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By Mario A Olcese

An Astonishing and Gross Ignorance

For a long time the doctrine of the Trinity has come preaching,
which sustains that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are a single God
in Three different people. Yes, for almost 17 centuries the doctrine of
the Trinity is being preached in the Christian World, since the
council of Constantinople in the year 381 AD that explicitly declared
that the Holy Spirit was God, similar to the Father and the Son as
recites in the credo: “I believe in the Holy Ghost, Lord and life giver,
that comes from the Father…" In this way the Credo was completed,
and for this reason it is called “Nicean-Constatinoplean” creed,
because it have been made in the first two councils. However, in the
first 381 years of the Christian Era the church had not formulated
the Trinitarian dogma just as it is known today, and it is probable
that neither Christ neither his apostles had formulated it in that way,
since same Jesus Christ recognized that His Father is only the true
God (John 17:3).

¿But which is the name of the "Person" of the Holy Spirit?

It is of supposing that all persons have their own name. The name
identifies an individual and his origin. Without name an individual
isn’t anything, he doesn't exist. For that reason we know that God
Himself revealed His own name as “Yahweh” (Psal 83:18; Isa. 42:8).
In the same way, the Son of God has his own name which we all
know quite well. It is Jesus of Nazareth (Luke 1:31). But when we
arrived to the Holy Ghost we see ourselves in problems when we try
to find the supposed name of this so called “divine person”. One can
read from Genesis to Revelation and we won’t be able to find the
supposed name of the Holy Ghost. Before this difficulty the
Trinitarians maintain that the name of the Holy Ghost is
“Conforter”, but this is not possible, because the adjective
“conforter” denotes the function of the Holy Spirit, which is to
console the believers. It is as affirm that the name of the Son of God
is “Savior” or “redeemer”, or “creator” the name of the Father. It is
never said in the Bible that the personal name of the Holy Spirit is
"Comforter", and it is only in the mind of the Trinitarian ones.
Therefore, if the Holy Spirit doesn't have a personal name it is
logical to conclude that “he” is not a person but rather “it”. We
relieve that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, His power in
¿What other Details can we point out on the Holy Spirit?

1.- In the Bible the word spirit is neuter in gender. The articles and
pronouns that refer to "him" are also neuter. So it is not exact to
translate "The Holy Spirit" but simply "Holy Spirit”.

2.- Any pray, praise or worship is directed to the Holy Spirit in the
Bible. This demonstrates that “this” is not a person as it is the Father
and His Son who receive praise and the prayers from men. In fact,
we are never ordered to pray, praise, or worship the Holy Spirit.

3.- The Holy Spirit is not included or mentioned in the apostolic

salutations. For example, the Sacred Spirit is not mentioned by
Pablo in his salutations to the churches (Rom. 1:7; 1 Cor 1:3; 2 Cor.
1:2; Gal. 1:3; Ephe. 1:2; Phil. 1:2; Col. 1:2; 1 Thes. 1:1; 2 Thes. 1:2; 1
Tim. 1:2; 2 Tim. 1:2; Tit. 1:4; Fil. 3).

4.- Neither it is seen the Holy Spirit enthroned as it happens with the
Father and as it will happen with the Son in the millennium.

5.- The Holy Spirit is not related with the Father as if they were ONE
as it happens with the Father and His Son (John 10:30).

All these details should be considered with attention and seriousness

before affirming that the Holy Spirit is a divine person.

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