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Drug Codes:

caine= local anesthetics

ceph/cef - cephalosporin

cillin= antibiotics

cycline – tetracycline (s/e: stains teeth and stunted growth for children)

dine= anti-ulcer agents

done= opiod analgesics

ide= oral hypoglycemics

iam= antianxiety agents

mab – monoclonal anti-bodies

micin= antibiotics

nium= neuromuscular blocking agents

olol= beta blockers

ole= anti-fungal

oxacin= antibiotics

pam= antianxiety agents

pine: calcium channel blockers

pril= ace inhibitors

sone= steroids

statin= antihyperlipidemics
stigmine -cholinergic

vir= antivirals

zide= diuretics

phylline - bronchodilator

cal- calcium

done- opiods

ase- enzyme

line - bronchodilator

vir- antiviral

zide - diuretics

dine - anti-ulcer

ide- oral hyoglycemics


I would like to give some general rules regarding psychiatry drugs:

1) Cannot be taken with alcohol, stimulants,depressants.

2) Cannot be given to pregnant, lactatingand patients with glaucoma.

3) Cannot be abruptly stooped but mus be tapered slowly

4) All are given after meals except anti anxiety agents( because food interferes with
their absorption)

5) All psychiatry drugs have anti cholinergic side effects:

Dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention

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