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General Somatic Sensory Nerve Impulses Arising from Anterior Parts of the Head Dra.

. Villoria Free nerve endings pain/ Noxiuous stimuli Cold krause end bulb Warm ruffinis corpuscles Pain & Temperature 1. Kruse end bulb (cold sensation) 2. carried by free nerve endings 3. dorsal ganglion 4. interneuron (V-VII) 5. enter the spinal cord & decussate 6. ascend to LSTT 7. thalamus (VPLN: ventro posterolateral nucleus) 8. cerebrum (primary & secondary area) Light touch & Crude touch 1. Meissners corpuscles 2. Dorsal root ganglion 3. lamina VI-VII (enter upper limb) 4. cross anterior white commisure 5. Ventral spinothalamic tract 6. thalamus (ventro posterolateral nucleus) 7. cerebellum (primary) Discriminative touch there is 3 types 2 point discrimination Stereognosis Vibratory sense (use tuning fork) 1. Pacinian/ Meissners corpuscle 2. Dorsal ganglion 3. Fasciculus gracilis/ cuneatus 4. Nucleus gracilis/ cuneatus 5. Cross (decussation at lower medulla) 6. Medial lemniscus 7. Thalamus (VPLN) 8. Cerebrum (BA 4 primary somesthetic area) Conscious Proprioception 1. __ 2. __ 3. Posterior funiculus 4. Fasciculus gracilis/ cuneatus 5. Nucleus of gracilis/ cuneatus 6. Decussation in medial lemniscus 7. Thalamus (VPLN) 8. Cerebrum

Unconscious Proprioception o Cuneo-cerebellar tract = muscle of the upper extremities o Posterior spinothalamic tract = individual muscles of the lower extremities o Anterior spinocerebellar tract = ___ Cuneocerebellar tract/ Dorsal tract N1 DRG (Dorsal root ganglion); T5-C1 N2 Accessory caudate nucleus (ipsilateral) N3 Posterior Spinothalamic tract N1 DRG level f sacral, lumbar & lower segments N2 Nucleus of caudate (lamina 7) N3 Anterior Spinothalamic tract N1 DRG lumbar & sacral segments N2 Posterior horn cells N3 Cerebellum thru superior cerebellar peduncle GENERAL SENSORY AFFERENT o From anterior head Involves CN 5,7,9,10 PAIN & TEMPERATURE in face N1 (sensory neuron) o CN9 cutaneous br.of the ears o CN8 supply the back of the ears o Ganglion: o trigeminal, o geniculate-CN7, o superior jugular of CN 9 & 10 N2 (association neuron) o muscles of the trigeminospinal tract contralateral side N3 (VPMN) o ventro posteromedian nucleus o ascends thru internal capsule & corona radiata N4 o Cerebrum BA 3,1,2

TOUCH & PRESSURE N1 Trigeminal ganglion Merkels tactile Meissners & Pacinian corpuscles, hair follicles N2 Main sensory nucleus of CN5 Cross at pontine tegmental anterior Trigemino-thalamic tract (contralateral) Uncrossed dorsal trigeminothalamic tract N3 VPMN thalamus (bilateral) N4 BA 3,1,2 Primary somesthetic area (bilateral)
Example: Kiss on the right Cheek
N1 trigeminal ganglion, Right N2 Main sensory nucleus of 5, Right ascending tract VTTT & DTTT N3 VPMN, both sides N4 BA 3,1,2 Primary Somesthetic area, both sides

PROPRIOCEPTION o Proprioceptive impulses arising from muscles of mastication & pressure in the teeth, periodontal membrane, & joint capsule of cranio-mandibular joint N1 Mesencephalic nucleus of 5 N2 Main sensory nucleus of 5 cross to opposite side N3 VPMN of thalamus N4 Primary & Secondary somesthetic area of cerebrum
Example: Awareness of chewing
N1 Mesencephalic nucleus (same side) N2 Main sensory nucleus of 5 (same side) Ascending tract BS-VTTT (opposite side) N3 VPMN of thalamus (opposite side) N4 Primary & Secondary somesthetic area (opposite side)

SPINAL TACTILE, VIBRATORY & LIMB POSITION N1 Dorsal root ganglion N2 Gracile & Cuneate nuclei N3 SPINAL PAIN & TEMPERATURE N1 Dorsal root ganglion N2 Spinal ganglion N3 GENERAL SENSE (HEAT & REST) N1 Tigeminal ganglion CN5 Geniculate ganglion CN7 Superior petrosal ganglion CN9 Superior jugular ganglion CN10 N2 Trigeminal sensory nuclei N3 VPM nucleus of the thalamus

Example: Press a lighted cigarette butt on the cheek.

N1 trigeminal ganglion (same side) N2 Nucleus of trigemino-spinal tract Ascending pathway in BS-ATTT (opposite side) Ascending tract anterior trigeminothalamic t. N3 VPMN of thalamus (opposite side) N4 Somesthetic area BA. 3,1,2, (opposite side)

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