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IntroJuctlon: Buxlnexx pollcy-evolutlon of the concept.

lfference between buxlnexx pollcy unJ

sLraLeglc managemenL CorporaLe governance concepL lssues models evoluLlon and
slgnlflcance lnLroducLlon Lo SLraLeglc ManagemenLConcepL lmporLance of sLraLeglc
ManagemenL SLraLegy CompeLlLlve AdvanLage SLraLegy lannlng ueclslons sLraLeglc
ManagemenL rocess
1op managemenL perspecLlve LsLabllshlng company dlrecLlondeveloplng sLraLeglc vlslon
seLLlng ob[ecLlves and crafLlng a sLraLegylnLernal LxLernal LnvlronmenL lormulaLlng Long
1erm ob[ecLlve SLraLegy SLraLeglc Analysls Cholce
Analyzlng buslness envlronmenL Analysls of 8uslness envlronmenL aL 3 levelsMacro exLernal
envlronmenL analysls exLernal envlronmenL analysls (lndusLry analysls and compeLlLor analysls)
porLer's flve forces and compeLlLor analysls framework and flrm level lnLernal analysls
ldenLlfylng alLernaLlve sLraLegles Crand sLraLegles sLablllLy growLh reLrenchmenL
comblnaLlon sLraLegles
CompeLlLlve sLraLegy and compeLlLlve advanLage lndusLry and compeLlLlve analysls sLraLegy
and compeLlLlve advanLage rlnclples of CompeLlLlve AdvanLageldenLlfylng value AcLlvlLles
CompeLlLlve Scope and Lhe value Chaln Lhe value Chaln and Cenerlc SLraLegles Mergers
AcqulslLlons SLraLegles
SLCu8l1? AnAL?SlS Anu C81lCLlC
Course/aper 303
M8A CpLlonal
MaxMarks 70
1lme 3 Prs
1he focus of SecurlLy Analysls ls on how oLhers analyze your company's securlLles on Lhelr own
Whereas LhaL of orLfollo ManagemenL ls on how lnvesLors analyze your company's securlLles ln
comparlson wlLh oLher's on Lhe securlLy markeL 1he course ls deslgned wlLh a vlew 1o acqualnL r
Lhe sLudenLs wlLh Lhe worklng of securlLy markeL and prlnclples of securlLy analysls and 1o r
develop Lhe skllls requlred for porLfollo managemenL so as Lo be able Lo [udge Lhe compeLlLlve
poslLlon of flrms ln caplLal markeL and revlew Lhe relaLed buslness declslons
Secur|ty ana|ys|s
SecLlon A
lnvesLmenL Scenarlo SecurlLy MarkeLs concepL of lnvesLmenLlnvesLmenL ob[ecLlves and
consLralnLssecurlLy and non securlLy forms of lnvesLmenL SecurlLles markeLs markeLs and Lhelr
funcLlonsmeLhods of ralslng caplLaldevelopmenL of sLock markeL ln lndlademaL llsLlng
membershlp Lradlng and seLLlemenL procedure sLock markeL lndlces regulaLlon of securlLles
markeL (SL8l) 8lsk and 8eLurn LoLal rlsk and lLs facLorsconcepL and componenLs of LoLal rlsksecurlLy
reLurns measurlng hlsLorlcal and ex anLe (expecLed) reLurnssysLemaLlc and unsysLemaLlc
rlskquanLlfylng porLfollo rlsk and reLurnbeneflLs of dlverslflcaLloncaplLal markeL llne and
caplLal asseLs prlclng model
lnLroducLlon Lo porLfollo managemenL 1he lnvesLmenL processdeflnlLlon of lnvesLmenLslnvesLmenL
caLegorles CaplLal markeL Lheory CAM CMLappllcaLlon of Lhe securlLy markeL
llne A1 orLfollo analysls dlverslflcaLlon porLfollo rlsk and reLurnMarkowlLz rlsk reLurn
opLlmlzaLlonslngle lndex modelLhe Sharpe lndex modelporLfollo beLa
Lconomlc analysls lndusLry analysls Company analysls 1echnlcal analysls
ln1L8nA1lCnAL llnAnClAL MAnACLMLn1
Course/aper 304
MaxMarks 70
1lme 3 Prs
1he new economlc envlronmenL has changed Lhe LoLal concepL of buslness ln Lhe counLry
llnanclal markeLs of Lhe world are lncreaslngly lnLegraLlng llnanclal opporLunlLles have
lncreased manlfold across markeLs AlmosL all producLs and servlces face global compeLlLlon 1o
lnLroduce Lhe envlronmenL of lnLernaLlonal flnance and lLs lmpllcaLlons on lnLernaLlonal buslness
1o analyze Lhe naLure and funcLlonlng of forelgn exchange markeLs deLermlnaLlon of exchange
raLes and lnLeresL raLes and Lhelr forecasLlng

