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t 4. D,eterminecookinS rime by
cookbooI and ]et the trmeaccordintly.
nol tevet, liquid readily accumulatea
pockelswhichcan impaar
or block gascirculalion
IMPORIANI andcausecoolingto stop,
t When\eltingthe rimerfor lessrhan
paston€ minurejthen r"trrn to
one mrnule,rurn
a".tr"a ti-" r"iring.
Before op€rating lhe refrigerarorwhen
a dt surtace on the top shelf of lhe fooo

T 5. Close rhe door and coohnS

sr be8in. The
Drowerand heatingindicarorlignr (ome
soon a\ lhe door i, closedand
on as
compartmenr. The refrrgeraror should
operated wirh less than one half
snowrnSInsidethe circle
nor f,e
o, rhe bubble during
rhe (ootinS time.
Ine, ttmer will gradutll' return
to zero a!
coorrnSLme etapses.

I Note: The ov€n liShl may flicker

tneoven cyclinSon and oft may
and the soundol
be hedrdwhen lhe
.:"'.:' rs rr a serrrnsberow 'Hish"
:::l lhjs ,,
I normat
and is not caugefor alarm_

o.:|.', opened durjn8 rne cookjnB

Ll"^-:":: rhe
process, rimer and all microwaveener8y
I stoprin\tdntlr As 5oond( the doo,
orowardnd heat|nSindicatorlrght
comebrct on
anu the rifier re\ume\ irs countdonn,

I 7 When (ootrnS rrme has elapsed,

a be wrll
rhe,.ri8hr. brower dno he
To obtain proper pertor_
mance from the
.erflgerator and prevenl
:^.:::. 11. ,n8

t InorcJor trBhrwill all go otf

8. Be guretc,setthe timeral
not oerng used.
zerowhen the oven is
oamaSelo the coolin8
un|t, make certarn the
motorhome is level ,ide
to side and front to rear
I Care of the Microwave Oven
the insideand rheours,deol the
oven maybe
when parked.When the
vehicleis in morion,the
(rejned continousmovemenlwill

with a mild 5oapand tratersolulron.
Do not not attecltherefrigerator
use derergentsor dbrdsiver.
Ma(e \ure thar
warerooes not get inro the top since rhe rolling and
or ba(| !enrrtdlon
openrngs, ds this(an (du\e dam.lgero the un pilchinSadion will pre-

t wrndowshouldbe wdrhedwith
,lwer use,awtndowcledner.
. lhe
mild jo{p dnd waler.
Theoven hasd ( eramrc
*i ,h i' ,edtedro rhe oven
vent pockets of liquid
rrom lorming. tf lhe
vehicle is parked in an

t :,:l:-
Ir r:. however.bredtabtednd
rfealedrhe !ame a9 glas5in rh15
srderror eas)

