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Holy Quran Discuss Universe

Quran has revealed absolute facts about Universe in its true perspective some 1400 years ago. This can be a fruit of thought for us. Surrah Al-Mulk - THE SOVEREIGNTY - No. 67- Verse:3-4 (If you want to see how wonderfully this programme functions and how His sovereignty and protection work in absolute harmony, then take a look at the gigantic machinery of the universe.) He has made the various heavenly bodies in outer space in a way that they can maintain complete conformity (and not collide) with each other.Have a good look all around. You will not find any defect or disproportions in the creation of 'Ar-Rahman'. Not once. But look again and again and reflect deeply over it. You will not see any flaws or fissures anywhere. Nothing will be out of sequence or incomplete. verse 3 Turn your vision again towards the vastness of the universe. Do so yet again; and everytime your gaze will fall back upon you, dazzled and tired. (This is the scenario of Our universe which is working according to Our Laws. If the Divine System is introduced in your own society, you too will find such harmony, instead of chaos and disorder.) verse 4 Surrah An-Naml - THE ANT - No. 27- Verse:93 And tell them, "(You can go on opposing it to any extent, but the Divine System will be established.) This will be a living example for praise and appreciation of God. It will bring its clear signs before you in such a way that you will yourself recognize (that this is the same society, about which you were being told). (On the other hand the destruction that will befall you will be the result of your own doing, because) The Divine Law of Mukafat, knows very well all your deeds." verse 93 Surrah Nh - NUH - No. 71- Verse:15 &16 - 19 & 20 (You should observe the balance and harmony that is created when the Divine Laws are followed!) Do you not see how Allah Almighty the Almighty has created various celestial bodies in outer space and how they move in harmony and discipline. They remain firm in their orbits inspite of the tremendous speed with which they move. This is because they do not exist individually. The pull of one becomes a source of stability for the other and in this way the entire celestial system can continue functioning without a clash. On the contrary, visualize your own life and see how your individual interests clash with each other. verse 15 And then how (among these bodies) He has positioned the moon amongst them, as a (reflected) light and the sun as a (radiant) lamp. (But look how dark your life is. Should you also choose to follow the Divine Law, then not only would it brighten your path but you will also become a beacon for others.) verse 16 (He created you on this earth and at the same time, produced a variety of subsistence for you. Firstly) Just think of the earth which, inspite of it being spherical, He made it into a wide expanse so that you may go out wherever you like on its open and spacious paths. verse 19-20 Surrah An-Naba'-THE ANNOUNCEMENT-Verse:12-13 &17 And over your head, in the vast open space, We have distributed celestial bodies which are firm and stable. verse 12 Amongst these look at the brightly burning lamp (the Sun) and see how We have made it a simultaneous source of light and heat. verse 13 (When you see how wonderfully Our Laws operate in the outer universe, you should understand that Our Law of Mukafat is similarly functioning in your world. Therefore) It is absolutely certain that the

