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What is local indigenous medicine? Thousands of years ago the local tribe Ese Eja learnt from the master plants of the jungle what could be used as medicine. Over time, using a trial and error process they gained a vast knowledge of the local plants and their medicinal properties. Shaman or Medicine Man In the local language, the word Shaman is Jano Eja Ellamitakue, which translates as the Great Doctor of the Vine Spirit. It is believed that the shaman learns the plants medicinal properties using the power of the lady spirit that lives in the ayahuasca drink. The lady spirit is a doctor and is considered to be close to God. The Shaman has responsibility for the spiritual, mental and physical health of the tribe and can also answer individuals questions about their future, often using a shamanic session. Features of a Shamanic Session: Nocturnal Ingestion of Master Plants Use of ancient sacred chants that help the medicine to reach your spirit and elevate you to a higher state of consciousness A blessing for any problems Curing of any physical maladies The concept of illness for the local people: The indigenous people believe that diseases enter our body through the spirit. There are 3 main reasons for this happening; Bad diet Witchcraft Evil spirits The Ayahuasca Drink: Ayahuasca is a Quechua word (Quechua is an indigenous language from the highlands of Peru), that means the Vine of the Spirits. The local word of the Ese Eja is Jano Javia, which means yellow vine. This yellow vine is used to cure but there is also a black ayahuasca vine that can be used in witchcraft. The Ayahuasca vine must only be drunk in the presence of an experienced Shaman. Without a Shamans presence the drink is only a hallucinogen with no spiritual benefit. The vine drink helps to expel any illness or evil spirits from your body. The scientific name of Ayahuasca is Banisteropsis Caapi. In order for the drink to be effective it must also contain sacha runa leaves (Psicotria Vindis), which help give the drink its power by neutralizing the enzymes in our stomachs and allowing the Ayahuasca to work.

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