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8enef|ts of kec|t|ng 1he Most 8eaut|fu| Names of A||ah

When adopLlng a parLlcular name as Wazeefah (dally reclLal) add ?aa (?aa) before Lhe name and
remove Lhe alpng (Al)
lor example Ar8ahmaan (Ar8ahmaan) musL be reclLed as Wazeefah Lxample of ?aa8ahmaanu
(?aa8ahmaanu) and nC1 as lncorrecL Wazeefah of Ar8ahmaan (?aaAr8ahmaanu)
1 A||ah (1he Name of A||ah)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 1000 Llmes dally Allah wlll remove all doubLs and uncerLalnlLles from
your hearL and lnsLlll deLermlnaLlon and falLh lnshaAllah
2 Arkahmaan (1he Compass|onate)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 100 Llmes dally afLer every Salaah (prayer) Allah wlll remove hard
hearLedness and negllgence from your hearL lnshaAllah
3 Arkaheem (1he Most Merc|fu|)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 100 Llmes dally afLer every Salaah (prayer) Allah wlll safeguard you
agalnsL all calamlLles and maladles lnshaAllah
4 A|Ma||k (1he Sovere|gn)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah abundanLly every day afLer Zawaal (Lhe Llme of mldday lmmedlaLely
before uuhr prayer) Allah wlll glve you abundanL wealLh lnshaAllah
S A|uddoos (1he Most no|y)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah abundanLly every day Allah wlll cure you of all splrlLual slckness
6 AsSa|aam (1he 8estower of eace)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah abundanLly Allah wlll proLecL you from all calamlLles and maladles lf
you reclLe lL 113 Llmes and blow on a slck person Allah wlll resLore hls healLh lnshaAllah
7 A|Mum|n (1he Granter of Secur|ty)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 630 Llmes ln Llmes of fear Allah wlll proLecL you from all calamlLles
mlshaps and losses lf you wrlLe lL on paper (or engrave lL on a sllver rlng) and keep lL wlLh you (as
1aweez) your physlcal and splrlLual safeLy wlll remaln Lhe responslblllLy of Allah lnshaAllah
8 A|Muhaym|n (1he rotector)
lf you offer 2 rakaaL Salaah afLer ghusl and read wlLh slncerlLy Lhls name of Allah 100 Llmes Allah
wlll purlfy you physlcally and splrlLually lf you reclLe lL 113 Llmes Allah wlll acqualnL you wlLh Lhe
unseen lnshaAllah

9 A|Azeez (1he M|ghty)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 40 Llmes each day for 40 days Allah wlll granL you honor and self
sufflclency lf you reclLe lL 41 Llmes dally wlLh consLancy Allah wlll granL you honor and self
sufflclency lf you are belng LreaLed wlLh dlshonor lnshaAllah
10 A|Iabbaar (1he Compe||er)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 226 Llmes every mornlng and evenlng Allah wlll safeguard you
agalnsL Lhe oppresslon of LyranLs and despoLs lnshaAllah
11 A|Mutakabb|r (1he Ma[est|c)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah consLanLly Allah wlll granL you honor and greaLness lf you read lL
conLlnually before any Lask lL wlll be accompllshed lnshaAllah
12 A|khaa||q (1he Creator)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 100 Llmes for 7 days Allah wlll safeguard you agalnsL all adverslLles lf
you form Lhe hablL of reclLlng lL regularly Allah wlll appolnL an angel who wlll worshlp Allah
conLlnuously on your behalf lnshaAllah
13 A|8aar| (1he Maker)
lf a barren woman fasLs for 7 days and each day afLer maklng lfLaar wlLh waLer reads ?aa8aarlul
Musawwlru (?aa8aarlul Musawwlru) 21 Llmes Allah wlll granL her male chlldren lnshaAllah
14 A|Musaww|r (1he Iash|oner of Iorms)
