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Monitoring DB2 Activity

Presented by DB2 Developer Domain

Table of Contents
If you're viewing this document online, you can click any of the topics below to link directly to that section.

1. Introduction.............................................................. 2
2. Capturing snapshots................................................... 4
3. Capturing event monitor data ........................................ 17
4. Analyzing SQL with Explains......................................... 27
5. Using the Health Center and Memory Visualizer ................. 45
6. Leveraging the DB2 Governor and the Query Patroller ......... 53
7. Conclusion............................................................... 57

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Section 1. Introduction

What this tutorial is about

Tuning and configuring a DB2® database can be a complex process that sometimes
overwhelms new DBAs. There are, however, a great number of tools, functions, and
applications included with DB2 that make this task much simpler. The release of DB2
Universal DatabaseTM V8.1 includes new tools and information and improves the
usability of existing performance resources.

This tutorial is designed to assist you with your preparation for the DB2 V8.1 for Linux,
UNIX®, and WindowsTM Database Administration exam (#701). It focuses on Part 4 of
the exam, entitled "Monitoring DB2 Activity." The tutorial covers the different options a
DBA has for tuning and monitoring their DB2 environments. It is broken down into a
series of sections with each focusing on available information or configurations. At the
beginning of each section is a list of objectives that you should achieve before you
move on to the next section.

All references to DB2 in this tutorial refer to DB2 UDB V8.1 for Linux, UNIX, and
Windows, and do not apply to other platforms.

Who should take this tutorial

You should take this tutorial if you want to learn more about measuring and tuning the
performance of DB2.

This tutorial is written for DB2 database administrators who have a basic understanding
of DB2. It will also be useful for developers who want to be able to understand
introductory performance and monitoring information for DB2. Both groups of
individuals should have a good knowledge of SQL.

Software requirements
To complete the steps in this tutorial, you will need to have a version of DB2 UDB V8.1
installed on a system. Many of the tools and functions described in the tutorial are new
to V8.1, so DB2 V7.1 or V7.2 cannot be used.

You can download a free trial version of DB2 Universal Database V8.1 Personal

The SAMPLE database should also be created. An application called db2sampl can
be found in the DB2 home directory db2HomeDirectory/bin. Running this
application will create the database SAMPLE and populate it with base data.

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Presented by DB2 Developer Domain

There are references to documentation in Adobe Acrobat PDF format throughout the
tutorial. You can download the documentation separately from the Personal Edition.
This documentation can also be downloaded as a series of HTML files. Check out the
Resources on page 57 section to see where the different DB2 documents can be found
in the PDF files.

About the author

Drew Bradstock works as a DB2 consultant for
IBM. His department is responsible for the
migration of applications from other RDBMSs to
DB2. He has previously worked with the DB2
Performance department and specializes in the
design and performance tuning of large-scale
benchmarks and proofs of concept. When not
getting the best out of DB2, he's training for his first
triathlon. You can reach Drew at

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Section 2. Capturing snapshots

What are snapshots?

DB2 snapshots are point-in-time views into what DB2 is doing and how it is performing.
They are used in the performance tuning of instances, databases, and applications
running on DB2. The information returned from a snapshot is a combination of
cumulative information and data that applies only to a single moment.

So why should I use them?

Snapshots are the only method you have to view a large amount of the behavior of
DB2. There are tools built into V8.1 that allow you to track the memory usage of the
instances and databases. These tools often do not give you information that is detailed
enough. Snapshots are actually used by all the third-party analysis tools that run on
DB2. The tools are simply taking snapshots constantly and parsing the data into an
easily viewed format.

What types of snapshots are there?

Each type of snapshot captures a different set of data about DB2:

• Database
• Table space
• Tables
• Buffer pools
• Locks
• Database Manager
• Applications

These are covered in detail later in this section.

Objectives for this section:

1. Understand what snapshots are

2. Learn how to take a snapshot
3. Know what types of snapshots are available
4. Understand when to take which type of snapshot
5. Practice working with snapshot information

How are snapshots taken?

A snapshot can be taken using an API call in a program, or from the command line.

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API call

Snapshot information can be returned from a function call in a program. This

information can then be parsed and used by an application. The syntax for all the API
snapshot calls is beyond the scope of this tutorial. Further information on the API calls
can be found in the DB2 System Monitor Guide and Reference. Chapter 3, entitled
"Using the snapshot monitor," has a section entitled "Snapshot Monitor API request
types" that has all the information you should need.

Command line

Normally, the snapshot data is called from the command line and dumped into a text
file for future analysis. Often, people will write scripts to take snapshots on regular
intervals to observe the behavior of a database, or to assist in performance tuning.

Here's the command syntax:

Let's look at some example snapshot commands to see how this syntax works. Here's

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a command for a database snapshot:

db2 get snapshot for database on drew_db

Here's a command for a dynamic SQL snapshot, redirected to a file:

db2 get snapshot for dynamic sql on drew_db > dynSnap.drew_db

Here's a command for an application snapshot for all applications:

db2 get snapshot for all applications

Note: This snapshot will be taken on all applications currently connected to the
instance and not just those for a particular database -- even if you are currently
connected to one.

Here's a command for a buffer pool snapshot on the fourth node in a partitioned

db2 get snapshot for bufferpools on drew_db at dbpartitionnum 3

Note: The dbpartitionnum field is used to specify the partition at which the
snapshot should be taken. Even if you have connected to a partition other than 0, the
snapshot will still be taken for the 0 node unless otherwise specified.

What memory is used?

The MON_HEAP_SZ variable in the database configuration specifies how much

memory is set aside for the snapshots and event monitors.

Turning snapshots on and off

The monitoring of DB2 is not turned on by default, but instead has to be set at the
connection or instance level. There are a series of monitor switches that determine if a
type of data element is monitored. There is also a memory heap set aside for
containing the information stored for monitoring.

Method 1: Setting monitor switches at the instance level

Setting the monitor switches at the instance level will affect all users connected to any
databases in that instance.

Here are the monitor switches

• DFT_MON_STMT: Statement monitor (used for dynamic SQL)

• DFT_MON_TABLE: Table monitors

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• DFT_MON_LOCK: Lock monitor

• DFT_MON_BUFPOOL: Buffer pool monitors
• DFT_MON_SORT: Sort monitoring
• DFT_MON_UOW: Unit of work information
• DFT_MON_TIMESTAMP: Tracks timestamp information

The values of these switches are stored in the database manager configuration
information. Here are the database manager configuration parameters:

The monitor switches are set just like any other instance configuration parameter:

db2 update dbm cfg using monitorSwitch [ON | OFF]

Here's an example:

db2 update dbm cfg using DFT_MON_SORT ON

Method 2: Setting the monitor switches at an application level

The monitor switches can also be set at an application level; setting the switches in this
way will only apply to a particular application. If you use the method listed below at a
command prompt or Command Window, then the changes will only be applicable to
that particular prompt window.