Revolution that will sift falsehood from truth, is bound to happen. Consider it to be the day for harvesting the crop which your deeds had sown. Just like how the time for the ripening of a crop is certain and determined, the time of this Revolution is also fixed. It will occur when its predestined time comes. verse 17 Surrah Al-Furqn -THE STANDARD - No. 25- Verse:61-62 (Now who should tell them that) The God who in order to provide you natural light has in some parts in the sky placed constellations of heavenly bodies which look like chandeliers of shining stars; and at another place put a candle in the shape of sun; and the light-reflecting moon at yet another; is the same God who has provided Wahi for the guidance of human intellect and wisdom. verse 61 And that God has made arrangements in the outer universe that night and day succeed each other, and that light continues to follow darkness. (Similarly, in the human world, He has made arrangements that no nation would remain in darkness forever and that the light of Wahi should reach everyone.) Whoever wants to follow the right path in the light of Wahi should be able to do so and thus receive full reward for his efforts and deeds. verse 62 Surrah YSn - YA-SEEN - No. 36- Verse:38-40 & 45 Also ponder how the sun is moving unhampered in its course. All this is happening according to measures determined and set by the One Who is Almighty and all-knowing. All His Laws are based on knowledge. verse 38 And see the moon for which We have determined various stages. (It appears like a beautiful crescent and then gradually becomes the full moon, after which it starts waning till it becomes like an old date stalk, dried up and curved.) verse 39 All these huge heavenly bodies are not static in space, but are in continuous motion. However, all their movements are according to a discipline based on set measures and calculations. It can never happen that the sun, by speeding up, can overtake the moon; or that the night lingers on beyond the point where the day had to start (meaning that the sun rises little after the appointed time). No, this never happens. Each and every one of them keeps moving through space, in its own orbit, according to the speed and course set for it (21:33). verse 40 (Just as there are unchangeable Laws for things in the universe, laws are also fixed for mankind. But contrary to other things in the universe, man has been given the freedom of choice. He could, out of his free will, either obey or go against them.)Keeping this discretion in mind, they are advised to lead their lives according to the Divine Laws, so that their present life would become better; and also to adopt the same attitude for the future. In this way both your physical life as well as your own selfwould develop nicely. This is what is meant by the pleasantries of the present and the future. verse 45 Surrah Ibrahm - ABRAHAM - No. 14 - Verse:32-34 (32-34) In this way that Nizam-e-Rabubiyyat shall be established in the human world the means for which have already been provided by Allah Almighty in the outer universe. He has created the heavens and the earth and poured rain from the skies whereby grow fruits for your subsistence. He has subjected to you the ships which sail in the seas according to His Laws and also the rivers. Also subjected to you are the sun and the moon which move in their constant courses as well as the day and the night. He has provided you with all that was necessary for your development. In short, Allahs bounties are so numerous that it is not possible to count them. But those who do not follow Allahs Laws hide these bounties from others and also seize what others have.

verse 32-34 Surrah Ynus - JONAH - No. 10 - Verse: 5 & 7-10 He has designed the sun as shining glow and the moon which reflects light and appointed stages for the moon so that you may reckon time and mark the number of years. Allah Almighty has not created this otherwise than in accordance with truth (to fulfil a definite purpose according to His plans). He explains His laws clearly to a people of understanding. verse 5 (7-10) Human beings may be divided into three categories. (1) The first two are those who have no knowledge of the universality of the laws of Allah, and (2) those who acquire this knowledge and conquer the forces of nature but believe that life is only of this world and are content with this life. The ultimate destination of those who belong to these two categories is Jahannam. The third category comprises people who believe in Allah Almighty and the life hereafter, conquer the forces of nature and utilize them for the benefit of mankind in accordance with eternal values prescribed by Allah. These people will lead the blissful life of Jannat wherein streams flow. Their lives will be a living testimony that Allah Almighty has not created the universe in vain or for destructive purposes (3/189-191). In their society each person will desire the welfare of all others. This is how they will proclaim the Hamd of Allah Almighty - the Nourisher of all humanity (1/1). verse 7-10 Surrah Ash-Shams - THE SUN - No. 91 - Verse:1-2 & 9 Consider the sun and its radiant brilliance. verse 1 The moon and its pursuit of the sun to receive its light. verse 2 (The total programme functioning in the cosmic world and human self stand testimony to the fact that) Whosoever nurtured and developed his self, did indeed attain success. verse 9 Surrah Al-Baqarah - THE COW - No.2 - Verse:116 - 117 116-117 Ask the Christians: How can you justify your belief in Allah Almighty when you conceive Him as having a son. You have brought Allah Almighty to the level of human beings who stand in need of progeny as helpers. Nay, He is far above this concept. His is, all that is in the heavens and the earth and everything therein devoutly follows His Laws. Allah Almighty is Omnipotent and has brought such a colossal universe into existence from nothingness. His manner of creation is that when He decides to create a particular thing, the process of its coming into existence begins at once. The possessor of such powers has no requirement for a son. verse 116-117 Surrah Al-An'm - THE CATTLE - No.6 - Verse:14 - 15 14-15) Ask them: Do you want that I should take as protector and helper anyone other than Allah Almighty - Allah Almighty who has brought the entire universe into being from nothingness; who provides nourishment to all but Himself needs none. Say: I have been commanded to be the first of those who surrender before Allahs laws and not to be one of the Mushrikeen. Tell them: If I revolted against Allahs laws, I too would be fearful of chastisement on the Day of Reckoning (10/15, 39/13). verse 14-15 Surrah Fussilat - EXPLAINED IN DETAIL - No.41 - Verse:11-12 In this way the Almighty turned towards the celestial bodies. At that stage they were all in the form of gas (nebula). We told them, "You must obey Our Laws willingly or perforce." They replied, "Why perforce? We shall obey these Laws most willingly.1" (3:82; 13:15) verse 11

