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Diagnosa Banding Pneumonia Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious infectious disease caused by M. tuberculosis.

The entrance to the organism M. tuberculosis is a respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract. Clinical symptoms of TB include a cough productive long (duration more than 3 weeks), chest pain, and haemoptysis and systemic symptoms including fever, chills, night sweats, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight loss. atelectasis atelectasis is a term that means development of the lung is not complete and shows that the alveoli in the lungs that was attacked was not filled with air and collapse. Patologi Anatomi

There are four stages consisting lobaris pneumonia anatomy: 1.Stadium congestion, which consists of rapid proliferation of bacteria with increased vascularity and serious exudation. So that the affected lobe will be heavy, full of red liquid. Alveolar edema fluid cavity containing protein, neutrophil spreading and many bacteria. Composition of alveolar still visible. hepatisasi red 2.Stadium occurs because the air cavity is filled with the resulting consolidation fibrinosupuratif exudate resembles congestive heart on the lung tissue. Threads of fibrin may flow from the alveoli through the pores of adjacent. 3.Stadium hepatisasi gray (konsulidasi) involves the progressive disintegration of leukocytes and erythrocytes in relation to the continued accumulation of fibrin between the alveoli. 4.Stadium end of the resolution, following the cases without complications. Exudate that experienced consolidation among alveolar cavity enzymatically digested reabsorbed or
cleaned with a cough. Lung parenchyma again become filled with fluid and wet until cured to achieve under normal circumstances. Abstract Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung parenchyma. The most inflammatory process caused by microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, and fungi), but also can be caused by other factors (inhalation or food chemicals, radiation, etc.). Lobaris pneumonia as a disease that causes disruption in the respiratory system, is one form of pneumonia that occurs in the lung lobe. It has been reported to a daughter 4 years old, come with complaints of fever since the last 7 days, fever is gradually increasing, accompanied by cough + 1 month, sputum, difficulty removed, and shortness of breath, no sound ngik - ngik. On physical examination found the revocation of the lower chest wall, and ronkhi voice, wheezing (-). Patients who are diagnosed with Obs. VII fever days with pneumonia ARI dan anemia. Mendapatkan terapi medikamentosa dan fisik. Keywords : Pneumonia, demam, sesak nafas, batuk. Pada pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan penderita tampak sesak, kondisi umum lemah, TD = 100 / 70 mmHg, Nadi = 108 x/mnt, RR = 38 x/mnt, to = 39,0 oC. Berat badan 13 Kg, tinggi badan 98 status gizi kurang. Kepala mesochepal, retraksi suprasternal (+), suara dasar vesikuler, suara tambahan RBK (+), wheezing (+), nyeri tekan perut (-), hepar dan lien tidak teraba, ekstremitas atas dan bawah dalam batas normal, reflek fisiologis dalam batas norma, tidak ditemukan adanya M. Sign dan refleks

patologis. Hasil pemeriksaan darah rutin leucopenia (4,5 10e3/ul), penurunan Hb (9,6 gr/dl), penurunan MCV, MCH, MCHC, Pemeriksaan foto thoraks belum dilakukan.

On physical examination found the patient looks crowded, poor general condition, BP = 100/70 mmHg, pulse = 108 x / min, RR = 38 x / min, to = 39.0 oC. Weight 13 kg, height 98 less nutritional status. Head mesochepal, revocation suprasternal (+), vesicular basic sound, additional sound RBK (+), wheezing (+), abdominal pain (-), liver and spleen not palpable, the upper and lower extremities within normal limits, reflexes physiological in-boundary norm limits, no M. Signing and pathological reflexes. The result of routine blood tests leukopenia (4.5 10e3/ul), decreased hemoglobin (9.6 g / dl), decreased MCV, MCH, MCHC, chest radiograph examination has not been done.
Diagnosis Observasi febris hari VII dengan ISPA Pneumonia dan anemia mikrositik hipokromik. Terapi Pasien mendapat terapi medikamentosa berupa pemberian infus D 1/2 S 12 tpm, paracetamol 150 mg jika panas, ambroxol 3 x 7,5 mg, Procaterol HCl 3 x tab, Methyl prednisolon 4 mg 3 x tab, Ceftriaxon 2 x 400 mg.

Apa itu pneumonia?