lf a barren woman fasLs for 7 days and each day afLer maklng lfLaar wlLh waLer reads ?aa8aarlul
Musawwlru (?aa8aarlul Musawwlru) 21 Llmes Allah wlll granL her male chlldren lnshaAllah
1S A|Ghaffaar (1he Iorg|ver)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 100 Llmes afLer !umma Salaah (prayer) you wlll soon begln Lo
percelve Allahs forglveness lf you say ?aaChaffaaru lghflrll (?aaChaffaaru lghflrll) dally afLer Asr
Salaah (prayer) Allah wlll lnclude you amongsL Lhose whom he has forglven lnshaAllah
16 A|ahhaar (1he Subduer)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah conLlnually Allah wlll free you from Lhe love of Lhls world and
lnsLead Allahs love wlll become lnborn ln your hearL lnshaAllah
17 A|Wahhaab (1he 8estower)
lf a poverLy sLrlcken person reclLes Lhls name of Allah conLlnuously or wrlLes lL and keeps lL on hlm
(as 1aaweez) or reclLes Lhls name of Allah 40 Llmes ln Lhe lasL sa[dah of SalaaLuduoha (ChasL
prayer) Allah wlll free hlm from poverLy ln an unexpecLed and amazlng manner lnshaAllah

lor parLlcular need Lo be fulfllled observe sa[dah 3 Llmes ln Lhe courLyard of Lhe house or Mas[ld
(Mosque) and Lhen llfL your hands (as ln uua) and reclLe Lhls name of Allah 100 Llmes Allah wlll
fulflll your need lnshaAllah
18 Arkazzaaq (1he rov|der)
8efore la[r Salaah (prayer) lf you blow ln all four corners of your house beglnnlng from Lhe rlghL
hand corner whlle faclng Clblah afLer reclLlng Lhls name of Allah 10 Llmes ln each corner Allah wlll
open Lhe doors of rlzq (susLenance) for you slckness and poverLy wlll never enLer your home lnsha
19 A|Iattaah (1he Cpener)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 70 Llmes by placlng boLh your hands on your bosom afLer la[r Salaah
(prayer) Allah wlll lllumunaLe your hearL wlLh Lhe noor of lmaan lnshaAllah
20 A|A|eem (1he A||know|ng)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah abundanLly Allah wlll open Lhe gaLes of knowledge and wlsdom for
you Moreover your hearL wlll be fllled wlLh Lhe Marlfah (cognlzance) of Allah lnshaAllah
21 A|aab|d (1he W|thho|der)
lf you wrlLe Lhls name of Allah (wlLh saffron or by Lhe mere acLlon of your flnger) on four morsels of
bread each day for 4 days and eaL Lhem Allah wlll safeguard you agalnsL hunger LhlrsL ln[urles paln
eLc lnshaAllah
22 A|8aas|t (1he Lxpander)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 10 Llmes dally by llfLlng your hands Lowards Lhe heavens (as ln uua)
afLer SalaaLuduoha (ChasL prayer) and LhereafLer pass your hands across Lhe face (as when
flnslhlng uua) Allah wlll granL you selfsufflclency and lndependence lnshaAllah
23 A|khaaf|d (1he Abaser)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 300 Llmes Allah wlll fulflll your needs and remove all your dlfflculLles
lf you fasL for 3 days and on Lhe fourLh day say Lhls beauLlful name 70 Llmes whlle slLLlng ln
secluslon you wlll galn vlcLory over your enemy lnshaAllah
24 Arkaaf| (1he Lxa|ter)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 100 Llmes ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe fourLeenLh nlghL of every lunar monLh
Allah wlll granL you selfsufflclency and lndependence of Lhe enLlre creaLlon lnshaAllah
2S A|Mu|z (1he 8estower of nonor)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 40 Llmes afLer Maghrlb Salaah (prayer) on every Monday and lrlday
Allah wlll granL you honor and reverence lnshaAllah

26 A|Mudh|| (1he num|||ator)
lf you make uua for proLecLlon afLer reclLlng Lhls name of Allah 73 Llmes Allah wlll proLecL you from