(As has been said above ~ in 41:9 ~ that in two stages the Almighty created celestial bodies in the form they were designed to be; and He imparted to them the physical law which they were bound to follow through Wahi (i.e. the Laws they had to follow were integrated within them). The visible space (the sky) has been adorned with scattered bodies that appear to you like shining lamps. He has made them safe and secure so that they neither clash with each other nor fall down on you. All this has been decided with measures set by that God, Who is all-powerful, all-knowing. verse 12 Surrah Al-Anbiy -THE PROPHETS-No.21-Verse:30 -31 & 33 (Out of their sheer ignorance some people take natural phenomena as deities or divinities. This is despite the fact the entire continuum of the universe has been created by Allah Almighty and remains fervently in action according to His given programme. At present various phenomena in the universe appear to them as functioning separately from one another, but) Do they not seriously understand that in the initial stages of creation all of them were one mass which We then parted, so that the various celestial bodies started floating in their own orbits (21:33; 36:40). (Take for example the planet earth. In its initial stages it separated from the original mass, just like a stone thrown out from a catapult ~ 79:30.) Later (when the earth became ready to bear or produce living things) We started life from water. (All living things are created from a mixture of water ~ 24:45. And over this fountain of life Allah Almighty has kept His own control ~ 11:7.)It is strange that even after all this explanation, they do not believe that only Allah Almighty wields absolute sovereignty over everything in the universe. verse 30 And We have made earth such that as it continuously revolves, people live on it undisturbed (16:15). Furthermore on it we made firm mountains (which function like water reservoirs and hold minerals for your use); and valleys and ravines which are used as passageways. verse 31 It is Allah Almighty Who has made night and day follow each other (due to the revolution of the earth) and created the sun and the moon, each one floating through space in its own orbit. verse 33 Surrah Al-A'rf - THE HEIGHTS - No.7 - Verse:54 O Messenger! tell them that your Rabb is the One who has created the universe in six aeons and kept His control over it (10/3). In accordance with His laws, the planets revolve in such a way that day and night succeed each other in quick succession. The sun, moon and other stars also obey His orders. Take note! The domains of Khalq and Amr both belong to Allah, Who is the source of all blessings and Rabb of all the worlds. verse 54 Surrah Ash-Shra - COUNCIL- No.42 - Verse:29 (His Laws of nature are not confined to earth. They encompass the whole universe. That is why) Among His signs are the very creation of earth and other celestial bodies, as well as other living creatures which He has spread over them. At present these habitations are separated from one another but when He so wishes, Allah Almighty The Almighty has the power to bring them together. (It is possible that creatures living on different planets can establish contact and meet with each other ~ 116:49.) verse 29 Surrah Al-Anbiy - THE PROPHETS - No.21 - Verse:16 (They thought that) We have created this heaven and earth and all that is in between (the universe) just for fun; an idle play. No, not at all! We have created all this for a great purpose. And the purpose is that no work would be done without producing a result, whether it involves a person or a nation. All actions will continue producing very accurate results (11:71; 45:22 ; 53:31). verse 16 Surrah Al-Jthiya - CROUCHING - No.45 - Verse:22 They do not know that Allah Almighty has created the universe for a purpose (and not as a useless and destructive thing. The purpose is that) Every human being is fully recompensed for what he has done; and no harm is done to anyone. verse 22 Surrah YSn - YA-SEEN - No.36 - Verse:38-40 Also ponder how the sun is moving unhampered in its course. All this is happening according to measures determined and set by the One Who is Almighty and

