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Grace and Peace to you my Ft. King family, Family can be a wonderful thing. This month millions of people will travel hundreds of miles to be with family for the Thanksgiving holiday. Many look forward to being with their family because their family welcomes, cares nurtures and supports one another. In a good family, you know your brothers and sisters will be there for you. You know they will love, support, welcome, care for, and nurture you. You know theyll have your back. So if this is what a family does, then who is your family? Often times well immediately think of our biological family. For some people thats appropriate, for others it is not. For Jesus, his family became the twelve disciples. This group became a family because of what happened during their constant fellowship with each other. They grew to know and care for the other deeply. Through this fellowship, this relationship, these people became close and grew in their faith together. Jesus sets the example of a good family. This church family is a good family. As a family in fellowship and relationship, lets make sure we have each others back. Lets make sure we support and truly care for one another. Lets not be just a Sunday family, lets be an all day everyday family. A family thats involved with each other, a family that encourages growth, a family that holds one another accountable, a family thats glad to be with each other for more than just a few hours. Lets be the family Christ created us to be! Your brother,

Pastor.........................................Andy Gans Director of Discipleship............Amanda Osenga Visitation Pastor (Ret.).............Tom McNeil Executive Assistant....................Chris Muramatsu Nursery Attendant ....................Tammy Keeslar

Proofreaders..............................Susan M. Jensen and John Stewart Contributors...............................Members of Ft. King Assembling.................................Dorothy Decker, Eileen Gilbert, Joyce Gauntt, Kay Dahlen, Eleanor Hayesmore, Carol Primm, Pat Merrill Bulk Mail Handling..................John Stewart

694Office: (352) 694-4121 694FAX: (352) 694-5226



Fort King Presbyterian Church Financials Effective 9/30/11
Monthly Budget Actual Sept 2011 Delta Budget - Actual Budget Year-To-Date Actual Jan Sept 2011 225,273 7,105 15 232,393 230,426 3,921 Delta Budget Actual 2010 JanSept Actual Delta 2011 YTD -2010 YTD

Income Estimate of Giving Mortgage Reduction Other Income Total Income Total Expense Net Surplus/ Deficit Endowment 20,842 200 3 21,045 27,546 3,300 18,873 (1.969) 320 0 120 (3) 223,159 18,155 155 242,468 240,956 7,013 2,114 (11,050) (139) (9,075) (10,531) 223,159 18,155 155 242,468 240,956 7,013 2,114 (11,050) (139) (9,075) (10,531)

19,193 (1,852) 21,147 (6,399) 1,829






For Your Health November is Alzheimer's Awareness Month
According to the Alzheimer's Association "Today an estimated 5.4 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's Disease and the number is expected to grow to as many as 16 million." A good resource for information, support groups and research can be found at or 800-272-3900. One site for information about the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer's Disease is Selected by Bonnie Schulze, Health Ministry


To our gracious and caring friends at Fort King, Many thanks for your sincere expressions of concern for recovery and good health. The cards, phone calls, and visits at Mayo Clinic helped immensely to keep our spirits up. May the good Lord be with us all. Sincerely, Dave and Marianne Fullarton

Ft. King Family Thanksgiving Dinner

Youre invited! Come join your church family for Thanksgiving dinner, Thursday, November 24th in the Fellowship Hall at 12:00 noon. Just you? bring your loved ones, family, special friends. All are invited to our Thanksgiving feast. Please sign up in the Narthex to let us know how many to plan for and if you like, bring a traditional Thanksgiving dish to share. Call Pat Wood 694-2579 for details.

November Birthdays


Picnic By The Bridge

On the first Sunday of the month, beginning November 6th, our congregation will meet immediately after worship for an informal picnic. This picnic is a way to bridge generations of our church family with food, fun, and fresh air on our new church playground. Please bring your favorite snack lunch and enjoy relaxing with those who love worshiping with you!

Perk Up
Every Wednesday, beginning on Wednesday, November 2nd at 10:00 a.m., Congregational Care will start a new form of church family enrichment. It will be called "Perk Up", as coffee & tea will be served and small programs on varied subjects will be discovered. This is a place for adults to gather and share their favorite topics and ideas. Favorite topics could be: the ocean, baseball cards, art projects, folk music, classical music, trees, birds, gardening, car maintenance etc... Please contact Joan Woods if there are questions or ideas to make this opportunity better.

