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Effect of Using Interactive Class Room (ICR) of NIIT in Mathematics Learning of VI Standard Students

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become an increasingly prevalent feature in many aspects of life in contemporary societies, including education. Introducing ICT into the curriculum will ensure that children will become more knowledgeable about information and are better to exploit their potential (DfEE, 1997b; DTI/DfEE, 2001, DfES, 2001) Improving quality in education and learning is a critical issue, particularly at the time of educational expansion. ICTs enhance the quality of education in several ways: by increasing learner motivation and engagement, by facilitating the acquisition of basic skills, and by enhancing teacher training. ICT plays a pivotal role in the educational paradigm shift. Wegreif (2002) says, ICT has often seen allowing learners to reflect upon the learning process and so learning how to learn. But UNESCO document says, We believe that ICT will be a key factor in future positive change- provided they are in the possession of the people who can use them creatively and for common good. Students who enter in the school are communicative, curious and capable of learning things. They have proved their ability by mastering mother tongue, physical motion, complicated games and many other skills. However we believe that the traditional schools of 20th century which is still very much with us diminishes these abilities over a period over the period of learning. We need a new kind of schools for the 20th century. Regional Institute of Education (RIE) Mysore had conducted a study of the impact on the learners, when Math Lab is incorporated into the teaching-learning learning environment. Classroom Environment The class room environment provides a structure to describe the setting in school within which learning is organized and the role of teachers and students occur. Learning environment in school typically involves one or more adult teacher connected with a number of students, usually in a well-defined physical settings. ICT integrated class room environment changes the traditional architect. The aim is to create learning environment centred on students as learners and a belief that they learn more from what they do and think about rather than what they are told. When we visualize with the help of computers, video camcorders and big screens high resolution projectors, we restructure a problem situation so that more of it can be processed by the pre conscious part of our brain it is also possible to visualize a computer screen the spatial inter relations of elementary predictors and consequently, to represent complex formulae of predicate logic. (Bederson & Shneiderman, 2003; Cand, MacKinaly & Shneiderman, 1990; Benzon, 1989, Rieber, 1995) Some studies revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between class room learning and their cognitive and affective outcomes. (Goh & Fraser, 2000; Fraser & Chinonh, 2000; Wong & Fraser, 1996).


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ICT and Learning Problem solving and creative thinking process such as reasoning and making connection are vital to increase aptitude and effectiveness with ICT tools and should be integrated throughout all the pathways of curriculum, Students who require the ability to reason and communicate, to solve and to understand the use of ICT for a variety of purposes (Moyle Kathryn, 2006). Cuttance (2001) suggest that new way of thinking and solving problems in supportive class room environment require a well-developed motivation, self-regulation strategies and meta cognitive capacities to engage students successfully. When students use tool programmes for experimental activities, the learning changes from mastering procedures to conceptual understanding, and the ability to interpret, analyze and access data in diagram and other statistical materials employed. Approaches where ICT is used to support learning has been found out to benefit the affective learning domain (attributes such as motivation, perseverance etc.) by inspiring students engagement to tasks (Jacobson, 2001), improving motivation and enthusiasm (Mandinash & Cline, 1996) and improving attitude to learning (Ryser, Beeler & MaKenzie, 1995). Authors such as Cuttance (2001) and Schocter (1999) concluded that ICT will yield positive gains in students; achievement, and Scaidamalia & Berecta (1996) reported, effective ICT use can support the depth of understanding and reflection. Intrinsically motivated students were more goal oriented towards and pursuing learning with more effort and persistence. Students activity around and in a computer environment can make the true learning approach of individual students. This means that the busyness of a student will automatically equate to active or deep learning. Meaningful learning was often associated with project based learning where students were encouraged to integrate content through inquiry based tasks (Gerge Neal, 2005). There is evidence that thought has been given to integrate the use of ICT with the broad teaching and learning goals of the school Te use of ICT has gone beyond simple presentation skills and simple research tasks and is related to higher order thinking skills and visual activity. Students routinely use ICT across the curriculum and understand the issue to do with its strengths and weaknesses in a variety of contexts (Moyle Kathryn, 2006). ICT and Mathematics Education It is well known that the present Mathematics education suffers from serious problems. Prominent among them is increasing difficulty to motivate students and maintain interest in the subject, which is almost always present at a very young age, but which seems to demolish and often totally disappear as the years go by (Ambjorn, Naeve & Mikael Nilson, 2004). Other short coming that the traditional Mathematics architecture includes the inability to stimulate the interest, promote understanding, support personalization, facilitate transition between different layers, integrate abstraction with application and integrate mathematics with human culture. Considering Mathematics as a language, where students are supposed to develop their adaptive reasoning, it is interesting to notice two studies by Ivarson (2002) and Wyndhamn (2001). They indicated that students cannot on their own, without the teachers support, create a meaning between their everyday concepts and scientific discourses when they work together in front of a computer screen. A unique feature of the computer as a teaching toll is visualization. Dreyfus (1993) observing that during the last thirty years mathematics as an activity has become more experimental and more visual. The powerful visualization capacity of the computer is unprecedented and incomparable with traditional teaching aids. Abstract concepts that have proved difficult for teachers to explain or for students to grasp can be made easy by using the powerful animation and graphical display capabilities of computers. With this, students reasoning and manipulative power are facilitated especially by computer graphics. Not only will this increase the experimentation, exploration and understanding of the students, but it also increases the linkage of transferability of knowledge to real life settings (Dreyfus, 1993; Bransford, 1999). NIIT Page |2