Lhe evlls of envlous persons oppressors and enemles lnshaAllah

lf you fear a parLlcular enemy Lhen afLer reclLlng Lhls name of Allah 73 Llmes you may observe
sa[dah and lnvoke Allahs help agalnsL Lhe enemy ln Lhe followlng manner C Allah! roLecL me from
Lhe evlls of so and so Allah wlll granL you proLecLlon lnshaAllah
27 AsSam| (1he A||near|ng)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 300 Llmes or 30 Llmes on 1hurday afLer offerlng SalaaLuduoha
(ChasL prayer) Allah wlll surely granL your uuas lnshaAllah lL ls necessary LhaL no Lalklng be done
durlng Lhe course of reclLlng lL
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 100 Llmes on a 1hursday beLween Lhe Sunnah and lardh of la[r
Salaah (prayer) Allah wlll favour you wlLh wlLh Pls speclal blesslngs lnshaAllah
28 A|8aseer (1he A||See|ng)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 100 Llmes afLer Lhe !umma Salaah (prayer) consLanLly Allah wlll granL
sLrengLh Lo your eyeslghL and noor (llghL) Lo your hearL lnshaAllah
29 A|nakam (1he Iudge)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 99 Llmes whlle ln Lhe sLaLe of Wudhu durlng Lhe lasL porLlon of Lhe
nlghL Allah wlll cause your hearL Lo percelve all secreLs and Lo be fllled wlLh noor (llghL) lf you reclLe
Lhls name on a lrlday nlghL ln such a manner LhaL you grow euphorlc and ecsLaLlc Lhen Allah wlll
cherlsh your hearL wlLh manlfesLaLlons and lnsplraLlons lnshaAllah
30 A|Ad| (1he Iust)
lf you wrlLe Lhls name of Allah (wlLh saffron or by Lhe mere acLlon of your flnger) on 20 pleces of
bread on Lhe day or nlghL of !umma and consume lL Allah wlll cause Lhe enLlre creaLlon Lo become
subservlenL Lo you lnshaAllah
31 A|Lateef (1he Most Affect|onate 1he knower of Subt|et|es)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 133 Llmes dally Allah wlll granL abundance ln your rlzq (susLenance)
and cause all your Lasks Lo be accompllshed wlLhouL dlfflculLles lf you are affllcLed wlLh poverLy
mlsery slckness lonellness or any adverslLy Lhen you should make Wudhu ln Lhe proper manner
and offer 2 rakaaL Salaah (prayer) and Lhen bearlng ln mlnd Lhe ob[ecLlve reclLe Lhls name of Allah
100 Llmes Allah wlll surely granL you dellverance lnshaAllah
32 A|khabeer (1he A||Aware)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah conLlnually for seven days you wlll begln Lo percelve hldden secreLs
lf you have lnsaLlable deslre for pleasure reclLe Lhls name of Allah conLlnually Allah wlll free you
from such base deslres lnshaAllah
33 A|na|eem (1he Iorbear|ng)
lf you wrlLe Lhls name of Allah on paper soak lL ln waLer and Lhen sprlnkle or rub Lhe waLer on
someLhlng Lhen 8arakah (Allahs blesslng) wlll be lmparLed Lo lL and Allah wlll safeguard lL agalnsL all
calamlLles lnshaAllah
34 A|Azeem (1he Magn|f|c|ent)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah consLanLly you wlll be graced wlLh greaL honor and dlgnlLy lnsha
3S A|Ghafoor (1he Iorg|v|ng)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah frequenLly all your maladles sorrow and grlef wlll be removed
8arakah (Allahs blesslng) wlll be lmparLed Lo your wealLh and offsprlngs
As relaLed ln a hadlLh lf you reclLe ?aa8abblghflrll (?aa8abblghflrll) 3 Llmes whlle ln sa[dah Allah
wlll forglve all your pasL slns and any slns LhaL you may commlL ln fuLure lnshaAllah
36 AshShakoor (1he Gratefu|)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 41 Llmes whlle faclng any dlfflculLles (flnanclal physlcal sprlLual
menLal eLc) Allah wlll granL dellverance soon lnshaAllah
