by altering consumer perceptions

Below-the-line promotions Apple pod will use a direct method to induce customers to purchase their product by offering
any pod accessory (refer to appendix C for accessories) per customer for half the value price with every purchase of a new
Apple pod. This will allow the business to directly measure the success of the campaign by observing the sales rate of the
promotional tool.
Since we are targeting the active baby boomer generation, we have decided that we are going to have demonstrations
showing how to set up and operate the Rio nnovo. We will send representatives from our company to local YMCA's,
Lifestyles for Women, Curves, Bally's and other workout facilities. As a company we feel that if we have some of our target
market try our product while they are working out and then ask them what they think of the Rio nnovo, we will be able to get
personal testimony from our target market. Another way we will promote the new Rio nnovo is by having an in-store display
with a working model. With the working model there will be a brochure for the customer to take with them and a board
displaying all the information about the Rio nnovo. We could either train the employees at the stores that we are thinking of
selling the Rio nnovo or once again we could send out a representative out to show how to use the Rio nnovo. Some
stores that we have in mind to sell the new Rio nnovo are Circuit City, Best Buy, Radio Shack, Target and Wal-Mart.
O Media SeIection
Our target market segment will be people above 50 and who have an interest/use technology on a regular basis. When the
Rio nnovo is completed and we are ready to enter it into our target market, the main concern will be to get the innovators
and early adopters to purchase and use the product. This will be done by specific message targeting that will get the
attention of this segment of the 50 and over market. The internet will be the main form of advertising, because nternet
users who are 50 and over are innovators in their target market and are already users of technology. This means that they
are more likely to adopt a new technology. Direct mail will be the second form of advertising. t will be used to both
introduce consumers to the product, and to re-enforce the advertising message that they may have received from the
nternet usage.

O %e use of te Internet in tis sampIe marketing pIan

O Internet advertising will be purchased through the Google Adwords program and through the Senior Citizen
website, AARP. Adwords is a targeting advertising program that Google provides to businesses. Google will
display ads on various participating websites according to the content that corresponds to the advertisers
preIerences. For example iI a website`s content is related to retirement, then the Google Adwords service will
display advertisements associated with retirement. Adwords provides a way to display advertisements on
thousands oI websites in targeted areas or all around the world. For the Rio Innovo, United States will be
selected as the target country until the product has become well established in the market niche. 1 million
dollars will be budgeted Ior Adwords advertising in the year Iollowing the product introduction. This budget
would display millions oI ad impressions to our target market, so that chances that a consumer would see the
advertisement more then once would be substantial.

AARP is a website that does not use the Adwords service, but sells advertising space independently. The
AARP website users are the ideal target audience. The visitors are generally hip, happy, healthy, and
surprisingly tech savvy. The website says that its visitors are, 'redeIining our expectations on age, vitality, and
liIe. Below is part oI a report Nielsen/Net Rating did on the website`s online visitors:

42.9 Male
57.1 Female


69.1 Married
Mean Age: 54.9
Mean HHI: $70,038
66.5 Employed
92 have been online Ior 3 years
61 go online every day
78 go online 3 times a week
77 have broadband access

O The company has over 2 million unique visitors and over 16 million average page views each month. The
average time spent on the website is 6 minutes, and 5.4 pages are viewed during each visit.

AARP charges rates based on the number oI ad impressions each ad receives (in increments oI a thousand
views). Below a table that contains the diIIerent advertising options with the price per LIousund ImpressIons:

Bunner PIucemenLs<>
RON Dimensions CPM
Square Button 125 125 $27
Leaderboard 728 90 $27
Medium Rectangle 300 250 $27
Wide Skyscraper 160 600 $27
Skyscraper 120 600 $27
Banner Targeting
Topic Targeting Any Size $35
Sub Topic Targeting Any Size $55
Geo Targeting - RON Any Size $40
Geo Targeting - Topic Any Size $55
Geo Targeting - Sub Topic Any Size $65

During the Iirst three months oI the advertising campaign, there will be $350,000 budgeted Ior advertising
space on the AARP website. This will result in approximately 13 million ad impressions. The type oI ads will
be varied and in diIIerent spots through out the website.

O Sample Marketing Plan: Direct mail
One oI the media selections (included in this sample marketing plan) used in the marketing communications
program will be direct mail. This direct mail will be sent to individuals who are age 50 and up, and who have
purchased a technology or music product within the last six months. The mailing lists will be sent to addresses
that are obtained through InIoUSA targeted mailing list service. The mail pieces will be 4x6 postcards and will
depict an individual Irom the target market niche using the product in a Iun environment. $650,000 is budgeted
Ior this Iorm oI advertising.