Here are the switch names:

• Bufferpool
• Lock
• Sort
• Statement
• Table
• Timestamp

Use this command to list the switches:

db2 get monitor switches

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And use this command to set the switches:

db2 update monitor switches using switchName [ON | OFF]

Here's a comparison of the scope of the changes of the switches:

Note: You may have noticed that the syntax of setting the monitor switches is very
similar to that for setting the instance and database parameters. The vast majority of
the configuration commands have identical syntax, with parameters being the only

Scope of the snapshots

It is important to understand what information is being returned to you with the
snapshots and when the monitoring begins. The switches can be set dynamically at
both instance and application levels, and both affect the monitoring of connections

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If the monitor switches are turned on after an application has already connected, then
the information will only be captured for all actions after the switch has been turned on,
as the following diagram illustrates:

In this example, Application A has already connected to the database before the
monitor switches are turned on. When the first snapshot, Snap1, is taken, no
information is returned by the database, as the monitor switches have not been turned
on. When the second snapshot, Snap2, is taken, information on both Application A and
Application B is captured.

Resetting the switches

The monitor switches can be reset to null or 0 for all values by executing the following

db2 reset monitor [ALL | for database databaseName] [at dbpartitionnum partitionNum]

Where databaseName is the name of the database and partitionNum is the node

Here's an example:

db2 reset monitor for database drew_db

Database snapshots
The snapshots have been broken up into separate topics but there is still a fair amount
of information that is repeated in each. The most commonly used snapshots are the
database and dynamic SQL snapshots. (For more on the latter, see Dynamic SQL
snapshots on page 14 .)

The database snapshot captures summary information about the database. The
information in this snapshot contains an aggregate of almost all the data in all the other

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snapshots. The snapshot's data is a summary since the monitor switches have been
reset last.

The database snapshot is the most frequently used snapshot, and most performance
problems are obvious from the information in it. It contains information on:

• Connections
• DB2 agents
• Locks
• Sorting
• Total buffer pool activity
• SQL activity
• SQL statement volume
• Log usage
• Cache usage
• Hash joins

Here's the command for this type of snapshot:

db2 get snapshot for database on databaseName

And here's some typical output:

Connection Information
High water mark for connections = 1
Application connects = 1
Secondary connects total = 0
Applications connected currently = 1

DB2 Agents
Appls. executing in db manager currently = 0
Agents associated with applications = 1
Maximum agents associated with applications = 1
Maximum coordinating agents = 1

Locks held currently = 0
Lock waits = Not Collected
Time database waited on locks (ms) = Not Collected
Lock list memory in use (Bytes) = 792
Deadlocks detected = 0
Lock escalations = 0
Exclusive lock escalations = 0
Agents currently waiting on locks = 0
Lock Timeouts = 0

Total Private Sort heap allocated = 0
Total Shared Sort heap allocated = 0
Shared Sort heap high water mark = 0
Total sorts = 0
Total sort time (ms) = 0
Sort overflows = 0
Active sorts = 0

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Total Bufferpool Activity

Buffer pool data logical reads = 25
Buffer pool data physical reads = 8
Asynchronous pool data page reads = 0
Buffer pool data writes = 0
Asynchronous pool data page writes = 0
Buffer pool index logical reads = 43
Buffer pool index physical reads = 23
Asynchronous pool index page reads = 0
Buffer pool index writes = 0
Asynchronous pool index page writes = 0
Total buffer pool read time (ms) = 162
Total buffer pool write time (ms) = 0

SQL Activity
Commit statements attempted = 0
Rollback statements attempted = 0
Dynamic statements attempted = 0
Static statements attempted = 0
Failed statement operations = 0
Select SQL statements executed = 0
Update/Insert/Delete statements executed = 0
DDL statements executed = 0

SQL statement volume

Rows deleted = 0
Rows inserted = 0
Rows updated = 0
Rows selected = 0
Rows read = 9

Log Usage
Log space available to the database (Bytes) = 7140000
Log space used by the database (Bytes) = 0
Maximum secondary log space used (Bytes) = 0
Maximum total log space used (Bytes) = 0
Secondary logs allocated currently = 0
Log pages read = 0
Log pages written = 0

Cache Usage
Package cache lookups = 0
Package cache inserts = 0
Package cache overflows = 0
Package cache high water mark (Bytes) = 118968
Application section lookups = 0
Application section inserts = 0
Catalog cache lookups = 2
Catalog cache inserts = 2
Catalog cache overflows = 0
Catalog cache high water mark = 0

Hash Joins
Number of hash joins = 0
Number of hash loops = 0
Number of hash join overflows = 0
Number of small hash join overflows = 0

Database manager snapshots

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The database manager snapshot captures information specific to the instance level.
The information centers on the total amount of memory allocated to the instance and
the number of agents that are currently active on the system.

Here's the command for this type of snapshot:

db2 get snapshot for database manager

A partial list of the fields available is included in this sample output:

Agent Info
High water mark for agents registered = 6
High water mark for agents waiting for a token = 0
Agents registered = 6
Agents waiting for a token = 0
Idle agents = 5

Sort Information
Private Sort heap allocated = 0
Private Sort heap high water mark = 256
Post threshold sorts = 0
Piped sorts requested = 6
Piped sorts accepted = 6

Table snapshots
The table snapshot contains information on the usage and creation of all tables. This
information is quite useful in determining how much work is being run against a table
and how much the table data changes. This information can then be used to decide
how your data should be laid out physically.

Here's the command for this type of snapshot

db2 get snapshot for tables on drew_db

And here's some typical table snapshot output:

Table List
Table Schema = DREWKB
Table Name = SYSI
Table Type = User
Rows Read = 3
Rows Written = 0
Overflows = 0
Page Reorgs = 0

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Table space and buffer pool snapshots

The table space and buffer pool snapshots contain similar information. The table space
snapshot returns information on the layout of the table space and how much space is
being used. The buffer pool snapshot contains information on how much space is
currently allocated for the buffer pool and how much space will be allocated when the
database is next reset. Both snapshots contain a summary of the way in which data is
accessed from the database. This access could be done from a buffer pool, direct from
tables on disk, or through a direct read or write for LOBs or LONG objects.

