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Part A - WARM UP GAMES PROFORMA PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 4 games,

s, one page for each one)

Name of the Game All Aboard!

Early Stage 1

Explanation - This activity runs for about 10-15 mins Students are to casually walk around the room waiting for the teacher to call out certain commands, which when spoken they must follow the specific tasks that has been issued. When the teacher calls out the words: Bow (all students run to the front of the room), Stern (all students run to the back of the room), Port (all students run to the left side of the room), Starboard (all students run to the right side of the room), Climb the ladders (students pretend that there climbing a ladder), Captains coming (students stand still and salute, yelling aye aye captain), scrub the decks (students get down on all fours and pretend to scrub the deck). The students that are caught out my not following the commands will walk a lap around the room singing Its a pirates life for me then joining the group again, once they have walked the lap. Why is this game important for this stage? The activity encourages the students to be interactive with other students, through the communication of active listening skills, when following directions from the teacher. This activity helps develop the students locomotor skills with walking, running, dodging and other movements and actions. The activity encourages spatial awareness of other students within the area. The activity educates the children about boats. What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? ALES1.6 Develops a repertoire of physical activities in which they can participate. Allows students to take part in the various physical activity movements, such as walking around the room, running from side to side, movements up and down when doing actions etc. DAES1.7 Moves in response to various stimuli Allows students to share the space they are provided with other students moving around safely, and students are able to observe and repeat the actions when required to. GSES1.8 Demonstrates fundamental movement skills while playing with and sharing equipment The students understand the verbal language prompts used when playing the game and responds appropriately to the direction with the actions required. IRES1.11 Identifies how individuals care for each other Demonstrates the active listening skills needed when following the teachers direction and responding appropriately, you show that they have listened inventively. Equipment and Teaching cues The game should be played in medium spaced classroom or hall with no objects or obstacles in the way. Teacher explains the rules for the game, setting up the boundaries and the key instructions as what they need to do when instructed. The teacher then gets the students started by asking them to walk around the room in any direction, waiting for the instructions to be called out. If the students get a bit too rough when walking around the room, get them to

skip or hop instead so that they concentrate on what they are doing than walking into others.

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