SecLlon A
llnanclal ManagemenL ln a Clobal erspecLlve lncreaslng lndependence
ln Lhe Clobal
Lconomy1rends ln lnLernaLlonal 1rade and Cross 8order llnanclal llows lndla ln Lhe Clobal
Lconomy 8ecenL uevelopmenLs ln Clobal llnanclal MarkeLs LlberallzaLlon lnLegraLlon and
lnnovaLlon Challenges of lnLernaLlonal llnanclal ManagemenL Calns from lnLernaLlonal
1rade and lnvesLmenL
lnLernaLlonal MoneLary SysLem and llnanclal MarkeLs An overvlew 8alance of aymenLs
lnLernaLlonal MoneLary SysLem An Cvervlew of lnLernaLlonal llnanclal MarkeLs Lxchange
8aLe ueLermlnaLlon and lorecasLlng
lnLernaLlonal flnanclal managemenL Cenesls lnLernaLlonal flow of funds uevelopmenLs ln
lnLernaLlonal moneLary sysLem exchange raLe mechanlsm Lmergence of mulLlnaLlonal flnanclal
managemenL 8alance of paymenL 8lsk pollLlcal and counLry rlsk 8alslng caplLal lnLernaLlonal
lnLrlcacles of lorelgn Lxchange MarkeLsSLrucLure and parLlclpanLsLypes of LransacLlonsmechanlcs of
currency deallngexchange raLe quoLaLlonsarblLrageforward raLesevoluLlon of
exchange conLrol and forelgn exchange markeL ln lndla Lxchange raLe compuLaLlons
arlLy condlLlons ln lnLernaLlonal llnance urchaslng ower arlLy Covered lnLeresL arlLy
8eal lnLeresL arlLy arlLy CondlLlons and Managerlal lmpllcaLlons
ShorL Lerm and long Lerm borrowlngs ln lnLernaLlonal markeLs shorL Lerm fundlng and
lnvesLmenLcenLrallsed vs decenLrallzed cash managemenLpoollngexposure managemenL 1he
cosLs and rlsks of forelgn currency borrowlng syndlcaLed loans counLry rlsk assessmenLs
llnAnCL lC8 S18A1LClC uLClSlCnS
Course/aper 402
M8A SemesLerlv
MaxMarks 70
1lme 3 Prs
1he modern lndusLrlal or servlce flrm musL conducL lLs buslness ln a rapldly changlng and hlghly
compeLlLlve envlronmenL A premlum ls placed on Lhe ablllLy Lo reacL qulckly and correcLly Lo
consLanLly changlng markeL condlLlons 1he ob[ecLlve of Lhe course ls Lo make sLudenL aware of
Lhe sLraLeglc declslons Lo be underLaken Lo famlllarlze wlLh flnance funcLlon
SecLlon A
An Cvervlew of Lhe llnanclal SysLem Savlng and lnvesLmenL Money lnflaLlon lnLeresL
8anklng and non 8anklng llnanclal lnLermedlarles
llnanclal lnsLlLuLlons and economlc developmenL naLure and role of flnanclal sysLem
flnanclal sysLem and flnanclal markeLs efflclency sLablllLy Lechnology governmenL lnLervenLlon
ln Lhe flnanclal sysLem
llnanclal MarkeLs and lnsLrumenLs Money markeL and CaplLal MarkeLs llnanclal
lnsLrumenLs 8LC 18s LqulLles 8onds uerlvaLlves eLc CharacLerlsLlcs of llnanclal
lnsLrumenLs LlquldlLy MaLurlLy SafeLy ?leld
ConcepL of sLraLeglc declslonschanglng global economlc envlronmenL valuaLlon of sLraLeglc
opLlons merger and acqulslLlon rlclng lannlng SLraLegy ulverslflcaLlon Merger1he
lndlan Cases SLraLeglc declslons regardlng flnanclal servlces
valuaLlon of exchange raLe mechanlsm sLraLeglc declslons regardlng securlLlzaLlon facLorlng and
forfelLlng value creaLlon and value based flnanclal sLraLegy
Analysls of enLerprlse concepL of valuaLlon LvA MvA enLerprlse value Analysls of
corporaLe flnanclal models
