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Notes 9/12/11 Extraterritoriality: The operation of laws upon persons existing beyond the limits of the enacting state

or nation but who are still amenable to its laws. Jurisdiction exercised by a nation in other countries by treaty, or by its own ministers or consuls in foreign lands. Implications: People in foreign ands follow the laws of their native land rather than those of the land they are in. Slavery Case: Dred Scott vs. Sanford 9/14/11 Native American Tribes: Tribe: A large extended family. Basic social unit: family. Head of tribe: Chief, generally reserved for the elderly and wise; very organized structure The Whole of the tribe was more important than the right of the Calendars, religions, writing systems, social structure, political structure Hunted Fished Farmed: Maize Did whatever was necessary for their livelihood Econmienda: Wealthy people are given charters (Land) to exact labor from natives. This was used quite a bit in Latin America for mining silver, gold. The wealthy would send ore back to Spain in return for the land they received. Church supported this. Slaves

Lasted four hundred years Cost about 1800 dollars Bought in Barbados, where the slave markets were Triangle Trade: Slaves go from Africa to West Indies Sugar and molasses (warm weather crops) from WI to New England NE sends rum to Africa Prisoners of war were captured, ambushed lands like New Guinea, or tribal chiefs who punished warriors became slaves and brought by Dutch East India Company or British Royal Africa Company To WI Common two season crops: Cotton, Indigo, Rice, Sugar Cane Made on plantation because in order to make a profit they need massive amounts One big plantation made more money than individual farms Plantations needed cost of labor to be low, SLAVES NE is bad for farming Rocky soil NE good for Fishing, lumber usage (ships) First slave imported into US in 1619, owned by John Roth A young slave man or woman, late teens: 8-10 thousand dollars Physically he will get the most work done Hell live longer, shell live longer Most Important: Their progeny could be tremendous and create more slaves Breed: Mandingo: These male slaves were really desirable Famous slave woman: 18 19th Cent: Sally Hemmings She produced the offspring of Thomas Jefferson; Thomas Jeff Playa Many white men in the south fathered the children of black women This is because they could, a sexual symbol, sort of racial dominance White man does not have to acknowledge the child was born when it was People also came here because of religious dissidence In England the Protestant Revolution: Led by Henry VIII Henry disliked the church because he didnt want to have popes authority over him, pope wouldnt let his marriage annulled or divorce

His wife couldnt have a male heir for the Tudor Dynasty; so she was of no use Anne Bolin had Henrys child as well (an affair) If Henry breaks away the land he oversees belongs to him, thus no money can go to the church Thus, he doesnt have to ask money from the aristocracy, Power of the purse The less the king has to rely on the Parliament for support, the more authority he has The parliament began to seize the power of the purse from the king We go through the rest of the Tudor Dynasty Elizabeth never marries; a marriage would complicate her royal position in England This is good for England; but there is no heir to the throne Then, James I, a Scotsman of the Stewart Dynasty, took over as King after El. Died There were several derivatives of Protestantism: Popish, Puritans, Separatists James I: Popish Separatists were forces to leave England because they caused much religious controversy They went to Holland o Colonial Charters given by govt: 1) Joint Stock a. Colony is created for economic development i. Developing Agricultural product: tobacco 1. Used for medicine tonsillitis: tobacco 2. Used as an air freshener (In Virginia tobacco is first crop: Walter Rally first cultivated it) 3. Tobacco is very tough on soil; robs the soil of its nutrients quickly, faster than other plants