our ot level positjonfor
more than one hour, the
refrjgerator must be

lurned off.
i" mrnd lhat ds convenienr
are..they are nor a\ efficienr
a\ RV
,n yourmoro,
p. l:ljT_:|1,." as rhe
rargFrunll in ) our home. fheabsorptionrefrigerator
uon lype which u\e9dn ammonia.warer
f_ coorrnS.adrrcdll\.ammonidvdpor js
roluttonto, reles on d kee crr(ularion
ol dir lo. cooling.When
drnrlledtrom pra(rngrtemsIn rhe refrigerator,
,,omcirhe, or
be carelulnotto till
erecrflcltytt is then cdrfiedlo the Itnned sas too lull or pldceroo many rtem,
condensor rn: evaporaror fins. rhereby
wnerc rt trquitrer.Ihe liqurdflows :r:,i.o bto(tinS
ro an evdporaro. "i'crrcutarion. Atso,a ronger
wn_ererl createscold temperatures penoo
by evaporatrng ::.:.1-5:,y
rrme rsrequrredro cool rhesrorage or
rnro d crr(utdrrngflow coriparrmenton
ot hydroge; ear. Ir rhe dn_aosorplion
andconsequentlv relrigeratoras (ompare;
rheeiapoiarorcoil,is lo a treon
cooted model in your home.
For this reason, rt rr
recommendedthat lhe re{riEerntor be startedup 12 gasvalvebullon lor 20second!more lo activate
hours belore any itemsare placedin lhe cabinet,
wheneverpossible.Do not placewirm ilemsin lhe 8. ll flamegoesoul or lhere isdifficullyin liShting
reirigeraior;nd expectthem to cool within a few burner.wdirI i!. mrnule'beforetepedtinBnept
hours. fransler foods irom your refriSeratoral 5 , 6 a n d7 .
home, or buy ilems,5uchds x)ft drrnks,that have
been cookxl at the store,lor rnaxinrurnelficiency.
Air may be presentin the gaslinesafterreiillinglhe
IMPORTANT tP gastank,makingit necessary to repeatlhe liShlinS
Any illempr ro me,rsurerhc re'npernlureol lhe procedureseveraltimes.
cooling comparlmentshouldbe made by placinga
9. lf a{tera iew hoursihe refrigerator
thermomcrerin , food substanceor liquid.Measur
is found ro be loo cold, turn 8aslhermostallo a
mayrc!ult in a falsereadinS.
ing ihe air remperature
All refriBeralor control!are mo!ntcd on lhe lront
NOTE:To stop gasoperalion,pushand releasethe
of the reiriSerator and areaccessible by openingthe
gasseleclorbulton.ll will then pop out and thul the
food nor.rgecompartmenldoor.Sele(lion of LP8d5,
12-volteleclricor 11o-volleleclrrcopc..rtiorr isnr.rd.
with lhe u!(] of push button \wil.hcs whi(h ,ri{' 12-VOtT EttCTRtC OPtRATION
interlockcdto prevcnl lhe,-rccitlcnt.rl usc of nxrrr 1. Make surerelrjgeraloris level.
lhJn onc \y\lcrn al .r lrmc. 2. Turn electriclhermondt knob to mdximLrrn.
NO ft: Sornemolorhomcs.rrc.rltilt)tn1lwrth .rtwo' "12v".The
l. Pushclectrictelectorbullon marked
w a y . c f r i g c r . r t o r w h i ( h o p c , n t .Ls P
ong n ! o r 1 1v0o l l swil(h shouldstnyin.
4. ll aitera iew hou15lherelriSeralor(omprrtmenl
is {ound ro be too cold, lurn elcctrictherr)oslal
Once pushcd in, the butlon will romJin In unlrl
knob ro .r wrrmer settrnS.
pushed.:gainand released, rl which lirnc rl wrll pop
o u r ,s h u t l i n E NO IE: To rurn oif lhe 12Velectricsynem,pu5h.rnd
rclon!ethe telecto.bullon. ll will lhen pop oul and
thul rhc rciriSeratorolf.

Do not use the 12-voh

system to cool lhe
rernSerator oown to
operdrnS tempernrure

trom .i warm state.The
low volrage(12V)oper,r-
rion is intended Ior u!e
1- Mode SeleclorSwilches
2. geclric Thermo!lalKnob
I Cns lhermostatKnob
when the vehi.leis in
nrori{)n rnd rlrer rh{)
refrigeriltor has becn
4. Ca! Vrlve Bul(on pre-cooledon eirh(v LP
5 . l B n i l i o nB u l l o n gnsor 110-volr(]lc.lricily

1. Make 5urere{riSer.rtoris level.
2. T{rn on 8assuppLyrl (he LPt,rnk.
l. T!rn g.rsrhefmotirt knob Io matinrum
Thc rcfriSerator drawscurrent from ihe auxitinry
battery which c.rn bc rech.rrgedby the vehicle
a l t e r n n t owr h i l e ( h e . n 8 i n e i s r u n n i n g W
. hcnihe
4. Depressg,r55elertorburton
5. Purh in and hold the 8:rsv.rl!o button.
6. Pushlhe rgnitionbulton sc!erallimes.
retriBeraror hasnot beenusedIor somctimeand the
interiorsloragetp.rcei5 w.rrm,maximurnamperage
drainon the battcryoccurswhenan arremptiqInade
7. Ob5ervesp.rrkthrouShthe len!al rerr ol cdbincr to cool lhe inleriorlempcralurcto a pointwherelho
interior (tJehindveSelirblebinJ. lvhen llrme lhermoslal bcging to (yclc to maintnin J \el
showsclearly,releaseignirionburo but hoid