Here are the commands for these types of snapshots:

db2 get snapshot for tablespaces on drew_db

db2 get snapshot for bufferpools on drew_db

And here's some typical output:

Tablespace Information
Tablespace name = STORAGE1
Tablespace ID = 3
Tablespace Type = System managed space
Tablespace Content Type = Any data
Tablespace Page size (bytes) = 4096
Tablespace Extent size (pages) = 8
Tablespace Prefetch size (pages) = 8
Buffer pool ID currently in use = 1
Buffer pool ID next startup = 1
Tablespace State = 0x'00000000'
Detailed explanation:
Total number of pages = 159
Number of usable pages = 159
Number of used pages = 159
Minimum Recovery Time =
Number of quiescers = 0
Number of containers = 1

Bufferpool Information
Node number = 0
Tablespaces using bufferpool = 4
Alter bufferpool information:
Pages left to remove = 0
Current size = 250
Post-alter size = 250

Common Information
The common information given on data usage is very complex and is not required
unless advanced performance tuning is being performed.
Buffer pool data logical reads = 39
Buffer pool data physical reads = 14
Buffer pool data writes = 0
Buffer pool index logical reads = 63
Buffer pool index physical reads = 37

This information can be used to determine the buffer pool hit ratio, as illustrated in the
figure below:

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The ratio indicates how often the data is found in the buffer pools, instead of having to
be read a table saved on disk.

Lock snapshot
The lock snapshot is very useful in determining what locks an application currently is
holding or what locks another application is waiting on. The snapshot lists all
applications on the system and the locks that each is holding. Each lock, and each
application, is given a unique identifier number.

Here's the command for this type of snapshot:

db2 get snapshot for locks on drew_db

And here's a sample of the lock snapshot output:

Application Information
Application handle = 26
Application ID = *LOCAL.DB2.00B807181746
Sequence number = 0006
Application name = db2bp.exe
Authorization ID = DREWKB
Application status = UOW Waiting
Status change time = 03-28-2003 00:39:57.259727
Application code page = 1252
Locks held = 2
Total wait time (ms) = 125

Lock Information
Lock Name = 0x02000200000000000000000054
Lock Attributes = 0x00000000
Release Flags = 0x00000001
Lock Count = 1
Hold Count = 0
Lock Object Name = 2
Object Type = Table
Tablespace Name = USERSPACE1
Table Schema = DREWKB
Table Name = LOCKTAB
Mode = S

Dynamic SQL snapshots

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The dynamic SQL snapshot is used extensively to determine how well SQL statements
are performing. This snapshot summarizes the behavior of the different dynamic SQL
statements that are run. The snapshot does not capture static SQL statements, so
anything that was prebound will not show up in this list.

The snapshot is an aggregate of the information concerning the SQL statements. If a

SQL statement is executed 102 times, then there will be one entry with the summary of
the total behavior of the 102 executions. If even a single letter is different, there will be
more than one entry.

For example, there will be two entries in the dynamic SQL snapshot for these two

SQL 1: SELECT * FROM dynTab WHERE name = 'a'

SQL 1: SELECT * FROM dynTab WHERE name = 'A'

For these two commands, there will only be one entry in the snapshot for the

SQL 1: SELECT * FROM dynTab WHERE name = ?

SQL 1: SELECT * FROM dynTab WHERE name = ?

Even if the statement is executed with a different value of the parameter marker ?,
there will still be only one entry, because the SQL statement was identical.

Here's some sample SQL snapshot object information:

Number of executions = 3
Number of compilations = 1
Worst preparation time (ms) = 15
Best preparation time (ms) = 15
Internal rows deleted = 0
Internal rows inserted = 0
Rows read = 6
Internal rows updated = 0
Rows written = 0
Statement sorts = 0
Total execution time ( = 0.038913
Total user cpu time ( = 0.000000
Total system cpu time ( = 0.000000
Statement text = select * from locktab with RR

Note: Don't forget that these values are the total of all executions of the statement.

Using the SQL snapshot functions

Previously, the output from the snapshots could either be accessed using APIs or
passed into a text file using a command line. All of the different snapshots now have
table functions which contain all their fields. The table function takes the output from

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the snapshot and parses it into a table which can then be accessed using SQL. For
snapshots that do not contain multiple similar elements, such as the data from the
database snapshot, the table will only have one row. Snapshots with multiple similar
objects, such as the Dynamic SQL snapshot, will have one row for each object.

A detailed description of the snapshot table functions can be found in the DB2 PDF
document System Monitor Guide and Reference.

Here's an example:


Using dynamic SQL snapshots to find slow SQL

The example below illustrates a very useful technique for finding the SQL statement
that is taking the most time in the database:

SELECT stmt_text, total_exec_time, num_executions

ORDER BY total_exec_time desc

This second example finds the five SQL statements with the worst average execution

SELECT stmt_text,
CASE WHEN num_executions = 0
ELSE (total_exec_time / num_executions)
END avgExecTime,
ORDER BY avgExecTime desc

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Section 3. Capturing event monitor data

What are event monitors?

Snapshots are used to examine DB2 at one precise moment and aggregate
performance information. Event monitors, on the other hand, are used to monitor the
performance of DB2 over a fixed period of time. Event monitors examine transition
events in the database and consider each event as an object. This allows a very
detailed analysis of DB2's behavior.

The information that can be captured by an event monitor is similar to the snapshots.
Multiple monitors can be run at once and each monitor can also capture information on
more then one type of event. This allows different administrators to monitor different
activities independent of one other.

The event monitors can capture information on:

• Databases
• Tables
• Deadlocks
• Table spaces
• Buffer pools
• Connections
• Statements
• Transactions

The information from the event monitors can be written to:

• SQL tables
• Files
• Pipes

Objectives for this section:

1. Understand what event monitors are

2. Learn how to take an event monitor
3. Know what types of event monitors are available
4. Understand when to take which type of event monitor
5. Practice working with event monitor information

How are event monitors taken?

An event monitor first has to be created. Its information is then stored in the catalog

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table so that it can be reused later. The syntax of the create event monitor
command is outlined below. The syntax diagrams have been taken from the DB2
documentation in the SQL Reference in the "Create Event Monitor" section of Chapter
5, "Statements" (see Resources on page 57 ).

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The event monitor has a number of complex options. The key options are:

1. What will be monitored?

2. Where will the output go?
3. What conditions will be used?

Types of monitors
Each event monitor keeps track of a certain type of transition. The event types also
record their information at different times. A complete description of the event monitor
properties can be found in the DB2 document System Monitor Guide and Reference
(see Resources on page 57 ).

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• Database: An event of database information is recorded when the last application

disconnects from the database.
• Tables: All active table events will be recorded when the last application disconnects
from the database. An active table is one which has been altered or created since
the database was activated. The monitor captures the number of rows read and
written to the table.
• Deadlocks: A deadlock event is recorded immediately when a deadlock occurs. This
monitor also has an additional option, with details. The option will capture
additional information, such as what SQL was being executed when the deadlock
occurred and what locks were held by the application that encountered the deadlock.
The information captured by the monitor focuses on the locks involved in the
deadlock and the applications that own them.
• Buffer pools: A buffer pool event is recorded when the last application disconnects
from the database. The information captured contains the type and volume of use of
the buffer pool, use of pre-fetchers and page cleaners, and whether or not direct I/O
was used.
• Table spaces: A table space event is recorded when the last application
disconnects from the database. This monitor captures the same information as the
buffer pool monitor, but the information is summarized at a table space level.
• Connections: A connection event is recorded whenever an application disconnects
from the database.
• Transactions: A transaction event is recorded whenever a transaction finishes. The
event will be written out whenever a commit or rollback occurs. The monitor captures
all of the individual statement data and also information about the transaction, such
as its start and stop time.