4. We give nutrients to soil with fertilizer; translation: stock shits on land 5. Tobacco is a 2-season tobacco crop (grows in warm climates) 2) Proprietary a. Founded for religious or social reasons i. Famous proprietor William Penn sets up colony for the Quakers ii. Lord Baltimore: set up Maryland for the benefit of Catholics b. Plymouth colony = primarily puritans i. Came on Mayflower ii. Wrote the Mayflower Compact 1. It says they govern themselves by the rule of the majority (common good) not invidual liberty; Brownest Principle 2. You cannot lose one w/o losing some of the other 3. We need some kind of balance between the two 4. Natural rights are guaranteed to human beings, but you can forfeit them by committing a crime 5. These ideas create tension between what is the supreme power 6. Puritans were so focused on the common good, they did not allow any dissension. They became very rigid and intolerant that even some people left. This led to the puritan colony being subsumed into the Mass. Colony because it was small. 3) Royal a. Founded for personal property of the member of a royal family i. By 1763: all colonies are royal, before none were ii. New York was always a royal colony (belonged to Dutch up until 1664, then it was royal-English in 1763)

iii. They directed the division of royal land with latitude by latitude (to open up expansion to the West- coast to coast Religion is either Presbyterian or Congregational Roman Catholicism is Presbyterian due to a central leader, the Pope. Bishops are papal appointments Protestants are congregational; the congregations run the church not a leader An episcopal religion includes the choosing of religious leaders by the people, congregation Church of England: Presbyterian in structure, so puritans want to be Pres. For power, but England fights them not to By 1691: Plymouth seizes to exist When the puritans come here they want to become pres., but other religions reject their supremacy. They did not want a foreign religion to attempt to gain independence Puritans believed that before they where born, their life was determined for them (they dont believe in sacraments or grace); dont believe they can be proactive in their salvation They believe their salvation is in the hands of a high power How did they know if someone was going to Heaven (puritan): Sign of election If a person was economically or financially successful This is why they worked hard. Also because when they worked, they were not thinking of temptation. So, if you were poor it seemed as though you were going to hell Puritans believed in a very righteous God, not necessarily a forgiving one All of their plays and stories were morality stories 6 day work week, 7th day = prayer, bible reading Mercantilism Richard Hakylak: Godfather of Mercantilism England enforces this idea by the Navigation acts: Installed by the British Privy Council these acts enforced mercantilism England had something many others didnt: control of the seas

In early years of colonization, if the colonists were going through the motions with NA, Britain did not mind But by 1763: The British are enforcing the NA to the letter of the law o Definition: 1) Colonies must provide raw materials to mother country 2) Colonies must buy English products 3) Colonies could only trade with England or British West Indies 4) There is no competing industry (cant manufacture British products) This is a command economy In a market economy producers and consumers interact to do business in the market Mercantilism was a command economy: the govt is in charge of business (they answered the questions: What is produced? How much is produced? How will it go from the producer to the consumer?) England was becoming a major industrial state Its first major industry was textile Second: Production of iron into steel

Often times the navigation acts were fudged and the mother country (English) overlooked the fact that New World is trading with West French indies England has dominance of High Seas until end of WWI US and Germany take over the seas Japan also rises to power on the seas during the middle of WWI and WWII They were overlooked b/c as long as the colonists ere getting to England what England needed, then they were magnanimous in this way When English vamp up the NA, then there is some friction between colonies and Mother Country

o Geography of the New World New England: Massachusetts New Hampshire Connecticut Rhode Island Rivers not good for transportation: develop roads and canals Excellent harbors Factories (forests good for ship building) Bad soil; not farmers Good fishing Mercantile economy (conflict with Britain) Social class determined by wealth: you can change this though Alexander Hamilton was a bastard child of an interracial conception He was a financial genius, but also a jerk. He also was George washingtons assistant during the revolutionary war. Middle Colonies: New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Excellent harbors Manufacturing conscious Good soil: 4-season farms A hybrid economy: farmer, merchants Southern Colonies: Delaware Maryland

Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Planter (2-season crop) Slavery Poor Harbors Good rivers: Fishing, Mills (energy hydroelectricity) Charlestown: Only city with a good harbor Social standing determined by heritage Got farm land passed down onto you No social mobility

o Bacons Rebellion - 1676 Very significant with long term ramifications Similar to Andrew Jackson Nathaniel Bacon was a backwoodsman, descendant of indentured servants Became wealthy, emerged as leader of backwoodsmen Land given to indentured servants was in the backwoods The government did this: 1) The land wasnt as good 2) A buffer zone against the Indian raids Governor William Berkeley and House of Burgesses Exclusive for Virginia planter aristocracy Backwoodsmen are not represented here