t Seforesrartint rhe unit when it has not been
operaledfor a dayor more,lhe refriSeralorshould
be pre-cooledby operation on gas or 1.10-volt
4. lf aftera tewhours!he refrigeratorcomparlment
is found to be too cold, lurn thermosrallo a
eleclrichy for 12 hours. This will ensure rhe
will conservebatterypowerror in transituse.When NOTE:To turn off lhe 110Velectricsystem, pushand
the mobrhomeis parled, switchthe refrigerarorro releaselhe will then pop out and
either LP 8as or 110-voltelectric operalion ro shutthe refrigeratoroff.
conse&ebanerypower,Excessive elect.icaI drainon

ehertency startingpower,thould the auromotive
batterybecomedischarSed. CHANCINGOPERATTON MODE
To changehom gasoperalionlo electricor vice

1. Makesurerefrigeratoris level.
1. Pushand release
2. Tufn electricthermortatknob to maximum.
I 3. Pusheleclricselectorbunon marked,,110V,,
2. Setlhermoslar ,or desiredsystem
3. Followitartinginsrruclion,
lor desiredmode.
it maximum.



Food items are not cooled Cabinerareahasbeenlilled too Removeunnecessary itemsand

sulficiently in spire ol ther- full and air circulationhasbeen rearrangeto providecirculation
mortat being set al "coldes(". blocked. ol air around lhe evaporator
Warmiremshavebeenplacedln Allow more time for cooling
the cabinet. warm irems.Utilizeitemslhar
were previourlycooled in the
home refrigeralor or a slore

Cooling comparlmenlwas not ln the fulure, start rhe

allowed to cool sufficienrly retrigeratorand
allowit lo coola
beforeIillinS. lew hoursbetorefilling.
Refriteratorout of level. Level rhe motorhome.lf it
cannot be leveled,shul the
LPgassupply. Check LP rank and refill if
necessary or swi(chto 110-volt
Thermostatfailed. Haveyotrr dealerreplacerher-

'1{n},I$i:".^"* or repeirand.a'rjustment
iil:iih,*l' iH*'.
ili;;t;i" thits manuul lhis manusl describ€E
".i""iu.". tnt t"-uu"lof theseappliancesfrom the
il;;;;;;; ;;; ;.".edurea ror applianceingtalla'
;;;.'R;i;; r" rhe appliancemanufacLurer's
;;;;i i"; neceesarv "ervice and adjustment
orocedures or maintensncelnlbrmauun

