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In teaching profession, a question about what makes a good teacher is really a famous question. The character and personality of the teacher is a crucial issue in the classroom, by far the greatest number of responses to the question what makes a good teacher. Based on response from an interviews of many peoples about what makes a good teacher, they kindly said that teachers should makes their lessons more interesting to make sure students dont fall asleep during lesson time. Besides that, people also said that teachers must love and enjoy their job. If they enjoy their job, so the lesson will be more interesting. A great teacher also should have a positive sense and not a negative sense. There are many ways to become good teachers, firstly, teachers must learn on how to talk to the students. The ways parents and teachers talked are totally differents. Parents atcually used more exaggerated tones of voice, and speak with less complex grammatical structures when they were talking to adults. Diffrence from parents, teachers used rough - tuning as their language skills in common. Besides thats, teachers also use physical movement such as body gestures, expressions, and mime. This become nature to show happiness and sadness, movement and time sequencees concepts using these techniques. Secondly, teachers also have skills when they give instructions to their students. It just waste time if our students does not understand what it is they are

supposed to do. All of this happen when the students doesnt understand the instruction that given by the teachers. For your information, there are two general rules for giving instruction. Firstly, the instruction must be kept as simple as possible and secondly is they must be logical. Before give the instructions, teachers need to make sure that their students already understood what they been asked to do. In addiction, teachers also need to know the best kinds of lesson. As we know, the greatest enemies of succesful teaching is student boredom that caused by the deadening predictability of much classroom time. John Fanselow in his book, Breaking Rules suggest that, both for the teachers sanity and the students continuing involvement, teachers need to violate their own behaviour and patterns. Besides that, teachers also need to used surprise and variety in their lessons to attract the students. Lastly, teachers need to know how important to follow a pre-arranged plan in every lessons time. In this situation, teachers supposed has planned that the students should prepare a dialogue and then act it out. Teachers also must know what they should do when two pairs of students finished their work quickly before their friends. So, teachers need to decide whether to tell them to wait for the others or to stop and rest. All the teachers should have all the good qualities to become a good teacher. It is important for them to make the class become more intresting and smoothly.

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