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Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2005, Hangzhou, China, August 22-26


Propagation Characteristics of Confocal Elliptical Coaxial Lines Filled with Multilayered Media
Tianxin Xiong1,2 and Rugui Yang1
1 2

Southwest Jiaotong University, China Sichuan Normal University, China

By using the method of separation of variables in the elliptical coordinate system, a recursive formula for the electromagnetic elds in a confocal elliptical coaxial line lled with multilayered homogeneous isotropic mediums is derived; and the eigenequation is given in this paper. When the confocal elliptical coaxial line becomes circular coaxial line, the elds and the eigenequation for the circular coaxial line can be carried out from the eigenequation of the confocal elliptical coaxial line using the asymptotic formulae of Mathieu and the modied Mathieu functions with a large radial variable in elliptical system. The results show that the eigenequation of a circular coaxial line lled with multilayered media can be treated as a special case of a confocal elliptical coaxial line. In addition, some numerical examples will reveal the inuence of the permittivity and the permeability of the media in the confocal elliptical coaxial line on the propagation characteristics.

1. Introduction
The elliptical waveguides has a wide area of applications, such as radar feed line, multiplex communication, electron accelerator, microwave heater and dual-mode lter. In 1938, Chu [1] rst created the theory of the transmission theory of the electromagnetic waves in elliptical waveguide. The six cuto frequencies of wave modes were calculated. From then on, more attention was paid to the elliptical waveguide. In 1960, Valenzuela [2] calculated the impedance of the elliptical waveguide for the e H1 mode. In 1962, Yeh [3] gave the eigenfunctions of e HE mn and o HE mn modes in the elliptical waveguide lled with dielectric, calculated the characteristic roots of two dominant waves for the dierent eccentricities of waveguides and the permittivities of the lled media, and compared the measured data of guide wavelength with the theoretical results for the two dominant wave modes, It showed that they were in very good agreement. In 1980, elliptical dielectric waveguide was investigated by Rengarajan, et al once again [4]. The electromagnetic elds in an elliptical waveguide lled with dierent dielectrics and the propagation characteristics of e HE mn and o HE mn modes were discussed. Specically, in 1970s Kretzschmar pointed out the Chus error for the TM 01 mode elds and corrected the plots of Chus conguration [58]. Since Chus expansion of Mathieu function is not valid unless is large, Falciasecca et al solved this problem [811]. Thereafter, several persons computed the eigenmode sequence for an elliptical waveguide with arbitrary eccentricity by using dierent computing methods. Their results were consistent with each other [1214]. In 2000, Navarro et al researched on the confocal elliptical coaxial line lled with one kind of medium [15]. In summary, although lots of investigations about the elliptical waveguide or the confocal elliptical coaxial line have been done, the propagation characteristics of the confocal elliptical coaxial line lled with multilayered mediums are not discussed yet. In this paper, we will discuss this topic and give the eigenequation of wave modes as well as some numerical examples.

2. Mode Eigenequation
The cross section of a confocal elliptical coaxial line lled with multilayered media is shown in Fig.1. The permittivity and the permeability of the ith layer are i and i , and the major semiaxis and the minor semiaxis of exterior surface of the i-th layer are ai and bi , respectively, where i= 1N. The wall of the elliptical waveguide is considered as perfect electric conductor. It is assumed that harmonic time variation electromagnetic waves propagate in the positive z direction. For simplicity, the factor ej(tjz) in the following formulae is omitted, where is the angular frequency and is the propagation constant along z direction. Using the method of separation of variables, the electric and magnetic elds in the z direction in the elliptical system are as follows [16]:


Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2005, Hangzhou, China, August 22-26

Figure 1: cross section of an confocal elliptical coaxial line lled with multilayed media even modes:
2 2 2 Ezi = [Ai Jem (, i ) + Bi N em (, i )] cem (, i )

(1) (2)

2 2 2 Hzi = [Ci Jom (, i ) + Di N om (, i )] sem (, i )

odd modes:
2 2 2 Ezi = [A Jom (, i ) + Bi N om (, i )] sem (, i ) i

(3) (4)

2 2 2 Hzi = [Ci Jem (, i ) + Di N em (, i )] cem (, i )

2 where is radial variable and is angular variable; i1 i and i = ln (ai + bi )/(ai bi ); i = 2 2 2 2 2 b2 , for the confocal elliptical coaxial line lled with multilayered mediums, qi (k0 ni )/4 and qi = ai i qi = qi+1 , k0 is the wave number in vacuum. ni is the refractive index of the i-th layer medium. cem (, 2 ) and sem (, 2 ) denote even and odd Mathieu functions, respectively; Jem (, 2 ), Jom (, 2 ) and N em (, 2 ), N om (, 2 ) denote rst kind of modied Mathieu functions and second kind of modied Mathieu functions, respectively [16] . Ai , Bi , Ci , Di , A , Bi , Ci and Di are the constants, which are dependent on the boundary i conditions. When 0, all of B1 , D1 , B1 and D1 will be zero.