Refrigerator Removal (All Sibir

- iurn ofl L,P. gupply at rervice vulv€ on
t-L. Ui""onn""t "diliary batiery and€xternal
oowercord. Auriliary gen€ratormust be off
2. bieconnectL.P, line at back of refriferoc('r by
rsmoving 3/4" flar€ nut
3. Unplug 110 volt aerviceat the hutk of the
4. bieconnect 12 volt lervic€ at the b{I(ikof the
rofriSerator(ETl50/2 and lT2lt{)/2 {'nlv)
s. R"m-ou"two (2) sctews that extend through
refriceratorhold down brdcketsinlo flo{)r(197?
i (:qp
and earlv l9?8) or remove four (4) l-) lti"
scr€wotliat s€cureti6 down brackotl lo the 3ro€
of the refaiSoratorcabin6t (late 19?E-1980)'
6, Ramoverefngerator contentaand ac(casurlea
(shelvea,crispere, drip tray8, thermometerfl'
€tc.)from inlide of lofri8orator'
7 Lift top h in86pin out of rofrigcratordoor'tiltlhe
door for*aid slishtlv and lift up off boltom
8 , Ramovebottom hinS€ Pin.
REFRIGERATORS L Removefourl4) pla.ticcapflin the trim rrround
th€ outsideol the r€frig€rator'Removcthc ftrur
SIBIR REFRIGERATOR (4r rcrewslhat wereunderrhe plastit capa
Winnebagoand Itascamotorhomeswereavailable ecreweextendthrough the r€frigeratortrim und
with four (4) modeleof Sibir r€frigeratordudflg the into the cabinet.
19??thlough l9E0 modelveare.The ETl60 and the t0. Uee a utility knif€ !o cut tho seai betweenthc
8T160/2 are both four {4) cubic foot, single door borromof the refrigeratorand th€ cabinetface'
iodela, The ETL60 operat€s on 110 volt AC' l l . Slid6the refrigeratorlbrward out of lhecabin€t
For certdin modeh, it may be neceosaryt{)
olectricalrorvicoand L P. gas.The 8T150/2oporatos
r€mov€the refngeratorhingebracketeor ltrreon
on llo volt A,C or 12volt D.C electical servic€and cabinet componentsto get enoughcleardn({'to
also on L.P. 8a5. The ET230 and the ET230/2 are pull the refriSetalorout of lhe cabine[
both twcrdoormodels.The ET230oporateson 110volt it4easurethirefrigerat r width at lhf wi(leFt
A.C. and L,P. ga8.The ET23O/2op€rateson ll0volt point. If it is wider tban the entrarl...'rL''r
A.C. and 12 volt D C electricalserviceand on L P' openinS,refriSeratortrim must b€ 'elnovrldt('
gat. ret it out of the motor home
10. Slide thc rtfrigcr:rt(,r foNard until it can be
'fo install a Sibir refrigerator in the rclrigerator tilted frrrward enough to reach I l0 voit (xrnnoc-
tion on the back r)f the refrigerat(,r'l)rsrl)nnr{it"rf,,rmthe stopsof lh' rFm"vri pro!1r'urr'
ic the I l0 v,,lt sfrvi(x:.
i " ' i " " , . - l , " A , " W t ' * t h pr . l r r B " r u t ' r r r n s r : r l l r r t r . n
l . l ' h l k r ' s r n n d t h ' { k ll- Slidc thI r|lrigoralrr li)rwar(lout(,i tlrr:t rrlrrr''1"
..,rn"r,i] t".it,r. 'r s:rs
of lh. rtfritrrrrlor' t2_ Meugure thr: reliigerator width al l'h' wi{l's[
elecincal,,pcrtrti,rn point. If it is wider than the entrance door
Before installing the op€ning, refrigerator hinges must b€ rem()v€dto
refrigerator in the cabinet, get it out of the motor home
inspect the sesm's rn lhe
cabinet and the INSTAI,LATION
cabinet/sidewall joint. II Toinstall a Norcold refrigerator in th( rcfrigeratr)r
these are not well seal({|, cabinct, pcrtornr thc st€ps ol the remov l procedure
reseal th€m with a bead i)l in reverscordcr. Wben the refrigeralor rs installcd,
No. 5522 bedding com test lbo €k!,trical LPeratr('n
Servicc Information
Itofor t,, the rnanufacturer'8 scrvice tnutrurl li'r
Service Inforrnation r14uir{d maintenanceand servic{rinli,rlnrrtjr'n'
Ii..lcr l' llto manufactunrr's servic('manurrl li)r
"r slrr rr' inli'rrrr:rlir'n
flrlurn d tn;rrtrl.t'n;rnr'c
'l'hcre are basic steps in troubleshooting the
A limitednumberof 1977and 1978motorhomes, aB Norcold dual-voltage refrigerator that, iI follow€d'
make problem pinpointing a simple proce$
well as the 191J0WI)319RKand tC3l9RK' are 'Ihe
three major component assemblies that will
equippedwith th€ all electricNorcoldDD-?28or l)E- prevent oper&tion are:
'these refrig€ratorsoperat€on ll{J 'fhe compressor and system assembly
251 rcfrigerator. 'l'here l.
volt A.C. or 12vott I) C electical serviceonly 2.'Ihe inverter'transformerassembly
rs no provisir,nfor l-.P.gas operation. :i. The thermostat
description of these conpon€nt aasemblics
Refrigerator Removal (Norcold DFI- lbllows. l'lease read this description car€fullv as it
724) will be ofv:rluableaasistancein pinpointing lhetvp(l
l. l)isconnttt auxiliary battery and externrl of failure incurred, should vour unit fail to operatc
uowrr cord-Auxiliarvgcneratorrnustbe ofl. coftectly.
2. iienxrvctop hinge pin liom freozerdoor,tilt the
1. Comprelt8or and System Assembly
door forward slightlv and lift up off bottom 'l'he assenrblv consilts of the swingmotor <r'm
hinge (not applicableto model l)11251)' pn*sor, rrrndcncer, dryer, capillary tube, and
tilt lht
ll. l,ili top hingepin oul ol r€fritacrrrtordrx,r,
evaporrrtorpl:rto.'l'he individual fun(:tionofoach
d,rLrllirward slighlly and lill ul) rrll botton)
of these comUinonts d€scribed in detail undcr