. Personnel / Product Planning
O Recruit a sales team Irom members oI the staII who possess the required skills Ior the task.
O Provide the members oI the team with a Iormal written program oI the project.
O Provide each member oI the team with a job description setting out clearly the job expectations and
goals, as well as the required job-related behaviours.


O Train the sales team Ior the job.
O Provide the team with the necessary tools and resources, Ior instance, cell phones.
O Provide the team with incentives, such as travelling allowances and rewards Ior sales volumes.
O Develop a perIormance appraisal system that will allow Ior Ieedback throughout the year and will
determine annual salary increments.

6. Implementation and Control
Once approval has been obtained, we will move swiItly to implement the plan. We will also put controls
in place to monitor and measure the results oI the project to ensure the desired objectives are achieved.
6. Implementation
Table 1 presents a work program to implement the proposed marketing strategies.
Implementation Schedule


%IVI% % / FR"&
Obtain Board approval By mid March 2002
Sensitize staff and pursue their buy-in By March 31,2002
Contract an advertising agency to formulate an
advertising plan
By March 31,2002
Select the sales team By March 31,2002
Train the sales team By mid April 2002
Development an incentive program for the sales team By mid April 2002
Provide the members of the sales team with a formal
written program of the project
By April 30, 2002
Provide each member of the sales team with a job
By April 30, 2002
Provide the sales team with the necessary tools, such
as cell phones
By April 30, 2002
Construct special counter for golden years customers By April 30, 2002
Hold an official launching 30-Apr-02
nstall six additional ATMs
2 Sept. 2002, 2 Mar. 2003 and 2
June 2003
ntroduce telephone banking By Sept. 2002
E-mail prospective customers Daily beginning April 2002
Advertise the service on our website Daily beginning April 2002
Phone or visit prospective customers Daily beginning April 2002
Advertise the service on the local radio and television
Daily during april 2002, and as necessary
thereafter within budget
Advertise in the local newspapers which are also
distributed in the USA, Canada and Britton.
Weekly during april 2002, and as
necessary thereafter within budget

6.2 Control

Table 2 presents a work program to assist Management in keeping the Bank on the course to success.


Table 2
Control Chart
ctivity Performed by ate / Frequency
Complete Performance evaluation of
sales staff
Marketing Manager Annually
Review salaries and other incentives of
the sals staff
Marketing Manager Annually
Measure financial results against
Marketing Manager /
Monthly / Quarterly /
Carry out survey to determine customers'
satisfaction with the product and the
service qualiy.
nternal Audit Annually
Diagnose any gap / shortfall to ifentify the
causes for such gap / shortfall and
recommend corrective measures
nternal Audit As necessary
Take corrective action Marketing Manager As necessary

. Financial Forecast

The attached projected Iinancial statements (Appendix E and Appendix F) have been prepared to show
the eIIects oI the results oI the plan. Prior to this plan, the Bank`s Management had prepared Iinancial


projections Ior the years June 30, 2001 through June 30, 2005 based on the Bank`s Iive-year strategic
plan. Management`s statements have been used as the base Irom which I commenced to incorporate the
eIIects oI the plan.

. Conclusion

We have considered the situation Iaced by Sample Bank Ltd and the objectives we would like to achieve.
We have also taken a critical look at both our external and internal environments, and through a 'SWOT
analysis have identiIied our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The way Iorward has been
determined by identiIying our marketing strategies, and by tabling the implementation and control
mechanisms aimed at ensuring that the desired results are achieved.


Appendix A

Appendix B

Optional pod Accessories

iPod Dock, iPod mini Dock or iPod photo Dock Kit

iPod Camera Connector

iPod Power Adapter

iPod Dock Connector to FireWire Cable

Sony Car Cassette Adapter

Belkin Auto Charger

Griffin iTrip FM Transmitter

Monster iCase Travel Pack

Belkin TuneDok Car Holder

inMotion iM3

Belkin Media Reader

n-Ear Headphones

Griffin iTalk Voice Recorder

iPod Remote and Earbuds

Monster iCarPlay Wireless Plus

iPod Socks

Bang & Olufsen A8 Headphones

ncase Travel Kit

Belkin Battery Pack


20GB/30GB or 40GB/60GB iPod Carrying Case

World Travel Adapter Kit

Bose SoundDock

iPod Stereo Connection Kit

USB 2.0 + FireWire Cable

Appendix C

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