37 AlAllyy (1he PlghesL)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah dally and consLanLly and keep wlLh you a wrlLLen copy of lL Allah wlll
exalL you granL affluence and fulflll all your deslres lnshaAllah
38 A|kabeer (1he Greatest)
lf you have been dlsmlssed from a posL Lhen fasL for seven days and each day reclLe Lhls name of
Allah 1000 Llmes Allah wlll relnsLaLe you Lo your posL and grace you wlLh honor and dlgnlLy lnsha
39 A|nafeez (1he reserver)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah dally and consLanLly and keep wlLh you a wrlLLen copy of lL Allah wlll
proLecL you from all hazards losses and harmful Lhlngs lnshaAllah
40 A|Muqeet (1he Susta|ner)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 7 Llmes and blow ln a bowl of waLer and drlnk lL yourself or allow
someone else Lo drlnk from lL or Lo Lake a deep breaLh from Lhe bowl Allah wlll fulflll all your deslres
soon lnshaAllah
41 A|naseeb (1he keckoner)
lf you fear any human belng or anyLhlng reclLe PasblyallaahulPaseebu (PasblyallaahulPaseebu) 70
Llmes ln Lhe mornlng and 70 Llmes aL nlghL for elghL days sLarLlng from 1hursday Allah wlll granL you
proLecLlon agalnsL Lhe evll of Lhe person or Lhlng you fear lnshaAllah
42 A|Ia|ee| (1he Lxa|ted)
lf you wrlLe ?aa !aleelu (?aa !aleelu) on a paper wlLh saffron or musk and keep lL wlLh you as a
1aweez Allah wlll glve you honor greaLness rank and dlgnlLy lnshaAllah
43 A|kareem (1he Generous)
lf you wlsh Lo be revered and honored by Lhe ulama and plous people reclLe Lhls name of Allah
conLlnually and fall asleep Allah wlll fulflll your wlsh lnshaAllah
44 Arkaqeeb (1he Watchfu|)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 7 Llmes each day and blow on yourself and your famlly Allah wlll
proLecL you and your wealLh from desLrucLlon and calamlLles 8eclLe Lhls name of Allah all Lhe Llme
Lo be safeguarded aL all Llmes lnshaAllah
4S A|Mu[eeb (1he kespons|ve)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah consLanLly you wlll percelve LhaL all your uuas are belng granLed
46 A|Waas| (1he A||Lncompass|ng)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah repeaLedly Allah wlll granL you splrlLual and maLerlal selfsufflclency
and lndependence lnshaAllah
47 A|nakeem (1he W|se)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah consLanLly Allah wlll open Lhe doors of knowledge and wlsdom for
you lf you wanL a parLlcular Lask Lo be accompllshed reclLe Lhls name Cf Allah frequenLly and
consLanLly lnshaAllah
48 A|Wadood (1he Most Lov|ng)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 1000 Llmes blow on food and consume lL along wlLh your spouse
Allah wlll seLLle all your dlspuLes and dlfferences and creaLe a sLrong bond of love and affecLlon
49 A|Ma[eed (1he Most G|or|ous)
A person who has conLracLed a faLal dlsease such as pox leprosy eLc should fasL on Lhe 13Lh 14Lh
and 13Lh of Lhe lunar monLh and afLer breaklng fasL reclLe Lhls name of Allah profusely blow on
waLer and drlnk lL Pe wlll soon be cured lnshaAllah
S0 A|8aa|th (1he kesurrector)
lf you place your hand on your bosom and reclLe Lhls name of Allah 101 Llmes aL bedLlme your hearL
wlll become allve wlLh knowledge and wlsdom lnshaAllah

S1 AshShaheed (1he W|tness)
lf you wlsh your dlsobedlenL wlfe or chlldren become obedlenL place your hand on Lhelr forehead
and reclLe Lhls name of Allah 21 Llmes and blow on Lhem 1hey wlll soon become obedlenL lnsha
S2 A|naqq (1he 1ruth)
lf your famlly member ls mlsslng or abscondlng or lf your belonglngs have been sLolen wrlLe Lhls