hlnge. "III ltaftigeration". Aller thesecomponenh havl]
4 . Removo lx)ttom hinge pin.
been rjonnectcd to lbrm a closed loop or cir'
5. It,.move rr'fngeraL,r c',ntr'nts :o)d ailss'rri's
(shelves, r:rispera, drip trays, thenrn)mcters, cultitorv systcm, this system is then put under
high pressuro testing bv charging it with drv
etc.) from inside refrigerator'
6 . Remove inverter accesspanel at bottom ftont of
the rekigerator-
nitrogen gus and complet€ly imme.sedln a water
test tank to determine if any leaks are present
Iiemove one (l) €crew fiom bottom (enter of The system is then thoroughlv dried and put
inv€rter thce. Pull inverter out(rfrefrigerator tar
€nough to gain acc€ssto the electrical connec_
a rigid evacuation process through use of
vacuum pump. This €vacuation
system under a negative plesaure
tions. l)isconn€ct 12 volt le.rds lor the inverter.
moisture, and to othcr con-
Push inverter back into position and install

Removelbur (4) plastic caps in th('trim arr)und

if ol air.

Once thc roquircd vacuum i8 attained, tho

in then ch^rged with a measured rmount
the outside ofthe refrigerat{)r' ltclnovt tho fi)ur
(4) tcrews that are under thc pldsticcal)s.'l'h{is{'
sr:rcwsgo throur{h the refrigcrator lrim ilnd intr)
of refrigerating gas Freon R'I2 (l)ichkrro
Difluro Methane) and sealed to lilrm a trt,n
contalninated, closcd syst*rrnthrttugh whi( h thc
7.2 I
lirrrn is recvrrledovcr anrl over dgain during the th{i th'"rmostatis c'rratiirrcsul[inli in corrtinuous
demand for trrmpress(rr (rperah(r)
refri g{}ratlr)n Pr(,(1rtis
Should a loak oct:ur at any time in this system Compress()r does not opernte on eith€r
voltrge. If this conditbn exisls, pcrlarm thc
which allows tho freon to escape, then th{r
refrigordting capabilities of the systsnt are ter_ following checks:
min.rlcd. A . ( l h e ( k t h t v o l t a g es u p p j v ( A ( l o r I ) ( l ) t ( '
A common sympton that lhe system has a Ioak assurothe (xrrrectvoltag. is beingappliedt'r
is that th€ compressor runs continuously, but no the rclrigerrtor.
cooling is obtained B . Turn th€ thermostat kDob t,) the maxrmum
Assembly position of "5 or 7".
2. The Inverter-Trensformer
This assembly consists of a dual voltage C , I{€move the rubb€r protective cap from the
transformer, an automatic voltage selecion terminal on top ofthecompressor. Makesur€
relay, and a solid state inverter' it is properly connected At this time,.also
The inv€rter isin operation on t).C onlv alld its check the sround wire to see that rs rB
only function i8 to invert the 12 volt l).C' pow€r aecurdy fastened.
I ) . Check the circuit breaker located'fhis at the front
supply to 11 volts A C.
and bottom of the tefrigerator- circuit
The dual voltage transformer assures that the
breukor effects l).C. operation onlv
correctA.C.voltage(20l23 V , A.C )issuppliedto "A" lhroutlh "l)" are performqt.tndthc
the swingmotor compre8sor' If steps
'lhe automatio relay selcch thc voltuge supply unil still does nol opcrate,thcn the thcr')ostlll
(A.(1.or I).C.) and isolatesone from the olher $o may bc dtli{ tiv{l
that the intormingling of the two differentsupplv Lhr th{rrm0stalc.)vtr l(xatcd a[ th(]
voltag€s iB n(,t Pos8ible roar insidc ot thr: t:rrbinrd Als(,, remr)ve thtl
