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AGRARIAN LAW Hak ulayat sudah tidak ada di Jawa Land grabbing: mengambil tanah secara illegal tidak

k cuma antar sesame warga Indonesia saja, tetapi kadang pemerintah juga mengambil tanah orang atau masyarakatnya. Steps that have to be done first, before the permit to use to is given to the companies. Cari tau status lahannya. Apabila sudah ada pemiliknya, tanah tersebut harus dilepaskan terlebih dahulu dijadikan tanah negara kemudian diserahkan lagi kepada perusahaan. Apabila tanah tersebut ternyata merupakan tanah ulayat, maka untuk melepaskannya, perusahaan harus meminta ijin kepada pemerintah tersebut terlebih dahulu kemudian meminta pengakuan dari local people. According to Law number 27 regarding the tenurial of beaches and small islands it is stated that orang ga boleh punya pulau, tapi mereka mempunyai HP3 Hak Pengusahaan Perairan Pesisir jadi hanya punya hak pakai dan rights to explore rights to explore itu untuk mengusahakan agar menghasilkan. Access ke sebuah lahan tidak boleh ditutup Karena semua lahan mempunyai social functions means that you can exercise your own rights you can not bother others. Principle of BAL a.Prioritizing to Indonesian citizens. Land rights that can be owned by foreigner just right to use ( further explained because ada yang namanya unlimited right to use), right to lease b. Principle of rights ( non-discrimination ) towards the people in gaining land rights and also gaining the function and results of the land people mengarah kepada orang Indonesia saja, jadi tidak ada diskriminasi DIANTARA ORANG INDONESIA. Apabila BPN mengetahui bahwa dalam rencana jual-beli tanah pasangan campuran ada joint-property where no prenuptial agreement maka BPN tidak akan mengabulkan Hak Milik kalo istrinya mati, ntar hak miliknya jadi milik bule kalo ada jointproperty gapapa kan kalo mati, tanah tersebut harus balik nama statusnya diturunkan menjadi hak guna baru dikasi ke bule :P c. Principle of protection to margin people Sepintas kelihatan ada pelanggaran thd principle of BAL tentang non-diskriminasi tapi pemerintah melakukan affirmative

action. Affirmative action action by government, breaching other law, for the sake of other people. d. Principle of land reform 7 limitation dalam kepemilikan tanah agricultural ( kita maksimal mempunyai tanah agricultural tanah yang padat 5 ha ) 10 limitation bahwa semua orang harus memanfaatkan lahan secara efektif jadi penelantara tanah itu dilarang kalo tanah telah dibiarkan selama 3 tahun, maka yang punya akan diperiksa dan diberi surat peringatan. e. Principle of well-planned refers to article 14 tentang the sustainable use of the land kita juga harus menjaga kelestarian tanah tersebut we can not exploit the land. MINING LAW Concession stronger than permit concession given to the pengusaha unutk memberi mereka peluang yang lebih besar lagi kepada pengusaha untuk mengembangkan bisnis. Anesthesia penangkapan ikan dengan cara pembiusan. FISHERY LAW The Law No.31 year 2004 UU No.45/2009 Perbedaan antara agrarian, lingkungan dan adat law like chain that inseparable. Agrarian law concerns on the land tenure ( penguasaan lahan ) termasuk pengelolan, pengambilalihan, etc. Enviromental law concerns on the preservation and protection of the environment. Principle of fishery tenure: 1. Benefificial principle asas manfaat it should give benefits to everyone, both for the government and also the people ( including para pebisnis dan investor, serta local people in surround the fishery place ) 2. Principle of justice asas keadilan equality before the law may not harms others. 3. Principle of togetherness asas kebersamaan nonmonopoly mirip dengan nilai-nilai social functions memiliki akses yang sama untuk mengakses sumber bisnis tersebut. 4. Principle of partnerships asas kemitraan there should be parthnership between private sectors, governments and also local people untuk menghindari unhealthy business each party should forms a good partnership sehingga all interest can be uphold by the stakeholders. Pada prinsip ini kita tidak bisa berharap nilai keuntungan yang sama satu dengan yang