Event monitor output

The event monitor output can be directed in three different ways:

1. Files. The event monitor output can be written out to one or more files. Two
parameters control the amount of space used by the monitor. Once the space limit is
reached, the event monitor will automatically flush all events and stop itself. The
default setting of both parameters is NONE, which indicates that there is no limit.
The parameters are:
• MAXFILESIZE: Maximum size of the output file. This is measured in 4 KB pages.
• MAXFILES: Maximum number of files that will be written to.
2. Pipes. The output can be written to a named pipe that you create. The name of the
pipe must be given, but it does not need to exist when the event monitor is created. It
must, however, exist when the event monitor is started.
3. Tables. The output is written out to one or more tables that exist in the database.
Each monitor element in the event monitor is mapped to a table of the same name.
The individual events are then inserted as rows. A complete description of all the
tables and their columns can be found in the SQL Reference, under the "Create
Event Monitor" overview in Chapter 5, "Statements" (see Resources on page 57 ).

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Event conditions
The event monitors can be set to record an event only when certain conditions are met.
This is useful if you want to record information selectively. The WHERE clause can be
used to check the values of application IDs (APPL_ID), authorization ID (AUTH_ID),
and application name (APPL_NAME). Equality predicates such as >, <, and = can be
used in addition to LIKE and NOT LIKE. Multiple conditions can be used as well with
AND and OR operators.

Here's an example:

WHERE APPL_NAME = 'javaw.exe'


Turning monitors on and off

Event monitors can be turned on and off at any time. The event monitor state value
represents whether or not the event monitor is running.

Here's the command to turn a monitor on or off:

db2 set event monitor eventMonitorName state [0|1]

The eventMonitorName is the name of the created event monitor. 0 will turn the
monitor off and 1 will turn it on.

The current state of the monitor can be determined by using an SQL command. The
DB2 catalog tables also contain information about the created event monitors.

SQL command

The SQL function EVENT_MON_STATE returns the state of an event monitor based on
the specified name. Here's an example of this SQL command (the table used is an
empty table commonly used as a placeholder):


Catalog tables

There is a table, SYSIBM.SYSEVENTMONITORS, and a view on that table,

SYSCAT.EVENTMONITORS, that contain information on the event monitors that have
been created. SQL queries can be run against these tables to determine the state of
the monitors:

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SELECT evmonname, target_type, target,

FROM syscat.eventmonitors
where evmonname LIKE 'drew%'

The autostart options

The autostart option in the command to create an event monitor command indicates
that the event monitor is started automatically whenever the database is started.

Flushing the event monitors

Event monitor data can also be flushed to disk. This is useful if you would like to record
information such as database events that are only normally written when all
connections have been terminated. Here's an example command:

db2 flush event monitor eventMonitorName

Using event monitors

The event monitors should be used for the monitoring of very specific events or short
workloads. They are designed to give you very specific information to allow you to
diagnose a problem or behavior of your database or application. Unlike snapshots,
event monitors have an extremely heavy impact on performance of DB2. This is due to
the amount of information that is written out for every single event object. The
statement monitor has a heavy performance impact due to all the extra work the
database engine has to perform for each query: Instead of being able to just execute a
query, the DB2 engine also has to write out all the characteristics and runtime
information for the query. This information has to written to a text file, which slows
things down further.

Use the file size limits to control the amount of disk space that the event monitor output
will take up. If you are monitoring a high-volume OLTP system, the output can quickly
grow to hundreds of megabytes. Normally the event monitors are started and stopped
using scripts so that you can compare the results based on the time they ran and not
on the amount of time before the files filled up with event data. This allows you to
compare apples to apples to see if any changes you made fixed your problem.

Deadlock monitoring
One of the most common uses for the event monitors is to capture deadlock
information. If a monitor is not used, it is almost impossible to determine exactly what
locks and applications were involved in a deadlock, because when a deadlock occurs,
one of the applications involved is rolled back and all its locks are released.

The deadlock monitor traps information on all the applications and their locks. The

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precise SQL statement that caused the deadlock can now also be captured. Don't
forget that the application that DB2 labels as the cause of the deadlock is the last
application involved. The real cause of the deadlock may actually be a transaction that
was started much earlier by another application. Make sure you examine all the locks
and applications involved to determine what the problem is.

Here's an example deadlock monitor:


WRITE TO FILE 'deadlock_db'

The deadlock event monitor does not write out a lot of data and occurs sporadically, so
it is acceptable to not have a file size limit. The command above will create an event
monitor, DEADLOCK_DB, that will start whenever the database is started and write its
information out to a file.

SQL monitoring
Another common purpose for an event monitor is to keep track of SQL statements. The
SQL monitor is quite useful because it traps both dynamic and static SQL statements.
This is essential if an application makes use of precompiled SQL statements that would
not be captured using a SQL snapshot.

An event is recorded for every SQL statement that is executed. The properties of each
statement, such as the number of rows read, selected, deleted, etc., is recorded, and is
not presented as an aggregate total as it is in a snapshot. The execution timeframe and
start and stop times are recorded as well. This allows detailed analysis of transactions
and of how the execution of SQL by one application affects the execution of SQL by

The SQL monitor can also be used to find poorly executing code; you can do so by
searching on individual execution times if the output is put into a table. Due to the
volume of information and performance overhead of running a SQL monitor, this
technique should only be used for short tests or problem determination, and not in a
production environment.

Here's an example:


STMT(TABLE drewkb.stmtTab)

This command captures statement information and outputs it into a table called
drewkb.stmtTab. This table will be created dynamically by DB2. The table could then

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have SQL run against it to determine which SQL read the most rows if, for instance,
you were trying to find SQL that may not be using an index.

db2eva tool
There is a graphic utility, db2eva, that will parse the output of the event monitors. This
is essential if you are working with statement or transaction data, since you may have
thousands of events to deal with. The tool only works with event monitors that have
had their output directed to files. The previous release of the tool for DB2 V7.2 worked
directly against the event monitor output files.

Here's the command to start this tool:

db2eva [db databaseName] [evm eventMonitorName]

And here is db2eva's initial selection screen:

You may receive an error when you first open this tool if you have not already captured
connection monitor data. The error in the following figure will be shown if you try and
select any of the monitor types for which you have not captured information. The
message indicates that the tool cannot find the table with the information stored in it for
the monitor.

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Each screen differs based on the type of monitor data captured. All of the rows can be
drilled down through for more detailed information. Subsections of the SQL can even
be retrieved and examined if the option was specified with the statement monitor.