'l'h€ Thermo8tat thermostal lfads and bridge the two ('ndsof the
3. learlswith a suitabk. $trip of metal; such tts ir
This item is an udjustablc temperature c{)lcl papor rlip ,rr a hair pin (Note: If th'r unit ilJ
control that senses thc temp.'rature within the plugg{rdin lo ll? volt A.(;. outiel.,disconneclthe
refrigerator and maintainB it at the deBired supply cord before pcrlorming this step bet:rustr
on A-(1.opcr.rlion, the th€rmostat lead is energiz
Sbould this control fail, jt mav produce two
ed hy I l? volts and could be hazardous,do not
diff€ront reactions.
disconnectgrccn ground wire.)
A.'l'he refrigeratorwill not operat€and theunit
ll lhe unit runs after the lead has been shorttd,
will begin defrosting, or
'l'he unit will not cycle, but will ruD con- then lhe thcrmostat should be replaced
tin'rously with the result that refrigeration 4. Compressor runs on A.C. but not D.(i.
temperatures are extremely cold, in some I3eforeassuming that the invertcr asscmbly is
cas;s, causing fr-rodstuffssuch as milk, soft dofective,r'heckthc lbll,rwing:
drinks, or other liquids to freeze. A. l).(1. conne,ln,ns at the invcrter l(, soe il
'l'Krublo shooting your refrigerator becomesmuch polarity is rev€rsod.
essicr if lhe conditiurs ol i)peration with rclation to B , II c(,nnecti('nsand pr)larityari ()rr1rl,lakc'
thr malfur)ctionsare known a vi)ltrge nrading. lt shoulrl read l2 volts,
An inoperativc unit, dependent upr.rnwhat compo- l).(1.,indicating the batkry is lullv chars{rl
nent has caused the malfunction, has certain :rnd tho inlinc luse of the positivt supply ts
symptoms; that, if known, will facilitate repairs.
These symptons are: Short lhe th{,rrnosht leads. It In y hr lhul
l. Compressor runs continuously od either the lhermr)slatnrntacts are dirty 0r pitt{{i,
voltsge cupply, but no cooling is obtained. polmitting the high potential A.C. l ) flr,w but
This indicates the system has a leak causing r{rstrictin,jthe iow pr)trntial I) (j (ilean the
refrigerant loss, or th€ compressor is faulty. In (rrnta(ts rr repl^cethc lhFrrnr,stat.
either case, the system must be replaced. I ) . If the d(, not prrvide,,perulron,
2. Compressor run8 continuously on either then rem,,vc thc transf(,rm('r.inverrer
voliage supply and cabinet temperature is assembty from the bottom of th. cabinrf.
extremely cold. In this case, the thermostat is l'lug tbe power supply corC into rr 117 volt
at fauit. Check the capillary bulb of the ther. A.C. outlet. Upon doing so, noh the vr)ltrr,.{c
mostat. It is located under the evaporator and s.le{rtorrolay. When A.C. is applied lr) tho
should be secureddirectly to th e evaporator pl ate refri!.eratoryou should hear a disrornibl,,
"click" of the relay. If this 'ilirk" is n,,t
by means ofa metal fastener. If this tube doesnot
contact the evaporator platedircctly theaction of audible, the relay rnr)vahh (r)nla(t
r **,, r:1,:.T.T"",",:ill;[tll:
(. rf y,,u.ri,n wro ! " '
H,xti""whtnthr ^r'r ''::::;::n';
n:'Lurr' '''
sur' Lhf. v"llot{r
i h""k. lit
llv nroval'tl
r)( ' rr'uit :,1;Ii:'J,i,:T;
iii"'iii''ii'i-i'ai*""Htharrhr " iil"i.
,, i::i1t:1:'jllIlli,:;,1
't '"ttrrs. tr'rntsr!'rmlr
- liiii,'i:'r;:
iq t losttl

riri:li:liiiili "
ii ." 'r'r"t"