AuvL81lSlnC MAnACLMLn1
Course/aper 307
M8A SemesLerlv
MaxMarks 70
1lme 3 Prs
1he ob[ecLlve of Lhls course ls Lo develop Lhe undersLandlng abouL Lhe markeLlng communlcaLlon
Lools and lmplemenL Lhem ln deslgnlng AdverLlsemenL sLraLegles
SecLlon A
lnLroducLlon of MarkeLlng CommunlcaLlon and AdverLlslngCvervlew of markeLlng
communlcaLlon lacLors affecLlng Lhe markeLlng communlcaLlon mlx lnLegraLed MarkeLlng
CommunlcaLlon LLhlcal lssues ln markeLlng communlcaLlon AdverLlslng as a ManagemenL
luncLlon 8ole of AdverLlslng ln Lhe MarkeLlng rocess Consumer CrlenLaLlon ln AdverLlslng
1ypes of AdverLlslng MeLhods of ClasslflcaLlon
MarkeLlng CommunlcaLlon lannlngModels of markeLlng communlcaLlon developlng
conLrol of markeLlng communlcaLlon markeLlng communlcaLlon plannlng procedure
AdverLlslng ob[ecLlves and plannlng Meanlng ueflnlLlon and ob[ecLlves of AdverLlslng
1ypes of adverLlslng and Lhe adverLlslng agency luncLlon Lypes AdverLlslng Agency
compensaLlon CreaLlve sLraLegy 1argeL markeL creaLlve ob[ecLlve adverLlslng Appeals
CreaLlve formaL creaLlon sLage Copy LesLlng and plagnosls
SLeps ln AdverLlslng SLraLegles CreaLlve SLraLegyvarlous appeals and execuLlon SLyles
Ceneral ldea of WhaL CreaL AdverLlslng 1hlnkers sayboLh lndlan and forelgn rlnL adverLlslng
LlecLronlcs adverLlslng ouLdoor adverLlslng dlrecL mall adverLlslng
Medla plannlng promoLlon LnvlronmenL analysls medla ob[ecL Medla sLraLegy medla
plannlng modes lndoor medla ouL door medla Measurlng AdverLlsemenL erformances CurrenL
developmenLs ln adverLlslng Medla mlxprlnL broad casL (1v 8adlo) Clnema CuLdoor
ulrecL Mall adverLlslng and lnLerneL ueflnlng medla plannlnglrom markeLlng plan Lo medla
plan challenges ln medla plannlng
SALLS ulS18l8u1lCn MAnACLMLn1
Course/aper 309
M8A CpLlonal(8)
MaxMarks 70
1lme 3 Prs
1o provlde an undersLandlng of Lhe concepLs aLLlLudes Lechnlques and approaches requlred for
effecLlve declslon maklng ln Lhe areas of Sales and ulsLrlbuLlon 1o pay speclal emphasls on Lhe r
pracLlslng managers problems and dllemmas 1o develop skllls crlLlcal for generaLlng evaluaLlng r
and selecLlng sales and dlsLrlbuLlon sLraLegles
SecLlon A
1he Sales ManagemenL lnLroducLlon Lo sales managemenL and sales organlzaLlon Sales
funcLlon pollcles ersonal selllng naLure scope ob[ecLlves lormulaLlng ersonal selllng
lannlng Lhe Sales LfforL Sales plannlng and 8udgeLlng LsLlmaLlng MarkeL oLenLlal and
Sales forecasLlng SeLLlng Lhe sales LerrlLory quoLas Sales and cosL Analysls
Crganlzlng and ulrecLlng Lhe sales lorce 8ecurrlng and Lralnlng sales personnel ueslgnlng
compensaLlng sales ersonnel MoLlvaLlng and Leadlng Lhe sales force LvaluaLlng sales force
ulsLrlbuLlon ManagemenL Managlng markeLlng loglsLlcs channels Channel lnLegraLlon
vMS PMS Channel ManagemenL and MarkeLlng channel ollcles legal lssue
Channel lnsLlLuLlons conLrol Wholesallng 8eLalllng Channel lnformaLlon sysLems
Managlng LvaluaLlng Channel erformance Case fuLure Lrends ln sales dlsLrlbuLlon
8CuuC1 88Anu MAnACLMLn1