Pneumonia adalah infeksi dari salah satu atau kedua paru-paru yang biasanya disebabkan oleh bakteri, virus, atau jamur. Pneumonia is an inflammatory illness of the lung. Frequently, it is described as lung parenchyma/alveolar inflammation ''and'' abnormal alveolar filling with fluid (consolidation and exudation). Pneumonia is an inflammation of the parenchyma of the lungs, it can occur as either a primary or secondary disease. The two most common types are viral and bacterial.
What are the symptoms and signs of pneumonia? Most people who develop pneumonia initially have symptoms of colds (upper respiratory tract infection, for example, sneezing, sore throat, cough), followed by high fever (sometimes as high as 104 F), chills, and cough with phlegm production. sputum is usually discolored and sometimes bloody. Depending on the location of infection, certain symptoms are more likely to be developed. When these infections settle in the airways, coughing and phlegm tended to dominate the symptoms. In some, spongy tissue of the lungs that contains the air bag is more involved. In this case, the oxygenation can be impaired, along with stiff lungs, causing shortness of breath. Most people who develop pneumonia initially have symptoms infuensa followed by high fever (sometimes as high as 104 degrees Fahrenheit), chills and cough with sputum production ((Sputum). Sputum is usually discolored and sometimes bloody. People with pneumonia may be a short breath. Only pain fibers in the lung is lung surface, in an area known as the pleura. Chest pain may develop if the outer aspect of the pleural involvement of the lungs. This pain is usually sharp and worsens when taking a deep breath, known as pleuritic pain. Treatment

Both vaccines are available to prevent pneumococcal disease, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7, Prevnar) and pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23; Pneumovax). pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is part of routine infant immunization schedule in America and recommended for all children under 2 years and children aged 2-4 years who have certain medical conditions. pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine is recommended untu adults who are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia include older people who have diabetes, heart disease, lung, or chronic kidney, those with alcoholism, smoker, smokers, and in people who have been appointed spleen

Antibiotik-antibiotik seringkali digunakan dalam perawatan tipe pneumonia ini termasuk penicillin, amoxicillin dan clavulanic acid (Augmentin, Augmentin XR), dan macrolide antibiotics termasuk erythromycin, azithromycin (Zithromax, Zmax), dan clarithromycin (Biaxin). Penicillin tadinya/dahulu adalah pilihan dari antibiotik dalam merawat infeksi ini.
Bacterial Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common cause of bacterial pneumonia. People who suffer (menderita)from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or alcoholism most often get pneumonia from Klebsiella pneumoniae and Hemophilus influenzae. Atypical pneumonia, a type of pneumonia that typically occurs during the summer and fall months, is caused by the bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae. People who have Legionnaire's disease caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumoniae (often found in contaminated water supplies and air conditioners) may also develop pneumonia as part of the overall infection. Another type of bacteria responsible for pneumonia is called Chlamydia pneumoniae. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is a form of pneumonia that usually affects both lungs and is found in patients with weakened or compromised immune systems from such conditions as cancer and HIV/AIDS and those treated with TNF (tumor necrosis factor) for rheumatoid arthritis. Viral Viral pneumonias are pneumonias that do not typically respond to antibiotic treatment (in contrast to bacterial pneumonias). Adenoviruses, rhinovirus, influenza virus (flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and parainfluenza virus are all potential causes of viral pneumonia. Etiology Most of pneumonia caused by bacteria, resulting in primary or secondary after viral infection. The most common cause of bacterial pneumonia is a gram-positive bacteria, Streptococcus pneumoniae which causes pneumonia streptococcus. The bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus group A-beta hemolitikus also often causes pneumonia, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Other pneumonia caused by viruses, like influenza. Mycoplasma pneumonia, viral pneumonia is relatively common, caused by microorganisms based beberapoa aspect, is between the bacteria and viruses. Individuals who have obtained immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) often suffer from pneumonia, which in normal people is very rare that Pneumocystis carinii. Individuals exposed to aerosols of old stagnant water, eg from air-conditioning unit (AC) or a moisturizer that dirty equipment, can suffer from Legionella pneumonia. Bakteri : streptococus pneumoniae, staphylococus aureus n Virus : Influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus n Jamur : Candidiasis, histoplasmosis, aspergifosis, coccidioido mycosis, cryptococosis, pneumocytis carini

What causes a sore throat?

Common viruses, and even the viruses that cause mononucleosis (mono) and the flu, can cause a sore throat. Some viruses can also produce blisters in the mouth and throat ("aphthous stomatitis"). Breathing through the mouth can produce throat dryness and soreness. Sinus drainage (post nasal drip) may cause a sore throat. A sore throat can also be caused by bacteria. The two most common bacteria to cause a sore throat are Streptococcus (which causes strep throat) and Arcanobacterium haemolyticum. Arcanobacterium causes sore throats mainly in young adults and is sometimes associated with a fine red rash. Sore throat appearing after treatment with antibiotics, chemotherapy, or other immunecompromising medications may be due to Candida, commonly known as "thrush."