Greetings! My commute to the church travels up Fort King Street passing by First Christian Church. For several weeks now their marquee has posed the question, How, then, shall we live? inviting all who pass by into their study on Romans. The question is not original and can be found as the title to several different books. Nonetheless this question has caused me to pause each time I pass. With so many competing choices as to how we can live our lives this question requires our intentionality in answering it. Wayne Muller in his book with the similar title, How, Then, Shall we Live, includes a reflection on the practice of attending to what we love. He writes, Attention is the physical manifestation of love. If I keep pushing my children away when they want me to play with them, they do not feel loved. I may have love in my heart; I may feel joy when I see them, and want only the best for them. But they will feel my love only when I turn around and give them my undivided attention. Through my attention, they experience my love. Attention is a tangible measure of love. Whatever receives our time and attention becomes the center of gravity, the focus of our life. This is what we do with what we love: We allow it to become our center. What is at the center of your life? Carefully examine where you spend your attention, your time. Look at your appointment book, your daily schedule. These things these meetings, errands, responsibilities this is where you dedicate your precious days, hours, and moments. This is what receives your care and attention and by definition, love. What do you notice about those people and things that get your attention? Is this what you wish to love? Are these the people and situations you hope will receive the gift of your life and companionship? Are these the places you would intentionally choose to offer your love and devotion? Why or why not? We become what we love. Whatever you are giving your time and attention to, day after day, this is the kind of person you will become. Is this what you want? Wayne Muller gives us good questions. Are you paying attention to those things you love? Are you carving out time to spend in prayer, study, and fellowship to nurture a deeper relationship with God? Be intentional to make time and to give your attention to what is most important to you. God may move in unexpected ways! Blessings,

DISCIPLESHIP (continued)

Women' Retreat
Come and join us for the annual Women's Retreat at Montgomery Presbyterian Center November 11-13. Alisun Donovan will be our speaker and she will guide us through our theme - LOL (Laugh Out Loud). We will be exploring the joy of play through Scripture as we seek ways to laugh through spiritual enrichment, games, fellowship and worship.

High Tide
All elementary aged children are welcome to join us for High Tide. Typically we meet the 2nd and 4th Sunday evenings from 5:00 7:00 p.m. This month, due to Thanksgiving we will only meet once. The program includes dinner. We will be exploring rituals, connecting them to our faith and to our lives. Cheryl Gans, Amy Roberts, and Niki Tripoldi are the High Tide leaders this winter and spring. November 13: The Ritual of Blessings

DISCIPLESHIP (continued)
Adult Education Sundays 9:15 10:15 a.m.
Walking The Talk Session Room Teacher: John Moxley Join John Moxley in a study of the book Christianity for the Rest of Us. Having grown tired of hearing critics describe mainline denominations as culturally irrelevant and hopelessly confused, Diana Butler Bass went in search of practicing congregations congregations which experienced renewed vitality through intentionality and creatively embracing one or more traditional practices. In 2002 Bass embarked on a journey and like Joshua set off to spy out the land and find likeminded pilgrims hoping to discover a different kind of Christianity A Christianity for the rest of us. Using the book as our guide we look into such concepts as hospitality, discernment, healing, contemplation, justice, worship, reflection, beauty and inclusiveness. But this is not a study just for an intellectual exercise. Rather, the aim is to reach conclusions which will lead to converting the talk into walk. It is hoped that our study will result in some concrete suggestions for the Session and further on, the congregation. The study will span nine Sunday morning classes beginning on October 2nd and ending on November 27, 2011. Copies of the book will be available for purchase on Sundays in the library for $10.00. There will also be copies available in the office during the week.

Kerygma Parables: Stories for Life in Gods World Teachers: Donna Johnson and Amanda Osenga Christian Education Building Jesus was the master of the parable! Deceptively simple, these timeless stories were used by Jesus to bring new life to old ways. Join us for this seven week study where we will explore parables of growth, parables of reversal, parables of preparedness, parables of decision, parables of treasure, and the parable of tradition. Cost: $17.00 for the Participants guide

DISCIPLESHIP (continued)

Adult Bible Studies Continues

This month we continue our round of Bible studies to encourage and strengthen your faith. We have two studies offered this fall at different times and places. Embracing and Adult Faith by Marcus Borg Offered on the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 9:30 a.m. in the Session Room. Author and Bible scholar Marcus Borg invites us to join him in revisiting Christianitys most fundamental questions: Who is God? What does salvation mean? What place does Jesus hold in contemporary Christian faith? The study addresses fundamental questions that adults struggle with as faith matures. The five sessions include: God, Jesus, Salvation, Community, and Practice.

The Jesus I Never Knew by Phillip Yancey Offered on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at the home of Donna Johnson. This study will take you on a journey that will challenge you -- and change you. A journey that will expand -- and very likely redefine -- your understanding of the person, teachings, and life of Jesus Christ. In this study, the group will press beyond familiar images of Christ to discover Jesus as you've never known him: radical, compelling, compassionate, bold, incisive, and ultimately satisfying.

If you are interested in either of these studies please contact the church office to order your $10 participants guide.