name of Allah on all 4 corners of a square paper AL Lhe Llme of Sehrl place Lhe paper on your palms
and llfL lL Loward Lhe heavens and make uua 1he mlsslng person or Lhe sLolen goods wlll be
reLurned soon free from any harm or damage lnshaAllah
S3 A|Wakee| (1he 1rustee)
lf you fear any calamlLy caused by an acL of Allah reclLe Lhls name of Allah repeaLedly you wlll be
proLecLed from all calamlLles lnshaAllah
S4 A|aw|yy (1he Most Strong)
lf you are genulnely oppressed or vlcLlmlzed reclLe Lhls name of Allah profusely wlLh a vlew Lo
counLeracLlng Lhe oppressor Allah wlll render you procLecLlon lnshaAllah 1hls should never be
done lf clrcumsLances do noL warranL
SS A|Mateen (1he I|rm)
lf a ladys breasLs do noL yleld mllk wrlLe Lhls name of Allah on a plece of paper soak lL ln waLer and
make her drlnk lL Per breasLs wlll abound ln mllk lnshaAllah
S6 A|Wa||yy (1he atron)
lf your wlfe ls of lll characLer reclLe Lhls name of Allah consLanLly ln her presence She wlll soon
become of good characLer lnshaAllah
S7 A|nameed (1he ra|seworthy)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah ln secluslon 93 Llmes for 43 days all your evll hablLs and bad quallLles
wlll change lnLo good hablLs lnshaAllah
S8 A|Muhsee (1he keckoner)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 20 Llmes dally and blow lL on 20 pleces of bread and consume lL Allah
wlll make Lhe enLlre creaLlon subservlenL Lo you lnshaAllah
S9 A|Mubd| (1he Cr|g|nator)
lf you place your hand on Lhe sLomach of your pregnanL wlfe and reclLe Lhls name of Allah 99 Llmes
aL Lhe Llme of Sehrl she wlll noL have a mlscarrlage or glve blrLh premaLurely lnshaAllah

60 A|Mueed (1he kestorer)
lf a person ls losL reclLe Lhls name of Allah 70 Llmes ln each corner of Lhe house durlng Lhe nlghL
when everyone ls asleep 1he mlsslng person wlll elLher reLurn wlLhln 7 days or hls whereabouLs wlll
be known wlLhln LhaL perlod lnshaAllah
61 A|Muhyee (1he G|ver of L|fe)
lf you are slck reclLe Lhls name of Allah repeaLedly your healLh wlll be resLored lf you reclLe Lhls
name of Allah repeaLedly and blow on a slck person hls healLh wlll be resLored lf you reclLe Lhls
name of Allah 89 Llmes and blow on yourself Allah wlll safeguard you agalnsL all obsLacles and
bondages lnshaAllah
62 A|Mumeet (1he G|ver of Death)
lf you have no conLrol over yourself place your hand on your bosom and reclLe Lhls name of Allah
conLlnuously before falllng asleep Allah wlll glve you Lhe sLrengLh Lo conLrol yourself lnshaAllah
63 A|nayy (1he LverL|v|ng)
lf you deslre sound healLh reclLe Lhls name of Allah 3000 Llmes dally lf you are slck wrlLe Lhls name
of Allah ln a bowl wlLh musk and rose waLer Lhen wash Lhe lnscrlpLlon wlLh waLer and drlnk lL Allah
wlll soon cure you lnshaAllah
64 A|ayyoom (1he Se|fSubs|st|ng Susta|ner of A||)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah conLlnuously you wlll aLLaln honor and dlgnlLy amongsL people lf
you reclLe Lhls name of Allah consLanLly ln secluslon you wlll become wealLhy lf you conLlnuously
reclLe ?aa Payyu ?aa Cayyoomu (?aa Payyu ?aa Cayyoomu) afLer la[r unLll sunrlse your lazlness wlll
vanlsh lnshaAllah
6S A|Waa[|d (1he I|nder)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah conLlnuously whlle havlng food Lhe food wlll become a source of
sLrengLh lllumlnaLlon and noor (llghL) for your hearL lnshaAllah
66 A|Maa[|d (1he G|or|ous)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah ln secluslon Lo such an exLenL and ln such a manner LhaL you become