Here's a sample statement screen:

Here's some sample statement data elements:

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Complete documentation can be found in the DB2 documentation in Command

Reference, in Chapter 1, "System Commands" (see Resources on page 57 ).

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Section 4. Analyzing SQL with Explains

So, you've figured out that one of your SQL statements is running horribly. What do
you do about it? DB2 offers you a number of different tools to find out exactly what is
hurting your performance. Each of the tools is slightly different, but they all look at an
Explain of what the SQL is doing.

The Explain of the SQL is a graphical or text-based breakdown of how and when every
component of your SQL statement is being performed. This includes such basic
information as:

• Tables being accessed

• Indexes being used
• When data is joined
• When data is sorted

The Explain also captures much more complex information, which is quite useful in
breaking down exactly what is happening with the SQL:

• Table and index cardinality

• Order of tables and indexes being joined
• Cardinality of the results sets
• What fields are being selected in each section of the query
• Sort methods
• Timeframe of each section of the SQL

Objectives for this section:

1. Be able to identify how to analyze SQL in DB2

2. Be able to use each tool to analyze your SQL
3. Understand what tools are available and when to use each one

Understanding Explain information

The most important concept you need to master to understand Explain information is
the timeron. A timeron is the unit of measurement used by the DB2 optimizer for the
amount of time and resources that a query will take to complete. The timeron is a
combination of time, CPU utilization, I/O, and other factors. Due to the changing values
of these parameters, the number of timerons needed to execute a query is dynamic
and can change from execution to execution. The timeron is also an invented unit of
measurement, and there is not a formula that can be used to translate the number of

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timerons to the time in seconds that a query will take to execute. The timeron will be
the unit you use to determine if one query execution path is faster then another. Don't
worry if the number of timerons of a query varies by 10 or 20 between compilations, as
this could easily be due to changes in CPU activity, disk activity, or database usage.

SQL translation

All SQL that is executed by the database first has to be compiled. This is done by
reducing the query down to an algebraic statement that the DB2 optimizer can then
analyze. This algebraic statement is referred to as the query graph model, and is
worked with throughout the optimization process. The figure below lists the stages of
optimization and parsing each query passes through before it is executed.

The final output of the optimization process is an access plan. The access plan is the
path and steps that DB2 will take to execute a query. This information is what is
displayed by all the Explain tools. Access plans appear at first to be quite complicated,
but with some practice you will find that they are very easy to understand and analyze.

Plans can be examined in one of three forms:

• Visual tree model: The plan is shown in a GUI that allows you to point and click on
different components of the tree to drill down into more detailed information. The tree
is a series of different colored symbols, each with a specific meaning, that are
displayed as a tree graph. The visual tree model can be examined using the DB2
Visual Explain tool. It is the easiest tool to work with for beginners, since it displays
less information at once. Also, the GUI is easier to use to find information about a
specific section.

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• Text tree model: The plan is shown as an ASCII text-based tree graph model. All of
the different sections of the SQL query are drawn as different text shapes and then
connected using text lines. The shape of the tree is identical to the one shown in the
visual tree model. The text model can be difficult to read if the SQL is very complex,
since the text lines will wrap and distort the model. This often occurs if you are
viewing the text output using simple text editors such as vi for UNIX. The diagram
will be easy to view if you import the file into a text editor with better functionality.
The text tree model is displayed using db2exfmt, dynexpln, and db2expln,
which we'll discuss in subsequent panels.
• Text information: The text information includes all of the specific details about how
the query is executed and about the statistics and field selection that the optimizer
used to determine the access plan. The information can be quite detailed, depending
on the Explain tool used. A summary of the table statistics is included at the end of
the output to allow you to understand the optimizer's assumptions and optimization
data. All of the information in the text section of the Explain output can be found in
the Visual Explain tool by drilling down through the components of the query.

Visual Explain
The Visual Explain tool is called from the DB2 Control Center. To access it, open the
DB2 Control Center, find and open the database that you want to run the SQL against.
Right-click on the database name and select Explain SQL, as illustrated in the figure

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The new menu asks for the SQL that you would like to Explain. There are a number of
other options available:

• Get: Allows you to open text files where you have stored SQL.
• Save: Saves the SQL statement you are working with to a text file.
• Query number: Allows you to assign a specific labeled number to the query.
• Query tag: An alphanumeric label for the query.
• Optimization level: Sets the optimization level of the query (see Optimization level
on page 38 ).
• Populate columns: This option stores the access plan information in a series of
tables in your database. This allows you to view the access plan and explain
information later without having to recompile the SQL statement.

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Once the SQL has been executed successfully, a new menu opens that shows you the
access plan for the query. A smaller window, labeled Overview, is also created. This
window highlights with a blue rectangle the part of the access plan that you are
viewing. This is handy when you are working with very large and complex queries and
it is difficult to grasp which section you are currently looking at. There is a slide bar on
the left side of the main window that allows you to control the zoom. This only affects
the view and does not give you any additional information.

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Every component of the access plan can be clicked to reveal more detailed information
on the component. It is a good idea to try clicking through all the different object types
to get comfortable with the query information that you have available.

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Visual Explain components

There are a few Visual Explain components that you need to understand to work with
the tool. All of the component explanations on this panel are based on the example

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Table object node

The table object indicates the table with which the query section is working. The object
can be drilled down on to view the statistics of the table. This information can then be
further drilled down for index, clustering, and referencing column data. In this example,
there are two table objects in the picture: TBC.SALESFACT and TBC.PRODUCT.

Index object node

The index object indicates the name of the index. The index object is always attached
to the table that it is scanning. In this example, the index name is MAR1 and it is on the

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Operator node

The operator node object indicates that an action is being performed on the object(s)
that point to it. These actions include sorting and retrieving of data, joining tables or
result sets, and scanning data. Each operation is clearly labeled. In this example there
are three different actions being performed. Two of the tables are having table scans
performed, one index is being scanned, and two data sets are being joined using the
hashjoin algorithm.

Return node

The final object is the result set object. This object contains summary information about
the query and what is being returned from the completed SQL. The timeron value of
the object is the total length measurement of the time in timerons needed to complete
the query.

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Query information
There are a number of key parameters that greatly affect how a query will execute and
how DB2 will compile it.

Parameter values

The Visual Explain tool has all of the parameters that affect the query compilation
summarized in one menu. The text-based tools have the list of parameter values
summarized at the beginning of the output file. A full explanation of each parameter
can be found in the DB2 documentation Administration Guide: Performance under the
Database Manager and database configuration sections (see Resources on page 57 ).

Here is the optimization parameter menu option:

Here is the optimization parameter list:

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Let's look at these parameters in some detail.