all-knowing. All His Laws are based on knowledge. verse 38 And see the moon for which We have determined various stages. (It appears like a beautiful crescent and then gradually becomes the full moon, after which it starts waning till it becomes like an old date stalk, dried up and curved.) verse 39

All these huge heavenly bodies are not static in space, but are in continuous motion. However, all their movements are according to a discipline based on set measures and calculations. It can never happen that the sun, by speeding up, can overtake the moon; or that the night lingers on beyond the point where the day had to start (meaning that the sun rises little after the appointed time). No, this never happens. Each and every one of them keeps moving through space, in its own orbit, according to the speed and course set for it (21:33). verse 40 Surrah Al-Anbiy - THE PROPHETS - No.21 - Verse:32-33 And over the earth We created an atmosphere which is safe in itself and which keeps the inhabitants protected[2] (from the destruction caused by meteors falling from above). These are all open visible signs (pointing to the reality that all physical things are working under the Divine Laws; and that no one else has any power or authority over them). Inspite of this, people insist on turning away from these facts. verse 32 It is Allah Almighty Who has made night and day follow each other (due to the revolution of the earth) and created the sun and the moon, each one floating through space in its own orbit. verse 33 Surrah Az-Zumar - THE TROOPS - No.39 - Verse:5 He created the heavens and the earth in true and perfect proportions, to bring out positive and constrictive results. He made the earth revolve in such a manner that the night blankets the day and the day covers the night. He has made the sun and the moon subservient to His Laws. Each heavenly body follows a set course, up to a limited time. All this is happening according to the Laws of Allah, Who has absolute control and supremacy and has the provisions for protecting everything. (So why should He have a son?) verse 5 Surrah Luqmn - LUQMAN - No.31 - Verse:29 Just as your limited vision sees individuals separately and not humanity at large, you see every event on its own and not as a single, indivisible whole. For instance, you see night as one unit and day as another; but you do not reflect on how Allah's Law (of rotation) merges the night into day and the day into night. (Thus day and night become one indivisible unit.) Like the rotation of day and night, He has also subjected the sun and the moon to His Laws, each running its course for a set term (13:2). verse 29 Surrah Ale-Imran-THE FAMILY OF IMRAN-Verse:189-190 In the creation of the earth and the heavens and the alternation of night and day, there are signs for those gifted with understanding. These people keep Allahs Laws in mind whilst standing, sitting or reclining. After reflecting upon the creation of the heavens and the earth, they cry out, O our Sustainer! You have not created this Universe in vain or for destructive purposes. Your Schemes of things are much above flaw. Grant us the insight to understand the functioning of these things, so that we benefit from them and remain safe from suffering. verse 189-190 Surrah Ar-Rahmn - THE BENEFICENT - No.55 - Verse: 5 - 7 And for human guidance there are unchangeable laws in the Quran; just as there are laws in force in outer universe according to which (for example) the sun and the moon follow their determined orbits. verse 5 And on earth, whether they are large trees or small bushes or shrubs, everything is subjected to His Laws. verse 6

Moreover the Divine Law according to which He maintains such precise balance, mutual discipline and order amongst all heavenly bodies placed in the huge outer space was set in way that it never changes.

verse 7 Surrah Az-Zriyt -THE WINNOWING WINDS -No.51-Verse:4 7 (This is Our Law of Mukafat, under which earlier communities came to such an end. Everything in this universe is busy making the Divine Law effective. That is why) With Our power and strength We have built the universe that is spread out in the cosmos. The expanse of Our power has no boundaries. verse 47

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