Course/aper 310
M8A CpLlonal(8)
MaxMarks 70
1lme 3 Prs

1o help Lhe sLudenLs appreclaLe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween CorporaLe SLraLegy and roducL and
8rand ManagemenL 1o equlp Lhe sLudenLs wlLh Lhe varlous dlmenslons of producL managemenL
such as producLllne declslons producL plaLform and producL llfe cycle 1o provlde a framework
Lo undersLand Lhe new producL developmenL process Lhe organlzaLlonal sLrucLures for new
producL developmenL and producL managemenL funcLlons wlLhln an organlzaLlon 1o explore Lhe r
varlous lssues relaLed Lo 8rand ManagemenL and Lo enhance Lhe undersLandlng and appreclaLlon
of Lhls lmporLanL lnLanglble sLraLeglc asseL lncludlng brand assoclaLlons brand ldenLlLy brand
archlLecLure leveraglng brand asseLs brand porLfollo managemenL eLc

SecLlon A
lnLroducLlon Lo roducL ManagemenL and markeL managemenL WhaL ls roducL roducL
Servlce ConLlnuum lndlvldual roducL ueclslons roducL aLLrlbuLes roducL and producL
Llves Speclal lssues ln roducL ManagemenL roducL Llfe cycle SLraLegy roducL
ulfferenLlaLlon new roducL developmenL CrlenLaLlon ln Lhe producL markeL managemenLlMCC
companles companles caLerlng Lo lndusLrlal markeLs
undersLandlng producL manager's role and naLure of markeLs producLmarkeLproflLcoordlnaLlon
forecasLlngplannlng aL corporaLedlvlslonal and producL levelsLhe producL
manager's role ln organlzaLlon new producL developmenL Lralnlng fleld force flnanclal analysls
legal aspecLs and undersLandlng compeLlLlve sLraLegles for declslon maklng
lnLroducLlon Lo 8rand ManagemenL and CrafLlng of 8rand LlemenLs Consumer 8rand
knowledge 8rand ldenLlLy ersonallLy and 8rand AssoclaLlons Managlng 8rand ArchlLecLure
and 8rand orLfollos CorporaLe 8randlng and 1ools for 8ulldlng 8rand LqulLy Leveraglng
8rand LqulLy MeasuremenL of 8rand LqulLy
8rand as a ConcepL value Slgnlflcance of 8rand 8rand name Symbol Slogan 8rand
SLraLeglc ueclslon Llne Lxpenslng 8rand LxLenslon
romoLlon ConcepL of 8rand LqulLy AssoclaLlon 8rand LoyalLy Awareness CreaLlng and
Managlng 8rand LqulLy SelecLlng CreaLlng and MalnLaln AssoclaLe

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