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18th September 2011


Dear student This year we have introduced the Home Learning Project for Year 9 in the Science Department. You will be given a series of tasks as a part of a final project. Each week you are due to complete a specific task. You must adhere strictly to deadlines and you may show a draft or the completed task to your teacher for feedback ONCE, before progressing to the next stage. Please discuss the project with your parents and sign the front and back pages of this booklet. Points to consider: o Deadlines are not flexible o Each task is assessed separately, however, tasks are related to each other as part of the overall plan o Presentation counts towards the final mark o Assessment criteria will be available to you as part of this booklet o Plagiarism (copying someone from elses written work and presenting it as your own) will result in failing the project and re-doing the tasks o Your teacher will not do the HL project for you Questions to consider: Do any of your projects need special materials? Ask your parents to help you find these. Do you have to hand in any of the work for your projects on a weekly basis? Do you understand what you need to do for each task? What to do if youre stuck If you are unsure what you SHOULD be doing: 1) Read the contents of the project carefully 2) Ask your class teacher as soon as possible 3) Ask the Head of Science or any other Science teacher if you cannot get hold of your teacher KEY DATES 18 SEPT HAND OUT PROJECTS TO 9B, 9S, 9M & 9D 25 SEPT TASK 1 COMPLETED 2ND OCTOBER TASK 2 COMPLETED 9TH OCTOBER TASK 3 COMPLETED 16TH OCTOBER TASK 4 COMPLETED 18TH OCTOBER HAND IN FINAL PROJECT WORK TO MISS PORTER or TUTOR (IF YOU DONT HAVE SCIENCE THAT DAY)

Title of Project:

Curriculum Area: Healthy Bodies KS3 IGCSE BIOLOGY KS4

Outline of PROJECT: To research into the use and effects of alcohol, smoking and drugs in the human body. The presentation outlines That alcohol has effects on the liver, heart, brain and the developing foetus How alcohol affects behaviour How many types of legal and illegal drugs are there That drugs change the way the body and mind works Investigate about the effects of smoking in the body & chemicals found in cigarettes Explain ways by which smoking causes illness State current scientific findings regarding cigarettes, alcohol and illegal drugs Choice of Presentation: PowerPoint show may include photographs, graphs, tables, animations, cartoons, etc Video made with Windows Movie Maker/other suitable software Booklet information 3D Art work Word Document Assessment Criteria: Level 4: Describe some general effects of smoking, alcohol and illegal drugs in the human body. Recognise the implications of consuming these drugs on the health of an individual. Level 5: Describe and explain how smoking, alcohol and drugs affect target organs. Use knowledge and understanding to describe how to resolve health problems related to drug consumption. Level 6: Detailed understanding of organs, tissues and cells affected by drugs. Implications on the development of the foetus. Demonstrate a detailed knowledge and understanding of drugs and how they affect the human body. i.e. Chemicals present in these substances and their effects: primary and secondary. Suggest improvements to people lifestyles. Level 7: Explain how evidence supports some accepted scientific ideas. i.e. Functions of specific cells are affected by the use of drugs in target organs. For instance, physiology of the nervous system, liver cells seen under the microscope, scans results, cancer cells, lung anatomy, etc. Explain and make links between systems, organs and cells without the human body. Describe and relate damaged organs to specific diseases caused by the excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking and drugs. Discuss why people consume cigarettes, alcohol and illegal drugs. Suggest how can you help to prevent disease in our society or to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Suggested Work Plan: TASK 1 Research about drugs (legal & illegal) Prepare an introduction on how these affect the human body

Where Can I Get Help? Teacher will guide you, please ask if in TASK 2 Prepare an explanation about all chemicals & doubt substances found in cigarettes, drugs and alcohol.

This must be attached to final project and completed by parents and students before it is handed in to the teacher. It must then be completed by the teacher before it is handed back to student.

Name Did I read my HL booklet with my parents?

Tutor Group

Was I aware of the deadlines?

Did I improve my learning?



Parent or Guardian Comment

Parent or Guardian



NC level awarded for this core task: Skills met Teacher comment

Level Yes/No

How to improve



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