euphorlc Lhe noor (llghL) of Allah wlll soon become evldenL ln your hearL lnshaAllah
67 A|Waah|d]A|Ahad (1he Cne)
lf you deslre good and plous chlldren wrlLe Lhls name of Allah and keep lL wlLh you all Lhe Llme Allah
wlll fulflll your deslre lnshaAllah
68 AsSamad (1he Lterna||y 8esought)
lf you place your head ln Sa[dah aL Lhe Llme of Sehrl and reclLe Lhls name of Allah 113 or 123 Llmes
Allah wlll granL you splrlLual and physlcal LruLhfulness lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah consLanLly ln
Lhe sLaLe of Wudhu Allah wlll soon make you lndependenL of Lhe enLlre creaLlon lnshaAllah
69 A|aad|r (1he Cmn|potent)
lf you offer 2 rakaaL Salaah (prayer) and reclLe Lhls name of Allah 100 Llmes Allah wlll humble and
dlsgrace your enemles (provlded you are [usLlfled) lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 41 Llmes before
underLaklng a dlfflculL Lask Lhe dlfflculLy wlll be removed lnshaAllah
70 A|Muqtad|r (1he owerfu|)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 20 Llmes afLer waklng up from sleep Allah wlll ensure all your Lasks
are fulfllled efflclenLly lnshaAllah
71 A|Muqadd|m (1he Lxped|ter)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah abundanLly aL Lhe Llme of war or durlng a rlghLeous sLruggle ln Lhe
paLh of Allah Allah wlll glve you courage Lo make advances and safeguard you from Lhe enemy lf
you reclLe Lhls name of Allah aL all Llmes you wlll be come obedlenL and submlsslve Lo Allah lnsha
72 A|Muakhkh|r (1he De|ayer)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah frequenLly you wlll soon resorL Lo genulne repenLance lf you reclLe
Lhls name of Allah 100 Llmes dally you wlll become dear Lo and a favorlLe of Allah lnshaAllah
73 A|Awwa| (1he I|rst)
lf you deslre male chlldren reclLe Lhls name of Allah 40 Llmes dally for 40 days Allah wlll fulflll your
deslre lf any wayfarer reclLe Lhls name of Allah 1000 Llmes on a lrlday he wlll soon reLurn Lo hls
people safe and sound lnshaAllah
74 A|Aakh|r (1he Last)
lf you wlsh LhaL Lhe love for Allah geLs flrmly esLabllshed ln your hearL or LhaL Lhe love of anyLhlng or
anyone besldes Allah be drlven ouL of your hearL or Lo compensaLe for all your slns Lo dle ln a sLaLe
of lmaan reclLe Lhls name of Allah 1000 Llmes dally Allah wlll fulflll your wlsh lnshaAllah
7S Az2aah|r (1he Man|fest)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 300 Llmes dally afLer lshraaq Salaah (prayer) Allah wlll cause your
eyes and hearL Lo be fllled wlLh noor (llghL) lnshaAllah
76 A|8aat|n (1he n|dden)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 33 Llmes dally you wlll soon begln Lo percelve Lhe deeper secreLs of
Allah and a sLrong bond of love and affecLlon wlll form beLween you and Allah lf you reclLe Puwal
Awwalu WalAakhlru Waduhaahlru Wal8aaLlnu Wahuwa Alaa kulll Shalyyln Cadeer (Puwal
Awwalu WalAakhlru Waduhaahlru Wal8aaLlnu Wahuwa Alaa kulll Shalyyln Cadeer) conLlnously
afLer offerlng 2 rakaaL Salaah all your needs wlll be fulfllled lnshaAllah

77 A|Waa|ee (1he Governer)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah repeaLedly Allah wlll safeguard you from all unexpecLed calamlLles lf
Lhls name of Allah ls lnscrlbed ln a new earLhen cup or [ug and lL ls fllled wlLh waLer and Lhe waLer ls
sprlnkled ln Lhe house Lhe house wlll be safeguarded agalnsL all calamlLles lf you wlsh Lo subdue
anoLher person reclLe Lhls name of Allah 11 Llmes Allah wlll fulflll your wlsh lnshaAllah