Engage Your Community and Culture
Judgmental; hypocritical; homophobic; out of touch with reality; insensitive to others; old-fashioned; boring; irrelevant. Are these the way you would describe church today? In his book, UNChristian, author David Kinnaman interviews people outside the church and he tells us what a new generation thinks about church. Our churches are struggling to engage a radically changing culture. People are searching spiritually, but the church is not connecting with the people we are seeking to reach. We dont just need to do church better, we need to understand and listen to those we want to reach and rethink the ways in which we can personally share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our words and actions. Reggie McNeal, author/speaker puts it this way, The culture around us does not wake up each day thinking they would go to church if only there were a good one to attend. We need to look at how the culture around us has changed and how we can build bridges and engage with those searching and seeking for the things that only God satisfy and answer. In 1998, Hurricane Mitch ravaged Honduras. Many bridges were damaged or destroyed. The most modern of all the bridges, the Choluteca Bridge, survived intact but the river moved right out from under it making the bridge irrelevant. Is the church becoming like this bridge with todays culture running past it? While churches focus on dwindling numbers and loss of influence, and fight over how they can return to the good old days are we looking at what God is doing right now and how we should respond and engage our culture and community? Bono, the lead singer of the band U2, warned Faith and social action must go hand and hand; if the church doesnt remember and reconnect with its roots, and its call to serve others, it will be dismissed as another social club. Many outside the church perceive the church as having no present effect in transforming the culture for good. In fact many see the church and religion in general as having a negative influence on society. The younger generations have a feeling of disillusionment towards society. Science, economics, education, politics, and religion have all failed to solve problems of humanity. The result is a generation left with doubt, skepticism and cynicism. A generation left with a belief that there is no truth, only what one experiences and how one interprets those experiences. What is true for one person might not be true for another. A generation that finds difficulty in trusting others and is suspicious of those claiming to know the truth and repulsed by those they perceive as judgmental and exclusive. We need to get out of our comfort zone, establish relationships and engage in conversations with those in our community who do not have a relationship with God. We need to ask God to help and inspire us to do the work he wants us to do. More next month.

EVANGELISM (continued)

November 6, 2011 3 PM FORT KING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 13 NE 36th Ave. Ocala, FL

Southern Express Big Band has been performing in Central Florida for over 10 years. The band is fortunate to have many "seasoned" musicians in its membership. Many have a musical background rooted in military service with almost every branch of service represented. Many members were also music educators; some now retired, others still active teachers. There are also musicians in the band who have played with the Cincinnati Symphony and those who have recording experience in the studios of NYC



The Dinner Crew

Come join The Dinner Crew, Fort Kings newest fellowship group! We will be meeting at 6:00 pm at the church (or 6:30 at the chosen restaurant if you don't have children to drop off) on the first Saturday of every other month starting on November 5th. This group is open to everyone! Parents with young children? We have you covered too! The high school youth and leaders will be watching and feeding your children while you enjoy a night out with your church family! The first month we will dine at Outback Steakhouse and I will provide the meal for the children. If anyone wants to provide or just fund a future meal, please contact Joe Strawder at If you want to attend the dinner please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex (so I can make the dinner reservations). I would love feedback on restaurants you would like to go to in the future and maybe a cooler name than the Dinner Crew. I really hope everyone in the church wants to have dinner together on November 5th and we take up the whole restaurant! Joe Strawder



Presbyterian Women
Circle Meetings All women of Fort King are Presbyterian Women and are invited to participate in all the activities of Presbyterian Women. If you have not attended a Circle meeting before, come join us in November and participate in the spiritual experience and fellowship that Circles provide. Our Bible Study this year is Confessing the Beatitudes. Esther Circle will meet on Monday, November 14, 2011 at the home of Joyce-Ellen Horne at 7:00 p. m. Keay Forman is our Hostess and Judy Harriss will have the Lesson. Deborah Circle will meet on Tuesday November 15, 2011 in the Session Room at 10:00 a.m. Prudence Pritz will have the lesson.

Domestic Violence Rape Crisis Center Thank you to the congregation for all the donations you have provided for the Domestic Violence Rape Crisis Center. Their needs are so large and Fort King Presbyterian certainly has contributed to those who come for help. Please continue to place your contributions in the box in the Narthex. Presbyterian Women have made individual tote bags for the women that come into the Rape Crisis Center. They were filled with shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, brush and comb and many other toiletry items that may be needed. If you would like to help with this project, please contact Anne Hill at 368-2491 or talk to any member of a circle. Craft Bazaar A special thanks goes out to all of the Crafty Ladies that worked each week to provide crafts for our bazaar and to all of the ones that worked at home to help with our Craft Bazaar held on October 22. A round of applause also goes out to our Fort King Cooks who brought in special delights for our bake sale. There was approximately 1,365,829 combined calories in those wonderful treats. Our Craft Bazaar was a success and Lucille Rowoldt would have been proud of us!! General Meeting All women are invited to attend the annual General Meeting to be held in the Session Room on Wednesday, November 9, 2011. The Council Meeting will be at 10:00 and the General Meeting will take place at approximately 11:00. A salad lunch will be provided following the meeting. Please contact Anne Hill at 368-2491 with your reservation.



