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Ana|ys|s of Ind|v|dua| 2ur|ch Investments and

Insurance roducts In 1he k|ngdom Cf 8ahra|n

A ro[ecL 8eporL SubmlLLed 1o
8|r|a Inst|tute of 1echno|ogy Mesra kanch| Ind|a
lo pottlol folflllmeot of tbe tepoltemeots fot tbe owotJ of tbe Jeqtee of
8ache|or of 8us|ness Adm|n|strat|on
SubmlLLed 8y
an[ay ubhas negde 88A]7S33]08
nusa|n Mahmood Abdu||a 88A]7SS6]08
2oheab kaf|que ha|kh 88A]7S30]08
k|yas Mohammed 1k 88A]7S21]08
ro[ecL work carrled ouL under Lhe supervlslon of
Mrs CeeLa kaul (ro[ecL Culde)
Mr MS 8ao (ro[ecL CoCulde)

8|r|a Inst|tute of 1echno|ogy
%o xteosloo of 8ltlo lostltote of 1ecbooloqy Mesto koocbl loJlo)
kinqdom of 8ohroin
(May 2011)
Certificate of Approval

This is to certiIy that the project work entitled Analysis of Individual Zurich
Investments and Insurance Products In The Kingdom Of Bahrain submitted by
Sanjay Subhas Hegde(BBA/7533/08), Husain Mahmood Abdulla(BBA/7556/08),
Zoheab Rafique Shaikh(BBA/7530/08) and Riyas Mohammed
T.K.(BBA/7521/08), is hereby approved as a credible study oI the research topic and
has been presented in a satisIactory manner to warrant its acceptance as prerequisite
to the degree Ior which it has been submitted.
It is understood that by this approval, the undersigned do not necessarily endorse any
conclusion drawn or expressed therein, but approve the thesis Ior the purpose Ior
which it is submitted.

(Internal Examiner) (External Examiner)
Name........ Name..........
Date.......... Date.........

Head oI Department

Certificate of Declaration

This is to certiIy that the project work entitled Analysis of Individual Zurich
Investment and Insurance Products In The Kingdom Of Bahrain submitted by
Sanjay Subhas Hegde(BBA/7533/08), Husain Mahmood Abdulla(BBA/7556/08),
Zoheab Rafique Shaikh(BBA/7530/08) and Riyas Mohammed
T.K.(BBA/7521/08), in partial IulIillment oI the requirements Ior the award oI the
degree oI Bachelor of Business Administration(BBA), oI Birla Institute oI
Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, is an authentic work carried out under our supervision
and guidance.

To the best oI our knowledge, the content oI this project report does not Iorm any
basis Ior the award oI previous degree to anyone else.

Mrs. Geeta Kaul
(Project Guide)

Mr. M.S. Rao
(Project Co-Guide)
Birla Institute of Technology
Kingdom of Bahrain

Head of Department
Birla Institute of Technology
Kingdom of Bahrain

Student Declaration

e, Sanjay Subhas Hegde(BBA/7533/08), Husain Mahmood
Abdulla(BBA/7556/08), Zoheab Rafique Shaikh(BBA/7530/08) and Riyas
Mohammed T.K.(BBA/7521/08), hereby declare that the project work entitled
Analysis of Individual Zurich Investment and Insurance Products In The
Kingdom Of Bahrain submitted in partial IulIillment oI the requirements Ior the
award oI the degree Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) oI Birla Institute
oI Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India, is an authentic work carried out by us under the
supervision oI Mrs. Geeta Kaul (Project Guide) and Mr. M.S. Rao (Project Co-
Guide). e also declare that the content oI this project report does not Iorm a basis
Ior the award Ior the award oI any previous degree to anyone else.

Sanjay Subhas Hegde
Birla Institute oI Technology
Kingdom oI Bahrain

Husain Mahmood Abdulla
Birla Institute oI Technology
Kingdom oI Bahrain

Zoheab Rafique Shaikh
Birla Institute oI Technology
Kingdom oI Bahrain

Riyas Mohammed T.K.
Birla Institute oI Technology
Kingdom oI Bahrain


Knowledge Is The End Based On Acknowledgement

e take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude towards Project Guide Mrs.
Geeta Kaul and Project Co-Guide Mr. M.S. Rao, Ior their continuous support,
encouragement and guidance throughout our project.

e also wish to express our sincere thanks and gratitude towards our Iriends and
Iamilies who have also supported, encouraged, motivated, guided and helped us
throughout the hurdles Iaced by us in our project.

And Iinally we wish to oIIer our sincere and IaithIul thanks and prayers to God
Almighty HimselI Ior granting us the strength, power and Iaith in believing in
ourselves Ior it was by His divine and compassionate blessings, mercy and grace that
has exalted us in making this project a huge success.

e thank you all Ior everything you have done Ior us!

Sanjay Subhas Hegde
Husain Mahmood Abdulla
Zoheab RaIique Shaikh
Riyas Mohammed T.K.

Table Of Contents

Executive Summary 1

Introduction 2

Literature Review 18

Research Methods and Methodology 31

Data Analysis, Interpretation and Presentation 40

Findings And Conclusions 50

Bibliography 53

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