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Chapter 8

Respiratory System
Study Guide

1. What is the exchange of O2 & CO2 in the body tissue called?

 internal respiration (p.94)
2. What structure separates the nasal cavity?
 (nasal) septum (p.116)
3. What does the term olfactory pertain to?
 (receptors for) sense of smell (p.116)
4. What is the diffusion of CO2 from the lungs an activity of?
 external respiration (p.116)
5. What is the space in the chest between the lungs called?
 mediastinum (p.117)
6. What is the term that means head cold or URI?
 coryza (p.125)
7. Where are the adenoids located?
 nasopharynx (p.116)
 nas/o/pharynx (nas/o: nose; -pharynx: pharynx) (p.118)
8. What does the term viscid mean?
 extremely thick (and sticky) (p.123 “viscous”)
9. What is the term for absence of the sense of smell?
 anosmia (p.125)
 an/osmia (an: lack of; -osmia: smell) (p.120)
10. What is an abnormal respiratory sound?
 rale, crackle (p.126)
11. What is the C.F. (combining form) for incomplete?
 atel/o (p.119)
12. What is the structure that covers the larynx called?
 epiglottis (p.117)
13. What is the suffix that means spitting?
 -ptysis
14. Where does the diffusion of O2 & CO2 into and from the blood occur?
 pulmonary capillaries (p.117)
15. What is the term that means sudden & violent?
 paroxysmal (p.120)
16. What is the C.F. for phren/o mean?
 diaphram (p.119)
17. What is an accumulation of fluid in a body cavity called?
 ascites (pronounced “eh-SIGHT-teez”) (p.121)
18. What is the C.F. for dust?
 coni/o (p.119)
19. What is the suffix for voice?
 -phonia (p.120)
20. What does the term epistaxis mean?

Med Term April 2, 2006

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 nosebleed (p.125)
21. What type of medication is used to suppress coughing?
 antitussives (p.128)
22. What does the prefix tachy- mean?
 rapid (p.120)
23. What disease is characterized by a dilation of the bronchi that usually leads to secondary
 bronchiectasis (p.?)
 bronchi/ectasis (bronchi/o: bronchus; -ectasis: dilation, expansion) (p.119)
24. What is the presence of pus in the pleural cavity called?
 empyema (p.122)
25. What is the ease with which lungs expand & fill with air called?
 compliance (p.123,5)
26. Know what type of disease is a genetic disorder?
 cystic fibrosis (p.120 “hereditary disorder”)
27. What type of test is used to assess the volume & airflow rate of the lungs called?
 spirometry (p.127)
28. What is an excess of CO2 in the blood called?
 hypercapnia (p.120)
 hyper/capnia (hyper: excessive; -capnia: carbon dioxide (CO2)) (p.120)
29. What does the mediastinum contain?
 heart, aorta, esophagus, and bronchi (p.117)
30. What is the lining of the thoracic cavity called?
 parietal pleura (p.117)
31. What is the inability of aveoli to contract due to a loss of alveolar elasticity is characteristic
 emphysema (p.121)
32. What is solidification of the lungs also known as?
 consolidation (p.123)
33. – 42. True & False
43. – 50. Worksheet #3
51. – 60. Word Building

Med Term April 2, 2006

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