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Xtreme Stance Training

By Sifu John Roche
1999-2005 John Roche

Before you attempt any new training routine especially using the materials contained in
this manual GET A PHYSICAL!!!
Dont think Im joking either.

The publisher, author and suppliers of this manual are not responsible for any accidents,
or injuries that may occur from use, attempted use or even the thought of using the
exercises, movements or information included in this manual.

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Xtreme Stance Training Intro.

Why bother?
Over the years that I've studied and trained in martial arts I have found that in every style
the people are always complaining about knee problems. After much observation of their
trading practices one area seems always to be missing. ***Stance training***
Though most practice stance at the beginning rarely are they seriously trained after they
are no longer are part of the testing requirements.
UnIorLunuLeIy, ubouL LIe LIme you sLop LesLIng on your sLunces you uIso sLurL doIng LIe
mosL kIcks und LIe mosL demundIng Iorms.
WILIouL conLInuuI und progressIve sLunce work Lo sLrengLIen your knees und your Iegs
LIe dynumIc und expIosIves Iegwork wIII begIn Lo cuuse cumuIuLIve dumuge Lo LIe
Lendons und LIe curLIIuge oI LIe knees.
Hence, knee puin.

A Few Minutes of Prevention
TIe wonderIuI LIIng Is LIuL dumuge cun be prevenLed wILI onIy u Iew mInuLes oI serIous
LruInIng. Very Iew sLudenLs ever geL serIous ubouL prucLIcIng LIeIr sLunces. n spILe oI
LIe IucL LIuL LIey ure LIe rooL oI ull murLIuI urLs movemenLs, wIeLIer you LruIn In WIng
CIun, Tue Kwun Do, AIkIdo or uny oI LIe Kung u sLyIes, or KuruLe sLyIes.
Yes, IL cun be borIng Lo spend your LIme jusL sLundIng LIere In Iorse sLunce. orLunuLeIy
LIuL's onIy u begInner's Iorm oI LruInIng.

Tell me more
As wILI murLIuI urLs LruInIng, Lrue sLunce LruInIng Is progressIve und cumuIuLIve. Yes,
you Iuve Lo progress In u sysLemuLIc munner. And us wILI LIe murLIuI urLs eucI IeveI Is
buIIL on LIe prevIous IeveI. I you skIp u IeveI oI LruInIng or Lwo, soon you Iuve u Iouse oI
curds LIuL wIII coIIupse uL LIe IIrsL breeze. You'II never deveIop your IuII speed, power or
LecInIque wILIouL musLerIng your sLunces. n LIIs book you wIII Ieurn u very cIuIIengIng
und rewurdIng sysLem oI progressIve LruInIng.
NoL u cIunce! You`II Ieurn Iocus, deLermInuLIon, und wIuL murLIuI urL LruInIng Is uII
ubouL discipline!

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A Note About Stances

Every system and style of martial arts uses stances, not all stances are the same from style
to style, or even for that matter, from school to school.
TIe sLunces LIuL use und reIer Lo In LIIs book ure Irom SIuo-IIn. You sIouId use LIe
sLunces Irom your sLyIe. Your Iorse sLunce, cuL sLunce eLc. I your sLyIe does noL use
deep soIId sLunces LIe need Ior exLreme sLunce LruInIng Is noL reuIIy LIere, onless you
were IookIng Ior more LIun your sLyIe oIIers.
Your sLyIe Is wIuL you ure LruInIng Lo perIecL und musLer, LIereIore, II possIbIe you
sIouId use LIe sLunces Irom your sLyIe.

AnoLIer LIIng you wIII IInd us you LruIn specIIIcuIIy on sLunces Is LIuL your IIexIbIIILy wIII
Increuse us you become more conIIdenL oI your ubIIILIes. n IucL durIng mosL oI LIese
rouLInes Iound no need Lo do exLru sLreLcIIng uII. Yes, LIuL muy IIy In LIe Iuce oI LIe
sLreLcI uII LIe LIme LeucIers, OH WE! You'II Iuve Lo be your own judge on LIIs
muLLer, buL you mIgIL noLIce LIuL wIen doIng your Iorse sLunce und your Iorwurd sLunce
LIe Iegs ure In un uImosL IuII spIIL posILIon Irom LIe IIps. Now LIInk ubouL LIe sLreLcI
you geL Irom u snuke sLunce (Irom u Iorse sLunce sIIIL your body over one Ieg und
sLruIgILen LIe oLIer Ieg ouL, now squuL down over your supporLIng Ieg wILI LIuL LIIgI
jusL beIow puruIIeI Lo LIe ground).
AguIn LIe poInL oI LIIs LruInIng Is Lo ussIsL you In musLerIng your sLyIe, noL Lo converL you
Lo mIne or unyone eIse's.

