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PSSA Mini Library: Book List

To borrow a book from the PSSA Mini Library, email us at with the number, title and author of the book you would like. There is a $10 deposit for the borrowing of the books that you will get back at the end of the semester when the book(s) are returned. Book Categories include: 1 General Politics 2 Canadian Politics 3 American Politics 4 Ethics 5 Philosophy 6 Writing Guides 7 International Studies 8 History 9 The Walrus

1. General Politics
1.01 On Political Equality Author: Robert A. Dahl A thought-provoking exploration of political equality and its relation to democracy by one of our foremost political scientists

1.02, 1.03, 1.04 An Introduction to Government and Politics (6th, 7th and 8th edition) Authors: Mark O Dickerson, Thomas Flanagan This best-selling introduction to politics has been praised by thousands of students from across Canada for its logical organization, clear writing, and thorough coverage. The authors have created a book that will not only be of tremendous value to students who intend to major in political science but also to those who are seeking a shorter path towards becoming informed political observers and, or course, participants!

1.05 Rights and the Common Good: The Communitarian Perspective Author: Amitai Etzioni Edited by Amitai Etzioni, the founder and leader of the communitarian movement, Rights and the Common Good: A Communitarian Perspective is a provocative new book that examines the relationship between individual rights and social responsibilities. The books thirty essays

explore the foundations of communitarian thought as well as the implications of communitarian ideas for contemporary public and social policy. The essays also discuss how communities can be strengthened and consider how society can be more responsive to the needs of individuals and communities.

1.06 Introduction to Political Theory Authors: John Hoffman, Paul Graham Introduction to Political Theory is a text for the 21st century. It shows students why an understanding of theory is crucial to an understanding of political issues. Bringing together classical and contemporary political ideas and ideologies into one book, this new text introduces the major ideologies that have shaped the modern world and the ideas that form the currency of political debate

1.07 Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy Author: Mark M. Lowenthal Introduction to the role of the U.S intelligence community in the national security policymaking process. Popular with academics and practitioners alike, it is the standard text for many university-level courses on intelligence and national security. Written in a clear, concise, and straightforward manner, this book demystifies the intelligence process and places it in a contemporary perspective that the general reader will also find informative.

1.08 - The Real World of Democracy Author: C.B. MacPherson In this Massey Lectures Classic, celebrated political theorist C.B> Macpherson analyzes and attempts to clarify the nature of democracy particularly the Western-liberal brand of democracy that we call our own in Canada and the united States. Macpherson argues that we must be aware of the other two variants of democracy the Communist model and the developing nations model and how they affect one another. He suggests that the West need not fear any challenge to liberal democracy if it is prepared to re-examine its own values and to abandon or alter those no longer relevant to contemporary society

1.09 Contemporary Society: An Introduction to Social Science Authors: John A Perry, Erna K. Perry This best-selling text offers an overview of how the various social sciences perceive the world around us, emphasizing social change and how it impacts society. Contemporary Society, uses a journalistic writing style, but does not skimp on scholarly data and references. The authors reinforce the idea that the transition from an industrial to a postindustrial order is fraught with difficulties, as was the transition from an agricultural to an industrial order. This framework also illustrates how the increasing fragmentation of the social order leads people to conflict and dissension instead of community and a common purpose

1.10 The Political Theory Reader Author: Paul Schumaker A collection of more that 80 important readings that address the contested philosophical assumptions and competing principles of politics. Included are key selections by canonical figures in the history of political thought, the founders of the major ideological perspectives of the 19th and 20th centuries, and leading contemporary political theorists and philosophers. After opening chapters on the nature of political theory and selections introducing the major ideologies of the past 200 years, the readings are then arranged thematically, providing alternative perspectives on 11 great issues of politics, ranging from conceptions of human nature and the nature of political knowledge to questions of authority, citizenship, and justice. This structure not only helps to illustrate the diversity and evolution of political thinking, but also encourages the comparative evaluation of competing viewpoints.

1.11 The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad Author: Fareed Zakaria Translated into twenty languages, The Future of Freedoms is a modern classic that uses historical analysis to shed light on the present, examining how democracy has change our political, economics, and social relation. Prescient in laying out the distinction between democracy and liberty, the book contains a new afterword on the United States occupation of Iraq and a wide-ranging update of the books themes.