• AVG_APPLS (average applications): This parameter indicates the average number

of applications that will be running concurrently against the database. DB2 uses this
information to determine how heavily the sort space and buffer pools will be used
and how much space the query will likely be able to use.
• SORTHEAP (sort heap): The sort heap is the amount of space available in memory
to perform a sort. If the sort requires more memory then is available for a sort heap,
then part of the sort data will have to be paged to disk. This can have a negative
impact on performance, so sorts should be kept in memory as much as possible.
• LOCKLIST (lock list): This indicates the amount of memory available for DB2 to
store locking information for each application. If the lock list space is quite small,
then DB2 may have to escalate some locks to allow room for all the locks being held
by the applications.
• MAXLOCKS (maximum lock list percentage): This parameter controls what
percentage of the total lock list space one application can have. If an application tries
to use up too much memory by having too many open locks, DB2 will escalate some
of the locks to free up space in the lock list.
• NUM_FREQVALUES (number of frequency values): The number of frequency
values is used by the DB2 Runstats utility to control how many of the most frequent
values DB2 will keep in memory. This information is used by the optimizer to
determine what percentage of the total result set a predicate in a WHERE clause will

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• NUM_QUANTILES (number of data quantiles): The number of quantiles is used by
the DB2 Runstats utility to control how many quantiles are captured for column data.
Increasing the number of quantiles will give DB2 more information on the distribution
of data in the database.
• DBHEAP (database heap): The database heap controls the amount of memory
available for database object information. The objects include indexes, tables, buffer
pools, and table spaces. The event monitors and log buffer information is also stored
• CPUSPEED (CPU speed): This parameter is the speed of the computer. If the value
is set to -1, then a CPU speed measurement program is used by DB2 to determine
the proper setting.
• BUFFPAGE and buffer pool size: The optimizer uses the size of the available
buffer pools in its optimization data. Increasing or decreasing the buffer pool size can
have a significant impact on the access plan.

Optimization level
The most important parameter that affects the access plan is the optimization level.
This field tells the optimizer how much effort and what techniques it should use to
determine the access plan. A higher level will cause the optimizer to use more complex
algorithms and algebraic analysis -- and much more time -- to generate the final plan.

Each optimization class uses a different subset of all the rules and statistics. A very
detailed description of these levels can be found in the DB2 documentation SQL
Reference in Chapter 5, "Statements," in the section "Set Current Query Optimization"
(see Resources on page 57 ). A short summary of each optimization level is included

• 0 -- Use a minimal amount of optimization

• 1 -- Use a degree of optimization roughly comparable to DB2/6000 Version 1, plus
some additional low-cost features not found in Version 1
• 2 -- Use features of opt class 5, but with a simplified join algorithm
• 3 -- Perform a moderate amount of optimization; similar to the query optimization
characteristics of DB2 for MVS/ESA
• 5 -- Use a significant amount of optimization; with Heuristic Rules (default)
• 7 -- Use a significant amount of optimization; without Heuristic Rules
• 9 -- Use all available optimization techniques

A general rule of thumb is to use the following optimization levels for the different query

• Very simple OLTP: 0 or 1. For queries that require very little optimization and rely
heavily on primary key index searches or very simple joins.
• OLTP: 1. For simple queries that involve a small number of tables and joins involving
indexes on the tables.

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• Mixed OLTP and reporting: 5. For a workload that involves complex OLTP or
reports involving many complex joins on multiple tables.
• Very complex data mining or decision support: 9. Queries that require significant
analysis of data statistics and can run for a long time (over a minute) should use the
highest optimization level. The optimization will take much longer but the
improvements that can be found in the access plan normally outweigh the extra
compilation time.

Explain table format command

The db2exfmt tool processes information that has been inserted into the Explain
tables. These tables are used by DB2 to record all the information on the different
components of the SQL and the optimization information. When you used the Visual
Explain tool, the tables were created automatically for you. If you use the text tools first,
then you will have to run a script to create the tables first. Execute the command listed
below in the misc subdirectory of the home directory of the DB2 instance to which you
are attached. All of the tables and indexes will be created for you.

Here's the Explain table error message:

And here's the appropriate command:

db2 connect to databaseName

db2 -tvf EXPLAIN.DDL

The db2exfmt tool is different in that it works with information that has already been
captured and then presents it in an easy-to-read format. After that is complete,
populate the explain tables.

Capturing Explain information

The easiest method to capture Explain information is to store your SQL in a text file
and then run it from the DB2 Command Line Processor (CLP) in Windows or from the
command line in UNIX or Linux. DB2 has a variable, CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE, that
determines if Explain information is captured. This variable can be set to have DB2
populate the Explain tables whenever a query is executed. Here's the appropriate
command to do so:

db2 SET CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE [no | yes | explain]

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And here are the potential values for CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE:

• NO: This is the default; the query is executed normally

• YES: The query is executed normally and the explain information is captured as well
• EXPLAIN: The query is not executed but the explain information is populated into
the tables

Here's an example:

Using the tool

db2exfmt has a large number of options that allow you to pick the Explain statements
that you would like to work with. You can also control what information is shown. The
easiest method is to use all of the defaults, which will then cause the tool to return
information on the most recently explained statement:

Here's sample query summary output:

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And here's sample query tree information:

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Using the db2expln and dynexpln tools

The db2expln tool can be called from the command line to obtain the access plan for
the query. However, this tool does not return optimizer information. The dynexpln tool
is useful for explaining dynamic queries that do not use parameter markers. Information
on both tools can be found in the DB2 document Administration Guide: Performance in
Chapter 7, "SQL Explain Facility" (see Resources on page 57 ).


This utility is normally used to analyze SQL statements that are stored in static SQL
packages. However, it can also be used to execute SQL dynamically using the
following parameters:

• -database -- Name of the database to connect to

• -statement -- Enclose the statement in quotes to execute a dynamic SQL
• -stmtfile fileName -- A file containing a list of SQL statements to be executed

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• -terminal -- Directs the output to the screen

• -output fileName -- Directs the output to the specified filename

Here's an example command for this tool:

db2expln -database drew_db -statement "select * from syscat.tables" -terminal

And here's the sample output:


The dynexpln tool has been kept for backward compatibility with earlier versions of
DB2. You can use the dynamic options of db2expln to perform all of the functions of
db2expln. When you use db2expln, the statement is prepared as a real dynamic
SQL statement and the access plan is generated from the SQL cache. The dynexpln
tool prepares the statement as static SQL, which does not give as accurate an access
plan and does not allow parameter markers.

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Troubleshooting SQL
Entire books have been written on how to improve SQL, but here are a few key points
that you should keep in mind when you begin working with the Explain tools.

Use of indexes. Is the query using the indexes you expect? Make sure that table
scans are not occurring on tables you thought had indexes on them. This information
can easily be found by looking at the access plan diagram. If the indexes do exist, then
check the cardinality or order of the index keys. It is often not what you expected.

Table cardinality and use of 'SELECT *'. Sometimes the DB2 optimizer will decide
that it is faster to scan an entire table due to the number of columns that you are
bringing back. Perhaps the table is quite small, or perhaps it's just not efficient to scan
an index and then return a large number of rows that return all the columns of the table.
Try to return only the columns that you actually need. Take a look at what columns are
being returned in each section of the query to see if you really need them and to see if
that is why a table scan is occurring.