I you Iuven'L been LruInIng serIousIy uIreudy
Don'L kId yourseII InLo LIInkIng ILs onIy sLunce LruInIng und LIen Iuve u coronury
becuuse oI denIuI. I your LruInIng und you puII muscIe, Luke u breuk unLII IL IeuIs. TIuL
wIII be mucI Iess oI u seLbuck LIun IuvIng un eIgIL-week IuyoII Irom cll LruInIng becuuse
oI Lendon reInserLIon surgery. Yes this is the toice oj experience.

Dietary Concerns

eL's Luke jusL u mInuLe und LuIk ubouL dIeL und ILs eIIecL on your LruInIng.
TIere ure essenLIuIIy Iour LIIngs you wIII ucIIeve wILI your dIeL:
GuIn muscIe und Iose IuL. (PreIerubIe)
ose muscIe
GeL IuL (II IL LIIs Is your gouIs pIeuse don'L LeII unyone you're usIng my LruInIng
n order Lo guIn muscIe und Iose IuL you Iuve Lo drop your cuIorIc InLuke beIow
your energy ouLpuL und Increuse LIe proLeIn InLuke.
TIe eusIesL wuy Lo ucIIeve LIIs Is Lo sIowIy cuL buck on your Iood InLuke wIIIe
euLIng more proLeIn rIcI Ioods. TIIs sIouId be done In smuII IncremenLs. Suy, by
sIIgILIy reducIng LIe sIze oI your meuIs or by droppIng LIe IuLLy Ioods you Luke In.
ExumpIe... CIunged Lo cIIcken Irom Humburger, drop LIe Muyo und use seusoned
musLurd. RepIuce cundy wILI IruIL und dILcI LIe IrIes Ior buked poLuLo wILIouL buLLer.
AnoLIer LIIng Lo remember Is LIuL your body works besL wIen IL receIves smuII
umounLs oI Iood severuI LImes u duy InsLeud oI LIree Iurger meuIs. L cun onIy meLuboIIze
ubouL z Lo g oI proLeIn uL u LIme. TIe excess wIII IIkeIy converL Lo IuL.
A good und reIuLIveIy eusy dIeL buIunce Is LIe qoJqoJzo spIIL.

What the heck is he talking about the Edith?

WeII IeLs preLLy sImpIe:
qo% oI your duIIy InLuke comes Irom proLeIn. ExumpIe- meuL, DuIry, eggs, und
even eusIer proLeIn suppIemenLs.
qo percenL Irom curbs sucI us veggIes, rIce, und IresI IruILs eLc..
zo percenL Irom IuL. Yes IuLs, your body Ius Lo Iuve IuLs Lo breukdown und
LrunsporL cerLuIn vILumIns und mIneruIs us weII us prevenL muscIes Irom breukIng
down. Even cIumpIon body buIIders uIIow IuLs In LIeIr dIeLs und LIey geL more
rIpped LIun unyone noL mukIng LIeIr IIvIng IIexIng on sLuge wIII ever need.

I you wunL Lo muInLuIn you'II probubIy sLIII wunL uL uII IILLIe more Iood Lo your duy jusL
becuuse oI LIe energy requIred Lo LruIn under LIese meLIod.
I you wunL Lo Iose muscIe-sLop LruInIng uILogeLIer und go wuLcI TV. You cun joIn LIuL
guy LIuL wunLs Lo geL IuL, onIy IeL IIm euL LIe poLuLo cIIps.


