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(May 08, 2008 at 10:57 AM) - Contributed by Administrator - Last Updated (May 08, 2008 at 10:59 AM)

arsip artikel vol.1, no.1ARTIKEL - November 2004, Vol.1, No.2 EditorialGIZI LEBIH SEBAGAI TANTANGAN BARU DAN IMPLIKASINYA TERHADAP KEBIJAKAN PEMBANGUNAN KESEHATAN NASIONAL 1,2oleh : Hamam HadiPENDAHULUANSebagai negara yang sedang berkembang dan sedang membangun, bangsa Indonesia masih memiliki beberapa ketertinggalan dan kekurangan jika dibandingkan negara lain yang sudah lebih maju. Di bidang kesehatan, bangsa Indonesia masih harus berjuang memerangi berbagai macam penyakit infeksi dan kurang gizi yang saling berinteraksi satu sama lain menjadikan tingkat kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia tidak kunjung meningkat secara signifikan. Ironisnya, di beberapa daerah lain atau pada sekelompok masyarakat Indonesia yang lain terutama di kotakota besar, masalah kesehatan masyarakat utama justru dipicu dengan adanya kelebihan gizi; meledaknya kejadian obesitas di beberapa daerah di Indonesia akan mendatangkan masalah baru yang mempunyai konsekuensikonsekuensi serius bagi pembangunan bangsa Indonesia khususnya di bidang kesehatan. Pendek kata, masih tingginya prevalensi kurang gizi di beberapa daerah dan meningkatnya prevalensi obesitas yang dramatis di beberapa daerah yang lain akan menambah beban yang lebih komplek dan harus dibayar mahal oleh bangsa Indonesia dalam upaya pembangunan bidang kesehatan, sumberdaya manusia dan ekonomi. 1 Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta2 Dipresentasikan pada pidato pengukuhan jabatan guru besar pada Fakultas Kedokteran UGM, 5 Februari 2005, YogyakartaFULL TEXT click hereAKTIVITAS FISIK PADA REMAJA SLTP KOTA YOGYAKARTA DAN KABUPATEN BANTUL SERTA HUBUNGANNYA DENGAN KEJADIAN OBESITASEmy Huriyati1, Hamam Hadi1, Madarina Julia2ABSTRACTBackground : The prevalence of obesity is markedly increasing, both in developed and developing countries. Whether physical activity contributes to the obesity in Indonesian adolescents is still unknown. Objective. To assess whether physical activity is associated with obesity in junior high school adolescents in Yogyakarta. Methods. A case control study was conducted in Yogyakarta Province in 2003. Subjects were 140 obese and 140 nonobese junior high school adolescents in Yogyakarta and Bantul, randomly chosen from an obesity survey performed previously. Pattern and duration of activity were assessed using IPAQ modified questionnaire. The activities were than sorted into light (sedentary), moderate and vigorous activities. Results. There was significant difference in the distribution sedentary activity between adolescents of Yogyakarta and Bantul (p 0,005).Conclusion : The type of serving disposable utensils was no a significant factor effected the plate waste.Keywords : Serving utensils, patient plate waste.1 RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang.2 Pasca Sarjana IKM, Fakultas Kedokteran UGM, Yogyakarta.FULL TEXT click hereEFFECT OF NUTRITION EDUCATION FOR MOTHER ON THE FOOD CONSUMPTION AND NUTRION STATUS OF THE CHILDREN THAT INFECTED BY PRIMARY TUBERCOLUSIS AT DOKTER KARIADI HOSPITAL SEMARANG Tatik Mulyati1, Endy Paryanto Prawirohartono2, and Toto Sudargo2ABSTRACTBackground :Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that persists as a public health problem in Indonesia. The tuberculosis infected to the under 5-years old-children namely primary tuberculosis, could decrease the childrens immunity eventually causes death, which were 100.000 death rate 75% are childrens. condition of childrens health were deeply depending on the quality and quantity of their food consumption. An adequate consumption is needed to increase their nutrition status. To improve the maternal behavior of childrens food consumption, it is necessary to give nutritional education.Purpose : The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of nutritional education on the food consumption and nutrition status of the under 5-years old-children that infected by primary tuberculosis.Research Method : The research was an experimental research using randomized controlled trial method. The subject was 1 to 5-year(s) old-children those who infected by primary tuberculosis at Unit Rawat Jalan RSUP Dokter Kariadi Semarang. Two groups chosen by randomized got different treatments, i.e. availability and unavailability of nutritional education. Each group was asked to come to Poliklinik Paru Anak every twoweeks for two months (4 times). The food consumption data was collected by multiple recall before treatment and after research. The nutrition status was determined by weight per age and weight per height of Z-Score WHO NCHS.Result : The result of this study showed that after the nutritional education issued, the energy consumption average of children has increase 18.18% from necessity and the protein consumption average of children has increase 21.39% from necessity. There was a significant effect of nutritional education on increasing protein consumption of under 5-years oldchildren that was infected by primary tuberculosis (p - ::. The Indonesian Journal of Clinical Nutrition .::

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