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The Michigan Association for Local Public Health is committed to assisting Local Health Departments in providing high quality coordinated prevention and intervention services for the states communities. The purpose of this website is to aggregate Michigan Local Health Departments practices for prevention and intervention strategies and making them available in one place. In addition, MALPH has aggregated national evidence-based public health resources in a central location to allow public health employees to easily find and use the best evidence to develop and implement effective interventions, programs, and policies Evidence-based practice for public health involves using the best available evidence to make informed public health practice decisions. Utilizing program strategies that are known to work promotes cost-effectiveness and ensures accountability. In addition, structuring activities using a best practice approach has been demonstrated to increase the effectiveness of programs.

Evidence-Based Guidelines Evidence-based guidelines based on a systematic review of the research literature. The guidelines provide summaries of evidence and recommendations for practice from government agencies, professional organizations, and convening expert panels. Guide to Community Preventive Services (Task Force on Community Preventive Services) Collection of summaries and recommendations detailing the effectiveness, economic efficiency, and feasibility of interventions for a number of health topics. MMWR Recommendations and Reports (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Published reports outlining policy statements for prevention and treatment on all areas in CDCs scope of responsibility. National Guideline Clearinghouse (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) Comprehensive, searchable collection of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. USPSTF Recommendations (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force) Collection of summaries with associated supporting documentation evaluating preventive measures for a variety of clinical services including screening tests, counseling, immunizations, and preventive medications.

Best Practices (Experience-Based) Public health programs, interventions, and policies that through experience have been evaluated, shown to be successful, and have the potential to be adapted and transformed by others working in the same field. Model Practice Database (National Association of County and City Health Officials) Collection of projects from around the US highlighting successful public health projects. Promising Practices Network (RAND Corporation) Collection of summaries of successful projects, programs and practices addressing the needs of children and youth.

Systematic Reviews Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the literature that use specific methods and criteria to locate, appraise, and synthesize the evidence from research studies. The reviews uncover the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence and identify gaps in current research. PubMed Systematic Reviews (National Library of Medicine) Provides specialized searches of the PubMed database to retrieve citations identified as systematic reviews, meta-analyses, reviews of clinical trials, evidence-based medicine, consensus development conferences, and guidelines.

Filtered Searches Specialized searches of PubMed/MEDLINE on specific public health topics or limited to studies that correspond to a specific research category. Healthy People 2010 Information Access Project (National Library of Medicine and the Public Health Foundation) Provides specialized searches of the PubMed database to help find research articles related to selected Healthy People 2010 objectives. PubMed Clinical Queries (National Library of Medicine) Provides searches of the PubMed database for citations specific to clinical research areas PubMed Health Services Research (HSR) Queries (National Library of Medicine) Provides specialized PubMed searches on healthcare quality and costs.

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