Your body Is ubouL ;o percenL wuLer. As you exercIse your use wuLer Lo cooI your
body down, you use wuLer Lo cIeun ouL LIe LoxIns Irom exercIse und Irom LIe Iood you
euL. Under InLense exercIse you cun eusIIy druIn oII Ibs. u IIuId.
You need Lo repIenIsI IrequenLIy und consIsLenLIy LIrougIouL LIe duy. EIgIL Lo 1z
gIusses u duy Is u good runge usuuIIy. I you puy uLLenLIon, wIen you use LIe buLIroom,
coIored urIne Is un IndIcuLIon oI deIydruLIon. Drink uoter. used Lo be u dIeL Coke
uddIcL, beIIeve me LIere Is u dIIIerence In your resuILs,. TIere Is no subsLILuLe Ior wuLer

"Stutic hold truining

Yes LIIs Is LIe dreuded stcnd there until I sc stop letel. TIe good news Is LIuL IL onIy
IusL Ior u sIorL wIIIe und IL's done wILI reusons! n uII IonesLy LIe ubIIILy Lo IoId u Iorse
sLunce Ior o mInuLes Is reuIIy oI IILLIe use oLIer LIun Ior LruInIng oI your mInd Lo Iocus
eIsewIere und Lo Ieurn Lo LoIeruLe mussIve IucLIc ucId Induced puIn.
We're goIng Lo work up Irom u sImpIe o seconds Lo u IuII IIve mInuLes.
Even II you're uIreudy ubIe IoId your sLunces Ior IIve mInuLes, 'd recommend sLurLIng
Iere jusL Lo geL IumIIIur wILI LIe meLIods und Lo geL your body uccIImuLed Lo LIe
consIsLenL duIIy work. DId suy duIIy?
Yes dId.
SLuLIc IoId Is reIuLIveIy eusy Lo recover Irom und LIereIore you cun IundIe doIng IL every
duy You'II be workIng up over u sIorL Iour-week perIod In IncremenLs. TIe cycIes wIII
IncIude boLI LIme IeId und LIme resLIng.
BeLween eucI IoIdIng you wIII be LukIng u o seconds resL Lo sIuke ouL your Iegs. TIuL Is
unLII week : Duy LIen your IIIe wIII cIunge Iorever!
Here's Iow LIe nexL Iour weeks wIII pun ouL
Week one: Dc :: o seconds X Lwo LImes.
Dc z: o seconds X Lwo LImes
Dc : qo seconds X Lwo LImes
Dc (: qo seconds X LIree LImes
Dc : o seconds X Lwo LImes
Dc : o seconds X Iour LImes
Dc ;: resL

Week Lwo: Dc :: o seconds X z LImes
Dc z: o seconds X Iour LImes
Dc : one mInuLe X Lwo LImes
Dc (: one mInuLe X LIree LImes
Dc : one mInuLe X LIree LImes
Dc : one mInuLe zo seconds X Iour LImes (GuL IL OuL, IL onIy burns unLII
sLops!) by LIe wuy LIIs Lukes you pusL LIe IIve mInuLe murk, In cuse you dIdn'L noLIce!!!!
Dc ;: resL-wIuL do you meun-"you pIunned IL on uL"?!

Week LIree: Dc :: 1 mInuLe X Iour LImes
Dc z: 1 mInuLe X IIve reps LIuL IIve mInuLes---WeII wILI breuks. We'II IIx
LIuL rIgIL now!
Dc : 1 mInuLe X rep. Drop your resL InLervuIs by 1o seconds( zo seconds
resL beLween eucI seL)
Dc (: 1 mInuLe, zo seconds X IIve reps. ----zo seconds resL In beLween eucI!
Dc : 1 mInuLe, zo seconds X IIve reps.----zo seconds resL.
Dc : z mInuLes---resL o seconds.
One mInuLe X seLs----zo seconds resL.
Dc ;: resL (LIunk you, JESUS!)

Week Iour: O. K! LIIs Is IL, so GUT IL ouL LIe end Is In sIgIL!!
Dc :: z mInuLes X z seLs---o seconds resL One mInuLe
Dc z: z mInuLes o seconds Xz reps---o seconds resL. You cun do LIIs!!!!
Dc : z mInuLes o seconds X z repeLILIon---zo seconds resL
Dc (: z mInuLes o seconds X z repeLILIon---1o seconds resL
Dc : z mInuLes qo seconds X z repeLILIon---1o seconds resL
Dc : mInuLes ( don'L be u wImp-you been doIng IIve mInuLes Ior 11 duys uIreudy!!)