78 A|Mutaaa|ee (1he Most Lxa|ted)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah conLlnously Allah wlll solve all your problems soon lf a woman
reclLes Lhls name of Allah abundanLly durlng her mensLruaLlon Allah wlll relleve her from all
allmenLs lnshaAllah
79 A|8arr (1he Source of A|| Goodness)
lf you are ln Lhe hablL of Laklng lnLoxlcanLs or commlLLlng adulLery or lndulglng ln any oLher evll
reclLe Lhls name of Allah 7 Llmes dally Allah wlll gulde you lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah
excesslvely Allah wlll expel Lhe love of Lhls world from your hearL lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 7
Llmes and blow on your chlld soon afLer blrLh Allah wlll granL your chlld proLecLlon from calamlLles
unLll puberLy lnshaAllah
80 At1awwaab (1he Acceptor of kepentance)
lf you deslre LhaL Allah gulde you Lo slncere repenLance reclLe Lhls name of Allah 360 Llmes dally
afLer SalaLuduoha (ChasL prayer) Allah wlll fulflll your deslre lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah
abundanLly all your Lasks wlll be accompllshed wlLhouL any dlfflculLy lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah
10 Llmes ln Lhe presence of a LyranL you wlll soon be freed from Lhe opresslon of Lhe LyranL lnsha
81 A|Muntaq|m (1he Avenger)
lf you are [usLlfled and deslre Lo Lake revenge agalnsL your enemy buL havenL Lhe power Lo do so
reclLe Lhls name of Allah conLlnously for 3 lrldays Allah Plmself wlll Lake revenge on your behalf
82 A|Afuww (1he ardoner)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah abundanLly Allah wlll forglve you lnshaAllah
83 Arkaoof (1he Most k|nd)
lf you deslre LhaL Lhe enLlre creaLlon become affecLlonaLe Lowards you (and vlceversa) reclLe Lhls
name of Allah repeaLedly lf you deslre LhaL your anger be subdued reclLe uarood 10 Llmes and Lhls
name of Allah 10 Llmes lf you reclLe uarood 10 Llmes and Lhls name of Allah 10 Llmes and blow on
an angry person hls anger wlll be subdued lnshaAllah
84 Maa||ku|Mu|k (1he Cwner of Sovere|gn|ty)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah consLanLly Allah wlll granL you wealLh selfsufflclency and
lndependence lnshaAllah
8S Dhu|Ia|aa|| Wa|Ikraam (Ma[est|c and 8enevo|ent)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah consLanLly Allah wlll granL you honor dlgnlLy and selfsufflclency
86 A|Muqs|t (1he Iust)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah consLanLly Allah wlll proLecL you from evll doubLs creaLed by Lhe
ShayLaan lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 700 Llmes for a purpose Allah wlll fulflll lL lnshaAllah
87 A|Iaam| (1he Gatherer)
lf your famlly or relaLlves are scaLLered (due Lo war earLhquaLe floods or oLher calamlLles) Lake
baLh aL Lhe Llme of uoha (ChasL) llfL your gaze Loward Lhe heavens and reclLe Lhls name of Allah 10
Llmes closlng one flnger each Llme unLll all 10 flngers are closed AfLerwards pass your hands across
your face as when compleLlng uua 1he dlsperse members of your famlly wlll soon come LogeLher
88 A|Ghan|yy (1he Se|fSuff|c|ent)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 70 Llmes dally Allah wlll granL you selfsufflclency and 8arakah ln
your wealLh lf you are affllcLed wlLh physlcal or splrlLual slckness or any dlfflculLy reclLe Lhls name
of Allah abundanLly and blow on your enLlre body Allah wlll soon heal you and relleve you of your
dlfflculLy lnshaAllah
89 A|Mughnee (1he Lnr|cher)
lf you reclLe uarood 11 Llmes reclLe Lhls name of Allah 1111 Llmes reclLe uarood agaln 11 Llmes and