So the vertical prejudice (social class determined by heritage) and fact that they were given bad land started the rebellion Aristocrats called lower social class white men, white trash During the civil war: Bacon represented the scalawag (descendants of bacon) A backstabber, traitors

A number of white southerners sided with the North at of spite because they were out to get the southern aristocracy; they want the south to lose the war

This is when they got there revenge

o 1585 Roanoke established/ Jamestown/Over all state info Jamestown failed at first: The harsh winter: Indians killed off cattle Food did not grow; the rich men did not work as effectively More used to mining for gold and paying off their debts to the companies sponsoring them Captain John Smith revitalized the colony by brining discipline If you dont work, you dont eat etc. John Rothe First person to own a slave; also first person to plant tobacco Dutch East India Company and British Royal Africa company auctioned off slaves in Barbados South Carolina has more slaves than whites; the most socially conservative Poorest state: Mississippi (among 5 poorest states in the union); also has worst history of race relations Least problem with race relations: Louisiana Henry Hudson was removed from ship due to being an Englishman on Dutch ships Blocks Ship: The tiger It docked at ground zero; 300 feet narrower than it is now (accretion sand and harbor floor attaches to sides) Dutch East India Company sends a ship with Adrian Bock and Henrik Christiansen to finish what Hudson started o Adrian Block New York

They came into the harbor in Ft. Nassau (Albany today) Christiansen was iced in for the Winter; harbor froze Block stayed in lower Manhattan with local Indians One night Blocks ship caught fire and burned (most likely accidental and no loss of life) The keel was 4 inch square keel; less than 40 feet The crew was probably between 15 and 20 men The trip would take between 6 and seven weeks depending on the wind Ship was maybe 20-30 feet long Ship burned to the water line; the keel didnt burn because it was at the water line The Indians build a new ship and Blocks people circumnavigated Long Island, Block Island While they were salting the LI Sound, they named a land Rosland, land of the red soil This is Rhode Island They met up with Christiansens ship By 1624 they settled the first Amsterdam settlement This is when Peter Minuet (governor) bought Manhattan Peter Stuyvesant (the next governor?) was forced to give up the colony in 1664 He was handicapped and kind of a hot head When the British showed up and said they were taking over the colony, he actually negotiated with them He said if you give a safe conduct back to Amsterdam, he would give them the land He knew they didnt stand a chance

When the Dutch came here they had Patroon ships Dutch would give people large tracks of land to get them to come over here (a feudal manor in a sense)

One of the patroons was Fred Phillips (Anglicized by the British, so he could keep his farm)

9/22/11 Issues Discussion o Page 21: Thomas Mores Utopia Given Englands actions, can a utopia form like this? This was propaganda to get Europeans to come to the new world These ideas would not necessarily be achievable 1. Government is perfect 2. All religions are accepted 3. No overpopulation (systematic laws to remove people and expand territory) 4. Private property enclosing off of paupers (usufructure shown) 9-28-11 o Plymouth colony seizes to exist in 1691 It becomes the Mass. Bay colony Arguably the best governor: William Bradford It was joint-stock Plymouth Co. of London Proprietary colonies are created for religious and social reasons Proprietary reason for creating Maryland: a haven for Catholics Proprietor: William Penn Reason: A haven for Quakers Puts them at odds with other religious groups: they are pacifists Famous American: Alvin York; raised in a Quaker home

o 1649: Maryland is founded George Calvert (Lord Baltimore)

o 1683: Pennsylvania founded

One of the world decorated soldiers in WWI He had to renounce his Quakerism in order to combat Quakers could be drafted into the army; the stipulation is that they perform non-violent activities