Greut job----go huve u pizzu yoo eurn it!

I by some cIunce you were unubIe Lo reucI IIve mInuLes don'L despuIr. JusL sLIck wILI IL
Irom wIere your body cuIIed IL quILs und move up by one duy every second workouL unLII
uII you do muke IL.
BeIIeve me LIe beneIILs ure worLI LIe eIIorL.
I you muke IL und you wunL Lo reuIIy kIck your sLunces In LIeIr reur Lry usIng LIIs rouLIne
Ior cuL sLunce und empLy sLunce LruInIng.
OLIerwIse IeLs move on Lo some High Rep Truining!

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High Rep Training

"Stctic Hold Trcinin" cnd "Hih Rep" trcinin cre tuo ter importcnt methods in
thct the strenthened the tendons. The recson so mcn mcrticl crtists hcte lnee pcin
is thct there tendons hcte not been sujjicientl strenthened to hcndle the tuistin,
turnin cnd sncppin in their joints jrom liclin cnd droppin into lou stcnces. Your
tendons cre the connectite tissue jrom bone to muscle. Mcn people hcte incredibl
stron muscles, but unless their tendons cre clso stron jrom Hih Rep Trcinin, the
uill etentucll ite outl
AL LIIs IeveI oI LruInIng you geL z Ior 1 LruInIng:
You'II uILernuLe duys beLween SLuLIc HoId und HIgI Rep LruInIng. PIus you'II geL Lo
Luke LIe weekends oII. Yeu!!!!
HIgI Rep Is jusL wIuL IL sounds IIke. HIgI reps.
SLepped In Lo u good sLunce und LIen ruIse up Lo sLruIgIL Iegs und Iower buck down work
sIowIy Lo uccounL oI LIree-goIng up, und -seconds goIng buck down, puuse In LIe down
posILIon beIore rIsIng.
recommend u gouI oI z rup's Ior Lwo seLs--AN'T NO BG THANG.---unIess, oI course,
you're doIng cuL sLunces und empLy sLunces.

eL's geL Rock'n.
Weel ::
Duy 1: Toduy we seL u sLurLIng poInL. Wurm-up und LIen rep 1 rep oI sLuLIc IoId
Ior ubouL und mInuLe. Now drop InLo your sLunce uguIn und grInd ouL us muny conLroIIed
( second up und u LIree second down) reps us you cun. I Ie cun geL z rep's, LIen LIIs
secLIon won`L be neurIy us dIIIIcuIL us IL couId be, buL sLIII recommend you go LIrougI
LIIs rouLIne Ior your joInL suke. I you couIdn'L muke z reps, your IIIe Is ubouL Lo geL
Duyz und duy q: Do sLuLIc IoId reps Ior one mInuLe eucI.
Duy und duy : Lwo seLs oI IuII us muny reps us you dId on duy one. Mcx. X .
= : ,z

Weel z:
Dcs :, cnd : Do one set uith hclj oj our mcximum reps. (estcblished ueel
one). Then cjter c short rest do tuo sets oj ; percent oj our mcximum
Thct is mcx reps X .; = totcl z X. ; = :8.; round up to cn eten :p reps. =z
x :p reps.
AguIn go sIow und conLroIIed, on LIe up und down. Your In cIurge oI LIe sLunces don'L
IeL IL Luke cIurge oI you.
Duys z und q:Do 1 sLuLIc IoId In perIecL Iorm unLII your Iegs wunL Lo quIL LIen rIse
up u Iew IncIes und conLInue unLII you wunL Lo screum. TIuL's IL Ior duys Lwo und Iour.

Week :
Duys 1, , : do Is seL wILI ; percenL oI your mux reps us uIreudy esLubIIsIed.
TIen Lo one seL uL your Iormer Mux. (You'II IInd IL's no Ionger your Lrue muxImum. )
Duys z und q: sLuLIc IoId 1 Rep Ior us Iong us you cun. WIen you cun'L do IL uny
Ionger ruIse up, don'L sLop, go buck Lo your sLunces Ior one more sLuLIc IoId us Iong us