There are many variables associated with success in the teaching of mathematics. However, Begle (1979) noted that the most of the variables that affect mathematics learning resides within the learners. Attitude Towards Mathematics There is no consensus on the exact meaning of the term attitude. However combining the common elements of its various definitions, Aiken (2000) defined as a learned perception to respond positively or negatively to a specific subject, situation, institution or person. There are three inter related components that constitute and form attitude. These are cognitive component, affective component and the behavioural or connotative components. Attitude is regarded as the stumbling block for progress or otherwise is learning mathematics, it is believed that a strong correlation with mathematics achievement (Aiken, 1970; Reyes, 1984). Mathematics Aptitude: There is always a need for the maximum utilization of both human and natural resources; this is dues to the fact that the resources are always limited. In educational sectors, selection process for admission from one level of education to the other is a routine that is prescribed globally. The selection is more rigorous from high school to university. Aptitude is defined as the ... ability to profit readily from instruction, training or experience in a defined area of performance (Bruno, 1986). Attitude towards computers: Given the pervasiveness of computers in all levels of educational system, it is likely the students will have developed some attitude towards these machines. In class room setting, studies have shown that students often experience reaction towards computer either positively or negatively. This in turn either enhances or interferes with their developments of effective computer skills (Green, White and Barr, 1998). Shaft and Sharfman (1997) observed that: in the past computer anxiety and attitudes towards computer have been seen as synonymous (ie., an individual who experiences high levels of computer anxiety) can be said to have negative attitude towards computers (Mever, 1985) or as separate variable with common antecedents (Igbaria and Parusuraman, 1989). However evidences suggest that computer anxiety is an intervening variable between variable such as demographic and attitude towards computer s(Igbria and Parasuraman, 1989). Studies have shown that attitude towards computers to influence not only acceptance of computers in class room but also future behaviour such as using computers as a professional tool or introducing computer application into the class room or work place (Al-Badar, 1993). Four types of attitudes towards computers have been identified by Loyd and Erressund (1984), these are computer anxiety, computer liking, computer confidence and computer usefulness. All the four were found to have a significant effect on computer tasks. It appears that, the use of computers in the teaching and learning of mathematics does influence the attitude of students towards computer and mathematics as well. Consequently there seems to be some improvement in students understanding and achievement in mathematics.