Ex: Richard Nixon renounced Quakerism to participate in WWII Proprietor: James Oglethorpe Those who were in debt benefited from the colony A buffer from the Seminole tribes Took control of England in 1693 The parliament was anti-Spanish; more puritan James I was popish; head of the church King clashed with the parliament King Before England broke away, church lands belonged to the pope This becomes a power struggle The bishop was the vassal to the land When pope or king is powerful he would appoint a bishop When the bishop dies, there is a power struggle between the king and pope over who can appoint the new bishop (investiture controversy) Derivative: (Primogeniture first born son inherits everything after father dies) This is a reason for priestly celibacy (700-800 years since this has occur) Primogeniture is not acceptable according to American jurisprudence

o Georgia

o Stewarts

1640: As the king became more popish and more absolute, he began to alienate the parliament

This effects civil war in the colonies: Cavaliers: supporters of king Roundheads: supporters of the parliament

Crahnwell led Roundheads won and Charles I was beheaded There is no king from_____ ; Oliver takes over Blue Laws: Used to protect Sundays EX: Jack Moran arrested for Bowling on Sunday No sporting event that charged admission could start before 2 OClock Jews dislike this law b/c there stores get closed down for a day; their day of worship is Saturday Essentially only the bakery, deli, and candy store all these places were for getting food, pastries, and the Sunday newspaper By 2, all places were shut down No lights in ballpark on Sunday; too dark = suspended game Oliver tries to impose this Toleration: May not be able to do the thing mentioned below Freedom: Not only can you worship as you chose, you also have all the rights of a citizen, run for office, own land etc. Part of the reason we have religious freedom is b/c of England trying to put different religions on us United States became a very pluralistic religious society; each colony having their own religious identity Act of Toleration imposed by Maryland revoked by O.C.

Largest single religious group in US: Roman Catholic (most plural (more than anyone else, but not more than half, not the majority)

Monarchy comes back in 1660 Charles II wants to go towards Roman Catholicism; parliament doesnt like this b/c it is mainly puritan Also, he is power hungry James II (1665-1688) gets baptized as a roman catholic 1688: Glorious revolution in England The parliament insist that the king or queen of England must be a protestant; write a letter to William and Mary (James II is marys father) They understand that there are conditions 1) They do what parliament wants: Act of Settlement (ruling monarch must be a prot 2) Parliament must have scheduled meetings so king and queen cannot ignore them King has no power over parliament, so he takes power in the New World William of Orange and Mary Stuart succeed him they are protestant Power of monarch begins to dwindle More colonies become royal colonies Salutary neglect: The colonies could govern themselves any way they saw fit as long as they did: 1) Pay taxes, provide resources, economic support to England 2) Loyal to the Crown

English begin to enforce navigation laws and salutation neglect is eroded Colonies dont like this at all

William and Mary have a daughter queen Anne; dies in 1727 and never marries She had no blood heirs The hanovers are the new monarchs of England; german princes; relative of the Stewarts (George I, II, III reason why the revolution occurred) George was dyslexic and they thought this was mental illness

9-29-11 10/4/11 o Colonial Wars In Europe they try to maintain a balance of power Keep one country from becoming overly dominant over the rest of Europe Problem with it is that it is a very high risk, high reward idea If it works: great, if it doesnt: non-stop continental war There is no in-between French king Louis the fourteenth (Bourbon family) saw France as the dominant power of Europe Geographically speaking: France could take over Spain War of the Spanish Succession: 1701-1714: 1701: Spanish throne is vacant Louis took his grandson Phillip and told him he was the new king of Spain England objected b/c than France has power over Spain The same family in two diff. countries England uses very powerful navy to blockade Louis ends up Son stays on the throne Companion War (Queen Annes War: 1702-1714)