Weel (:
Dc :: Lets reestcblished our mcximum nou. Do one set oj hclj oj our
pretious Mcx, rest. Then pumped out our neu mcximum. Dn cterce ou uill jind
this to be c : to zo increcse. Not c bcd return jor c jite to :o minutes c dc.
You're not done et. Yes you Loo cun Iuve more reps Ior uImosL no exLru expense. See
duy Lwo Ior deLuIIs.
Duys z, und q: CombIned HIgI Rep-SLuLIc HoId TruInIng Is now In sessIon. TIe
nexL LIree duys we wIII move InLo u boredom breuker. Tuke your sLunce und pumpIng
ouL one seL oI your ure orIgInuI Mux, now jusL u Iuded memory, wIen you compIeLe your
IusL rep, resL In LIIs your sLunce Ior u SLuLIc HoId oI Iowever Iong you cun guL IL ouL. Now
pump ouL unoLIer seL oI HIgI Reps und IInIsIed wILI u muxImum duruLIon SLuLIc HoId.
TIuL's HIgI Rep, SLuLIc HoId, HIgI Rep und SLuLIc HoId.
SIukeouL LIe crumps und burn und go Iuve some Iun.

Duy : TIIs Is your IInuI duy Ior reucIIng your IeveI oI success uL LIIs sLuge oI
Wurm up wILI one seL oI LIe percenL oI your orIgInuI muxImum reps. LIen grInd ouL u
new und unexpecLed Mux. CeIebruLe your ucIIevemenL by seLLIIng InLo your sLunce und
do 1- muxImum duruLIon sLuLIc IoId rep. TIIs you wIII mosL IIkeIy IInd Lo uIso be In new
ucIIevemenL. Now you cun Luke oII Ior LIe weekend und recuperuLe.
I you decIde LIuL you wunL Lo repeuL LIe rouLIne, you sIouId sLurL by LukIng u week oII
und LIen sLurLIng up uguIn. TIIs LIme use LIe sume percenLuges buL up your muxImum
rep LurgeL Lo o. Or jusL cIunge Lo u dIIIerenL sLunce.

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Just for Fun

Huve you been noLIcIng your sLunces ure eusIer? WIIIe you're LruInIng purLner Is wIndIng
und sIukIng, you don'L even breuk u sweuL! Don'L you Iove IL?
BeIore we geL InLo LIe nexL IeveI oI LruInIng wunL Lo gIve you u Iew oI Iun wuys Lo
conLInue LruInIng your sLuLIc IoId. 've used LIem us breclthrouh meLIods Ior my
personuI LruInIng und wILI sLudenLs.
MeLIod 1 Is preLLy sImpIe: WIen you're wuLcIIng your IuvorILe TV sIow und u
commercIuI breuk sLurLs, jump up und Luke u sLunce und see Iow muny uds you cun
IundIe In your sLunce. WIen LIe uveruge commercIuI breuk IusL Ior IIve mInuLes und
LIere ure Iour Lo IIve un Iour, you couId LruIn every sLunce you know durIng one movIe.
And on Lop oI LIuL wIen you're usked wIuL you dId IusL nIgIL you cun suy "OI, jusL
wuLcIed LIe Lube."

MeLIod z works weII Ior sLudenLs und compuLer nuLs: GeL rId oI your cIuIr und use your
sLunces InsLeud. Horse, Bow, BenL Bow, und cuL uII IIL under, uround or up Lo u desk. As
your Iegs gIve ouL move Irom one sLunce Lo unoLIer. Or use Iorse us your resLIng sLunce
und LIe oLIers us your LruInIng sLunces.

AII rIgIL on wILI LIe resistonce troining.