1.12 Politque et Societies: Vol. 29, No. 2 From Societe quebecoise de science politique

1.13 Managing the Law: The Legal Aspects of Doing Business Authors: Mitchell McInnes, Ian R. Kerr, J. Anthony VanDuzer, Chi Carmody In business, you need to know enough about the law to identify legal issues and manage your risk. You need to know enough about the law to recognize when you should seek legal counsel. Managing the Law: The Legal Aspects of Doing Business, Second Edition, was written with these considerations in mind, and is intended for business students, not law students. Managing the Law provides a thorough and current picture of the legalities relevant in the business world. It is comprehensive and reliable, but wont overwhelm you with unnecessary detail or confusing jargon

2. Canadian Politics
2.01 Parameters of Power: Canadas Political Institutions Author: Archer, Gibbins, Knopff, MacIvor, Pal The defining questions of modern Canadian politics are about institutions and the ways in which they shape our political life. The third edition of Parameters of Power continues to analyze the principles behind Canadas key institutions. Thoroughly rewritten, streamlined, and reorganized, Parameters of Power now includes a revamped art program, more pedagogical elements, and topics such as globalization, social capital, the impact of political culture and ideas on politics and government, and new politics and the media. By giving social and cultural factors greater prominence, Parameters of Power now recognizes Canadas social diversity and inequalities much more so than any other text.

2.02 Turning Points Author: Ray Argyle Turning Points is a revealing account of how Canadas most powerful politicians and their advisors, from Sir John A. MacDonald to Paul Martin, shaped their campaigns and policies and how their performance in power produced the Canada we know today

2.03 The Essence of the Consensus Report on the Constitution Author: Hardial Bains Discusses and makes a case for the No vote regarding the 1992 Referendum.

2.04 Canadian Federalism Authors: Herman Bakvis, Grace Skogstad How well are the institutions of Canadian federalism performing today? How do different patterns of federal-provincial relations affect policy-making? How legitimate do Canadians perceive intergovernmental institutions, processes, and policies to be Herman Bakvis and Grace Skogstad present 18 essays by some of Canadas leading political scientists, nine of whom are new to this volume.

2.05 Canadian Democracy: An Introduction Author: Stephen Brooks This best-selling introduction to Canadian politics offers comprehensive coverage of both the nuts-andbolts structures of government (parties and elections, the Constitution, federalism, and other governmental machinery) and the key features of the political process (the media, interest groups, diversity, language politics) in Canada. At the same time, Stephen Brooks asks thought-provoking questions about the nature of Canadian democracy, focusing on issues of individual, groups and regional equalities and freedoms. Thoroughly updated, this fifth edition includes a new chapter on Aboriginal politics and expanded coverage of regionalism, as well as results and analysis of the two most recent federal elections

2.06 First Nations in the 21st Century Author: John Friesen, Virginia Lyons Friesen As the twenty-first century gets underway, happenings in Aboriginal communities are increasingly gaining the attention of Canadians. Some headway has been made in several significant areas such as constitutional status, treaty-negotiations, economic development, land claims, residential school litigation, and health and welfare. The number of Aboriginal youth are enrolled in post-secondary institutions. Despite these gains, however, there are a number of related frontiers to conquer if Canadas First Nations are to gain equality with other Canadians

2.07 Criminal Justice in Canada Author: Colin Goff The world of criminal justice is on that fascinates most Canadians. Criminal Justice in Canada opens up this world and explains the intricacies and inner-workings of the system. Now in its third edition, this best-selling text has been thoroughly revised to reflect updated laws, including the Youth Criminal Justice Act and the new Anti-Terrorism Act. Criminal Justice in Canada, Third Edition, offers a clear and comprehensive understanding of the Canadian criminal justice system and its issues

2.08 Understanding Canadian Public Administration Author: Greogry J. Inwood Understanding Canadian Public Administration: An Introduction to Theory and Practice examines not only the theoretical issues essential for the study of public administration, but also the actual practice of public administration in Canada. Students are encouraged to connect theory with reallife cases and experiences through clearly written, accessible, and relevant examples

2.09 Voting Counts: Elect Reform for Canada Law Commission of Canada Through the electoral process, citizens grant authority to their governments and to the laws governments enact. In recent years more and more Canadians have expressed their desire for improvements to our system of democratic governance, and to the mechanisms through with they can participate in government decision-making processes.