Travel to Scotland & Ireland
This summer Pastor Andy will be leading a group on a Presbyterian Heritage tour of Scotland with a possible extension to beautiful countryside and hills of Ireland. On this unforgettable heritage tour of bonnie Scotland youll visit important Scottish Reformation sites and view romantic castles and lakes. Possible visits include Stirling and its ancient castlethe Isle of Iona, where Scotlands first Christian settlement was establishedvisit the Isle of Skye and learn the traditions of Scotlands clanslook out for the infamous Loch Ness Monstervisit beautiful Inverness, the Highlands capitalBalmoral Castlevisit Perth and stand in the place where the great reformer John Knox delivered one of his most powerful sermons learn the Reformation history of St. Andrewstour Edinburgh and its imposing castle. Those willing to add an extension to breathtaking Ireland onto the journey may do so for an added cost (an itinerary and cost for an extension has not yet been determined). The cost for this Heritage tour will be approximately $3,000 per person. The dates will be August 3-12. Your fee includes all transportation, taxes, fees, transfers, tips, roundtrip airfare, escorted tours, breakfast and dinner, and hotels. Hurry, a $100 deposit will hold your place for this fantastic journey. Questions can be directed to Pastor Andy.

Crafts Group
Please join the Crafts Group on Thursdays from 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We work on individual projects and joint projects.

The Merry Widows

All widows of the church are invited for socializing and support. The Merry Widows will meet at Bob Evans on Silver Springs Blvd. on Wednesday, November 16th at 1:00 p.m. Please come and join us.

Mens Night Out

Mens Night Out will meet on Monday, November 14th at 6:30 p.m. at the home of John Stewart. Please call John at 236-1557 to RSVP.



ASP Mission Trip

This summers mission trip to Appalachia will be June 30-July 7th. If you are age 14 -99 please consider joining us this year as we head to the mountains to help repair homes, share in fellowship, walk the talk and grow closer to God. The cost for this mission trip is approximately $375. If interested please submit a $50 deposit to the church office now.


Great News!! New Carpet?

A friend of Fort King Presbyterian Church has noticed our need to replace the original 1986 carpeting in our Sanctuary and Narthex. The person has donated $10,000 to the church for the purpose of replacing the carpet and possibly re-coloring the pews. This gift comes with a challenge to the church to raise the remaining amount needed to complete the project. The complete cost is approximately $15, 000, meaning the membership needs only to raise approximately $5,000.


Session Notes October 20, 2011
Motions: 1. A motion to receive an annuity gift from Lucille Rowoldt in the amount of $14,800.00. 2. A motion to approve Deborah Pangrass as a member of the Worship Ministry. 3. A motion to add a Christmas Eve service to be held at 4 p.m. 4. A motion to hold the Christmas Day (Sunday) worship in the Fellowship Hall with breakfast served prior to the service. 5. Motion to spend up to $500.00 of the gift from Lucille Rowoldts son to cover the remaining cost of purchasing The New Interpreters Bible series for the church library. Said monies to be taken from the amount originally designated to be placed into savings. 6. Motion that Lucille Rowoldts sons gift of $5,000.00 be applied as follows: $1,800.00 to finish Mrs. Rowoldts estimate of giving for 2011; $750.00 to the mortgage reduction pledge for 2011; $245.00 to be tithed to Mission; $1,102.50 for Repair and Replacement reserve; up to $500.00 toward the purchase of The New Interpreters Bible series for the church library with the remainder to be placed into savings. Celebrations: 1. The baptism of Jackson Reed Carroll on October 9, 2011. 2. The marriage of Jamie Hill to Cameron Brown on September 17, 2011. 3. The presence and ministry of Emad Ramzy Philobbos, a representative of the PCUSA Peacemaking effort, on Sunday, October 2, 2011, both in worship service and afterward in the Fellowship Hall. 4. A great turnout for play tryouts full cast in place. 5. High hope for a good bazaar this weekend. 6. The availability of talented organ fills. 7. The search for a new Music Director is underway. 8. The Faith Leaders Retreat at Camp Montgomery last weekend was a success. Relationships are growing. 9. The small group Bible studies are growing. 10. High Tide had 15 attendees last week. 11. Sheletha Strawder has received a promotion and is now a general manager trainee at Codys in The Villages. 12. Lisa Hill has been promoted in her career.