"Hop to it

Now we Iuve u good IounduLIon Lo sLurL wILI IeL's sLurL IookIng uL u progressIve und
producLIve LruInIng sysLem.
One oI LIe quIckesL und mosL producLIve meLIods Ior boLI expIosIve sLrengLI und
sLubIIILy 've Iound Ius goL Lo be runnIng LIe sLuIrs. TIougI mosL peopIe do LIIs In one
Iorm or unoLIer Iew ever do IL Ior sLunce LruInIng. Here's Iow works:
SLund uL LIe boLLom oI u Iong IIIgIL oI sLuIrs or bIeucIers. uce LIe sLuIrs und u proper
Iorse sLunce. (IsL cIumbered)
Without droppin our butt, expIode up und Iorwurd Lo LIe nexL sLep. und In your
Iorse sLunce, geL your buIunce und LIen expIode Lo LIe nexL. RepeuL LIIs unLII you
reucIed LIe Lop or reucIed exIuusLIon.
A good progressIon seems Lo be:
o 1o sLeps duy one und Lwo
o 1z sLeps duy und q
o 1 seL oI us muny sLeps us possIbIe on duy IIve.
ResL Ior LIe weekend
o 1z sLeps duy 1 und z
o 1q sLeps duys und q
o 1 seL oI us muny sLeps us possIbIe on duy IIve.
Work up Lo z sLeps Ior z seL.
Any LIme you suw geL sLuck repeuL LIuL week's scIeduIe unLII you breuk LIrougI. TIen
move on Lo LIe nexL scIeduIe. SeL your gouI und dIscIpIIne yourseII Lo reLurn IL.
WIen you reucI z sLeps Ior Lwo seLs you cun up your LruInIng InLensILy In u Iew dIIIerenL
wuys. (up In LIe InLensILy wIII boosL LIe overuII compensuLIon response oI your body. n
Lurns your sLrengLI wIII jump)
1. SIooL Ior u sIngIe seL oI o sLeps.
One seL oI us muny sLeps us possIbIe
Puuse Ior o seconds
InIsI LIe sLeps you mIssed Lo muke o LoLuI.
ConLInue puIIIng LIe IIve-duy u week scIeduIe us ubove unLII you cun do o sLeps
wILIouL u puuse.
Do o Ior uL IeusL one week.

z. AL u weIgIL beIL or wIeuL besL und go LIrougI LIe busIc versIon oI sLep LruInIng.
Progress us descrIbed In LIe ubove pIuses.

. SkIp u sLep wIen you jump. TIuL Is jump over one sLep und Iund on LIe nexL. The
Coliseum b prcctice ct hcd c uooden sects remoted cnd thct crected c perject slipped
step. Go LIrougI LIe sume IIve duy u week progressIon us In LIe begInnIng workIng up uL
Lwo, In LIIs cuse z sLeps.
AIso, IIsLen Lo your body und wIuL IL's LeIIIng, "gIve me u resL", "gIve me more LruInIng",
und "Ieed me pIzzu".
You geL LIe Ideu.

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Power Hold Training
This is un udvunced version oI the "stutic hold
truining we were doing in the beginning. However
now we ure udding some "meut to the exercise.
usuuIIy recommend u o second IoIdIng perIod Ior LIIs exercIse. As Ior LIe number oI
LImes u week, sLurL oII wILI three non-consecutioe dogs. I your Iegs recover weII,
use LIe oLIer duys Lo do LIe sume rouLIne wILI u dIIIerenL seL oI sLunces. ExumpIe . . .
Snuke sLunce or CuL sLunce.
Start off by holding a 20 lb. plate against your chest and then lower into the stance you
want to train and settle there for 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat. On your next
workout day, up the weight by 10 lbs. or so.
Keep uddIng u IILLIe weIgIL uL eucI workouL unLII o seconds Is ImpossIbIe.
Aluogs to gour stonce correctlg!

The next time you worked out back the weight off by 30% (if you made it to 100lbs.
Only use 70lbs.), then start working up to the point is that you can't hold the stance for 30
seconds again.
You cun repeuL LIe cycIe, buckIng oII by o% und workIng buck up uguIn Lo LIe new
muxImum weIgIL Ior o seconds, us muny LImes us you wIsI.
Once your uccusLom Lo LIIs rouLIne IeeI Iree Lo sLurL usIng dIIIerenL sLunces uL eucI
workouL. JusL remember Lo udd LIem In sIowIy (noL uII uL LIe sume LIme) und uIwuys use
LIe buIIL In LIe cycIe. (Add weIgIL unLII you cun`L IoId Ior osec. TIen sLurL over wILI
o% Iess weIgIL.)
I or wIen IoIdIng pIuLes Is no Ionger prucLIcuI, Ior exumpIe -q Ib. pIuLes, Lry usIng un
OIympIc weIgIL bur ucross your sIouIders. Ior scjet scle ou should use squct rccls
or c pouer rccl. You'II Iuve Lo udjusL your buIunce u IILLIe, buL LIuL's good LruInIng In