2.10 Canadian Journal of Political Science September 2006 The Canadian Political Science Association publishes the Canadian Journal of Political Science, a journal of the highest international standard and which has a subscription list of some 3000 names. The CJPS is sent to all Association members and the institutional clients of the CJPS including the major libraries across the world. The CJPS is published by an Editorial Board appointed jointly by the Association and the SQSP. It has 6 members and is aided in its task by a 28-member Editorial Advisory Board named in the same manner.

3. American Politics
3.01 Governing America: The Politics of a Divided Democracy Author: Robert Singh The book answers a real need for beginning students. It examines for the first time in a single volume how Americas governing institutions work, how domestic and foreign policies operate, and controversial issues such as capital punishment, gun control, abortion, and gay rights The book explode all the elements involves in US politics courses, clearly setting out the main areas of debate: the foundation and principles of modern politics, the structures of US institution, how domestic and foreign public policies are decided, and the nature of contemporary controversies. A summary chapter focuses specifically on the impact of September 11 on US policy at home and abroad, and explains the global significance of recent events. The book presents the evidence and debates the topics in a coherent and accessible way, giving both detailed analysis and useful surveys of all the essential topics.

4. Ethics
4.01 Ethics: History, Theory and Contemporary Issues Authors: Steven Cahn, Peter Markie The most comprehensive collection of its kind, Ethics: History: Theory and Contemporary issues 2/e, is organized into three sections. The first section, Historical Sources, moves from classical thought through medieval views to modern theories, culminating with leading nineteenth- and twentieth-century thinkers. The readings are printed in their entirety wherever possible. The second section, Modern Ethical Theory, includes many of the most important essays of the past century. The discussion of utilitarianism, Kantianism, egoism, and relativism continues in the work of major contemporary philosophers. Landmark sections reflect concern with moral language and the justification of morality. The concepts of justice and rights are explored, as well as recent views on the importance of virtue ethics and an ethic influenced by feminist concerns. In the third section, Contemporary Moral Problems, the readings present the current debates over abortion, euthanasia, famine relief, animal rights, the death penalty, and affirmative action

4.02 Human Rights and Global Diversity Author: Robert Paul Churchill Robert Paul Churchill guides readers through the thorny dilemmas regarding human rights within a multicultural world. Churchill fashions an original approach that blends strengths of several prominent writers on the subject. This is a must read for anyone seeking to explore the issues surrounding human rights today. The text also contains numerous contemporary cases involving human rights

4.03 Ethics and Politics Author: Amy Gutmann, Dennis Thompson A casebook that will help you recognize and assess the strengths and weaknesses of moral arguments in the making of public policy, Ethics and Politics is an outstanding choice for a variety of courses on Ethics, Political Behaviour, and Public Policy. Full of details ranging from scientific and legal technicalities to biographical facts about the officials who are featured, this casebook features real-life scenarios derived from actual decisions and policies helping you better appreciate the complexity that confronts the officials who make policy and the citizens who assess it.

4.04 Contemporary Moral Issues Author: Lawrence Hinman Each chapter contains narratives that position the issues within the context of lived experiences. The issues discussed in this book from abortion and euthanasia to questions of famine relief and animal experimentation are questions of social policy as well as issues within individual lives.

4.05 Moral Competence Author: James Jakob Liszka Moral Competence is a readable, relevant, and uniquely designed text that integrates the most important aspects of ethical conduct into a complete picture of moral life. Drawing on the various traditions in the study of ethics, the text examines the nature of moral sentiment, free will, responsibility, and autonomy. It includes a discussion of a number of important virtues, an account of wisdom and moral decision making, and an analysis of classical and contemporary moral principles. Case studies, news stories, queries, fiction and film synopses, and dozens of contemporary issues are used to illustrate concepts and theory, and engage the student in reflection on a number of themes