New Elders - Statements of Faith

Statement of Faith - Rob Carroll This is my story of how I came to believe in the Lord. When I was growing up I had a very hard life, my sister was taken away from us when I was 15. I became very depressed and I fell apart and turned myself towards drugs. I always told myself if there was a God why would he do this to our family. Then my mom and father moved to Florida and I kept falling deeper into drugs and I didnt know what to do. Then one day I called my mother and said to her, I need help. She told me, you need to come down here, so I did. When I got down to Florida I was still addicted to drugs. Then one day I was sitting on the porch of a friends house and I saw my new life in front of my eyes. I met April (now my wife) in 2005 and we were together for one year and she brought me to Fort King and that is when I said to myself, This is the start of my new life. This is finally when I thought I believed in the Lord. When I met April, it turned my life around. When I met her and came to Fort King, it helped me get away from the drugs. The Lord told me it is time to get away from it so I did and now I have been clean for 6 years to the date. That is how I came to believe in the Lord.


SESSION (continued)

Statement of Faith - Bernice Henry I believe in one Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, sent to earth in human form as the extension of Gods love and grace to his children. I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and that he gave his life as the ultimate sacrifice for my sins and for the sins of all mankind. I believe that I am a child of God and that he calls each of us to serve him with the talents he has bestowed upon us. I truly believe that he has called me to serve him through my ordination as an elder and to share his teachings through ministry with children. My Faith Journey Bernice Henry When I was six years old, a Mennonite couple came to our house to invite the children of the neighborhood to Vacation Bible School. My parents allowed me to go and for eight years I went for two weeks each summer (8-12 every day) to VBS. They never forced their theology or customs on us, but I learned all the basic Bible stories during those years. At the end of 8th grade there was a graduation for anyone who had attended all eight years. Graduation consisted of one Mennonite boy and me. During this time I went with my grandparents to Sunday School, VBS and church (First Christian Church of Sarasota), but I credit the Mennonites for much of my Biblical education and understanding of the stories in the scriptures. I was baptized in the Christian Church by immersion when I turned 15. (My parents felt that I had to fully understand the meaning of the commitment and what I believed.) My family moved to Tampa the summer before tenth grade and transportation became a problem for me to get to church. I began attending a Baptist Church with a friend and did so for about two years until the Pastor decided to preach on the evils of the Gasparilla Parade. Being a majorette, that issue became a conflict of theology for me and by now I could drive my own car so I went back to the Christian Church where I attended until Bob and I decided to get married. Bob and his family were Presbyterians and we agreed that we wanted to be unified in our church membership and to bring our children up in one faith so I agreed to go to new member classes and become a Presbyterian (1960). Over the next 10 years Bob was transferred a number of times with his job and we attended several churches. I sang in the choir and taught Sunday School as we moved about. In October of 1971 we moved to Orange Park, FL. In December 1971, I had a life changing experience. Because of an incident involving one of my children, I made a promise to God that I would serve him in anyway he called me to serve. Over the past 40 years I have tried very hard to keep my promise. In doing so, my faith continues to grow stronger, but I sometimes struggle to keep my promise. Being a strong willed person I have to discern between Gods call and my own mind. Over the past 40 years, in three churches, I have answered what I thought was his call to serve eight terms on session, 35 years of teaching Sunday School and leading youth groups (all grades and age levels), serving and chairing a number of committees, directing pageants and VBS, serving 15 years as clerk of session, singing in the choir and devoting time to my promise. The church is my safe haven I am a Child of God.


SESSION (continued)

Steve Layendecker - Statement of Faith I have spent most of my life trying to make God understandable to me in human terms. As a child I was totally transfixed with Jesus Christ. In my late teenage years I began to question all the "stories" I'd been told growing up as a Catholic. The priests told me that not everything could be explained and I simply must have faith. Feeling betrayed, I stopped attending services. I never stopped believing but felt the answers lay outside of organized religion. During this period, I graduated from college, began my career and started a family. Then my dad died and I lost my job. Devastated, I stopped looking for answers regarding my faith. Moving my wife and 3 daughters from New Jersey to Florida was frightening for them and necessary for me as the "provider". Within a month of our move, my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. She insisted we provide the girls with knowledge of God. After hearing Ray Ruark preach at First Presbyterian, we became members. This was a new experience for me: going to church as an adult and going to a non-Catholic church. Under Ray's tutelage, I discovered that it was ok to have questions. It was ok to have doubts. When my wife died from cancer, our church family provided the girls and me with love and help the likes of which I had never before experienced. Then came the anger. The anger at a God who would deprive three beautiful girls of their mother and leave them with a father who, while loving them unconditionally, had no idea how to raise them. I continued to attend church services, but it was out of a sense of duty rather than a spiritual need. It was the darkest period of my life. Then Sally came into my life. Her absolute faith in God and his grace turned my world from black and white back to one filled with beautiful colors. Still the questions persisted. Eventually, Ray retired and we left first Pres. After a year or so of not attending services, we came to Fort King and felt the love this congregation had for, not just us, but for God and his mission here on earth. I have learned in my time at FKPC that it is not only ok to have questions but it is good for your spiritual faith to keep talking about them. Through attending Bible study classes, I have discovered that my questions have nothing to do with my belief in God. I no longer have a need to define Jesus in human terms. I totally believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I believe in the Apostle's Creed. I believe we must be disciples of the Lord here on earth. I have lived a blessed life. Through all the setbacks, through all of my turning my back on religion, Jesus has never left me. His Grace has given me a soul mate in Sally, three beautiful daughters, two strong minded sons, an awesome daughter-in-law, two phenomenal grandchildren and a loving church family. It is time for me to give back. Steve