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Review of Pertinent Researches The use of computer is the teaching and learning of mathematics has been shown to have the potential of positively influencing students attitude towards mathematics. Studies have shown that technological aids such as calculators and computers have improvement effects on student attitude towards mathematics (C.f Aiken, 1976; Collins, 1996). In research conducted by Kulik (1984) it was found that students attitude towards mathematics were more positive in class room that used CAL than in class room without CAL, students from a class room that used CAL showed a slightly more positive attitude towards instruction from class room without CAL (Collins,1996) Ganguli (1992) investigated the effects of using computers as a teaching and in mathematics instruction on students attitude towards mathematics. He used computer as a supplement to normal class room instruction. The results indicated that the attitude of the experimental group which was taught with computer aid were significantly changed in positive direction, whereas the control group that was taught without computer aid failed to show a similar results. Jianymin (2004) conducted a study to determine the causal ordering between attitude towards mathematics and achievement in mathematics of secondary school students. Results showed that the achievement demonstrated causal predominance over attitude across the entire secondary school Gender difference in this causal relationship was not found but elite status in mathematics moderated this causal relationship. Saha (2007) conducted a study Gender, attitude to mathematics cognitive styles and achievement in mathematics. It was found that all the three contributes to statistically significant difference in achievement in Mathematics. As the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics stated in 1989, it is crucial for teachers to find tasks that allow students to explore, to guess and even to make and correct errors so they can gain a confidence in their ability to solve complex problems (Bottage, 1999). It is the job of the teacher to help students with understanding the key ideas that are the foundation of Mathematics, instead of just focusing on simply having the memorize rules and procedures (Butler, Bachingham a & Lauscher, 2005) Teachers need to realize that mathematics is not only taught because it is useful, it should be a source of delight and wonder, offering pupils intellectual excitements and an appreciation of its essential creativity (Cross, 2004) The present study is focusing on the impact of NIIT interactive Class Room solution in the Mathematics learning of the class VI students of DMS, Mysore.

Statement of the problem:

The present study is entitled as: Effect of using NIIT NGuru Interactive Class Room (ICR) of NIIT in Mathematics Learning of VI Standard Students.

To study the impact of ICR on the Mathematics learning of the students of class VI. To study the impact of ICR on the Mathematics Aptitude of the students of Class VI. To study the impact of ICR on the students believes towards Mathematics.

To study the impact of ICR on the problem solving ability of the Class VI students.


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1. ICR will have a positive impact on the Mathematics learning of the class VI students. 2. The impact of ICR on Mathematics learning of the students will differ between the experimental group and control group. 3. The impact of ICR on Mathematics achievement will differ between the experimental and control group. 4. The use of ICR will influence differently in the students believes towards Mathematics. 5. The impact of ICR on Problem Solving ability of the students will differ between the experimental and control group.

The present study adopted a quasi-experimental, pre-test post-test design. The VI standard, section B students of DMS, Mysore was taken as the experimental group, consisting of 35students. VI standard section A students was taken as the control group for the study. The tools for data collection were administered for both groups in order to collect the pre and post data. Class room observations, assignments, discussions were made during the class room teaching process. The researcher had taken classes for the experimental group using NIIT ICR Mathematics for a period of three months. The topics covered include: 1. Ratio and Proportion. 2. Symmetry.

Independent Variable: The interactive class room solution of NIIT Dependent variables: Mathematics achievement, Believes towards Mathematics, Problem Solving Ability, Mathematics Aptitude.

Purposive sampling technique will be used for the study. 35 students of standard VI.B will be selected as the sample for experimental group. The other section of students, 35 in number will be selected as the sample for control group.

Tools for Data Collection:

1. Achievement test in Mathematics. 2. Test for Believes towards Mathematics (Developed by the researcher) 3. Mathematics Aptitude Test (Developed by the researcher). 4. Problem Solving Ability Test (Developed by the investigator)

Procedural details of the study:

The tools for data collection were administered before and after the intervention of ICR Mathematics. The researcher used the NIIT ICR for teaching Mathematics for about three months. During the implementation the class room observations, assignments were given. The students were given scope for discussion and reinforcement was given by providing hands on experience with NIIT ICR in the learning lab.


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Statistical Analysis
Descriptive statistical techniques as well as inferential statistics such as t test; correlation etc. were used for verification of hypotheses and other analysis leading to interpretations and conclusions. Qualitative analysis of the structured interview as well as the daily observation made by the researcher on control group will also be used to attain the meaningful result and thus interpretation.