4.06 An Introduction to Ethics: Theories, Perspectives and Issues Author: Sinclair MacRae An Introduction to Ethics is a philosophical enquiry into a broad range of ethical questions, theories, perspectives, and issues. It examines fundamental ethical questions about the nature, purpose, justification, scope, origins, and application of morality, and the place of ethics in society and nature. Balancing theoretical and practical concerns, and historical and contemporary outlooks, it critically considers a number of ethical perspectives and practical moral problems from a distinctly Canadian standpoint

4.07 The Moral Life Authors: Louis Pojman, Lewis Vaughn brings together an extensive and varied collection of eight-five classical and contemporary readings on ethical theory and practice. Integrating literature with philosophy in an innovating way, the book uses literary works to enliven and make concrete the ethical theory or applied issues addressed

4.08 Ethics: Theory and Practice Author: Jacques Thiroux The book is about evenly divided into the two title topics, theory and practice, so that students are not only enlightened on ethical theory, but are encouraged to apply the learned theory to specific ethical problems (e.g. taking human life; lying, cheating, stealing, and breaking promises; business and environmental ethics, and bioethics etc.)

5. Philosophy
5.01, 5.02 Political Philosophy (Editions 1 and 2) Author: Steven Cahn Ideal for survey courses in social and political philosophy. Offering coverage from antiquity to the present, this historically organized collection presents the most significant works from nearly 2500 years of political philosophy. It moves from classical thought through the medieval period to modern perspectives. The book includes works from major nineteenth-century thinkers and twentieth-century theorists and also presents a variety of notable documents and addresses

5.03 The Philosophers Way Author: John Chafee The Philosophers Way provides a critical thinking framework for examining the profound ideas of philosophers both past and present. Organized by philosophical themes, this text combines primary source readings with illuminating commentary, thought-provoking questions, and meaningful images. You will come to class ready to engage in discussion about the readings.

5.04 Moral Philosophy for Modern Life Author: Anthony Falikowski This comprehensive outcome-based approach to the study of ethics has three carefully structured sections Classical and Contemporary Moral Theories; Critical Analytical Thinking Skills; and Moral issues in Modern Life. The built-in Study Guide provides guidance on mastering the various moral theories discussed; practice to develop logical and critical reasoning skills, and opportunities to apply both theories and skills to the problems posed in the readings.

5.05 The Dream of Reason Author: Anthony Gottleib Already a classic, this landmark study of Western thought takes a fresh look at the writings of the great thinkers of classical philosophy and questions many pieces of conventional wisdom

5.06 Should We Consent to be Governed? Author: Stephen Nathason Should We Consent to be Governed? Focuses on four basic political outlooks: super patriotism, political cynicism, anarchism, and critical citizenship. Each view gives distinctive answer to the books central questions. The author analyzes each position in a way that will guide and stimulate your own philosophical reflection. As you confront the problems of political philosophy, you will be introduced to the views of several influential thinkers, including Socrates, Thomas Hobbes, V.I. Lenin, and Martin Luther King, Jr.

5.07 Social and Political Philosophy Editors: George Sher, Barach Brody In Social and Political Philosophy, editors George Sher and Baruch A. Brody provide students a wide variety of readings covering the problems of political and social philosophy. Such topics as political obligation, democracy rights, and justice are represented, in addition to less widely discussed subjects such as the family. Both common approaches and those which are less familiar are presented, as well as recent developments in the topic area. The editors introduce each section with a clear, concise orientation to highlight critical points and issues in the readings.

5.08 Inventors of Ideas: An Introduction to Western Political Philosophy Authors: Donald Tannenbaun, David Schults A concise yet comprehensive introduction to the Western political thought from the Ancient Greeks to the 21st century, INVENTORS OF IDEAS connects major thinkers' political and societal views to a larger understanding of current politics. Covering the traditional canon of writers while also reflecting a concern or emphasis upon the role of gender and science in western political thought, the book gives students practical and historical foundations with which to look at contemporary social and political issues.

6. Writing Guides
6.01 Fit to Print Author: Joanne Buckley Fit to Print guides students through the various steps of the essay-writing process, from devising a thesis to formatting a bibliography. This complete resource offers concise and easy-to-use examples and exercises. Its clear and lucid structure enables students to use it as a reference book and facilitates self-directed learning. Joanne Buckleys jocular and illustrative style makes writing an essay seem easy

6.02 Research and Writing in Political Science Authors: Lucille Charlton, Mark Charlton The guide features practical information on writing various types of political science assignments, from basic essays to op-ed pieces, including academic papers, briefing documents, and documents for use in the parliamentary system.