What is strep throat and why is it different?

Strep throat is caused by Streptococcus bacteria, which are the same bacteria that causes rheumatic fever. Only 5%-10% of adult sore throats are caused by strep,
A major objective of treating strep throat is to prevent the development of rheumatic fever, a serious illness that can cause joint pain and heart valve damage. However, antibiotics do not necessarily speed the healing of the sore throat itself, and antibiotics are of no help for a sore throat unless it is caused by strep. Strep throat is inflammation in the throat or pharynx. Strep throat is actually not the name of the disease. He's just a symptom of various diseases that arise. In medical terms, commonly referred to as strep throat sore throat or pharyngitis. Acute laryngitis may cause swelling of the tonsils that causes difficulty breathing and swallowing, sometimes accompanied by a cough or fever. Causes of Sore Throat Strep throat can be caused by various causes, occur because of viral infections, bacterial infections, fungal infections with allergy and irritation, among which are: Virus, 80% of sore throats caused by viruses, can cause fever. Coughs and colds. Where cough and phlegm (mucus) to make the irritation of the throat. coxsackie virus (hand, foot and mouth disease). Allergies. Allergies can cause mild irritation of the throat that chronic (permanent). streptococcal bacteria, confirmed by throat culture. This test is generally performed in the laboratory using the patient's throat. Can be found in the classic symptoms of strep bacteria such as severe pain on swallowing, visible white spots, vomiting - vomiting, ulcers in the thyroid gland, accompanied by enlargement of the thyroid gland. Smoking.

Symptoms Strep Throat Strep throat is due to streptococcal bacterial infection can be recognized the symptoms as follows: the tonsils and swollen neck glands berwarana the back of a bright red throat with white patches. fever often higher than 38 degrees Celsius and is often accompanied by chills pain on swallowing.

What are the causes and symptoms of a sore throat? Infections by contagious viruses or bacteria are the source of the majority of sore throats. Viruses: Sore throats often accompany viral infections, including the flu, colds, measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, and croup. One viral infection, infectious mononucleosis, or mono, takes much longer than a week to be cured. This virus lodges in the lymph system, causing massive enlargement of the tonsils, with white patches on their surface. Other symptoms include swollen glands in the neck, armpits, and groin; fever, chills, and headache. If you are suffering from mono, you will likely experience a severe sore throat that may last for one to four weeks and, sometimes, serious breathing difficulties. Mono causes extreme fatigue that can last six weeks or more, and can also affect the liver, leading to jaundiceyellow skin and eyes. Bacteria: Strep throat is an infection caused by a particular strain of streptococcus bacteria. This infection can also damage the heart valves (rheumatic fever) and kidneys (nephritis), cause scarlet fever, tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, and ear infections. Symptoms of strep throat often include fever (greater than 101F), white draining patches on the throat, and swollen or tender lymph glands in the neck. Children may have a headache and stomach pain. Tonsillitis is an infection of the lumpy-appearing lymphatic tissues on each side of the back of the throat. Infections in the nose and sinuses also can cause sore throats, because mucus from the nose drains down into the throat and carries the infection with it. The most dangerous throat infection is epiglottitis, which infects a portion of the larynx (voice box) and causes swelling that closes the airway. Epiglottitis is an emergency condition that requires prompt medical attention. Suspect it when swallowing is extremely painful (causing drooling), when speech is muffled, and when breathing becomes difficult. Epiglottitis may not be obvious just by looking in the mouth. A strep test may overlook this infection. STREP THROAT
Fever, the symptoms are very common to strep throat, although the virus can also cause fever. High fever of 38.5 C for more than 3 days may indicate strep throat. (Mungkin! not sure!) Throat with red light 'stains' on the back wall of the throat and mucus discharge on the tonsils / tonsil. With notes, some viruses also can show the same symptoms, even sometimes strep throat does not look this bad. exposed by someone who is known to suffer from strep throat. Very rarely occurs in children aged under 3 years.

lymph-lymph-node-on-neck swelling. The pain on swallowing or when the glands in the neck is pressed or when cough is usually NOT a symptom of strep throat. If there is a runny nose and cough, then the less likely it is strep throat. Can be accompanied by headache, abdominal pain, and vomiting. There are certain places that sometimes accompanies strep throat, a lump like


Which will be examined by a doctor is the throat and lymph nodes in the neck. Continuing the approach is to test throat swabs to determine the presence of strep bacteria. There are two types of throat swab tests: Rapid strep test. This test can be performed directly on the doctor, and it only takes 5 minutes. About 95% level of accuracy. (But I'm not sure Indonesian MDS can do this directly in their offices, they usually do option 2 below) throat culture. This test is generally performed in the laboratory using the results of throat swabs of patients from physicians who refer tests. 99% accuracy rate, and take 24 to 48 hours to grow the culture of strep.