SESSION (continued)

Pat Merrills Personal Statement of Faith October, 2011 I believe in God, maker of heaven and earth, but would like to focus on this particular earth, the planet on which we live. I believe God is to be praised for the beauty and diversity of his creation. To me, the variety of plants and animals is a never ending source of amazement. I believe God is all-encompassing; present in every cell of Gods creation, even in the air we breathe. We are infused and surrounded by God. I believe God is a loving and forgiving God. In my faith journey, I have done many things that were not loving and forgiving. I believe if I am truly sorry for my mistakes and confess those mistakes to God, God forgives me. Then I can continue on my journey with a renewed determination to seek and follow Gods will in my life. I believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God (Gods gift to his human creation), who revealed a new and exciting vision of God. We tend to focus on the miracles Jesus performed and his return from the dead. But for me, another thing Jesus did is of equal importance. Rather than the vengeful and angry God so often portrayed in the Old Testament, Jesus shows me a God who is that loving and forgiving God mentioned in the preceding paragraph. In his teachings and in his very life, Jesus gave us examples I can follow in my everyday life. By walking in Christs footsteps, I can bring glory and honor to God and service to my fellow sojourners. I believe in the Holy Spirit because I have had experiences that convinced me of its reality. Some of these experiences are too personal to be shared with others, but to me they were true examples of the work of the Holy Spirit. These Holy Spirit experiences helped me through a 17-year family estrangement and two bouts of cancer. My hope is to see many more Holy Spirit examples in my life as I struggle with the decline in mental and physical capabilities that seem to come as I grow older.

Statement of Faith - Brandon Powell Growing up, Fort King Presbyterian Church has been my home. I have attended services, gone to youth group, and participated in functions of all types since I was a toddler. I have seen the works of God through not only the people of the church, but in myself as well. I often thank God for the blessing of salvation and for the desire I have for my faith. When times get tough, I know I have the grace of God to lean and depend on to get me through troubled times. There are many strong influences at Fort King who have strengthened my faith. Fort King Presbyterian Church is full of diversity, desire, and warm-heartedness. The welcomeness you receive when you walk through the door is so compelling and encouraging, you feel like you are walking into your own living room. It


SESSION (continued)

is amazing to see how God has worked in so many ways through the people of our church to get our church to where it is now. I have served on session, as well as the Pastor Nominating Committee and both were a true honor. I learned about the aspects of the governing side of the church and what goes on behind the scenes of worship, which was a key component in my faith and love for the church. I thank Fort King Presbyterian Church for its positive dynamics, because it is a major factor of who I am today. Many opportunities that have also strongly influenced my faith are mission projects and Montreat Youth Conferences. It is amazing what a week, a day, even an hour of mission work can bring to the faith table. You learn about the many aspects of other peoples lives and it really gives you a solid perspective on your own life, while assisting the needs of others. My faith grows stronger and stronger each and every day, my love and trust for God is important in my everyday life. I live life to the fullest every day, and know that my relationship with God is growing constantly. 2 Thessalonians 1:3: We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers and sisters, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing.

