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Single- Subject Experimental Research

• Are designs that can be applied when the sample size is one or
the numbers of the individuals are considered as one group.
• Typically used to study the behavior change an individuals
exhibits as a result of some intervention or treatment.
• Each subject serves as his or her own control in variations on the
time series designs.
• Generally equated with a descriptive, case-study approach and
experimental approach.

External Validity

• Cannot be generalized to the population of interest as they can

with group designs.
• The result of the study cannot be directly generalized to any
individual within a group.

Internal Validity

Repeated and Reliable Measurement

• Pretest performance is measured a number of times prior to

implementation of the treatment or intervention.
• One very real threat to the internal validity of most single
subject designs in instrumentation.

Instrumentation refers to reliability or inconsistency in

measuring instrument that may result in an invalid assessment
of performance.

Baseline Stability

• the purpose of the baseline measurement is to provide a

description of the target behavior as it naturally occur without
the treatment.
• Serve as the basis comparison for assessing the effectiveness of
the treatment.
• It refers to the establishment of a pattern.
• It is established after 10 observation.
The Single Variable Rule

• an important principle of single-subject research is that one only

variable at a time should be manipulated.

Types of Single-Subject Design

1. A-B-A Withdrawal Design

• The A-B Design. This design is an improvement over the simple

case-study approach; its internal validity is suspect.
• The A-B-A Design. By simply adding a second baseline phase to
the A-B design. If the behavior is better during the treatment
phase that during either baseline phase, the effectiveness of the
treatment has presumably been demonstrated.
• The A-B-A-B Design. It is used mainly when treatment involves
reinforcement techniques. The purpose of the design is to control
for improvements in behavior which might result because the
subject is receiving special attention

2. Multiple-Baseline Design

• This design is used when the only alternative would an A-B

design. This is the case when treatment is such that it is not
possible to withdraw it and return to baseline or when it would
not be ethical to withdraw it or reverse it.

3 Basic Types of Multiple-Baseline Design

• Across behaviors
• Across subjects
• Across settings design

3. Alternating Treatment Design

• It refers to using a number of different terms

• Involves much what it sounds like it involves- the relatively rapid
alternation of treatments for a single subjects.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

• Typically involves visual inspection and analysis of graphic

presentation of research.
• Evaluation is made concerning the adequacy of the design.
• Assuming a sufficiently valid design, an assessment of treatment
effectiveness is made.


• it is vital part of all research.

• The more results are replicated, the more confidence we have in
the procedure that produced those results.

3 Basic Types of Replication

1. Direct Replication- refers to the replication by the same

investigator, with the same subjects or with different subjects in
a specific setting.
2. Systematic Replication- refers to the replication which follows
direct replication, and which involves different investigators,
behavior or settings. Over an extended period of time,
techniques are identified which are consistently effective in
variety of situations.
3. Clinical Replication- involves of the development of treatment
packages, composed of 2 or more interventions which have been
found to the effective individually, designed for a persons with
complex behavior disorder.
Philippine Normal University
College of Education
Taft Avenue, Manila

August 30, 2007

Prof. Nanette C. Narito


Dear Madam:

Please allow me, Charlotte Jennifer N. Macabeo, to attend your class

Prof.Ed 1: Foundation of Education for the following reasons:

1. My daily class schedule starts at 7:00 to 2:30 pm.

2. If I will attend Prof. Conde's at 7:00 pm I will have a long vacant

I highly hope that my request merit your favorable response.

Very truly yours,

Charlotte Jennifer N. Macabeo

Noted by:

Professor Teodora Conde

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