e Figure 2: Parameter 2 of the modes T M11 vs the eccentricity of the outer wall of the confocal elliptical coaxial line

e Figure 3: Parameter 2 of the mode T E11 vs eccentricity of the outer wall of the confocal elliptical coaxial line

From Maxwells equations, the relationship between the transverse and the longitudinal of the electromagnetic elds can be found, and using the boundary conditions gives Tt11 Tt33 Tt13 Tt31 = 0 (5)

Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2005, Hangzhou, China, August 22-26


where Tt is dened as reference [17]. Eq. (5) is the eigenequation of even modes of the confocal elliptical coaxial line lled with multilayered media. Solving Eq. (5) gives the propagation constant . Let = 0, the cuto frequencies are obtained. In the same way, the eigenequaton of odd modes can be found as well.

3. Numerical Examples
In order to reveal the propagation characteristics of a confocal elliptical coaxial line, some examples are presented. The numerical results of the confocal elliptical coaxial line lled with one layer of medium are shown e e in Fig.25. Fig.2 and Fig.3 give the relations of the parameter 2 of the mode T M11 (T E11 ) vs the eccentricity of outer wall(e1 ) of confocal elliptical coaxial line with dierent eccentricity of inner wall(e0 ). The superscript e e e of T M11 (T E11 ) denotes even modes

Figure 4: Normalized propagation constant (/k0 ) of e the mode T E11 vs the refractive index of the medium lled in the coaxial line for the dierent eccentricity of the outer wall.

Figure 5: Normalized propagation constant (/k0 ) of e the mode T E11 vs the normalized frequency (k0 a1 ) for the dierent eccentricity of the outer wall.

Figure 6: Normalized propagation constant (/k0 ) vs the normalized frequency (k0 a2 ) on an elliptical coaxial line lled with two layers of media for the dierent eccentricities of the outer wall (m = 1, 1 = 2 , n1 = 2.0, n2 = 2.2, e0 = 2e1 , e1 = 2e2 )

Figure 7: Normalized propagation constant (/k0 ) vs the normalized frequency (k0 a2 ) on an elliptical coaxial line lled with two layers of media for the same eccentricities of the outer wall. (m = 1, 1 = 2 , e0 = 2e1 , e1 = 2e2 , e2 = 0.1)

For the specic eccentricity of outer wall of the elliptical coaxial line and the normalized frequency (k0 a1 = 1rad ), where a1 is the major semiaxis of the elliptical coaxial line, the relationship between the normalized propagation e constant (/k0 ) of the mode T E11 and the refractive index of media lled in the elliptical coaxial line is showed e in Fig.4. Fig.5 gives the relationship between the normalized propagation constant (/k0 ) of mode T E11 and the normalized frequency (k0 a1 ) for the dierent eccentricity of outer wall of the confocal elliptical coaxial line. The refractive index of the media lled in the confocal elliptical coaxial line is 1.5. We can see that the normalized constant will be decreased when the refractive index or normalized frequency increases due to the inuence of the eccentricity of the outer wall of the elliptical coaxial line. When the confocal elliptical coaxial line is lled with two layers of media, the propagating modes are e,o hybrid modes (HEMmn ). In order to demonstrate the propagation characteristic due to the inuence of the refractive index of the lled media and the eccentricity of the coaxial line wall, the variation of the normalized


Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2005, Hangzhou, China, August 22-26

propagation constant of some modes vs the normalized frequency are shown in Fig.6-7. These results show that the propagation characteristic is less inuenced by the eccentricity of the outer wall of the elliptical coaxial line, and the propagation characteristic of the lower order modes is less inuenced by the refractive index of the lled media also.

4. Conclusion
By using the method of separation of variables in the elliptical coordinate system, a recursive formula and an eigenequation of a confocal elliptical coaxial line lled with multilayered homogeneous isotropic media are derived. Using the same method, a recursive formula and an eigenequation in the confocal elliptical coaxial line lled with multilayered homogeneous isotropic media can be found. When the elliptical coaxial line becomes 2 circular coaxial line, that is, ai = bi , i 0, , using the asymptotic formulae of Mathieu and the modied 2 2 Mathieu functions for small or large : cem (, i ) cos m, sem (, i ) sin m, Jem , Jom Jm (which is the rst kind of Bessel function) and N em , N om Nm (which is the second kind of Bessel function), the electromagnetic elds and the eigenequation of the circular coaxial line can be found. The results show that a circular coaxial line lled with multilayered media can be treated as a special case of a confocal elliptical coaxial line.

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