I huve Ioond thut, most oI the time, yoo cun udd this exercise to uny rootine
oI truining with oot reully overstressing yoor system. As Iur us u "rock solid"
und stunces go this is probubly the most beneIiciul exercise.
sLurLed usIng LIIs wIen one oI my sLudenLs wILI purLIcuIurIy sLubIe sLunces wus
cuLcIIng my LIme IImIL. GIve IL u sIoL Iuve u IeeIIng IL wIII become your IuvorILe us weII.
"Heuvy Rep Truining

When truining with weights, yoo need to ullow extru time Ior recoperution.
So I'd recommend only truining yoor stunces with weights two duys u week.
Thut's too not consecotive duys. Soch us Monduy und Thorsduy or Toesduy
und Iriduy. Yoo cun still do stutic hold or heuvy rep truining whenever yoo

MeLIod one:
This is cn unbelietcbl intense routine, ou miht consider stcrtin uith Method z.
usIng uny oI your sLunces preIerubIy one wIo LruIned LIrougI LIe prevIous
PIck up u sLeeI pIuLe "OIympIc or sLundurd weIgILs" suy 1o Ibs.
LIen sIowIy rIse up und LIen seLLIe buck InLo your sLunce. Pc close cttention to
our bod position. Don't stcrt obtcinin jorucrd or sticlin our butt out.
Use proper form stort uith the ueight thot ollous gou to moke zo
good reps.

On LIe nexL duy Ie worked ouL und udd more weIgIL und guL ouL us muny reps us you
WIen you IuII Lo geL zo reps sLund up und Luke u o second breuk. TIen guL ouL Iowever
muny reps you Iuve IeIL.
ConLInue usIng LIe sume weIgIL unLII you geL LIree seLs Lo geL uII zo reps.
Up LIe umounL oI weIgIL In your nexL workouL. SLurL uddIng reps unLII once uguIn you
cun do zo reps In one seL.
TIen sLurL uddIng weIgILs uguIn.
This is by Iur my Iuvorite method!
Don't use ong more thon tuo stonces ot o time uith this troining.
You uill ooer troin!

MeLIod z:
TIIs Is noL us InLense oI u LruInIng meLIod buL 've Iound LIuL LIe yIeId good u consIsLenL
1. Tuke uny sLunce you wIsI IoId LIe weIgIL buL uIIows you Lo ruIse und Iower In Lo your
sLunce Ior 1z reps, eILIer wILI u bur ucross your sIouIders or IoIdIng u pIuLe Lo your
z. Do seLs oI beLween 8 und 1z reps In good Iorm.
. Add weIgIL eucI LIme you workouL unLII you cun'L geL uL IeusL eIgIL reps on uII seLs.
SLIck wILI LIuL weIgIL unLII you cun do IL 8 Lo 1z reps In uII LIree seLs. TIen up LIe
weIgIL by 1o percenL on your nexL work ouL.
AILer sIx Lo eIgIL weeks on eILIer oI LIese rouLInes you sIouId cIunge reLuIns or reduce
your workIoud by IuII Ior u week or Lwo. TIIs wIII IucIIILuLe LIe recuperuLIon Ior boLI
muscIe und Lendons. L uIso wIII IeIp you reguIn your enLIusIusm.
So Luke u breuk wIeLIer you wunL Lo or noL--- THAT'S AN ORIR!!!!

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Power Take-off Training

Worning: This is porticulorlg intense ond stressful troining. 1'd
recommend thot gou uork through oll of the preoious exercise routines
hefore ottempting this one. Seriouslg!!!

1n order to do this tgpe of troining gou uill need to hooe o solid hench or
step or hox. 1t uill hooe to stond up gour ueight plus the odded resistonce
plus the impoct force of hoth londing on it! 1 did sog solid didn't 1? The top
uill need to he ohout the height of gour knee, os uell os heing uide enough
for o proper horse stonce.
TwIce u week Is more LIun suIIIcIenL Ior LIIs meLIod, und you musL puy cIose uLLenLIon Lo
Iow your body Is IeeIIng durIng your recovery LIme. On LIe oII duys you cun sLIII LruIn
wILI sLuLIc IoId or IIgI reps. TIougI you wIII Iuve Lo be LIe judge.
Method one: Ior horse stunce work:
1. SLund in our stcnce puruIIeI Lo LIe bencI. HoId u weIgIL Lo your cIesL.
z. WILIouL droppIng your buLL, expIode onLo LIe bencI IundIng uguIn In your sLunce.
(Don'L Iund u sLundIng und LIen Iower InLo u sLunce.) Muke u poInL oI puIIIng your knees
up us you go uIrborne!!!
. AILer you ure seL In your sLunce Iop buck down Lo LIe ground IundIng In your sLunce.
RepeuL Ior LIe desIred number oI reps. UsuuIIy nIne Lo 1z, Ior z seLs.
Always EXPLODE up and then you can just hop down. Dont park at any time during
this exercise.

