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La gazette de 1re anne

cole Captain Michael VandenBos

Mme Laszlo

February 2012 Whats New:

Valentines Day
We will celebrate Valentines Day at the end of the day on Tuesday, February 14th. If your child would like to make cards to exchange with their classmates, please refer to the revised class list (attached) to ensure that no one is left out. However, please also remember that this activity is completely optional! Should you wish to send a snack to share with classmates that day, please keep healthy snacks and the nut-free policy at VandenBos in mind. Joyeuse St. Valentin! Why not check out the other literacy resources listed there as well!

In Each Subject
In February we will continue to work on guided writing and journal entries. Following an oral introduction and brainstorming session, students will be asked to apply their knowledge of language structures by completing written sentences following a model. Students will continue to prepare texts that communicate ideas, descriptions and the basic sequence required for short stories. Students will be encouraged to further extend their writing by applying their phonetic knowledge, understanding of language structures, and by utilizing classroom resources to compose their own original sentences.

Mathematics: For the next few weeks, we will concentrate on solving problems using addition and subtraction strategies. Students will apply their understanding of addition and subtraction by solving problems presented in the format of oral and written stories. Later in February we will complete an algebra unit in which students will compare whole numbers. Students will then extend their knowledge of addition and subtraction by solving simple equations and comparing the results of two solutions. A few useful terms include: plus que (>) greater than moins que (<) less than autant que / gale (=) equal to Science: In February, we will begin an exploration of the different types of Structures, and the Materials used to build them. This coordinates well with the Social Studies investigation of buildings in the community.

Home Reading Program:

Students are encouraged to read in French nightly. While we hope that books will be returned for exchange as soon as students are able to read the text fluently, we request that books be kept for at least 2 nights to ensure that students are able to read with ease, fluidity and expression. As previously mentioned, the tincelle books (with the penguin on the cover) have audio files all other readers do not. Your child should still try to read these texts independently before listening to the audio file for verification. The Tumble Books website recommended in January can be accessed through the Ajax Public Library system (under Web Resources, Childrens sites): (TumbleBookLibrary)

Social Studies:
Students will continue to learn about different community workers, such as policemen, firefighters and doctors, and will begin to discuss the cardinal directions.

Reminder: Monday February 20th is Family Day. There is NO SCHOOL on this day.

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