pi""*du.* ii1l11l.lil5,,i,i^
.,1 scrvice cent€r'
rclerrcu ! i 4
^ l,H"ffi:" tt":,*H
' ll::"*::'."#;,,lly:::,i;;"$*ll:l,11 t' ;l-il::T:,il""":l:1",1;
l'-^ r' r"'"lpr ' iI thP Irght rs on lh'
cir' uit
;xil-]l"i*i""'.''n""^u :.ill:5Jil
*,".1''1[ ;',:'1"
- n c h,,t not A.( ' :f iikl;l;:ll ;1".T:r',ir::::nill
' il:",:,Ti,|fiill-lli'.1 il,I;in"".;,," "',' :l
A I h , " k r h , ,A
r \ , ' l r a a ps u l ' t ' r v o*-"'
llxi:,T'iT ""Tllili'i""
ii l,'til:,::; i;l,"1;ll,';,ll;:;
t h , .v , , l r : r r r ,
;ll;l;';';;;;;' '' ud,,irr"n:rr
ll:l"l;ii:J;llIl;,-,s ,',
n"t'"''"t' "'
, . , r i , , , , . t , , .t l.' i' , rg r,",lul.rlm,..f,,."r''*. , '..],i , , , , " , ,,,:li:r,i'i'::;;;'i'l;;;"i'r'''
(,lh(f l't"l" tit lh( t)rrr:r{lirr'{
, PrrrrtgraPns
",ii..i"*""'a.",'n :'.1r"'"'t,;,rl',I;'j,li';;
theMudcl?{'itlrtl TtltJl'l::'11.. t , t . 1 2 1t t t ' r 1 2 u
, , , i- i i " * r ' ) , ",. U ,i , t \ t t 1

X I T R O U E L ES H O O I I N G rot ch-r.d d Ac oFni6

lNtutncraNt coorNG
*eosol ro* to't' *'

itl ::::::;;:ri::i:::l:;ri
W(r! ib! d tur 1'or'd1td

ll ;:;*:1";;:x;rl ::::;'
I ;''; i";.::,ij-l"".;""" '' ^'
I i:;lr';'1.:*:"::',::'J
. Dcod 5Fo" io giound
. , i -'r''"'' ' old ' i'n nhei po'r *r

los or rcIrsecd through

!iii'"" -""-...'*' --,h. ;6;""' ''" h'r "^ d;.iLf ^' ./, ", -

sro!.n t re! on'(,

rr. r.olot 'h...dr ' i'ro
io1 o^ bP ot rh"om

rdrr (old 3am. o5 'oom r'dF

,.r. liohicn.ri uP or roo!
"F I
tuil' r'
n el s o ' r r o n r n ' r u " r
',]ff ; :' .:;':: i"""a'il-'' 0"'"* '
c,, tr"""sl'
"'sLn9/'or u!
# u -"n'n-
rtotor tn ex
rno rhe r e k ' g
r r e - m eo m b ' e n r t e m P e r o t u r e
o. heovY d!tY coni''ueo i.i li','Ji";::,::';:l'":,0;:t;:'"::;':J"';:1"'
o{ re-
O'.'ro"a"a sroroge
friqe.otor c o m P o r l m enl

!P on
r,or' o.a ,." bu'l'
.:":. i"';;; '^.*"*. p'*'' '-"1:lI?:1";.
"' ,e,,,ee,o'o'
or sreom'ne rooo
P'' hor
'^ - r r o ' e v J P' r d ' L
- ^^ ^^' ,.r.hdro ob
5 minur.i
^t{ lor 3 m'nure'

pi"'-,.,t ''"Y' r' ""Po'
irorr uP {o' 5
for 3 min'

^$I9,3r?*t"n"nugo are
il;;'"'"','J#::ii1,lfr{t;:l}F;1[#il GAS

4 -,i* **[,:l
lfi,,1li"lX'i"': INPUT

l#i:"f* *l* ll*;l-"t:
coolant sYstem to Preheal



l i n e a t ! \ a t r ' rh e a t ' r
3. D i s c o n n e c Ll P g a s s u p p l y va lve 'tt th. wat.r
,1 5i""'."li"f ",fte and drain
X,i"t"ti""l anddrainthe tank' Iint'sl'lugtltt'
ilr""i"t""l*"*r inletand.outlet ttut'
iitt." to p."u""t water draining with thc mttt<tr
ii'fi""wi;t heateris eouinqgd crt;tt. rt:litvr'
(All Atwood uii oori"n,,"-""e engineradiat,r itirllt,st's
Water Heater Removal ;;;r;". I ) i s . o n n e c ta n d p l u g m r t t . r

Ll--u?,-,?j,"":","J.,i"#'.; ic igttirt'rtt
i" .un,"t".,rrtn
tank. Disconnectauxlllar:
*,illi;i"ii 7. ll lH m'\:l"t'"'
-ulei, "ut ttt" etectricalleads
hetwe('n th( w:tL('r
lcirds switch Murk tht'
door' t.alit":tlfflon"
,. 6"rlilriXil;*rior waterheater
(A) tNSUtflc|lrlt cooltN6 IIOUBIE SHOOIING