Lhen Surah Muzzammll (Surah 73) afLer la[r or lsha Salaah (prayer) you wlll be granLed boLh
maLerlal and splrlLual wealLh lnshaAllah
90 A|Maan| (1he reventer of narm)
lf you have any dlspuLes wlLh your spouse reclLe Lhls name of Allah 20 Llmes whlle lylng down on Lhe
bed Lhe dlspuLe wlll be seLLled and love and affecLlon wlll resulL lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah
consLanLly Allah wlll safeguard you agalnsL all calamlLles lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah for any
leglLlmaLe purpose Allah wlll fulflll lL lnshaAllah
91 AdDaar (1he D|stresser)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 100 Llmes on Lhe eve of !umma (lrlday) Allah wlll safeguard you
agalnsL all physlcal and splrlLual calamlLles and draw you nearer Lo Allah lnshaAllah
92 AnNaaf| (1he rop|t|ous)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah abundanLly durlng Lravel Allah wlll safeguard you agalnsL all hazards
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 41 Llmes before a Lask lL wlll be accompllshed efflclenLly lf you reclLe
Lhls name of Allah prlor Lo lnLercourse Allah wlll granL you good and plous chlldren lnshaAllah

93 AnNoor (1he L|ght)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 1001 Llmes afLer reclLlng Surah noor (Surah 24) you hearL wlll be
lllumlnaLed wlLh Lhe noor (llghL) of Allah lnshaAllah
94 A|naadee (1he Gu|de)
lf you ralse boLh hands (as ln uua) whlle llfLlng your gaze Loward Lhe heavens and reclLe Lhls name
of Allah several Llmes and Lhen pass boLh your hands on your face (as when compleLlng uua) Allah
wlll granL you compleLe guldance and assoclaLe you wlLh Lhe devouL and plous lnshaAllah
9S A|8adee (1he Cr|g|nator)
lf you are ln grlef reclLe ?aa8adeeusSamaawaaLlWalArdh (?aa8adeeusSamaawaaLlWalArdh)
1000 Llmes Allah wlll soon granL you rellef from your mlsery lf a parLlcular Lask ls Lo be underLaken
buL you are noL cerLaln as Lo lLs feaslblllLy reclLe Lhls name of Allah before falllng asleep you wlll
recelve guldance ln a dream lnshaAllah
96 A|8aaqee (1he Lver|ast|ng)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 1000 Llmes on Lhe nlghL of !umma (lrlday) Allah wlll granL you
proLecLlon and accepL all your good deeds lnshaAllah
97 A|Waar|th (1he U|t|mate Inher|tor)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 100 Llmes aL sunrlse Allah wlll proLecL you agalnsL all sorrows
hardshlps and calamlLles and you wlll dle as a Mumln (bellever) lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah
1000 Llmes beLween Maghrlb and lsha Salaah (prayer) Allah wlll safeguard you from confuslons
aglLaLlons and dlsLurbances lnshaAllah
98 Arkasheed (1he Gu|de to the k|ght ath)
lf you are unsure how Lo compleLe a parLlcular Lask or are unable Lo work ouL plans for Lhe Lask
reclLe Lhls name of Allah 1000 Llmes beLween Maghrlb and lsha Salaah (prayer) Lhe plan wlll
become evldenL Lo you ln a dream or by lnsLlncL lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah dally Allah wlll
safeguard you agalnsL all mlshaps and granL you flnanclal progress lnshaAllah
99 AsSaboor (1he at|ent Cne)
lf you reclLe Lhls name of Allah 100 Llmes before sunrlse Allah wlll safeguard you agalnsL all
calamlLles for Lhe remalnder of Lhe day and prevenL your enemles from uLLerlng a slngle word
agalnsL you lf you are ln dlfflculLy reclLe Lhls name of Allah 1020 Llmes Allah wlll soon provlde you
rellef and conLenLmenL of Lhe hearL lnshaAllah

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