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Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluid Through Circular Tubes

By A. GI-IOSHhL 1)

Summary - According to Newton's law of viscosity Zuz = dvz/dy. But experiments have shown that Vu~ is indeed proportional to --dv~/dy for all gases and for homogeneous nonpolymeric liquids. There are however, a few industrially important materials, e.g. plastics, asphalts, crystalline materials that are not described by the equation given by Newton's law of viscosity and they are referred to as non-Newtonian fluids. The steady state rheological behaviour of most fluids can he expressed by the generalised form, zyx = -- ~l(dvx/dy) where r/may be expressed as a function of either dvx/dy or zux (where t/ is independent of the rate of shear, the behaviour is Newtonian with t/=/~). Numerous empirical equations or 'models' have been proposed to express the steady-state relation between ruz and dvz/dy. The flow of Newtonian fluids through circular tubes have been discussed before by many. Here we shall discuss the case of two such models of non-Newtonian fluids through circular tubes. The flow of fluids in circular tubes is encountered frequently in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Engineering. 1. Introduction
In this present p r o b l e m , we shall discuss the cases o f the EYRING a n d the REINER PHILIPOFF models o f n o n - N e w t o n i a n - f l u i d (molten sulfur, cholesterol b u t y r a t e ) flowing t h r o u g h circular tube. Let us consider the steady l a m i n a r flow o f the fluid o f c o n s t a n t density ~ in a long tube o f length L a n d radius R the pressures at the two ends o f the tube being Po a n d PL. T a k i n g Z - d i r e c t i o n along the tube a n d r along the r a d i u s o f the tube in cylindrical c o - o r d i n a t e s the m o m e n t u m e q u a t i o n gives,


L jr.


.'. r z r z = 2 r 2 + C 1
or, Zrz=2r+--



2 - - - 2L

Po -V~

T h e c o n s t a n t Ci m u s t be zero if the m o m e n t u m flux is n o t to be infinite at r = 0.

1) Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto-181, Canada.

Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluid through Circular Tubes Hence the momentum flux distribution is,


%z \ 2 L J " Case L" EYRINO model


The EYRING model of non-Newtonian fluid gives the relation between %z and

Z~z = A sinh-1

( _ _dvz)
B dr J


where A and B are two parameters. It predicts pseudoplastic behaviour at finite values of Zrz but reduces asymptotically to Newton's law of viscosity with #=A/B as Zrz approaches to zero.
D 9

Vz . . . .

dvz _ dr AB

B sinh(2 r~.


c o s h - - + constant. A

Boundary conditions: at r = R, Vz = 0 .. vz = ~ cosh -cosh .


Maximum velocity
Maximum velocity occurs at r = 0





Average velocity
The average velocity over a cross-section is
2r~ R

ff. r O
0 UZ = 0 2z~ R

0 0

_ A B [(cosh~)



+ 22 RiJ


2 A {sinh2AR + A R } ]
~ "




Volume rate of flow = Q = Area Average velocity.

=rcR 2 /5 z



2_ff~)( 2A2"~ 2A~sinh2R A}] 1+22R2 j - ~ ( A +-~ '



9 2R "" Vz= Vm[COsh A

cos ]


~Z= k.mI(cosh 2~) (1

+ 22 R2J

2A2~-2Afslnh2Rq-~--~} 1 ~(" ~-


In the limiting case where "C,z~Oand #~A/B the results becomes Vz=~ -


1 (2AR)e 1(2r't21 1+ 5 -1-5\~-,] ]"

Neglecting higher powers of 2('." Z,z~0)

R 2 2[
.. vz_-ST

r 2]

which is identical with the result obtained in the case of Newtonian fluid9 REINERPHILIVOFFmodel REINERPHILIPOFFmodel of non-Newtonian fluid gives the relation as


/~o -- P~ #~O+(l+__Z,z,~z

"Cs /

where/~o, #| and r~ are three adjustible parameters. Since Newtonian behaviour has

Vol. 83, 1970/VI)

Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluid through Circular Tubes


often been observed both at very low and very high shearing rates equation (11) has been set up to reduce to Newton's law of viscosity with/~ =/~o and p =/Zoo respectively in these two limiting cases. From (2), we have, Z~z = 2 r equation (11) gives,
,~2 r 2


;225r- 5] _2 +/~o ] a Fj. r2





Vz = A

a2(1 --/'t~ ~ / ", //~./ 9 1 2 I-to a 2 ) l L 2/~| + .... log/r + 22#~ \ ~22]J

where A is the constant of integration to be found out by applying the boundary condition. Boundary condition at r=R, vz=O

a2 1.'.

b+Ra log b + r 2

Vz= 2


+ 2#~o 2
a 2/2 0


where b2 z #~ "

Maximum Velocity Maximum velocity occurs at r = 0

-vm = 2 p~- t - " where b _ a2po_R A2 [-lo ['Cm~=2R;

2 2--~2




2 ~oo Tmax


" 0<a<l].


A. Ghoshal

2~ R

0 2~ R

0 0

2R2 4 /- ~

aZ (



Rate of discharge
Q = Area x average velocity ]

~z2R4 rcRaa2{
- - + 1 -g~

1 - ~log


(15) J


2 #~ 2

/&o) ~

In the limiting case where/t =/~o =/z~ the resuks (13), (14) and (15) become,

V z = ~ 1--~ 2tR2 4# Q = 7r-2 R* 41~



which are identical with the results deduced in the case of Newtonian fluids.

I am indebted to Prof. S. GHOSHAL,of University of Toronto, for his kind help and guidance. (Received 18th February 1970)

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