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Exogenous Power Wind, ice, snow, water flowing in the earth's surface is the external forces.

These forces tend to damage and make the earth a flat surface. Basically an exogenous force that could include weathering, erosion, and precipitation.

a. Weathering Weathering describes a process which is a combination of mechanical process (physics), chemistry, and biology that occurs in the earth's surface. Weathering has resulted in the collapse of clumps of large rocks into smaller droplets until very smooth.

1. Mechanical or physical weathering, generally occurs in the desert caused the difference in temperature between day and night are very high. In the Sahara Desert for instance day temperature rises to 600C, whereas at night down to-2 C. Turnover temperature is very large and rapid progress can make the stones are hard to crack and break apart until finally destroyed until smooth. At the time of the outbreak of these stones are loud explosion. 2. Khemis or chemical weathering. In the water, especially rain water containing carbonic acid and oxygen that can damage or dissolve the limestone layer, such as formation of karst events in the form dolin, stalactite, stalagnit, caves, and rivers are found on limestone mountain areas (see figure 2.9).

3. Weathering of Organic, which is weathering caused by animals and plants. A variety of marine animals destroy the beaches and dig the holes and the stones (rocks) on the beach. The plants can also damage the stones. Its roots into the crevices of rocks or cracks. If the root is the larger, gaps or cracks that too would be larger stones and damaged.

b. Transportation Transport of material that has been weathered by running water, wind, moving ice (glaciers), and the gravity of the earth by means of different transport and power.

c. Erosion Rivers, wind and glaciers as a natural medium that moves, especially when transporting solid objects, implement the erosion of rocks in its path. Abrasion or erosion of rocks by water, ice and wind can be explained as follows. 1. Erosion of river water. River water flowing from upstream into the estuary while eroding the base and edges. Results scraping brought from upstream in the form of stone, sand and so also intensify erosion, so the river becomes easier deep and wide. Due to river erosion is then there valleys, chasms, canyons which deviate from each other. Canyon is narrow dale and steep-walled in and once inside the river flows. For example: Anai Gorge in West Sumatra, the Grand Canyon (which was added in 1800 m) on the Colorado River (United States). In places where there are steep rapids. 2. sea water erosion (abrasion). Ocean waves are constantly hitting the beach until the damaged wall. Destruction or similar beach erosion is called sea water erosion or abrasion, see figure 2.10.

Figure 2.10 Erosion of sea water


Erosion Ice and Gletsyer (glacial erosion). In the high mountains of eternal snow occurs. Its called that because there is snow all year round. Actually the name of eternal snow was not good, because it is not the same snow that set up his residence there. While there's snow has come down, the freezing snow events occur continuously at the top. He drops down as lawine and gletsyer. Lawine is snow that falls from the mountain slopes. Gletsyer is a layer of thick ice and snow on the mountains which flows or moves down to a snail's pace (figure 2.11).

Figure 2.11 Gletsyer and Morena

When gletsyer scrape bow down and sideways, then small stones and large coborne. The stones are called morena. According to the stone located at the tip gletsyer named Moreno, Moreno addition, Moreno and Moreno middle base.


Wind erosion (deflation). In the wilderness there is wind erosion for example. This can happen because here the results of mechanical weathering has become smooth and dry, and anyway there is no vegetation cover. Smooth material (sand) was flown by the wind to distant places. In a new place to form a rolling sea of sand or wave-wave (deflare = fly). Wind together with the sand they contain (as is the case with river water) can also erode the stone on the road, until the mushrooms in the desert rocks are common (see Figure 2.12). Performed along with wind erosion of sand they contain called korrasi.

Events reduce the earths surface due to erosion and and transportation erosion elsewhere called deforestation. Because all the continents of this deforestation reduces the average height of 0.5 mm per year.

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