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ABSTRACT Apriyani, Romita. 2011.

Development of Education Games Learning Media On Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Subjects of 7th Grade 1st Semester State Junior High School 1 Trenggalek. Thesis (Undergraduate), Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Malang. Advisor : (I) Drs. Slamet Wibawanto, M.T, (II) Harits Ar Rosyid, S.T. M.T. Keyword : interactive multimedia, education games, ICT The development of information and communication technology is currently impact on various aspects of life, even human behavior and activity now much depends on information and communication technology. One example is the use of technology in teaching and learning, especially computer multimedia technology. In education, various learning media based on multimedia are developed, to create an effective and interesting learning process. One form of learning media based on multimedia is education games. Education games was chosen because the game as the visual media has more advantages compared with other visual media as the game invites players to participate and contribute in determining the outcome of the game. Now the game has been recognized by the majority students of junior high school and senior high school. The purpose of this development are to design and create education games learning media on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) subjects of 7th grade 1st semester and conduct media testing to prove feasible to use this media to learn. This research uses an instructional development model of Arif S. Sadiman Media (2009). In the model of learning media development are grouped into 10 main stages, namely: 1) needs analysis, 2) objective analysis, 3) development of material, 4) production, 5) evidence of utilization; 6) media expert commentary, materials expert and audiens; 7) individuals testing; 8) small groups testing; 9) trials testing, and 10) revision. Subjects performed in this research consisted of media expert, materials experts and potential users (students). Data were collected using a questionnaire. Data collection instrument was a semiclosed questionnaire. After the data obtained a successful testing, it is done processing the data. The test data result were analyzed using the percentage formula. Based on data analysis has been conducted, the percentage of test results obtained by a media expert at 88.4%, 91.5% of the material experts, students (individuals) of 79.1%, a small group of testing results for 89.6% and results from field experiments 94.05%. The average percentage of the test result was 88.5%. According to the criteria of eligibility guidelines for the media level, then the media learning education games have been valid and should not be revised. From these results it can be concluded that the development of learning media based on game education appropriate for use as a learning media.

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