During the 18th Cent: French had greater ambition than England

French empire in England is dwindling Francis Franco comes to power after Spanish civil war His principal benefactors: Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini French fights using guerilla warfare Objective: war of attrition erode the conventional (british) armys endgame by prolonging the war The burden of war is on the British The british need to win, whereas the French dont b/c theyre on their own land British were losing even with all of their advantages Fort Ducane in pittsburg; strategically imp. b/c its at the confluence of three rivers French were fighting to keep the ohio river valley b/c of their fur trading establishments there British see their tactics arent working They get a new prime minister - William Pitt, he completely scraps the war plans He says first of all he needs to get the british generals out of there and he sends two new generals 1. James Wolfe 2. Jeffrey Amherst These men bring a knowledge of guerilla tactics Now the 5-1 man power advantage begins to kick in Two strongholds that must be taken down are Quebec City and Montreal Its a combination of north Americans and European cultures very clean city, on the island of st. Helen, its extremely well fortified Quebec city is on a flat cliff overlooking the St. Lawerence river and the back of it is heavily forested

French and Indian War

Tasking Quebec would be a major issue Wolfe takes a huge gamble: 25-30% chance of working he sends just enough soldiers to the cliff so that the French think there will be an attack in the front

He sends boats of soldiers through the forest in the back Wolfe got through the forest and the frenchs advantage was compromised and they were surprised Then Quebec fell; the war for all intensive purposes was over Montreal fell shortly after, now the war was over Similar events: Hannibals attack, 1950: General MacAruthurs order to attack Inchon

Companion War: Seven Years War (1756-1763): War in Europe Ends French and Indian War France renounces Treaty of Paris (1763)

Near HOMEs, Mississippi and Ohio there was much fur trade Loisianna terr. extended left of miss. And right of the rockies; france owns this As part of the settlement, the English forced France to see Louisiana to Spain they knew spain wasnt a threatening military power, why give it to one that is White elephant: a piece of land that you own that you dont want English thought of Louisiana as a white elephant English also got and asserted the rock of Gibraltar from Spain, south between Spain and Africa Later the US would pay 2.5 cents per acre in the Louisiana purchase; a steal

We bought it from the French b/c the Napoleon reacquired Louisianan in 1800 he wanted it back b/c he wanted to reestablish a colonial empire in N America

Hispaniola and lynchpins ______ He eventually gave up Louisiana for money for his war efforts in Europe and the loss of Haiti People disagreed with Jeffersons purchase of Louisianna 1803: Napolean sells Louisianna for British tax America to pay the debt of the French and indian war Why should am. Pay for the war? The british thought that they protected the US by the finest naval forces in the world and army, thus you pay for it

Taxing is a way of keeping people in check Colonists say that: 1) they died too, they should get some of it as well 2) taxation without representation The colonies want land in the fur trade area -> ohio river valley English say that they cant have it Taxation also takes the form of certain restrictions, gives power over individual rights of colonistes Bill of rights was added into the constitution b/c new Americans wanted there to be no contest of their individual liberties, post AR; this covered the individual rights part of IR vs. Common good Casey Stengel Analogy King at the time: George III US radicals: Want independence (hate the manager) Considered terrorists by English: a small group that has political motives

Loyalists: pro-english (Love the manager) 1763: no one cares 1775: all the indifferent people are now us radicals (George III pissed them off he conducted himself like a jerk in all of this) He overreacted and what he did was make the readicals look good by being an ass 1774 and 1775 continental congresses

o 1775: This second one is dominated by Radical (president: john hancock); they nominate George Washington to be general of the army; they wrote the declaration of Independence o Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence o He was chosen b/c: o 10/6/11 Black People: Manumission: A man gives hes slave away Crispus Atticks: First American to die in the Revolutionary war: Boston Massacre Good Handwriting The Most literate and the best wordsmith July 2nd: Second continental congress approves the Lee Resolves; Richard Henry Le= governor of Virignia He posed resolutions about independence These came to form the document Jefferson took two days to write it b/c he had writers block

o To the British all of these men were traitors; could

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