Delimitations of the study

This study is restricted to a small group of students, pertaining to a single standard of DMS Mysore. The present study is not considering the other computer aided learning environment in the school. The study focuses only on the students learning NCERT Science syllabus.

1. ICR will have a positive impact on the Mathematics learning of the class VI students. 2. The impact of ICR on Mathematics learning of the students will differ between the experimental group and control group. 3. The impact of ICR on Mathematics achievement will differ between the experimental and control group. 4. The use of ICR will influence differently in the students believes towards Mathematics. 5. The impact of ICR on Problem Solving ability of the students will differ between the experimental and control group.

These hypotheses were restated and explored in detail for the statistical analysis in null form as given: Hypothesis 1: H1,0 There is no significant difference between means of pre and post test score in verbal reasoning of the experimental group Alternate Hypothesis: H1 The experimental group shows significant difference in mean of the pre and post test score of verbal reasoning.
Paired Differences Std. Deviatio n Std. Error Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Pair 1 Verbal reasoning PreExptl verabal reasoning post expt -1.49 1.976 .334 -2.16 Upper -.81 -4.448 34 .000 t df Sig. (2-tailed)


Since the P value for t35,0.05 (=.000) is less than the critical value (=0.05) the null the null hypothesis can be rejected and the alternate hypothesis can be accepted. That means the difference in means of verbal reasoning of the experimental in pre and post-tests is statistically significant. Hence to conclude, the verbal reasoning of the experimental group between pre and post-tests are significantly differing after the use of ICR.

Hypothesis 2: H2,0 NIIT Page |6

There is no significant difference between means of pre and post test score in numerical ability of the experimental group Alternate Hypothesis: H2 The experimental group shows significant difference in numerical ability pre and post test scores.
Paired Differences Std. Deviati on Std. Error Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Pair 1 Numercal ability Pre Exptl - numerical ability post expt -2.06 1.878 .317 -2.70 Upper -1.41 -6.481 34 .000 t df Sig. (2tailed)


Since the P value for t35,0.05 (=.000) is less than the critical value (=0.05) the null the null hypothesis can be rejected and the alternate hypothesis can be accepted. That means the difference in means of numerical ability of the experimental in pre and post-tests is statistically significant. Hence to conclude, the numerical ability of the experimental group between pre and post-tests is significantly differing after the use of ICR.

Hypothesis 3:H3,0 There is no significant difference between means of pre and post test score in number series of the experimental group Hypothesis 3:H3 The experimental group shows significant difference in number series pre and post-tests scores.

Paired Differences Std. Deviatio n Std. Error Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Pair 1 Number series PreExptl - number series post exptl -1.91 3.109 .526 -2.98 Upper -.85


Sig. (2tailed)





Since the P value for t35,0.05 (=.001) is less than the critical value (=0.05) the null the null hypothesis can be rejected and the alternate hypothesis can be accepted. That means the difference in means of number series of the experimental in pre and post-tests is statistically significant. Hence to conclude, the number series of the experimental group between pre and post-tests is significantly differing after the use of ICR.


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Hypothesis 4: H4,0 There is no significant difference between means of pre and post test score in formulation of the experimental group. Alternate Hypothesis: H4 The experimental group shows significant difference in formulation pre and post-tests scores.
Paired Differences Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Pair 1 Formulation pre exp formulation post exptl -2.06 2.195 .371 -2.81 Upper -1.30 -5.543 34 .000 t df Sig. (2tailed)


Since the P value for t35,0.05 (=.000) is less than the critical value (=0.05) the null the null hypothesis can be rejected and the alternate hypothesis can be accepted. That means the difference in means of formulation of the experimental in pre and post-tests is statistically significant. Hence to conclude, the formulation of the experimental group between pre and post-tests is significantly differing after the use of ICR.

