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I am doing my internship in North South University and conducting a research on Comparison of Credit Management between United Commercial Bank,

Principal Branch and a nationalized commercial Bank. This questionnaire is a part of our academic research. Any information provided here will be kept confidential and used only for academic purpose. Please give your honest opinion. Thank you for your cooperation. The following questions are asked to find out your view weather private commercial bank (United Commercial Bank) or a nationalized commercial bank is more efficient in their credit risk management.

Questions: 1) Does this bank follow the guidelines provided by the Bangladesh Bank in providing loan or credit facilities to the borrowers?

1= Strongly Agree. 4= Disagree.

2= Agree.

3= Neutral.

5= Strongly Disagree.

2.) For scoring credit risk Bangladesh Bank provides a Credit Risk Grading System (CRG), which includes (a) Risk Grading Scorecard and (b) Risk Grading Sheet, how important is it for this bank in deciding whether to provide loan or not?

1= Very important. 4= not that important.

2= moderately important.

3= Neutral.

5= depends on the borrower and its relationship with us.

3) Who is the approval authority in providing a small loan between 50 lac to 1.5 crore?

1= Branch Manager EC/Board

2= Credit Committee


4) Who is the approval authority in providing a loan for more than 1.5 crore?

1= Branch Manager EC/Board

2= Credit Committee


5) In which Economic sectors have this bank invested the most?

1= Agriculture

2= Textiles and garments 5= Others

3= Transport

4= Housing and Building

6) What percentage of loans and advances are distributed in different nature of the loans provided by this bank?

1= C/C% CCS%

2= O/D% 5= PAD%

3= LTR% 4=

7) How much funds(in percentage) are distributed among the different institutional sector?

1= Private sector%

2= Public sector%

8) What actions are taken when the borrower is unable to pay the regular installments?

1= The borrowers are asked to give a written reasoning. 2= The borrowers are restricted in further withdrawals. 3= The borrowers are warned via letter or email 4= The amount is adjusted from either security deposit/ postdated cheque/savings account 5= No actions are taken until the loan becomes bad loan

9) What actions are taken when the borrower is unable to pay the loan?

1= At first the Bangladesh Bank is informed and then a case is filed in the court and later collateral security is seized. 2= The collateral securities are sold immediately. 3= Only the security deposit/ post-dated cheque/savings account are used for the refund. 4= Only Bangladesh Bank is allowed to take actions in such case 5= More time is given to the borrower
10) What is the loan recovery rate of this bank, i.e. what percentage of loan do this bank recovers on or before loan expiry time?

1= 10-20% 80% 5= 80-95%

2= 20-40% 6= Other%

3= 40-60%

4= 60-

Thank You Very Much !!Have a Good Day!!

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