Terapi: .1. ANTIBIOTICS common antibiotics that can be used are Amoxicillin, sefadroksil, and Ciprofloxacin. Drink 2-3 times a day and then connect these antibiotics should be spent. Remember, if you take antibiotics it should be spent in accordance with physician instructions. Continuous use of antibiotics is not recommended because it will cause the resistance (immunity) of the bacteria that cause inflammation or other bacteria sehinngga patients had a super bug (resistance to antibiotics). 2. Analgesic and antipyretic drugs such as Panadol, aspirin, paracetamol generic. As an anti piretik to remove heat and flavor sakit.Obat useful as a painkiller to relieve pain and reduce the heat. Treatment can be stopped when the heat has gone down or sick Flu (Influenza Influenza or flu is often what we call the upper respiratory tract infection. Usually accompanied by high fever (body temperature more than 37.5 degrees Celsius), cough and nasal congestion, cough, runny nose and shortness of breath. Symptoms: Fever, chills, fever. Red eyes, often watery, muscle / bone pain. Cough, sore throat. runny nose that can last for 1-2 weeks after symptoms disappear. Cause: Influenza virus. Prevention: Avoid places where a lot of flu outbreaks. Drink plenty of warm water. Keep your health with a balanced diet, regular exercise and adequate rest.

BRONCHOPNEUMONIA Bronchopneumonia is pneumonia, which in one or more lobes of lung infiltrates characterized by patches caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and foreign objects. Bronchopneumonia can be caused by bacteria: Diplococus Pneumonia, Pneumococcus, Stretococcus Hemoliticus aureus, Haemophilus Influenza, Basil Friendlander (Klebsial pneumonia), Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Viruses: Respiratory syntical virus, influenza virus, the virus sitomegalik.Jamur: Citoplasma capsulatum, Criptococcus Nepromas, Blastomices Dermatides, Cocedirides Immitis, Aspergillus Sp, Candinda Albicans, Mycoplasma pneumonia, and aspiration of foreign bodies.

Classification based on etiology (Betz & sawden, 2002) are: 1. Pneumonia: Pneumonia Staphylococcal, streptococcal and pneumococcal pneumonia are most commonly found. 2. Pneumonia Virus: Virus is the virus that causes influenza, adenovirus, rubeola, varicella, human srtomegalovirus, and sinsisium respiratory viruses. 3. Pneumonia Mikroplasma: Mikroplasma is a small organism that is surrounded by three-layer membrane without cells. Mikroplasma pneumonia most often occurs in children older and younger adults. The classification of pneumonia based on anatomy (Hidayat, 2006) for: 1. Pneumonia Lobaris: Happened in whole or in part of the lobe of the lung. 2. Interstitial pneumonia: Happened on alveolar walls and peribonkin and network interlobaris. 3. Bronchopneumonia: bronkhiolus Happened at the end tip that can be blocked by mukopurulent exudate to form patches of consolidation in the lobes. Signs And Symptoms 1. Bacterial pneumonia mild rhinitis Anorexia Anxiety Depression Fever fast and shallow breathing (50-80) expiratory blossomed More than 3 years - headache & cold Less than 2 years - vomiting and diarrhea, mild leukocytosis Fototorax - lobar pneumonia 2. Pneumonia Virus Coughing, rhinitis mild fever, mild cough and malaise to high fever, severe cough and protasi (lethargy) obstructive emphysema Results torax photos - bronchopneumonia leukocyte reduction 3. mikroplasma Pneumonia Early fever, chills, headache, anorexia, myalgia, rhinitis, sore throat Dry cough Results torax bloody photos - regional consolidation Patofisiologi Bacteria and viruses cause sucked into the lungs through the airways cause peripheral tissue reaction in the form of edema, which will facilitate the proliferation and spread of germs. Section affected lung experienced consolidation of PMN cells (polimofonuklear) fibrin erythrocytes, edema fluid and germs alveoli. Continuing the process of infection form fibrils and deposition in the alveoli,
and PMN leukocyte phagocytosis process that quickly followed the stages of resolution with an increased number of macrophage cells in the alveoli, the degeneration of cells and depletion of febrio and remove germs and debris

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