Optimization level is too low. Many DBAs lower the optimization level to 1 to reduce
the amount of time required for query preparation. Sometimes, raising the optimization
level to 5 will allow the optimizer to find a better access plan without you having to
create a new index to improve performance. This value can easily be adjusted in the
Visual Explain tool when you explain a query. It can also be changed at the command
line using the following command:

db2 set current query optimization [0|1|2|3|5|7|9]

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Section 5. Using the Health Center and Memory


The Memory Visualizer and the Health Center are two new tools that are included with
DB2 V8.1. The Memory Visualizer gives you the ability to easily monitor and record the
memory usage of an instance, its databases, and the applications that are connected
to them. The Health Center allows you to monitor the health of the databases in the
background without having to constantly check on them.

Objectives for this section:

1. Be able to run the Memory Visualizer and Health Center tools

2. Understand the different options and screens in each
3. Understand why and how the tools should be used

Using the Memory Visualizer

DB2 V8.1 has a new tool included with the Control Center that gives you the ability to
observe how memory is actually being allocated in real time. In previous releases of
DB2, it was difficult to figure out how effectively the memory being allocated to the
heaps was being used. The new Memory Visualizer allows you to observe all of the
memory allocated to the instance and its databases in a graphical format.

This tool is called at an instance level. In the Control Center, find and select the
instance and right-click it. Select View memory usage.

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The tool will track the current memory allocation for almost all the memory heaps. The
top half of the tool is used to display the exact values of the parameters. You can also
select the parameters that will be graphed in the memory utilization graph. The refresh
intervals allow you to control how often the tool samples the database for information
about the memory heaps. If you are looking at a system where exact information is
needed about a certain workload or behavior, then the refresh age could be set to a
very small value, such as five seconds. If you are just using this tool to monitor
behavior of the database in a production environment, then a longer refresh age of five
or ten minutes may be fine.

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The output from the tool can also be saved to a file. You can open this file later and
view the exact parameter value in addition to the plotted graphs of the data. All of these
files are given the extension of mdf. Initially the plot will be empty when you open a
saved file. If you select a parameter, then the graphical data you captured on it will

Why should I use Memory Visualizer?

Memory Visualizer gives you access to much more information than before. Certain
parameters in DB2 were often tuned by trial and error, and it was difficult to know how
much space was really being used. This lead to memory being wasted due to

In addition to providing memory visualization, the tool also allows you to set alarms on
the values of the parameters. The output of the alarms is written to a file called
threshold, which is in the same directory as db2diag.log. This directory is in the
instance home directory. The location varies depending on what you selected when
you created the instance.

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DB2 Health Center

The Health Center is another new tool added to DB2 V8.1. The DB2 Health Center is a
convenient tool to monitor the health and performance of multiple databases from one
panel. The tool can be used to determine if:

• There are sufficient resources, such as free memory, table space containers, or
logging storage, to accomplish tasks.
• Resources are used efficiently.
• Tasks complete within acceptable periods of time or without significant degradation
in performance.
• Resources or database objects are not left indefinitely in unusable states.

The warnings given by the Health Center can then be combined with the information
from the other DB2 Center tools to help to identify and correct any problems.

Opening the Health Center

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The Health Center can be opened using its own icon in the program menu or from
within one of the other GUI Center tools.

To open it from the Control Center, click Tools => Health Center.

To open it from the program menu:

Using the Health Center

The Health Center has an easy-to-use interface that displays only the selected level of
severity for the database problems. In the upper left corner of the tool there are four
icons that are used to select the severity level.

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The four options are:

1. Shows instances and databases in an alarm state only.

2. Shows instances and databases in either an alarm or warning state.
3. Shows instances and databases in any of the following states: alarm, warning, and
4. Shows instances and databases in any of the following states: alarm, warning,
attention, and normal. You can also view databases and instances that cannot be

Activating the Health Monitor

The Health Monitor has to be started before monitoring can occur. This is done by
right-clicking on the instance and selecting Start Health Monitor.

Adding alerts

The Health Center has predefined default values determining the parameters and
levels for which an alarm or warning message will be given. The alerts are defined by
right-clicking the desired database or instance. Select Configure=>Database Health
Indicator Settings to open the parameter alert menu. The warning and alarm levels
can be set in this menu.

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A parameter has to be enabled for the Health Center return messages about its
warning and alarms. Clicking Enable will open a new menu with options on what to do
if the event occurs.

Alert options

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The alert options allow you to run a specific DB2 task or to execute a script that you
have created on the system. There are a number of settings that you can control, such
as the name of the script, the ID under which it should run, and whether the script is a
DB2 command script or an OS script.

The task option works in conjunction with the task scheduler tool. To use this option,
you have to install the Database Tools Catalog at installation time. The task scheduler
can be used to set up DB2 tasks such as Runstats, Reorg, or a database backup.
Multiple tasks and scripts can be executed for any one alarm or warning. This gives
you more flexibility in how you handle certain situations.

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Section 6. Leveraging the DB2 Governor and the Query


There are two main tools produced by IBM for DB2 that allow you to monitor and
control the execution of SQL against your databases. The DB2 Governor is used to
control what priority users and applications have for executing their SQL. The DB2
Query Patroller provides query and resource management for decision support
systems. The tool accepts, analyzes, prioritizes, and can schedule all the queries that
pass through your system.

Objectives for this section:

1. Understand what query monitoring tools are available

2. Understand when to use the DB2 Governor and the Query Patroller

What is the DB2 Governor?

The DB2 Governor is used to monitor a user's activity and, if required, take appropriate
actions. It collects statistics on a regular basis defined by a configuration file. The
Governor then evaluates the statistics against a set of rules that are also defined in the
configuration file. Based on these rules, the Governor may change the application's
priority, or force the application off the database.

When is it used?

The Governor is used in large production environments where many queries are
running against large databases. These queries can take a very long time if they are
being used for data mining or decision support systems (DSS). The Governor allows
you to assign a higher priority to queries that need to be finished soon or to lower the
priority of queries taking up too many resources. A separate instance of the Governor
is run against each instance that you are monitoring.


A full description of the DB2 Governor can be found in the DB2 documentation in
Administration Guide: Performance in Chapter 9, "Using the Governor" (see Resources
on page 57 ).

Using the Governor

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The Governor is controlled by a configuration file, where the rules of the system are
stored. These rules are used to determine if the priority of the application running the
SQL needs to be changed. If a rule is activated, then the Governor performs the
specified action, such as reducing the priority of the application or forcing it off the

Starting the Governor

A daemon must be started for each database that you would like monitored. The
daemon can be started from the command line using the following command:

db2gov start databaseName configFile logFile

Stop the daemon with the following command:

db2gov stop databaseName

Here's an example of these commands in action:

db2gov start drew_db govrules.cfg gov.log

db2gov stop drew_db

Configuration file

The configuration file is used to store all the rules that the Governor daemon will use to
control the applications. Here are some of the file's syntax requirements:

• Comments are delimited inside braces ({ }).

