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A.P. Biology Cell Unit Test Campbell Chapters 6, 35, 40 1. The organelle that is the major producer of ATP and is found in both heterotrophs and autotrophs is the A. chloroplast B. nucleus C. ribosome D. Golgi apparatus E. mitochondrion 2. The nucleolus functions in the production of ... A. Golgi apparatus B. microtubules C. mitochondria D. ribosomes E. endoplasmic reticulum

A. DNA B. ribosomes C. cell membrane D. nuclear envelope E. enzymes 4. Which of the following is the primary role of the lysosome A. ATP synthesis B. intracellular digestion C. lipid transport D. carbohydrate storage E. protein synthesis

5. Which of the following organelles modifies and packages for secretion the materials produced by the ribosomes? A. The chloroplast B. The Golgi apparatus


The nucleus

D. The nucleolus E. The mitochondrion

A ribosome B. nucleus


Golgi apparatus

D. mitochondrion E. lysosome 7. Which of the following is best observed by using a compound light microscope? A A eukaryotic cell B. A virus C. A DNA sequence D. The inner structure of a mitochondrion E. A nuclear pore 8. Which of the following cells would most likely have the greatest densely packed rough endoplasmic reticulum? A An amoeba engulfing small ciliates B. A bioluminescent bacterial cell concentration of

C. A pancreatic cell engaged in the production of digestive enzymes D. A functional phloem cell at maturity E. An epithelial cell whose DNA is replicating before mitosis 9. Structures found in the cells of both angiosperms and mammals are A. cell walls and cell membranes B. centrioles and Iysosomes C. chloroplasts and ribosomes D. cell membranes and chromosomes E. contractile vacuoles and leucoplasts


10. A student using a light microscope observes a cell and correctly decides that it is a plant cell because /\. r'ibosomes are visible

B. an endoplasmic reticulum can be seen C. a cell membrane is present D. it has a large central vacuole E. centrioles are present

For Questions I. II. III. IV. V. VI.

16 - 18 refer to the following

Circulatory System Respiratory System Lymphatic System Digestive Excretory Nervous System



16. The system



in protecting

the body from bacterial



1/ I

i ii. iv. v.



17. The system(s)

vi. vii. viii. ix. x.


in moving matter

in and out of the body

I and II II and III III and IV I, III and V 1/, IV and V


18. The system(s) xi.



in connecting

parts of the body.

xiii. xiv. xv.

I and 1/ 1/and III I, III and VI III, IV and V 1,llandV taken up from the soil?


Which part of a plant absorbs most of the water and minerals a. Taproots b. root hairs c. the thick parts of the roots near the base of the stem d. storage roots e. sections of the root that have secondary xylem Which functional plant cells lack a nucleus? a. xylem only b. sieve cells only c. companion cells only d. both companion and parenchyma cells e. both xylem and sieve-tube cells



Which of the following tissues is incorrectly matched with its characteristics? a. collenchyma-uniformly thick-walled supportive tissue b. epidermis-protective outer covering of plant body c. sclerenchyma-heaviLy lignified secondary walls d. meristematic tissue-undifferentiated tissue capable of cell division e. parenchyma-thin-walled, loosely packed, unsl?8cialized cells


"a". only

One important difference between the anatomy of roots and the anatomy of leaves is that leaves have phloem and only roots have xylem. b,. the cells of roots have cell walls and leaf cells do not. G_ a waxy cuticle covers leaves but is absent in roots. d. vascular tissue is found in roots but is absent from leaves. e" leaves have epidermal tissue but roots do not.


The photosynthetic cells in the interior of a leaf are what kind of cells? a parenchyma b. collenchyma c. sclerenchyma d. phloem e. endodermis Pores on the leaf surface that function in gas exchange are called a. hairs. b. xylem cells. c. phloem cells. d. stomata. e. sclereids. If you were able to walk into an opening cut into the center of a large redwood tree, when you exit from the middle of the trunk (stem) outward, you would cross, in order, ~a. the annual rings, phloem, and bark. '\~. the newest xylem, oldest phloem, and periderm. C:, the vascular cambium, oldest xylem, and newest xylem. tJ-,.' the secondary xylem, secondary phloem, and vascular cambium. "e" the summer wood, bark, and phloem. Suppose George Washington completely removed the bark from around the base of a cherry tree but was stopped by his father before cutting the tree down. The leaves retained their normal appearance for several weeks, but the tree eventually died. The tissue(s) that George left functional was (were) the a. phloem. b. xylem. c. cork cambium. d. cortex. e. companion and sieve-tube members. Cells are to tissues as tissues are to a. organs. b. membranes. c. organ systems. d. organelles.






Which of the following tissues lines the kidney tubules? a. connective b. smooth muscle c. nervous d. epithelial e. adipose What is the functional unit of nervous tissue? a. cell body b. neuron c. axon d. dendrite e. brain Which of the following describes skeletal muscle? a. smooth and involuntary b. smooth and unbranched c. striated and voluntary d. smooth and voluntary e. striated and branched



A major distinction between prokaryotes organelles in eukaryotes. a.

and eukaryotes

is the presence of membrane


Describe the structure and function of TWO eukaryotic other than the nucleus.


bound organelles

b. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have some non-membrane bound components in common. Describe the function of TWO of the following and discuss how each cli Crcrs in prokaryotes and eukmyotes.



Explain the endosymbiotic theory of the origin ofeukaryotic example of evidence supporting the theory.

cells and discuss al1

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