Statement of Faith October 2011 Lucy Beebe Tobias When the Fort King Confirmands were going through their training I was asked to give a short presentation on Gratitude and I was grateful to be asked. I have this visual thing I do every day and showed them - both hands open wide, imagine words shooting out of each finger - the words are Thank You and then something to be thankful for. The fact that I saw the sun come up this morning means God is not finished with me yet. Thank you Lord. Charles Vowinkel calling to ask if I'd serve as an elder means I'm being called to serve again. Thank you Lord. The chance to visit my names on the pastoral care list and pray with them is an opportunity for active listening. Thank you Lord. I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, that all who believe in Christ are welcome at the table of the Lord and the three most important words in our lives are "Love one another." Figuring out how to do that, how to "walk the walk" is an ongoing challenge for me. I was born and raised Roman Catholic, which means being taught to feel guilty about everything. Starvation in Iraq? Somehow it is my fault. Tidal wave in Japan? Oh dear, more guilt. As an adult I've learned, sad to say, that I can't solve all the problems of the world. I have limited energy (thank you Lord for this energy) and must figure out the focus. For me that focus is close to home. I'm called to cook for people, serve them healthy, tasty food, to write stories about the wonders of creation and our connections, and now I'm trying to learn something new - active listening. I know I never walk alone and that God is with me. Fort King is my spiritual family and I am so grateful to Fort King for opening doors for me - until I joined I had never actively read the Bible or even wondered Did Jesus Say That? (Thank you, Tom). As an elder, more doors will open. Thank you Lord.


Heres Something to Think About
Welcome to a new Link column by Tom McNeil. I am often enlightened by Toms knowledge of scripture as we talk on Tuesday mornings so I thought asking him to do a short article for the Link reflecting on some lectionary text for the month would be a good idea. My hope is that his reflections on scripture will give you something to think about for the month ahead. May you enjoy his vast wisdom as much as I. Blessings, Andy Psalm 100 has great depth; it belongs to a small group of Psalms (e.g. 15, 24) that are known as Liturgies of the Gate, that is, they provide antiphonal response as people seek to enter the Temple: * Make a joyful noise to the Lord Serve the Lord Come into his presence would be recited by those present in the Temple. Then, * Know that the Lord is God! It is He who made us We are his people would be recited by those about to enter the Temple. Permission to enter is then recited by the Temple occupants: Enter his gates with thanksgiving Give thanks to him, bless In response the entering celebrants would proclaim: * For the Lord is good Entering the Temple of the Lord was a joyous noisy affair, the focus of which was praise to the Lord, the God of Israel. Secondly, the Lord is good presents a new concept about the God of Israel: Good is related to the Lords steadfast love and faithfulness to Israel. This understanding was developed in Israel +/- 400 BCE, i.e. during the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. And it is clearly reflected in Mark 10:18 in Jesus response to the VIP. Psalm 100 as a Liturgy of the Gate focuses on praise and thanksgiving in the worship of the Lord. This must be the center of our worship as well. Joshua 24 is a pre-Davidic-monarchy declaration of covenant relationship with the Lord, the God of Israel. It probably had been repeated on many different occasions, especially as the Israelites moved into already settled agrarian communities in Canaan. The Covenant with Israel is always understood as a gift from the Lord, never as a deal struck by man with God. The problem was and is that we humans say well abide by the Covenant, and then we try to intermix the terms of Covenant (Exodus 20:2ff) with our own religious self-interests. Joshuas words are still addressed to us today: Put away the gods which your fathers served and serve the Lord choose you this day whom you will serve as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (vv. 14-15). When the people responded, Joshua said: You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen the Lord, to serve him (v. 22). Antiphonally, the people replied: We are witnesses (v. 22),


WORSHIP (continued)
To which Joshua responded: Then put away the foreign gods that are among you, and incline your heart to the Lord (v. 23). This uncompromising language is exactly reflected in the Prophets and in Jesus of Nazareth, about whom the voice said: Listen to Him (Mark 9:7). Until we do, we shall continue to wander. T.W.McNeil

Dear Member of Fort King: As you may know I have been serving as chair of the Worship Ministry for three years. During that time, I took responsibility for coordinating ushers and we began to build a team of dedicated ushers. It has been a joy to worship and serve with you in this ministry. I want to thank you for your willingness to welcome people, to assist them and to reflect Gods love here at Fort King. I look forward to continuing as part of this team but I am relinquishing the leadership role so that someone else can step forward. Those who have been here a while remember that there have been a few well-loved ladies like Dorothy Roth and Harriet Meece who made the act of welcoming everyone who came to Fort King their personal mission. Truly, this was their vocation! The new head of the Worship ministry will need an experienced person to lead, coordinate and further develop the team of dedicated ushers to work smoothly together. Please prayerfully consider whether you are the person (or couple) who should undertake this responsibility. It would involve calling people; learning more about them and being prepared to get yes for an answer. If the Lord leads you to volunteer, please inform the new head of the Worship ministry, Andy, Amanda or the church office. Thanks again for all you do, Sincerely, Judith Bullen

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

The community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service will be held again on Wednesday, November 23rd at 7:00 p.m. This year, the service will be held at First Presbyterian Church on SE 3rd St. in Ocala. Please plan on bringing your friends, family and neighbors to this very special service.