These next to methods ou uon't need the bench.
Method : Ior Bow sLunce, BenL Bow sLunce und LIe IIke: (Zenku ducII, Iorwurd sLunce,
or IuII kneeIIng sLunce)
1. SLund In your sLunce wIIIe IoIdIng u weIgIL Lo your cIesL.
z. ExpIode sLruIgIL up und swILcI Iegs In LIe uIr.
. und In LIe sume sLunce wILI LIe opposILe Ieg In IronL.
q. RepeuL Ior LIe desIred number oI repeLILIons. AguIn q Lo 1z per sIde. z seLs Is enougI.
TIIs Is purLIcuIurIy good LruInIng II you wunL un uwesome jump IronL kIck. JusL be sure
Lo cIumber your knees us IIgI us possIbIe durIng LIe swILcI.

Method : Ior cuL sLunce und empLy sLunce. (uny Iow buck sLunces)
1. Tuke your sLunce wILI u weIgIL IeId Lo your cIesL.
z. ExpIode sLruIgIL up, cIumber your needs.
. und In LIe sume sLunce on LIe sume Ieg, repeuL Ior LIe desIred number oI repeLILIons.
q-1z. SwILcI Iegs und repeuL. AguIn z seLs sIouId do you.
I would start this particular exercise with bodyweight only, it's a real bugger!

If you're looking to train more than one of your stances with this type of training, I would
recommend alternating between them with each workout.
Try LIIs: Monduy. MeLIod 1:z seLs oI 1z repeLILIons Ior Iorse sLunce.
TIursduy. MeLIod z:z seLs oI 1z repeLILIons Ior BenL Bow.
Monduy. MeLIod 1: up LIe weIgIL. z seLs oI 1z repeLILIons, Iorse sLunce.
TIursduy. MeLIod :z seLs oI 1z Ior cuL sLunce.
Monduy. MeLIod 1: repeuL uddIng weIgIL, Ior z seLs oI q-1z reps In Iorse sLunce.
TIursduy. MeLIod z: repeuL wILI LIe udded weIgIL, usIng u orwurd sLunce.

You geL LIe Ideu. WIen you cun`L geL nIne repeLILIons sLop uddIng weIgIL und work buck
up 1z repeLILIons LIen sLurL uddIng weIgILs uguIn.

For about 10 years I taught Pai Te Lung Kung Fu which is part of the family art from
Grandmaster Daniel Kane Pai. After the birth of my first son, (I now have two sons) I
stopped teaching and resumed personal study. It eventually came to the point where I was
practicing far to many kuen to do full justice to them. At which time I started to remove
the redundant sets and the non-challenging sets. This led to a system containing fighting
sets from about 8 styles. Pai Lum, Northern Shao-lin, Northern 5-animals, Ba Chi Chuan
are the main core.

The system is not is not a "new style". Like most Chinese systems, its rooted in one
style and has others grafted in, to create a complete system. I've coined the name Tong
Yi Chuan-fa the The Unified Fist School (method). The Martial Arts eBooks I have
written are from 20 years of study and application. I have used what I write about as well
as taught these materials with GREAT success!

A few years ago I followed a burden that had been place on my heart and became an
Ordained Minister. I have as of this time not been called to a full time ministry. My
relationship with Jesus (that's what He called us all to- not to become religious but
relational people) has brought more joy into my life that I had imagined possible when I
was drinking, dancing and partying. If you want to know about that joy, and how a
relationship with the Sovereign Lord and Creator of the entire universe is even possible,
contact me and we'll chat.

May the Lord bless you and your household.
John Roche

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