Hypothesis 5: H5,0 There is no significant difference in the mathematics aptitude of the experimental and control group after the use ICR. Alternate Hypothesis: H5 The experimental and control group differs significantly on the mathematics aptitude after the use of ICR.
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances

t-test for Equality of Means Mean Differ ence Std. Error Differ ence 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper 1.974



Sig. (2tailed)

mathematics aptitude-post

Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed
















Since the p value for t68, 0.05 (=0.723) is greater than the critical value (0.05) the null hypothesis should be retained and the alternate hypothesis can be rejected. Therefore the difference between the means of mathematics aptitude of the experimental and control group is not statistically significant. Hypothesis 6:H6,0 NIIT Page |8

There is no significant difference in the Problem Solving of the experimental and control group after the use ICR. Alternate Hypothesis: H6 The experimental and control group differs significantly on the problem solving after the use of ICR.
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances

t-test for Equality of Means Sig. (2tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper .243 .244



problem solving post

Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed



-1.724 -1.724

68 65.57 6

.089 .089

-1.54 -1.54

.895 .895

-3.328 -3.329

Since the p value for t68, 0.05 (=0.089) is greater than the critical value (0.05) the null hypothesis should be retained and the alternate hypothesis can be rejected. Therefore the difference between the means of problem solving of the experimental and control group is not statistically significant. Hypothesis 7: H7,0 There is a significant difference in the mean of believes towards mathematics of the experimental and control group after the use of ICR. Alternate Hypothesis: H7 The experimental and control group significantly differs in the mean of believes towards mathematics after the use of ICR.
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances

t-test for Equality of Means Sig. (2tailed) Mean Differenc e Std. Error Differenc e 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper -7.424



Believes Towards Mathematics

Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed
















Since the p value for t68, 0.05 (=0.000) is less than the critical value (0.05) the null hypothesis can be rejected and the alternate hypothesis can be accepted. Therefore the difference between the means of believes towards mathematics of the experimental and control group is statistically significant. That is the experimental and control group significantly differs in the believes towards mathematics after the use of ICR. Hypothesis 8:H8,0 There is no significant relation between the achievement in mathematics and Problem solving ability of the students. Alternate Hypothesis: H8 NIIT Page |9

There is a significant relation between achievement in mathematics and Problem solving ability.
achievement test score achievement score test Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Problem solving Post exptl Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). 1 . 35 .615(**) .000 35 Problem solving Post exptl .615(**) .000 35 1 . 35

The correlation coefficient for the achievement test and problem solving ability is positive and significant at the 0.01 level. The null hypothesis is not valid and hence the alternate hypothesis can be accepted. That means there is a positive correlation between the mathematics achievement and the problem solving ability of the students.

Hypothesis 9: H9,0 There is no relation between the mathematics achievement and mathematics aptitude of the students. Alternate Hypothesis: H9 There is a relation between the achievement in mathematics and Mathematics aptitude

achievement test score achievement test score Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Maths Exptl aptitude Post Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N 1 . 35 .328 .054 35

Maths aptitude Post Exptl .328 .054 35 1 . 35

The coefficient of correlation is found to be 0.328, which indicates that there is a positive correlation between achievement in mathematics and mathematics aptitude of the students.


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Summary of the Findings:

1. The verbal reasoning of the experimental group between pre and post-tests is significantly differing after the use of ICR. 2. The numerical ability of the experimental group between pre and post-tests is significantly differing after the use of ICR. 3. The number series scores of the experimental group between pre and post-tests is significantly differing after the use of ICR. 4. The formulation scores of the experimental group between pre and post-tests is significantly differing after the use of ICR. 5. There is no significant difference in the mathematics aptitude of the experimental and control group after the use ICR. 6. The difference between the means of problem solving of the experimental and control group is not statistically significant. 7. The experimental and control group significantly differs in believes towards mathematics after the use of ICR. 8. There is a positive correlation between the mathematics achievement and the problem solving ability of the students. 9. There is a positive correlation between achievement in mathematics and mathematics aptitude of the students.

It has been found that the use of NIIT ICR influenced the verbal reasoning, numerical ability, number series and formulation of the class VI students significantly. The impact also show that the use of ICR has influenced in students believes towards mathematics. The positive correlation is explicit about the relation between achievement in mathematics with the mathematics aptitude and problem solving ability of the students. Thus it is clear that, NIIT ICR is having a positive impact on the mathematics learning of class VI students.


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