WORSHIP (continued)
Flower Calendar
Please note: I am trying to work ahead on the flowers, so if you would like to provide flowers to commemorate a special event/occasion/memory etc. for a specific date, please call Nancy Hall at 694-3221 as soon as possible. Please also note: It is never too early to call to select your chosen date. As of this mailing, the following people will be providing flowers in November 2011, January 2012, February 2012, and March 2012. If you can provide flowers for a date in 2012, please call Nancy Hall. Thank you. Thank you to these people as they share in donating the flowers for the following worship services.

November 06, 2011From Debbie and Larry Bush in celebration of our 25th wedding anniversary November 13, 2011From Joy Hunt, in memory of my beloved husband, Jim November 20, 2011In remembrance of Cleance Pritchett, from his daughter, Sherry November 27, 2011 to December 25, 2011Poinsettias January 01, 2012From Jim and Donna Johnson in celebration of their 27th wedding anniversary January 08, 2012From Dennis and Joyce-Ellen Horne in memory of Joseph and Alice Fuller January 15, 2012OPEN January 22, 2012OPEN January 29, 2012From Harold and Roselle Pringle in celebration of their 17th wedding anniversary February 05, 2012OPEN February 12, 2012In celebration of our 56th wedding anniversary on February the 11th from Steve and Janet Mitchell February 19, 2012OPEN February 26, 2012OPEN March 04, 2012OPEN March 11, 2012OPEN March 18, 2012OPEN March 25, 2012From Jean Brown, Hal, Douglas, Bruce, and Lynn in loving memory of husband and father, Halowell E. Brown

The choir continues its efforts to provide leadership in music as the search for a new director continues. If God is calling you to get involved, please join us by coming to practice on Wednesday nights from 7:00 until 8:30 and for warm up at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.


November 2011
Italicized items are non-FKPC activities using FKPC facilities



1 10:00 Prayer Shawl Ministry

2 10:00 Perk-up 4:00 Fellowship Ministry 3

4 1:00 Crafts



7 9:00 - 11:45 Library 7:30 Mens Bible Study 9:15 Sunday School 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 11:30 Picnic Lunch 11:30 Discipleship Ministry Youth 1:00 Faith Sojourners 3:00 Southern Express 5:30 TOPS (FH) Concert 6:00 Mission Ministry 6:00 Finance 4:00 Pageant Ministry 6:00 Property Rehearsal Ministry 5:00 PYC 6:00 Congregational 7:00 Adult Bible Study (off-site) Care Ministry (off-site) 15 14 13 7:30 Mens Bible Womens Retreat 10:00 Deborah Study 9:15 Sunday School Circle 10:00 Choir Practice 9:30 Adult Bible Study 10:30 Worship 1:00 Faith Sojourn. 5:30 TOPS (FH) 3:00 Pageant 6:30 Mens Night Rehearsal Out (off-site) 7:00 Ester Circle 5:00 PYC (off-site) 5:00 High Tide 6 21 20 Food4Kids and 2 Cents A Meal 7:30 Mens Bible Study 9:15 Sunday School 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 1:00 Faith Sojourn. 5:30 TOPS (FH) 3:00 Pageant 7:00 Adult Bible Rehearsal Study (off-site) 5:00 PYC 28 27 2 Cents A Meal and 7:30 Mens Bible Food 4 Kids Study 9:15 Sunday School 10:00 Choir Practice 9:30 Adult Bible Study 10:30 Worship 1:00 Faith Sojourn. 5:30 TOPS (FH) 3:00 Pageant Rehearsal 5:00 PYC 22

6:00 Worship Ministry 6:00 - 8:00 6:00 Evangelism 6:00 - 7:45 Ministry Community Marions United 7:00 Discipleship Dance (Narthex) (FH) Ministry - Adult 7:00 AA and Children 7:00 Choir Practice Meeting (CE) 11 10 9 8

6:00 The Dinner Crew (off-site) 12

10:00 Perk-up 10:00 PW General Meeting

1:00 Crafts

10:00 Card Making Ministry Womens Retreat

7:00 Adult Bible Study (off-site) 7:00 AA Meeting (CE) 7:00 Choir Practice 6:00 - 7:45 Community Dance (Narthex) 18 17 16 10:00 Perk-up 1:00 The Merry Widows 1:00 Crafts (off-site) 3:00 Pastoral Care 6:00 Session Team 6:00-7:45Community Dance (Narthex) 7:00 AA Meeting (CE) 7:00 Choir Practice 23 10:00 Perk-up 7:00 Interfaith Thanksgiving Service (First Pres.) 24 OFFICE CLOSED Noon Thanksgiving Dinner 25 OFFICE CLOSED 19

Private Event (FH)



30 5:30 Advent Wednesday 6:00 - 7:45 Community Dance (Narthex) 7:00 Choir Practice


FORT KING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 13 N.E. 36th Avenue Ocala, Florida 34470

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