,l ) f , e f i i g e o t o . . o t r r p o r , n r e n rL t o o
(Never Dove there
wo - ,r,m
",,,,,. re,v,(. Pertonncl
rwo s ) tvopororor pror" ao", "oi ,;.;
nutr when.emovrng
when un,r ,,
r n , o n p , o , , , , , o r p r 2, 0 n . , . u r e , w , l ,
!,o rn9 wire ho,ner3) ^u , , l, yt ol , l, , c! e , / , , , o p , , , ,. r o o ,
or ,.e (vbe!
7 ) o,l/ eport 'end ro oppeor on rub,n9,
condeniei di,e,, .,c
or on rhe robte beto* rhe -och,.e."-po,r_enr

3.) Chongcr.fri9,
Syrr.h ,, ep,, or ,, rnere 't opp ^o t.ok or to$
('o9gr.s ot retr,9e,orr. rhe .omp,ersor ,r l.)
'unn,.9 .on on'ty ond ,r vF.! r.^, ^;. Shut.olf (om.
. _. J rhe ,ef.,geroro, .om
nd no {reerins of ,<e <vlrci rhen
t'c?ze.vp o..l099,nq o 3udden
hot o<(u,.d
5IGNS ART. rrorr up, t.t run
I ) Ihe co^denrer i3 nor worm
or ho,. ,oy, or room iemPe.o 3hur off, rro.t.up
2 ) The ompresrer drowr terr rhen ofier 5 minvr.r
I 5 omp, o, ?O eott ttom

3I Evopororor ptor. worm do* nor Socomc

' ' uP o' 'he ov're'o{ 'he copirro,v
il:''J:;i;:i.'; ,ub. in'o
, , ob,l,ucnne ihe inr.r o, rh€ cop,[o.y rub€ jn
j::l:,., rhe
'' 2 ) Reru.n r.f i9-
rlbe r€odi.e tom rhe d.,e. ,o ,h. .vopo,oro,
it croror u.dG. wor-
.) (eunt or ra,due brocrrne po$oee
!r u ylcm of re.
r ',9l -r<
. o! :n: r. r h r o v g,h r h e , n o l t ( o p i o r y r u b c t
3.rvi.c p.r!onn.l

. ) Chons. r.t.ig.

/a) |NSUFtCtENrcooUNG

Swing moror ltn,uff,<i^.r heol I I Ambienr temp.'otur. ,s ovcr 0.F l.) Chonqc
r u n r { C o n r) j rod;orion of condenscr
3 )
!:,.,9e.:ro,_r, pro(ed,n di,.<r ,unrishl
The_bo<kof rhe refr,geroror i, pto..d dir.(tty
oooin3r o
w o r t o r o r h e - ro b i e c r 5 ( t . o v e 3 , , o f r p o r c
olt oro;"d rh. 2.) Bru3h or
r.rn9e'otor ror oir cir<ulorio^
a) R-€frig.rolo. ir pto<cd roo .tor. to o hlot iourcc
rr(od'oro., oir du(t or outlct, .t. )
J i Loncr.nre, ir ptugg.d.up wirh l;nr or du3r porri<|.3.
6.i Insulficientvenrind

'., Lonrocl rE'ntt ol .old conrrol or. pi

r / Lonto<t poin,r or. roqdhcr, <oqtd o(<ur. oft.. o
tro^rfo'm.r burh.our, a"c ro t,;st @.r?nr
Short c,(uir o(ro!3 (otd .ontrot terminolj
or bo.c *i1", ,n _,r-
In9 horne$ touchinq eoch orh.r
or rou(hing g,o,Jnd
Thermostoibvlb looie on .vopo.oror plore
of rhe.mo3ror,,

Tobl. or floor boord! toor. or,oo lhin.

Loo3c pori! jn mdchin! in'iollorion
o t c o c h p o r r o f r e r r c c c r v r n ou n r r .
compa.tmcnt du. to tron,.

Ecnd cor"f!lly rub.s ond wjfing;n

dtffercnr rocorion.

T1:,:';:, i:"-f-,"."i-
I ff:il'.:1lj;'::-1.,il::,i:.
ond litring


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