lain, karena semua tergantung besarnya kontribusi orang tersebut dalam partnership tersebut ( seperti system saham ) Pada dasarnya seluruh prinsip-prinsip ini terkait satu sama lain serta tidak bisa dipisahkan satu sama lain 5. Self-determination ( kemandirian ) there should be an expert skills on the fishery matters in order to run the fishery business, so that we will have self determination on its business because we have the capability, we do not have to dependent on thers 6. Equality ( pemerataan ) sometimes unequal is a just because equal is not necessarily means to just, so does the vice versa utilitarianism 7. Interpendency ( keterpaduan ) it seems to be in the contrary with independency principle tetapi yang dimaksud dalam prinsip ini adalah every aspects are link from one to another. inseparable 8. Transparency ( keterbukaan ) in making such regulation, there should be a transparency about WHY such regulations and permit is actually made and it shall be explain to the related party. 9. Efficiency tendency on economical, practical, and usefulness of such action ( berdaya guna dan berhasil guna ) daripada pake pancingan mending pake jaring in the correlation to other principle (preservation) hal yang effective mungkin tidak mendukung principle of preservation jadi harus dipertimbangkan juga dalam pengaplikasiannya We have to noted that if we apply the efficiency principle recklessly, it may harmed the principle of preservation and suistainable development hence we have to balance between both. 10. Preservation 11. Suistainable development in the correlation of preservation because we do the preservation in order to maintain the suistainability of such natural resources. FORESTRY LAW ( BOSWEZEN RECHT ) Forestry law a bundle of laws either written or unwritten concerning with forest activities and its administration ( according to forestry department ). Based on this sense, the ulayat rights shall be respected ( although it is not unwritten ) According to adat law including the rights of disposal of the indigenous people, those rights consists of a rights to clear land, cut woods, harvest forest products ( rattan, rubber, honey, bamboo ), and also herd cattle. Domen Verklaring tentang pengelolaan hutan secara keseluruhan

based on that domain, thus all vacant land are states land except owned by the indigenous rights to clear the land. Therefore, in Sumatera, Sulawesi and Kalimantan rights of disposal is no longer recognized, whereas indigenous rights of ownership which comes from the rights to clear land is still recognized but it is prohibited to exploit the forest hence there was a concession from the government on 1904 concession means rights to harvest the forest concession itu hak untuk mengexploit hutan in certain time saat itu lamanya 30 tahun hak konsesi ini sangat besar kuasanya karena dipegang untuk waktu yang cukup lama dan mencakup lahan yang sangat besar. Term ofconditions: a. ini tidak termasuk hak milik b. dan lahan yang dikuasai tersebut pun dibatasi c. lahan yang sudah dikonsesi tersebut apabila tidak mulai diatur selama setahun, maka hak konsesi tersebut will be revoked ( rights of effectiveness ) d. fruit tress e. hutan yang terletak 200 m dari wilayah konsesi tersebut tidak boleh dipotong ( pada area tersebut, kita hanya boleh mengambil skala kecil dimana hanya untuk keperluan seharihari/bukan untuk dibisniskan ) f. if the government needs to use the concession are, hence that land shall be cleared and released. The government needs to do the notifications, recognition, and deliberation, and compensation with the indigenous people first. These steps shall be done, in order to show respect to the local people. We also have to consider such compensation, and that compensation is not merely money, bisa juga berupa bantuan social, pembangunan sarana prasarana g. The concessionaris has to make a report every 3 months regarding the production and the value of the fruit of the forest. h. The concessionaries should make buildings, roads, etc within the concession areas ( based the regional government permit ) i. Foods are allowed to be taken by the concessionaries employees as needed. ( kalo pegawai concessionaries butuh makanan, maka orang tersebut boleh ambil makanan tersebut, asalkan hanya sesuai yang dibutuhkan. j. Concession can be alienate by the regional governments permit bisa diberikan kepada pihak ketiga Forestry law on Indonesian Law: Pancasila V UUD 1945 ( Pasal 33 ayat 3 ) UU No.5 Tahun 1960 ( UUPA )

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