• Most entries can be specified in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed-case characters.
The exception is the application name, specified as an argument to the applname
rule, which is case sensitive.
• Each rule ends with a semicolon (;).

DB2 Governor rules

Required rules

You must specify a rule about when the daemon should wake up to monitor the
database. This rule includes information on which database to monitor, CPU usage
(not available with Windows), and the sleep interval between monitoring.

A sample rule:

interval 30; dbname drew_db; account 45;

This rule activates the daemon every 30 seconds. If an interval value is not given, the

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default value of 120 seconds is used. The database in the example is the drew_db
database, and the CPU information will be examined every 45 seconds.

The clauses for the rules must be entered in a specific order as detailed below:

• desc (optional): A comment about the rule, enclosed in quotation marks.

• time (optional): The time during the day when the rule is evaluated.
• authid (optional): One or more authorization IDs under which the application
executes statements.
• applname (optional): The name of the executable or object file that connects to the
database. This name is case sensitive.
• setlimit: The limits that the Governor checks. These can be one of several,
including CPU time, number of rows returned, idle time, and so on.
• action (optional): The action to take if a limit is reached. If no action is specified,
the Governor reduces the priority of agents working for the application by 10 when a
limit is reached. Actions against the application can include reducing its agent
priority, forcing it to disconnect from the database, or setting scheduling options for
its operations.

Some more example rules:

desc "Restrict the Unit of Work to be less then 30 minutes"

setlimit uowtime 1800 action force;

desc 'Slow the use of the java tools down for the training user'
authid training
applname javaw.exe
setlimit cpu 5 locks 100 rowssel 1000;

desc "Increase the priority of an important application so it always completes quickly"

applname importantApp .exe
cpu 1
locks 1
rowssel 1
action priority -20;

desc "During day hours do not let anyone run for more than 10 seconds"
time 8:30 17:00
setlimit cpu 10
action force;

What is the DB2 Query Patroller?

The DB2 Query Patroller provides query and resource management for decision
support systems. The tool accepts, analyzes, prioritizes, and can schedule all the
queries that pass through your system. Once the queries are completed, the users will
also be notified. This functionality is extremely useful in a large environment where the
queries may take hours to complete or where different departments may have different
priorities or uses of the system.

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The Query Patroller will also perform load balancing by redirecting work to the
appropriate database partitions to ensure that one is not being used too heavily. The
tool is used only with the multiple partition option for DB2 ESE in an SMP or MMP

With the latest revision, IBM has completely rearchitected DB2 Query Patroller from the
ground up, integrating the query governing functionality into a DB2 Query Patroller
Center similar to the DB2 Control Center and providing an easy-to-use user interface.
The Query Patroller is completely server-based with no client software required.

Who should use the Query Patroller?

The Query Patroller tool is used by DBAs who administer large databases and data
warehouses. These systems are quite large and have many users running complex
queries against them. Without the Query Patroller, it is difficult to manage all the SQL
being run against the systems.


The Query Patroller is included as part of the DB2 Warehouse Manager tool (see
Resources on page 57 ).

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Section 7. Conclusion

Having finished this tutorial, you should have achieved the following objectives:

1. Understand what snapshots are

2. Learn how to take a snapshot
3. Know what types of snapshots are available
4. Understand when to take which type of snapshot
5. Practice working with snapshot information
6. Understand what event monitors are
7. Learn how to take an event monitor
8. Know what types of event monitors are available
9. Understand when to take which type of event monitor
10. Practice working with event monitor information
11. Be able to identify how to analyze SQL in DB2
12. Be able to use each tool to analyze your SQL
13. Understand what tools are available and when to use each one
14. Be able to run the Memory Visualizer and Health Center tools
15. Understand the different options and screens in each
16. Understand why and how the tools should be used
17. Understand what query monitoring tools are available
18. Understand when to use the DB2 Governor and the Query Patroller

You are now ready to take Part 4 of the exam. Good luck!

Check out the other parts of the DB2 V8.1 Database Administration certification prep

• Server Management: DB2 V8.1 Database Administration certification prep, Part 1 of

• Data Placement: DB2 V8.1 Database Administration certification prep, Part 2 of 6
• Database Access: DB2 V8.1 Database Administration certification prep, Part 3 of 6
• DB2 Utilities: DB2 V8.1 Database Administration certification prep, Part 5 of 6
• Backup and Recovery: DB2 V8.1 Database Administration certification prep, Part 6
of 6

All of the documents that are referenced in this tutorial can be downloaded from the

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DB2 Web page at:

DB2 Universal Database V8.1 Documentation.

The following table maps the name of the DB2 Documentation to the corresponding
PDF file.

Documentation PDF Name Link

Administration Guide: Performance db2d3.pdf Document Link
Command Reference db2no.pdf Document Link
System Monitor Guide and Reference db2fo.pdf Document Link
Complete SQL Reference db2s0.pdf No link available online
SQL Reference 1 db2s1.pdf Document Link
SQL Reference 2 db2s2.pdf Document Link
Quick Beginnings for DB2 Clients db2it.pdf Document Link

The Query Patroller is included as part of the DB2 Warehouse Manager tool.

For more information on the DB2 V8.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Database
Administration Certification (Exam 701):

• Review the IBM Data Management Skills information.

• Download a self-study course for experienced Database Administrators (DBAs) to
quickly and easily gain skills in DB2 UDB.
• Download a self-study course for experienced relational database programmers
who'd like to know more about DB2.
• See general certification information, including some book suggestions, exam
objectives, and courses.
• Take a look at the IBM Certification Exam Tool (ICE), where you can use
pre-assessment/sample tests to prepare for exams leading toward IBM certification.
• Check out developerWorks Toolbox for one-stop access to over 1,000 IBM tools,
middleware, and technologies from DB2, Lotus, Tivoli, and WebSphere for open
standards-based Web services and application development.


This tutorial was written entirely in XML, using the developerWorks Toot-O-Matic tutorial
generator. The open source Toot-O-Matic tool is an XSLT style sheet and several XSLT
extension functions that convert an XML file into a number of HTML pages, a zip file, JPEG

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heading graphics, and two PDF files. Our ability to generate multiple text and binary formats
from a single source file illustrates the power and flexibility of XML. (It also saves our
production team a great deal of time and effort.)

You can get the source code for the Toot-O-Matic at The tutorial Building tutorials with the
Toot-O-Matic demonstrates how to use the Toot-O-Matic to create your own tutorials.
developerWorks also hosts a forum devoted to the Toot-O-Matic; it's available at
We'd love to know what you think about the tool.

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