6.03 The Empowered Writer Author: Eric Henderson This innovating text offers an exciting new approach to the writing process an approach created with the needs of todays Canadian college students firmly in mind. Incorporating a multitude of exercises and examples, the discussions encourage students to empower themselves as writers in training: to actively participate in honing their skills, to make informed choices, and to think deeply and critically about how and why they write. Extensively class-tested prior to publication, The Empowered Writer is an indispensable guide to effective writing, reading, and research.

6.04 A Guide to MLA Documentation Author: Joseph Trimmer offers only the information that students use most often. Thin and portable enough to slip easily into a book or notebook, take this handy reference with you to the library or the computer lab whenever youre working on a research paper

7. International Studies
7.01 International Relations Authors: Joshua S. Goldstein, Sandra Whitworth Goldsteins International Relations was the first and only survey text to balance security and economic issues, the first text to include coverage of alternative theoretical perspectives, the environment, and women, and to contain solid coverage of international political economy; the only book to integrate technology, and now its Canadian.

7.02 Continuity and Change in World Politics Author: Barry Hughes *The authors+ goal is to help students of the early twenty-first century (for whom the Cold War is nearly ancient history) not just survey, but understand their world

7.03 The Politics of the Welfare State: Canada, Sweden and the United States Author: Gregg M. Olsen The Politics of the Welfare State provides an overview of major welfare typologies and models. It introduces the issues, controversies, and theoretical perspectives that have characterized the study of the welfare state including social assistance, health care, unemployment insurance and labour market policy, and family policy through the comparison of three remarkably different nations

7.04 Foreign Policy Analysis January 2007 Reflecting the diverse, comparative and multidisciplinary nature of the field, Foreign Policy Analysis provides an open forum for research publication that enhances the communication of concepts and ideas across theoretical, methodological, geographical and disciplinary boundaries. By emphasizing accessibility of content for scholars of all perspectives and approaches in the editorial and review process, Foreign Policy Analysis serves as a source for efforts at theoretical and methodological integration and deepening

the conceptual debates throughout this rich and complex academic research tradition. Foreign policy analysis, as a field of study, is characterized by its actor-specific focus. The underlying, often implicit argument is that the source of international politics and change in international politics is human beings, acting individually or in groups. In the simplest terms, foreign policy analysis is the study of the process, effects, causes or outputs of foreign policy decision-making in either a comparative or case-specific manner.

8. History
8.01 Speaking of America Author: Laura A. Belmonte designed to expose students to a variety of sources on United States history from the colonial era to the present day. The collection includes a wide array of speeches, letters, paintings, artifacts, poems, short stories, photographs, lyrics, book excerpts, articles, and news accounts encompassing multicultural and regional perspectives. The selected readings address important episodes in politics, economics, and foreign policy, as well as social and cultural changes, and come from both famous and ordinary Americans.

8.02 Destinies Authors: R. Douglas, Richard Jones, Donald Smith Destinies takes the story of the British North American colonies from 1867 to the present day. We show how Canada came to take a transcontinental form it did, and how the various groups within its boundaries came together to form one country. We have pointed out the various regional, ethnic, and social tensions in our nations history, as well as the means by which these differences have been resolved in the past.

8.03 History of the Canadian People Author: Conrad Finkel Canadas past is the history of a diverse people. It is shaped by region, by class and ethnicity, and by gender. The two volumes of History of the Canadian People integrates social and cultural experience with political and economic events to provide an inclusive survey of Canadian history from pre-contact to the defeat of the Charlottetown Accord

8.04 Environmental History October 2010 Environmental History (EH) is the world's leading scholarly journal in environmental history. EH brings together scholars, scientists, and practitioners from a wide array of disciplines to explore changing relationships between humans and the environment over time.

9. The Walrus
The Walrus is a general interest magazine about Canada and its place in the world, published by the registered non-profit charitable Walrus Foundation. (9.01) May 2011 (9.02) June 2011 (9.03) July/August 2011 (9.04) September 2011 (9.05) October 2011

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